Local Government TV

Friday, March 01, 2013

Mezzacappa Leads NorCo GOP in Opening Prayer

If you think Northampton County Republicans are trying to distance themselves from County Council candidate Tricia Mezzacappa, think again. They're embracing her. Last night, party boss Bob Kerr actually invited her to lead them in an opening prayer at their monthly meeting. When Ron Angle complained about this, she lit into him, claiming that Sheriff's would be at Ron's house today with a bus, to pick up all of his guns.

Earlier this week, under oath, she falsely claimed in open court that she had served Angle with a petition that contends he's stalking her, too. He is apparently my back up.

Last November, Mezzacappa was convicted of disorderly conduct after threatening to drag West Easton Boro Council President Kelly Gross to the Delaware River and drown her. Mezzacappa later stated, on her own blog, that she should "have cracked [Kelly's] filthy mouth. ... [T]hen the court case would have been worth it."

Mezzacappa has also slammed a 14 year-old Dieruff High School girl who was tasered by an Allentown police officer last year. "Too bad he didnt [sic] shoot this wildly obnoxious imbecile with a real weapon. One less problem student who will ultimately be a terrible leach [sic] on society, after being trained to think she is above the law. One shot, kersplat, perfect, problem solved."

Easton police were also called to her home in 2011 when she complained about a "beeping cab." In addition to her gripes about a poor cabbie, who had stopped on the street to pick up a neighbor, she had numerous complaints about those people, too. You see, they're black. They "should have stayed in the projects." Several, including the cabbie, herd her refer to those people as "niggers."

When a county party chair actually encourages a person like her to lead his party in anything, he in effect tarnishes every Republican seeking office, from judge to borough council candidates.


  1. how many coats of plastic is this thing made of?

  2. Anyone comment if her prayer was any good. I would be interested in knowing what she prayed about and asked of God or one of her gods for.

  3. Number one, you are a vile man for posting a picture of her as a child. Did you steal it when you wre a guest in her home right before you acted inappropriately.

    Two, Tricia leading the prayer makes a Hell of a lot more sense than the vile Ron Angle leading any prayer. The con game he played with the Ten Comandments and the flag at county council was a disgrace. When Ron Angle wants to stop sdomeone from ;eading the prayer, you know you have found the right person.

  4. "Two, Tricia leading the prayer makes a Hell of a lot more sense "

    There 'ya have it.

  5. Ron Angle is a past tense clown. Republicans would be smart to jettison that troublsome floatsum. He couldn't get elected dogcatcher at this point.

    The ultimate humiliation will be when he runs against Barron for Controller and gets his ass handed to him. The Callahan folks are joshing you Ron, they won't support you when the time comes.

    Play with the cows, Ron. Your political fifteen minutes are over.

    Trish' agent

  6. I see. A person who throws the word "nigger" around, who threatens to kill the Democratic President of West Easton Boro Council,and who advocates the use of deadly force against a 14 year-old girl is OK with you so long as she supports Barron von Footinmouth and Lamont McClure.

  7. So it looks like the NorCo GOP are going to endorse her instead of distancing themselves from them. If so, I hope the Dems bury each and everyone of the Republican candidates, even for the positions where political party doesn't even matter. And I am a active and registered super voting Republican from NorCo. Actually, I am registered in Mezzacappa's NorCo district. Thank God she hasn't approached me for my signature. I probably would have gotten arrested. They made their beds, let them sleep in them.

  8. She is looking pretty good. No wonder you are pissed she dumped you. Time to move on Bernie. She has a new man in her life.

  9. The assertion that she dumped me assumes a fact that is not in evidence. There never was a relationship.

  10. You have 26 blogs tagged with her name in the past 12 months? Why the infatuation?

  11. It is by no means infatuation. First, she has made some very serious and false accusations about me, and I can and will defend myself from her lies. Second, she is interested in public office, and the public has a right to know that she is a bigot, violent and mentally unstable. Third, every day, she herself provides more evidence of her own instability.

  12. Ron Angle was cited by both the anti-defmaation league and the local NAACP, yet you don't call him a bigot. You really need to drop it.

    She has told people she has moved on from you and wish you just left her alone. Yet here you are still going for attention from her.

    Seriously Dude, she is just not into you.

  13. Two possibilities of why the NorCo GOP decided to give her a spotlight:
    1. They actually support her as a crazy candidate.
    2. They think they can control her by having her think she is being accepted (eg., leading a prayer).

    I'm inclined to think the latter. They don't want her going nuts on their own candidates, should they disavow her. They are probably making some promises to her that they have no intention of keeping. Doing this keeps that carrot dangling in order to control her. Its dangerous for them to do so. She should realize she is being manipulated in the political game of county politics. Hopefully, they will be able to keep her in check better than she is able to do, herself.

  14. For a middle aged Lehigh Valley woman she is hot and can be considered eye candy. Has my vote.

  15. BO, are you really surprised by this? The county GOP are a bunch of NUTS!! Please,dont mis-understand me, there are some good R's left, but the majority are TM esque..

  16. Anon 6:22 Are you serious?????? Have you seen her in person????

  17. BO, are you really surprised by this? The county GOP are a bunch of NUTS!! Please,dont mis-understand me, there are some good R's left, but the majority are TM esque..

  18. I registered in NorCo as a Republican on my 18th birthday and voted for Ronald Reagan, because Carter was fighting the Soviets were laughing at Jimmy Carter.

    I have never missed a primary or general election. Never. I'm one of those "Taliban Republicans" who will never not vote.

    This is the last straw. Today, after more than 30 years as a Republican, I will change my registration to Independent.

    I will not be associated with a party that would support her in anyway. Northampton County Republicans are just as racist and vile as she is, if they choose to place her prominently at their events. Nice work, assholes. I'm gone.

  19. and you want to know what's wrong with the GOP. nuff said.

  20. Bernie, does this woman have any children or just a pet pig? Carol

  21. Who the fuck is Jim Gregory?

  22. gregory is a simple minded but semi crazy union thug. he has made his sorry plight in life and is dissatisfied with the outcome. he will never be anything more than he is so he rants and fights against the world. We can only pity the fool and snicker about his weak protests.

  23. Tricia Mezzacappa is fiscally irresponsible: from 2005 to 2010 she was a debtor in a personal bankruptcy. She is unable to control her anger: four times she has been charged with disorderly conduct and twice she has been convicted. She is a flip flopper: she was for the sale of Gracedale before she was against it. She is extremely vulgar and inappropriate in so many ways: the f-bomb is her middle name and lying is second nature. Family values? She lives alone with her pet pig. She apparently earns money giving unlicensed massages. If any candidate needs prayers, it is Tricia!

  24. Thank you 9:49,

    None of the earlier posts in my name were my posts..That should be obvious..I was in bed sleeping after midnight so I am impressed that I managed a blog post in my sleep..In fact, my girlfriend who was right next to me, watching TV at the time didnt even notice i was missing, lol..So bernie , whoever was posting as me, if it wasn't you, has obviously easily fooled you because you and your trolls hve responded..The 7:28 post was funny (and also the idiotic reaction to it) butit certainly wasn't me..I told you before that I had nothing to do with Rumblings and still have no idea whose blog it was, although I have to admit they were incredibly astute...Bernie, It must be fun for you and your trolls to post as me and then respond to it but if it continues , you will face legal action..I will also go after the Call and Express and anyone who links to your blog..If you don't stop this garbage soon then you can expect some issues legally and otherwise..Knock it off!!

  25. Mr. Fake Baker,

    I'm sure you and Bernie are enjoying responding to and probably placing fake posts in my name..All I ask is that you stop being a coward and face me..You and the trolls who are posting in my name and then responding to those posts are gutless. Again, the real Jim gregory isn't hard to find or contact..have the courage to crawl from the shadows and show your faces and stop stabbing people in the back...By the way Trish, good luck with your battles with bernie..I find it hilarious that everything he accuses you of he is doing to me...If you need a witness or someeone to speak to that, please get in touch..

  26. Sorry , forgot the comma after " everything he accuses you of doing, he is doing to me...Good luck with your case..Feel free to call me if I can be of assistance..

  27. "In fact, my girlfriend who was right next to me ..."

    Read: "beard"

  28. Mr. Gregory, the original. Let me know how you make out on your lawsuit, because there are a couple of other bloggers that I would like to sue too for their libel and impersonations. And since you have never lied or stretched the truth before, your credibility is above reproach.

    But maybe their is also another person with the name Jim Gregory? Could be? Why don't you create a blogger account, that way this will never happen again and clear up the mess from Jim Gregory #1 and Jim Gregory #2. Which one are you? #1 or #2?

  29. By the way, that sure sounds a lot like you. You sure you weren't sleep walking or blogging on your mobile device?

  30. Not sure but "drug cocktail" sounds a lot like BO

  31. Jim Gregory......why do you bother with this blog. If you ignore this blog, your problems will go away. You ought to know you can't win a fight with someone who always gets in the last word. You're smarter than that so start acting like it.

  32. The fact that you are repeating the words you are repeating indicates you too are a racist. You just don't repeat certain words.

  33. I urge fellow Republicans to make their displeasure with affiliation known by changing party registration to Independent and sending a copy of the voter registration change form to the NorCo Republican County Republican Committee. It takes just minutes.

    Link to registration form (check "change of party" on line 2):


    Email for NorCo Rs:


    To paraphrase the great Ronald Reagan, who, in 1931, took two black, Eureka College football players into his Dixon home when a hotel refused to let them stay: "I didn't leave my party. My party left me."

    Until they speak out against, and stop supporting racists like Mezzacappa, They should not expect the support of party loyalists who find her detestable.

  34. Yes, unfortunately, you do. I cannot assume that using it once will make even my own readers aware why I call her a racist. If I don't explain why she's a racist she can just deny it.

  35. Jim Gregory, For someone who claims he detests me and this blog, you're on here an awful lot. I detest impersonation, so let me know via email which comment are not yours and I will delete them. I cannot take your word for it here bc I don't know whether you are or are not the real Jim Gregory.

  36. was that your girlfriend or your boyfriend?

  37. Is that really a picture of Mezzacappa as a child?

  38. @ "Play with the cows, Ron. Your political fifteen minutes are over.

    Trish' agent"

    Lakshmi Cow Sanctuary Inc.
    This is a beautiful farm that is a 42-acre sanctuary. Here the cows are free to roam
    Free-Range Beef....w/ Dividend's-to-the-Corporate StockHolder's-of-the-Incorporated-Corporate-Incorporation. Across from Cappozollo & Zito's, Bangor,Pa.

  39. I wish it were that easy 11:17 but even when I ignore this blog they post as me than attack me..When they tell your boss that you are attacking him personally when you are not, I am left with no choice to respond..Otherwise there is an assumption by everyone that I am posting when I'm not..Believe me, I told many friends that I was done posting then I wake up to see others posting as me and the trolls attacking the fake poster..I cannot let that go..I ask all those saying to do otherwise what you would do when you are libeled publically to the point where it could affect your job..I ask you whether you would sit back and take that..Maybe you would but it's not in my DNA.

  40. Bernie, since you stood him up last night for your "Dinner Date", J.G. is a little cranky. He was all dressed-up....w/ no one to blow!

  41. "Who the fuck is Jim Gregory?"

    He's a former cop who was fired after getting caught sleeping on the job, but sued with a claim of political retaliation.


    He went on Bethlehem City Council and was even its President. Then he started going wacky.

    It first seemed to start when he complained about veterans, complaining they get an unfair advantage.


    In a run for Mayor, he scaled a fence to demonstrate that security around City Hall was bad. He compared John Morganelli to a mafia Don, and was tagged by the Sons of Italy.

    In his Mayoral contest, he actually made this statement in a news release: "If Al Qaeda [sic] blows up this garage [City Hall], I promise to quit the Mayor's race, join the Army, and hunt them down. However, since they are busy running, I'll take bets that I'm safely in the race for the duration of this campaign."


    He attempted to crash a function involving Governor Ed Rendell at Hanover Elementary, and had to be escorted from the scene by police. "I just thought he didn't have all his marbles," said the woman who was forced to call police.


    He was eventually ousted as Bethl City Council President for his kooky behavior, and claimed he was leaving the Democratic Party.


    He was condemned by his own party as an "embarrassment."

    With this stellar record, he ended up working for Northampton County Mental Health, got himself involved in SEIU, and has continued to fight for the right of public sector union workers to sleep on the job.

    Worried about cuts to staffing, he paraded some of the people he serves to a County Council meeting.

    He has pretty much opposed everything that John Stoffa has tried to do, and by his own admission, comments anonymously here. Under his own name, he has used words like "liar" and "moron" to describe those who disagree with him, including yours truly.

  42. "Is that really a picture of Mezzacappa as a child?"

    No. I pulled a funny picture from the 'Net of a child reading the Exorcist and thought of her immediately.

  43. "Bernie, does this woman have any children or just a pet pig? Carol"

    Just the pet pig, Carol.

  44. Bernie, for someone who was disbarred for forgery and other offenses I would stay off the history garbage..All of your history regarding me is skewed as usual and is pretty much incorrect..I was never fired for sleeping on the job..In fact the record was changed to a resignation because I settled the Federal suit and proved all of their allegations proved false.To say, as Uliana did, that I was sleeping on the job is an outright lie and libel..Most of the other crap you just spouted is a gross misrepresentation of the facts as usual but i won't debate that here unless you want to spend time delving into your history..I sent the email you requested, so have those posts using my name removed. They were 1249 and 7:28..as i said in the Email..I know you don't give a crap about legal action because you have nothing to lose but my advise to you would be to discontinue the lies, character assaults and the libel. I find it interesting that you have taken Trish to court for supposedly doing the same thing to you.. Although I doubt she'd stoop to your level..However, it might be hard for you to argue against supposedly false blog posts when you do the same thing..

  45. Did Mezzacappa "Pray the Devil back to Hell"?

  46. Mr. Gregory,

    Having received an email from you in which you claim you were impersonated, I did remove the comments in question, as well as the replies to them. Insofar as libel against you is concerned, I recited your history, and provided links to back it up. Since you claim that Uliana defamed you, did you sue him? I see no record of such a suit, although I know you like to threaten it all the time. You even threatened the school marm who asked to have you escorted from the Rendell event because you were acting wacky.

    For someone who likes to lob the grenades you lob, you are incredibly thin-skinned.

    My suit against Mezzacappa involves some extremely serious accusations of criminal misconduct, and go way beyond anything that is remotely connected to opinion or political speech. These are not your run-of -the-mill snarks. A judge has already determined that those statements are defamatory per se.

    I do not defame people, not even you. But you are more than welcome to take me to court if you feel you have been wronged. That's why they're there.

  47. To Jim Gregory: "In fact the record was changed to a resignation because I settled the Federal suit and proved all of their allegations proved false"
    1.) A choice between Resignation & being Fired
    2.) Setteling is NOT vindication. The "Proper" terminology would be Aquitted....be a MAN & OWN-YOUR-ACTION'S.
    P.S. Your spelling is Atrocious....& you fight like a little BITCH!

  48. Tarnishing the Republicans to say the least! I've been a Republican for years and this is embarrassing. Bunch of idiots. NCRC have their heads up their asses. She doesn't promote good principles, good government, and clearly no values. She is a disgrace to the Republicans and as this keeps going, it will get worse.

    I will now choose no affiliations as I agree with Anon 11:36.

  49. Dear Fake Clinton oxford,

    You have no idea what you are talking aboout. There was no such choice..You are a coward..You post under a fake name, with bernie's assistance I'm certain, and make stuff up..I noticed none of you cowardly trolls were willing to meet with me yesterday..Again, I am not hard to find or contact..Please meet me anytime, anywhere and we'll discuss this..However, you and Bernie are cowards..You'd rather take cheap shots on a pathetic hate blog than confront me directly..Be a man Mr. Fake Oxford and confront me directly..OTherwise, shut up..
    Again bernie, why take you to court..You have nothing to lose so you can continue this character assassination.Because you are a coard..I asked you to meet face to face and you backed out..I was waiting...You feel safe, I am sure, hiding behind your blog and your trolls like the fake Oxford and fake Baker..That makes you and them cowards..It is amazing that you allow these petty attacks , however when the same is done to you you remove them immediately..Talk about thin skin.
    Bernie, just knock it off..What the hell is wrong with you..And yes, we looked into suing Uliana. However, Malcolm Gross and other attorneys said that however bad it was there is much more leeway in political advertising and it would be a waste of time filing suit..He said it was , however the most egregious piece he'd ever seen..Again Bernie, stop printing things as facts when they are just subjective lies..Go harass someone else Bernie..

  50. Who cares?

    The world is coming to an end because of the Sequester.

  51. 1:51 -

    Ya gotta hang around long enough to participate in the primary election!

    I'm with you, my Republican party is losing it's conservative soul. Guys like Charles Dent are trying to appear more liberal. How nice!

    For anyone who believes liberalism has destroyed California, New York, Detroit, AND Allentown, Republicans who strive to appear "liberal" have NO value, and MUST be replaced.

  52. Jim Gregory,

    We both agreed yesterday that there was no point in meeting bc I don't believe a word you say and you don't believe a word I say. Now you come back and call me a coward. This is why people call you a squirrel. I am perfectly willing to say that to your face, but was reluctant to embarrass your girlfriend, who you said was with you. I have nothing against her, and see no reason why she should be put in an awkward position.

    Also, the notion that I coordinate attacks against you thru third parties or made up names or whatever is just more nonsense. People who make up these ridiculous accusations tend to be the very people who do it themselves, I've learned.

    You claim you considered suing Uliana, and the fact is that you did not. That is bc he never defamed you, and you apparently were so advised.

    As I've noted, you think nothing of lobbing all kinds of accusations against me and others that are simply untrue, but are quick to threaten libel when I explain your history, using links to various news accounts to back them up. You threaten libel in an effort to shut people up so you can continue shouting others down.

    You are not going to shout me down. You have tried Mezzacappa has tried. The kooks at the Gracedale blog have tried. Lamont McClure has tried. Charles "Don't call me Charlie" Dertinger has tried. The Blog Mentor has tried. Steve Barron has tried. James Schlener has tried. Sam Bennett has tried. George Speros Maniatty has tried. Pawlowski has tried. You have all failed. I have every intention of continuing to speak out and expose phonies like you and your fellow travelers.

  53. Bernie,

    Right now, the Republican Party will take anyone it can get! It has lost it's soul and is trying to be more like its conqueror, rather than embracing its original principles.

    Given today's lazy and stupid American citizen, TM actually has a chance to resonate with MANY voters. Yes, she's attractive (through no effort on her part) BUT, that matters today!

    If she finds a way to do the Harlem Shake to the satisfaction of enough voters, she's in! Heaven help us.

    Tricia, I know you read here daily, tell me why I'm wrong.

  54. You are certifiable. You make yourself out to be the Brave blog poster but you are nothing but a coward. You always have the last word but are afraid to confront people face to face. it's not courageous to falsely attack people on your blog, it's cowardly. you're lucky you didn't show up yesterday Burnie. my girlfriend would have kicked your ass

  55. Jim Gregory, I till don't get how I'm a coward for not meeting you at Panera with your girlfriend yesterday after we both agreed it would be pointless. This is why you get the rep you have.

  56. Jim Gregory, I don't know you, don't care to know you, but I have a question.

    Is Bernie O'Hare's approval so important to you that you simply MUST linger here?

  57. An act of desperation on the part of the county GOP? I would hope that they are only being cautious and at some point will walk/run away from her depending on her pr and votability. I will at some point call on the party to drop her for the obvious reasons.

  58. Don't want or need any approval. Need him and his trolls to stop posting in my name and stop the lies and distortions about myself and my friends on his blog. It's that simple. Your statement is sarcastic and it implies I care about his approval. That's pretty foolish to assume.

  59. jg- thanks for your reply. Blogs are inexact science. They are open to manipulation, even by the site owner!

    If you suspect this site is bogus, you simply should ignore it. Bogus internet sites are all over the place. When you find one, ignore it. Otherwise, you signal it's not really bogus.

    This site could well be bogus, but dopes like you and I come here in great number to share our message. I share your stupidity, I guess.

  60. Jim Gregory,

    It is a fact that you were fired for sleeping on the job. Numerous police officers and Township supervisors sat outside you apartment while you did it. I think you wanted to sue them for defamation, too.

    It is a fact that you were turned away from a Rendell event at Hanover Elementary, and police were called bc the event organizer said you were acting kooky. I think you wanted to sue her for defamation, too.

    It is a fact that you slammed veterans during your stay with Bethlehem City Council. I don't know if you threatened any of them with defamation.

    It is a fact that, in your failed Mayoral bid, you suddenly scaled a fence to show that the City Hall was insecure.

    It is a fact that City Council dumped you as its President, and declined to appoint you to a vacancy.

    It is a fact that your own party called you an embarrassment.

    It is a fact that you claimed you were leaving the Democratic party.

    It is a fact that at a County Council meeting, you preyed upon your own clients and dragged them before Council to argue for you.

    You have admitted posting here anonymously.

    You, sir, are a bit over the top.

    You actually make me look normal, and that's not easy.




  61. Again bernie,

    You lie..Doesn't that hurt..The only one accusing me of sleeping on the job twenty odd years ago, was Uliana.In a political mailer.It was a lie..Still is.
    Check your facts you moron..I was accused of taking too long a break..Eventually the a new township council relented and changed the firing to a resignation because they knew it was all bogus..Like your blog. I was awarded Forty thousand dollars in a settlement of the matter..Thank You.
    Never slammed veterans. That's another lie..Got that story wrong too..Don't believe everything you read in the headlines..You might want to follow up by reading the story..City Council didnt appoint anyone to that vacancy, the County Dem executive board did..Again, facts wrong Bernie..Didnt scale the fence to show it was insecure, scaled it to show that the city wasted a hundred thousand of taxpayer dollars on a fence that was unneeded and yes, still insecure. Facts wrong again Bernie..I could go on and on bernie because your facts are a pathetic joke..Again, stop the backstabbing crap and your hate blog and face me publically to debate any of your lies..Can't wait..maybe we can do Bobby Gunther walsh...You are a coward who can't stop lying bernie..Debate me face to face publically or shut the hell up already..
    be a man..I won't let my girlfriend
    kick your ass. Don't worry

  62. Jim,

    No one respects a bully. That's so "union." We've all come to see through that.

  63. Everyone calls me FredMarch 1, 2013 at 5:09 PM

    I tend to notice a trend with JG's responses. He will only answer certain questions. And then when it appears that he gets stumped, you won't hear from him for hours. And if you repeat those unanswered questions, he will either make up some stupid response or answer them with something that could have easily been answered before, but it seems like he overemphasizes it. Such as like he had to think about it to make it up. For instance for 3/4 of a day people were asking him why jhe was blogging while he was working. He nevered answered it. It got to the point where anon bloggers made such a stink about it. So he didn't answer for hours. Then he comes back in the late evening and says he had the day off. Well wh the hell didn't you say that in the beginning? Because he appears to be lying. Could have called the office, he was supposed to be working or not? But instead he plays us all for 'morons' and "cowards." Jim grow up or get professional help. No one really cares. The only reason you are getting such responses from everyone is because you are vividly wrong and making a pain-the-ass out of yourself. But just like those names that Bernie wrote about, all those names where people challenged him, you will be another name to add to the list. You will marginialize yourself so much that you will just fade out like the rest from people we never hear from anymore like G.S. Maniatty all the way to the Blog Mentor. 15 monutes almost up.

  64. Jim Gregory.

    1) You were taking too long a break bc you were sleeping.

    2) The MC must be lying about your lam at vets.

    3) City Council dumped you as Council Prez, and your own party would not allow you to run as its nominee.

    4) You did scale the fence, makng an idiot out of yourself, whatever the reason.

    5) I still don't get why I am a "coward" for not meeting you face to face when we both agreed it would be pointless. This is why Schweder referred to you as a backstabber.

    6) I'll be at Panera tonight, 7 PM.

  65. Beenie, Your blog is a farce and a sham. This is all one big lie and a staged blog. No one in this whole wide world can be as dumd as Jim Gregory. You must have planted him, coached him, or made his comments up. Or else he is the most dumb, moronic, and cowardly personon earth.

  66. Which Panera? Enter your comment...

  67. He does make a great poster boy for public sector unions, doesn't he?

  68. Panera's reserves the right to refuse service to anyone, for any reason. We are an eating establishment. Debating on our premise's is inappropreate, as well as disrespectful to our Patron's. Please find another venue for your debate. Thank You

  69. 524,

    your not funny. you're a coward. debate Gregory publicly if you have anything to say. otherwise shut up.. actually he's a great voice for public sector unions. I'm sure he'd debate all of you cOwards on that issue publicly if you had the balls but you don't so shut up

  70. @ "I'm sure he'd debate all of you cOwards on that issue publicly if you had the balls but you don't so shut up"

    Ball's are NOT what win's debates. Brain's are.

  71. ........and Allentown sinks beneath the waves.

  72. Trish is really hot for her age. She was a great find for you, BO.

  73. @ 6:36....I have neither. However, I am an asshole with a big mouth.
    Happy Campaining 'till Election Day.

  74. matt the ano.ymousMarch 1, 2013 at 6:54 PM

    Dear Fred the pathetic troll posting.b at 509 all of you attacking Gregory are cowards. I dare you to debate him publicly. you trolls on these blogs are pathetic either do with the says and face in or shut up. your loving son Matt the anonymous

  75. matt the amonymousMarch 1, 2013 at 6:57 PM

    face him Fred. face him mom wants you to grow up be a man your loving son map the anonymous

  76. Timeless Wisdom of the Ages: When you find yourself in a deep hole....STOP digging.

  77. This obscession Bernie and Ron Angle have with Tricia is not only wierd but scary. Guys leave the woman alone. She should contact law enforcement.

  78. Good catch Clinton anonymous, here's a cookie.

  79. How do I know it is his real name or a real person? Fake Mr. Gregory is going to call you and I a coward and moron. Even though he was a no show and did make this comment today at 1:56 PM:

    "I noticed none of you cowardly trolls were willing to meet with me yesterday..Again, I am not hard to find or contact..Please meet me anytime, anywhere and we'll discuss this.."

    He didn't show. So it must be really not him? Or he must really be a moron? Or he must really be a coward? Or he must really be all of them.

  80. Although you could say it was an unusual display, Gregory's fence scaling stunt seems to make a good point depending on how easily he managed to do it. Fences are only deterrents but if your going to spend 100k on a fence that an old geezer like Gregory can scale with ease what have you really accomplished? Bernie doesn't that seem like wasteful spending done for what purpose, to protect the building from whom?

  81. I wasn't invited..if I had been and knew..SHE..was going to be on the agenda..no way I attend. The R's need to explain how and why it happened. Are they afraid of her? Afraid of a law suit? I want to hear the explanation..soon!

  82. Sent my letter to NorCo GOP. I actually switched to D a couple of weeks ago when GOP made no move to distance themselves from Mezzacappa. Told them that having her lead a prayer only verified I made the right decision. Got an auto-response that a reply would be sent.

    So, now I'll be choosing the D in the primaries. It's not like there's much of a difference, anyway. They're all willing to whore themselves out for the right price... Local, state, and national elected officials.

  83. Ironically, last year, I had pretty much decided to switch to R, but then they started acting nutty, too. I agree with you. Both parties are nuts, and most elected officials in both parties to seem to sell themselves out. But if we don't belong to a party, we can't vote in a primary.


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