Local Government TV

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Mezzacappa Lists Orloski & Stoffa as LTCF References

As you all know, I consider NorCo Council candidate Trica Mezzacappa precisely the kind of person who should not be allowed to carry a firearm, but she has a license to carry.  Her application was recently leaked to my attorney, Rick Orloski. She listed him and Northampton County Executive John Stoffa as references even though both consider her a menace.

Mezzacappa has recently been convicted of disorderly conduct for death threats directed at the West Easton Borough Council President. The Express Times banned her as a commenter after she repeatedly posted this death fantasy, obviously intended for me:
When armagedon comes a runnin towards my house, I stand armed and ready. I picture armegedon about 5 ft 9 and balding, little eyeglasses on the tip of his nose, and enough fat flaps to insulate a bull. Deep breath, aim, shoot, and....one hollow point goes right through his skull, he's dead before he hit the ground, kersplat....PERFECT
She has also recently advocated the use of deadly force against a 14 year-old Dieruff High School girl who was tased by Allentown police last year: "Too bad he didnt [sic] shoot this wildly obnoxious imbecile with a real weapon. One less problem student who will ultimately be a terrible leach [sic] on society, after being trained to think she is above the law. One shot, kersplat, perfect, problem solved."

Orloski has sent this letter to Sheriff Randy Miller, asking him to pull the plug on Mezzacappa's gun permit:

Re: Application for Right To Carry Permit: 4/13/12
Tricia Mezzacappa

Dear Sheriff Miller:

It has come to my attention that Tricia Mezzacappa listed my name as a personal reference on her application for a Right-To-Carry Gun Permit. The application is dated 4/13/12. Implicitly, by using my name (and also John Stoffa’s name), she was suggesting to you that I was endorsing her application. Nothing could be further from the truth and she already knew it.

About April 10, 2013, I started receiving nasty emails from her and her supporters. I was already being parodied on her website. She had called my office multiple times during that period, and she was explicitly told by my receptionist that I was absolutely refusing to talk to her on the telephone, and all of our communications must be in writing. I did not trust her.

There was no way on April 13, 2012 when she filled out the application for a gun permit that she believed in good faith that I was endorsing her right to carry a concealed weapon on the streets of our Commonwealth. A sample of said e-mails during that period have been faxed to your office.

To the extent that you issued her a Right To Carry Permit relying upon her patently false assertion that I was a “personal reference,” I would urge you to re-visit her application. Tricia Mezzacappa has suggested, in published writings that she would enjoy killing people. There is no way that she should be given the privilege of carrying a concealed weapon on the streets where she may attempt to make her fantasies come true. Her “hollow point bullet in the skull” missive is attached hereto.

Very truly yours,

Richard J. Orloski

Cc: Honorable John Morganelli, District Attorney

Cc: Tricia Mezzacappa


  1. maybe your two best buddies have realized what a whack job you are, and did the right thing for one.

    go trish

    she has my vote

  2. What she did is she lied. She listed two people who would vouch for her, knowing very well that neither of them would want her armed. Nobody who knows about Mezzacappa will want her in any office.

  3. This a candidate recruited and supported by Derr, but instead of him being concerned about this he is trying to remove law abiding citizens from the party. Go Democrats

  4. Who is Derr? A Democrat, I presume?

  5. Saw a blonde woman wearing 6 inch stilettos at Heritage Guild yesterday dialing in a brand new Barrett 50 Cal with top of the line optics could this be the woman you speak of?

  6. WEFP is back online, comments on the latest article are really out of line, accusing people of pedophilia loosely boorish skulduggery in its lowest form.

  7. I take it that no one checked her references.

  8. That is correct. I believe every reference should be checked. The manpower in the Sheriff's office is probably unable to keep up with all the permit requests, and is probably prioritizing.

    I'd support an increase in fees. Right now, it is cheaper to get a dog license. Wiuth the revenue, I'd want the sheriff's to check these references.

  9. The fees are set by law and the Sheriff may not increase those fees.

  10. Noone wants her in office except the 250 people that signed her petition

  11. Bernie the date in the letter is incorrect. Orloski cites April 10, 2013 (which hasn't happened yet).

  12. I suspect most of those people have no idea what she is like.

  13. Why don't you buy a house so you can pay real estate taxes then you can pay more to the sheriff.

  14. Mezzacappa's license to carry was issued in June 2012. Since then the Sheriff has received several requests to revisit her application, including one from John Morganelli. Why has the Sheriff allowed this to drag on for so long? If her two references won't vouch for her, there is no basis for her to possess the license. Somebody should be asking some hard questions of Sheriff Randy Miller.

  15. Bernie,

    Has John Stoffa made his views on Mezzacappa's gun license known to Sheriff Miller? If he wrote a letter similar to Orloski's, please publish it. This is a matter of public safety and we have a right to know about it.

  16. Actually at least one of the references she listed was, in fact contacted. Looks like you got hosed.

  17. The DA asked the Sheriff to take a second look at her application? That's interesting. How does Morganelli feel about the foot dragging by Sheriff Miller? Are they waiting for someone to get shot?

  18. Douchebag (yep, thats you O'Hare) and left wing anti-gun nuts.....

    the day any sheriff, elected or appointed , starts satisfying the demands of despondent, depressed and disfunctional grieving ex's , because they were dumped and cant move on with their life,

    is the day we say goodbye to the 2nd amendment.

    no, I forgot, the 1st and 2nd amendment applies only to this blog, and only to women who havent dumped O'hare.

  19. "Actually at least one of the references she listed was, in fact contacted. Looks like you got hosed."

    Anonymous 4:07 PM, which reference was contacted? Who contacted him? Did this reference state that the applicant's "character and reputation are such that the applicant will not be likely to act in a manner dangerous to public safety?" I doubt it.

  20. Anonymous 4:21 PM, if you aren't Tricia Mezzacappa, you sure sound like her. You have nothing constructive to say about anything or anyone. All you are good for is name calling and foul language. If your father were alive, would he be proud of his Fordham-educated daughter?

  21. Uniform Firearms Act, Section 6109 (d)(3): "The sheriff to whom the application is made SHALL investigate whether the applicant's character and reputation are such that the applicant will not be likely to act in a manner dangerous to public safety."

  22. Neither of the referen es she listed was contacted. I believe the Sheiriff's office is under incredible pressure to get these out quickly and lack the resources to do a proper investigation. Since a LTCF is cheaper than a dog license I think a fee increase is more than justified, with the understanding that the funds be used to conduct a proper investigation with the necessary resources.

  23. 4:21, the simple reality, Tricia, is that you dishonestly listed Orloski and Stoffa as references when you know very well that they consider you a threat to public safety. But you treated that application like a game, just llike you do with the litigation filed against you. It is not a game.

  24. When john Stoffa learned he was one of the kisted references, he called the sheriff.

  25. Did he call the sheriff when he was making advances to her in his emails to her?

    Just saying

  26. The person making that claim is totally inworthy of belief. She has been caught in numerous lies, incliuding a fraugulent LTCF application.

  27. Pennsylvania is a "shall issue" state. is she trying to goad the sheriff into not issuing her a carry permit? she could then (preumably) get the NRA to back her, sue the County, and gain a lot of publicity.

    I'm thinking election ploy to nail down the far-right wing vote?

  28. Bernie thank you for disclosing.

    Ms Mezzacappa thinks that a LTCF is a joking matter. What idiot would do this on a gun permit?

    No matter what anyone thinks about gun control or possession of, it isn't a joke to own a gun.

  29. Who leaked this confidential information? He/she should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Your blog brings the worst out of people O'Hare and now you are being fed with protected personal information by a criminal.

  30. This is the kind of nonsense we can no longer afford. Stoffa/Angle funneled any information to O''Hare he wanted. Callahan will do the same and that is why O'Hare is pushing him.

    This woman is having information put out publicaly aobut her. She needs a carry permit, given the obcession that O'Hare and his poison posse have with this woman's life.

    I don't blame her for being afraid. You just won't let the woman alone O'Hare. You are one sick ex-boyfriend.

    This is how the second amnendment gets screwed up folks. If you are connected to the officals and don't like someone, you get the right to carry pulled.

    If Miller bends to this pressure, he should be removed as Sheriff and an elected Sheriff would then be in order.

    I am already concerned knwoing that Miller attended a Callahan fundraiser. More of this hate fuled govenment is on the horizon.

    It is unfortunate tha proivate citizens have to have their information given to Bernie O'Hare by our county officials. Callahan promises to do more of the same.

    I believe county council should look into the sheriffs department as to how these private leaks are occuring.

  31. 9:14 PM
    absolutely lunacy.

  32. 9:23 pm

    Part of the poison posse? You attack the woman big man.

  33. Take away the permit to carry before some one gets killed by this lunatic and needs to be carried.

  34. O'hare you are out of your gord.

    Acting like this was Loffler putting Gabby Giffords down as a reference.

    Drop it already.

    Orloski gave her a glowing refernce.

  35. "Who leaked this confidential information? He/she should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. "

    Although it is a crime to release a LTCF application, I believe there has to be an exception to one that is fraudulent.

  36. "Orloski gave her a glowing refernce."

    Neither reference was contacted. Had they been, they would have urged the Sheriff not to grant a license.

  37. Bernie, you are splitting hairs. The ends do not justify the means. Let's release everyone's LTCF application and when we find a fib justify invading their privacy. Whoever released this information broke the law, pure and simple.

  38. A politician and an attorney used for a reference on a license to carry permit? Silly.

  39. A politician and an attorney used for a reference on a license to carry permit? Silly.

  40. 11:18, Actually, every person who lies on a gun permit application, in my opinion, does lose the right of confidentiality. I agree it is a crime, and the people responsible for this will have to answer.

  41. Your argument that the Sheriff's Department is undermanned to handle the concealed permit requests is bullshit. On any given afternoon, deputies can be seen wandering the Courthouse with nothing to do. Can't really blame them, since they had to bust their asses in the morning to get the judges home by noon. Priorities need to be put in place, and they never will until the Sheriff answers to the voters of the County and not the president Judge. The Home Rule Charter establishes an Office of the Sheriff, not a Sheriff Department. May be a technicality, but all the liscense to carry permits may be illegal since this department is not recognized in the Home Rule Charter. Let the witchhunt begin, but whoever was responsible for issuing her permit needs to be held responsible. And all one has to do is look at the name on her liscense to see who this is.

  42. You must be suopenaed by a court of inquiry of the county council. You have private personal informatiom that was given to you illegally.

    It is one thing for Stoffa to illegally fund your private lawsuit, it is another to give you access to private confidential information. The DA should prosecute you.

    Enough of this county corruption. The law was clearly broken. Tricia should sue the county for releasing her private information.

  43. As I indicated, I believe that disclosure of the contents of a LTCF application could very well be criminal. 18 Pa.C.S. Section 6111 (i) makes clear that all information supplied by an applicant is confidential. But when an applicant submits bogus references, she is submitting disinformation, not information. I believe her fraud will defeat any criminal charges filed in this matter. In any event, I had nothing to do in any way with obtaining or disseminating Mezzacappa's LTCF application. It was a surprise to me. A big one. I am amazed that she would list my attorney and John Stoffa as references.

  44. We need more whistle blowers willing to do the right thing in the name of the public interest. I hope the Sheriff corrects the deficiencies in his department and moves on. I hope the DA does the same. This LTCF should have been pulled months ago without the need for all this drama.

  45. I hope the DA investigates why the Stoffa Administration once again defered to a private citizen, when he should not have done so.

    Today it was this woman, tomorrow it could be you. The bullshit about this breaking of the law being justified, is nonsense and one of the resons O'Hare is not an attorney today.

    Who broke the law? This was a serious breach of a persons confidentiality. Anytime you are angry at an old flame, get confidential information about them from your friend in the county governmentt.

    Wrong, wrong!!!

  46. I always thought the Sheriff's office sent the application to carry to the local police (i.e. Colonial Regional for any Lower Nazareth resident) for the background check.

  47. "I hope the DA investigates why the Stoffa Administration once again defered to a private citizen, when he should not have done so."

    I could just as easily argue that it deferred to a deranged lunatic from West Easton, who is a menace to society and who listed references she knew would speak against her.

    But I won't.

  48. 'I always thought the Sheriff's office sent the application to carry to the local police (i.e. Colonial Regional for any Lower Nazareth resident) for the background check."

    I believe it is all done in house.

  49. "Anytime you are angry at an old flame, get confidential information about them from your friend in the county governmentt."

    That's a serious accusation, but you're missing one thing - proof.

    Your claim is untrue.

    My guess is that some people were disgusted that Mezzacappa would have a LTCF after submitting a fraudulent application, and made my attorney aware of it.

  50. "Peg's not a country club Republican. Yeah, I've heard the retired teacher stuff. Reality is she's too dumb to spell Rockefeller. She's more Dem than most NorCo Dems. She should have the guts to leave. Her latest overspending vote that stuck it to taxpayers by overspending 38% on a contract says it all. She only cares about her political career and doesn't give a shit about struggling taxpayers. She's pure evil. And is she showing up again? She essentially stole her compensation for a couple years while she couldn't or wouldn't work. An honorable mother or grandmother would have stepped aside and stopped stealing. She's a complete POS. "

    Politically, I have problems with peg, but this is a mean-spirited personal attack against your party's top vote getter, one who appeals to both parties.
    What an idiotic thing to insult her last night and now try to alienate her.

    You have proved my point. It is not about getting Rs elected. It is about purging the part of people who are unwilling to sing to Kerr's tune.

  51. Mezza just got hit with a harassment complaint by one Matt Dee's of West Easton, which is being reviewed by Johnny Morganelli as we speak. This part of the ET article was pure gold

    "Mezzacappa declined to comment for this story and instructed a reporter not to contact her at her home again."

    Can you imagine the verbal abuse this reporter probably had to endure at the hands of TM? Poor Tom Shortell he is such a nice young man shame he has to be subjected to such abuse.

  52. I witnessed some of it. He caught up with her at the R meeting and she unloaded o him with her usual verbal abuse.

  53. Bernie you said the application. Was leaked to your attorney. Was this application suppose to remain private? If it was the bigger problem is who leaked the application. Yes Mezzacappa was wrong to use these two people (even though using them is kinda funny), but the person who leaked the application should be disiplined if not fired.

  54. The application was supposed to remain private, and I agree that whomever leaked it has some explaining to do. It was leaked anonymously. If I knew who leaked it, I would not reveal it. But I don't know, and it as not leaked to me.

  55. Just because she listed two "bonus" references, doesn't make her application illegal. The LTCF application contains a lot more personal information that was not suppose to be leaked to the public -- and THAT'S what makes it illegal. You said you "mysteriously" got a copy mailed to your attorney, but these things that happen accidentally. Pretty sure you had everything to do with it. Good luck to you and your chain of criminal informants on your lawsuit...

  56. They were not "bonus" references. They were bogus references, and they make her application fraudulent. At that point, I believe it is no longer an application, but an attempt to defraud the government.

    Having said that, I know the Sheriff will have a dim view of seeing this information released to anyone outside of law enforcement, and will vigorously investigate the matter. If charges are warranted, they will be filed.

  57. FIRE ANYONE INVOLVED! This is a black eye and the best cure is to remove the trouble maker(s).

  58. I don't think Bernie's getting it. You can't just ignorantly disconnect yourself from what just happened. You didn't just randomly receive a copy of her LTCF application, you ORDERED it. You crosed the line. And you're just as guilty as everyone involved. Play the innocent bystander all you want, you friends aren't the peaople you think they are, and hopefully the DA will be knocking on your door soon enough...

  59. Oh I get it. I most certainly did not order or request anything. It actually was randomly sent to my attorney, who did not solicit it. You'll have to ask the people who did so why they decided to release this information.

  60. You received private government information fruadulently and then you publically distributed said information. All your legal smegal word games can't change that fact. Whether you asked for the report or not is immaterial to the fact you published the information you received illegally.

    This one is on you and Rickie O, and not Tricia.

    You should both be questioned by the DA, in order to find out who is corrupt in county government.

    This is a complete betrayal of public trust by sone official. Could it be Stoffa once again?

  61. My attorney and I received information that was illegally obtained and that I never solicited from anyone It was received anonymously as well. My attorney made that information known to the District Attorney and i shared my attorney's concerns about the bogus information concerning references, with the public. I believe the public has a right to know that a County Council candidate is even willing to treat a LTCF like a game.

    You are just repeating the same accusations over and over, hoping to get a different answer. That does not happen when people tell the truth.

  62. Oh how so convenient Bernie...

  63. Sounds like Mezzacappa will be suing all involved.

  64. Yawn, I already get sued by her once every week already.

  65. This time she should sue John
    Stoffa, county council and the Sheriffs Department, as well as each individually. What you did was wrong O'Hare, no different thamn receiving stolen property. Your. ends justify the means argument is pure bullshit.

    Bottom line is in this instance Ms. Mezza, should sue and sue again. Each of us as citizens are threatened when our government officials decide arbitrarilly when to violate the law.

    Today it was to satisfy an old angry boyfriend who happens to be a buddy of Stofa. Tomorrow it oculd be any of us. Or a relative crashing into a police car that is covered up. Or even a pro-football coach who runs a redligt destroys cars and doesn't even get a ticket. How many Jets tickets were given away on that one?

    Wrong, pure and simple, just wrong. I hope the DA looks into this one.

  66. This was a crime Bernie. She has a case against the county.

  67. Bernie ends up at NCP for violating the Privacy Act and stops posting on his blog. Yawn.

  68. Let's see. She filed a fraudulent LTCF application with bogus references, and thinks she can sue when someone leaks the disinformation she spewed. What she should be doing is retaining a criminal defense lawyer for yet another document with false claims.

  69. Doesn't excuse the crimminal abuse of confidential information. You are no longer an attorny and with good reason. Someone must be held accountable for breaking the law as a public official.

    No more Gracedale cover ups this time. Another one of those and even Morgannelli will lose his next election.

  70. Reading someones writing who refers to them self in the third person is just creepy.
    A complete fantasy world.
    This kook should not be entertained.
    Her rantings are reminiscent of a dementia ridden hag stuck too long in Gracedale.

  71. Right is right and whoever leake dthis information is wrong. They shoild lose their job and have criminal charges brogutyh agaisnt them.

    Once again the Stoffa Adminstration can't stay on the right side of the law.

  72. That's right, hag, go after the messenger. Just forget the real issue.
    TRY - to stay on point.

  73. Whoever leaked the info may be wrong. But why were the references never checked. The Sheriff Department is apparently neglecting its duties. There is no excuse for this either. The sergeant in charge of this division is at fault for starters. Bring in the Attorney General for a full investigation. To go after the sole individual tells me people are trying to save their asses and minimize their incompetance. The whole process is flawed.

  74. The process is not the issue, the issue is the fact that private and confidential information supplied to a governemental agency was leaked to a mamber of the public. A big no-no.

    Whatever action happens to the victim of that is incidental to the main point.

    Your reference to the victim as a "hag" make syou non-relable, no doubt a teabagger who would be the first to complain if Obama did this. Besides when Mezza was O'Hare's girlfriend she use to hang out with Stoffa/Angle and O'Hare and at that time why would she not list Stoffa? Just because someone decides they don't like you after a while, does not make your application invalid. Stoffa may have given his permission, the man is a known liar and it would be impossible to tell.

    The investigation must be about how Mr. O'Hare received confidential gopvernment information. Stoffa has pulled this crap before and if O'Hare's pal Callahan gets in, will it continue? Valid concerns.

  75. Actually, the issue is that Mezzcappa, whom I never dated, listed bogus references on her LTCF application, and those references were never checked. The person or person who leaked this information broke the law, to be sure, But this person or persons also shed light on a serious shortcoming in our LTCF process. References are either not being checked at all or are only being spot checked. In light of what has happened in Connecticut and Colorado, public safety and security demands that every application receive thorough scrutiny. Mentally disturbed people like Mezzacappa, who has made violent threats, should NOT be permitted to slip through the cracks. If the sheriff lacks the resources to do this task, we need to do so that appropriate changes in the law can be made.

    The persons who leaked this are definitely in the wrong, and I am certain it will be thoroughly investigated. But they did not do this to enrich themselves. They did this to make us all aware of a glaring defect in our LTCF process.

  76. The finger should not only be pointed at those who leaked the information, but also at those who failed to do the checks, the supervisor in charge of LTC permits for not instructing his subordinates to conduct thorough checks or follow up checks if subsequent information is revealed, and lets not forget the Sheriff, who is responsible for the actions of his people. Lawsuits are likely to occur and County money will be spent, but to hang one or two people over this is ludicris. Half ass checks to meet the demand is unexcusable, and the immediate supervisor who allowed this to happen needs to addressed. This is the reason everything else occurred. Lack of manpower is not a valid excuse. Laziness, stupidity, and the inability to properly supervise due to egotistic faults are the more likely answer.

  77. For someone you "never" dated you sure dedicate much of your blog to her.


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