Local Government TV

Monday, March 18, 2013

Mat Benol Seeking Seat on NorCo Council

"Who's that filthy animal?
"That's my dog, sir!"
"I was speaking to the dog."
After filing 647 signatures for the required 250 required, Palmer Township resident Mathew Benol has announced his candidacy as a Republican Candidate for 1 of the 5 Northampton County Council – At Large seats.

Though a member and former Chairman of the Lehigh Valley Tea Party, Benol is bipartisan, and stood up for me when the tea party tried, unsuccessfully, to excommunicate me a few years ago. Up until I received notice that I was being removed, I had no idea I was even a member. Benol also got in a lot of hot water with extremists for that, and even more when he decided to endorse Charlie Dent for Congress after running against him.

“My first act in office will be to restore accountability in County Government and County Management," he said in a statement. "Taxpayers are suffering for the mismanagement of County property and their tax dollars, and it has to stop now so our children and grandchildren do not inherit the poisoned fruit of our mistakes.”

Benol decided to run while attending meetings for Gracedale, the Proposed Bi-County Health Agency and the need for leasing a Human Services building due to the unattended maintenance of 2 County owned buildings. Mat is also concerned over the future plans for the Northampton County Jail. “With approximately a third of our county budget being funded by taxpayers of the county, what is going to happen when the state funding is decreased? We need to plan for the future of Northampton County, its residents as well as its dedicated employees."

Benol is a lifelong resident of the Lehigh Valley, spending the last 10 years in Palmer Township. His wife, Jamie, is a Wind Gap native. The couple has 2 children who attend the Easton Area School District. Mat Benol is a Production / Account Manager for a major packaging company.

Mat considers himself a Constitutionalist and believes our Government works to serve its citizens and needs to be accountable to those citizens. If elected, Mat “will fight for County Government accountability and fiscal restraint”. He pledges to maintain a focus on the issues, not partisan politics.

It's going to be a tough year for Republicans, even those who call themselves Constitutionalists.

Mat is one of the rare candidates who actually attends meetings from time to time.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This was posted anonymously. I edited it to remove an offensive term:

    "He's not in to taxing and spending and bestowing unsustainable pensions and going into debt to build unnecessary things that won't be properly maintained. He hasn't a chance in this county. Matt hasn't evolved into the handout culture and won't be elected anytime soon. I suppose if he hates [minorities], like party standard bearer Mezzakkkappa, he'll find support among the party elites.


  3. The standard Republican line. I will ensure that all things the county must do are done, and I will ensure it doesn't cost you any money.

  4. "Up until I received notice that I was being removed, I had no idea I was even a member."

    Yeah, funny thing about the LV Tea Party - if you attend a meeting even once and sign in as they request at the door or express interest in being notified of meetings via MeetUp or similar online lists, they count you as a "member."

    It's a tactic to make themselves look popular and powerful, which they're not. More like pathetic.

  5. Should he not be on the ballot as a T-Party candidate and NOT an R?


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