Local Government TV

Friday, March 22, 2013

Mezzacappa's "Bite Me" Blog Goes Silent

Tricia Mezzacappa, Republican candidate for both Northampton County Council and West Easton Borough Council, has taken down her vicious hate blog, West Easton Foot Print. According to her blog header, it was "intended to provide a forum for accountability and transparency in West Easton government. This blog contains factual and truthful information about the shenanigans that take place at West Easton Borough Hall. The truth will be posted here, no matter how uncomfortable, inconvenient or infuriating it may be for the crooked elected cronies who read it. If you cant take the heat, leave the kitchen, get a job, stop blogstalking, and while you're at it, BITE ME!"

Somebody must have bitten her. Her blog has thankfully gone POOF!

She regularly attacked and defamed West Easton borough officials, Easton police, Mayor Sal Panto, John Stoffa, Ron Angle, Attorney Rick Orloski and yours truly. I'm sure I missed a few. In recent days, she has been particularly venomous to Orloski.


  1. Not "taken down." It's now by invitation only. Either she will have it remain so through the elections, or she is working to clean it up in order to seem sane. Changing it would be a bigger mistake by her, as search spiders (known as "bots") retrieve and cache everything as originally written and date it - usually within minutes of it being published. Cached versions are easily found using Google search. And obviously, originals have been printed out and retained by many.

  2. The WEFP was kicking into high gear after a period of relative inactivity, she had a line in one blog about "some sadist from nazereth" where she compared herself to Glenn Close from fatal attraction, that was pure gold. Tricia if your reading this please invite me to be part of your blog readership, I have been a loyal follower since day one.

  3. She had to hide her shit stain after being called on her hate blog by an online poster to an Express editorial on cyber-bullying. Her only response was to criticize the blog of a person not running for any office.

    She's the cyber-bullying, n*****-hating face of the NorCo Republican Party.

  4. ANd wait till you see whats comin


    and this one is worse than her sister

    it makes WWWE look like a nanny goat

  5. Does this mean your dropping the libel and malicious prosecution suits? Do the right thing BO, she is a troubled soul.

  6. Now Tricia is a person you don't want to cross. Problem is when you deal with someone like her she will invent a reason to turn on you. She is unpredictable, but what is worse, she is unstable. It is everyone's job to inform others that she is not to be voted for and why. Can you just imagine the stain on the county with someone like her sitting on council and we did nothing to stop this? People who do not know her for the most part signed her petitions. Many who know her managed to avoid signing her petitions. My encounters with her have been friendly to being totally ignored. So she can certainly be taken for a normally nice person which is how she got her signatures. It's the other Tricia we need to avoid.

  7. 'Does this mean your dropping the libel and malicious prosecution suits? Do the right thing BO, she is a troubled soul."

    No. I have no intention of dropping anything without a written apology and monetary compensation for the damages she caused.

  8. in respect to her policy on finances, I actually like her suggestions and would think about voting for her. But knowing what lies and lurks behind the curtain, I couldn't walk, run, hop, skip, drive , fly, and several other sources of motion away fast enough.

  9. Yeah. But she's "hot", so who cares what the rest of her is like, amIrite?

  10. Please. Adam's Apples are not hot to heterosexual men.

  11. She looks pre-op.

  12. Messycrapper and Brown lead the GOP into the future!

  13. From what I read, she impersonated an ex-candidate in a comment on her blog and claimed an endorsement.

  14. She did. Someone impersonated Matthew Dees, and when the real Matthew Dees contacted her and asked her to remove the comment, she refused.

  15. Malik-Shabazz AbulrakeemMarch 22, 2013 at 4:07 PM

    "She's the cyber-bullying, n*****-hating face of the NorCo Republican Party"

    Actually her pet pig Earl is black, and she has black friends, I happen to be one of them.

  16. Actually her pet pig Earl is black...

    Well then, that certainly proves she's not a racist. I own a yellow canary, which is proof that I'm not bias against Asians? I even know Asian people.

    Maybe you should read this to find out what she really thinks:


  17. Earl got pissed and shut down her blog.

  18. Her blog isn't the only thing not visible. She's also gone stealth mode on YouTube. Her videos are now private.

  19. Mentioning Mayor Brown and the WW of WE in the same sentence is not fair at all. John Brown had nothing to do with her saying a prayer at the county R party meeting. He had no control over that and the Slate Belt R party has made their feelings known concerning the Witch. Bernie also has posted that mayor Brown had nothing to do with that prayer offering. Thank you.

  20. Too bad. She is a Republican. All of you Republicans will now get painted with this broad brush. Too bad you didn't do more to convince your brethren Republicans to disown her. Now she is permanently associated with all of you "R"'s! Own it and embrace it!

  21. Okay she has no friends, no boyfriend, girlfriend or child. She has a pig and prefers it that way. Can anyone really take her seriously about anything?

  22. "He had no control over that and the Slate Belt R party has made their feelings known concerning the Witch. Bernie also has posted that mayor Brown had nothing to do with that prayer offering. Thank you."

    This is true. This was pretty much on party leadership. I dd not see Brown's name on her petition, either. She circulated for him, but he can't help that.

  23. There are seven Republican Northampton County Council candidates running in the primary for five ballot spots in the general. Are any of the other six GOP candidates going to show some backbone and repudiate Tricia Mezzacappa's bizarre behavior? What about party officials and elected Republicans, or are they too frightened of her? If Mezzacappa gets on the November ballot, Republicans across the board are doomed. We're waiting.

  24. Mezzacappa would probably like to take the Democrates down to the river and drown them.

  25. I think Bernie is spot on. The whole problem is the Norco Republican leadership. Kerr seems to be a disaster; narcisistic and defensive....sorta Nixon-esque.
    Maybe a new vice-chair will help us.

  26. Ding Dong the wicked witch is dead-quiet! I for one, couldn`t be happier!

  27. It would appear that the the county R party is very leery of TM. I'm almost certain that THEY are now praying that she somehow implodes and melts on her own reputation into the ground in a plume of smoke and fire. Were they afraid of being sued or worse? There is no easy way out for them now except letting the voters do their dirty work for them. Then they will be off the hook..but what if she garners a spot on the November ballot? Will they then hope the electorate will do what they refuse to face?

  28. The party is doing what they can about Trisha. Legally they have to let her run but they sure can spread the word. She is even too toxic for the D's.

  29. One long-time R has told me this:

    She is a registered Republican.

    She garnered enough signatures to be on the ballot.

    According to the NCRC By Laws, there are no primary endorsements. The party does not want to discriminate.

    They hope she loses the primary.

    If she wins, they know they're n trouble.

  30. Good summation Bernie..it is what it is. Welcome to America.

  31. "The party does not want to discriminate."

    It is not discrimination to call someone out on their over-the-top behavior, especially if it involves threats of violence. That's just common decency.

  32. "t is not discrimination to call someone out on their over-the-top behavior, especially if it involves threats of violence. That's just common decency."

    If she makes it onto the ballot, and the party does not repudiate and condemn her, I will be pointing it out at every opportunity.

  33. Her blog is back, filled again with its hate and lies.

  34. If I were an ill-mannered, conniving Democrat who wanted to mess up the Republican party in my county, I might find a person like T.M. and get her to register as a Republican and run in the Republican primary. (I'm not, any kind of Democrat, that is, nor any kind of Republican either, as I have been proudly registerd independent since I turned 21 in 1965.)

  35. A conspiracy? You give the Dem's way too much credit there. They are not that smart. But it is a great counter story.

  36. i wish she would move out of the state, and take her lies with her, she wouldn't know the truth if it hit her in the face!!! she needs help!


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