Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Kerr Dumps Freedom HS Senior

NorCo GOP Chair Bob Kerr has apparently dropped the idea of installing Freedom High School Senior for the Vice Chairmanship of the party. He's going instead with Mike Morey, the Lehigh Valley field director for the state GOP. If he's who I think he is, he is an evil genius and quite a catch..


  1. Kerr is on candidate number 3
    a real sign of deswperation and
    lack of leadership

    What he has done to that very nice, well intentioned young man is disgusting. He flat out used him and threw him aside when he no longer served Kerr's agenda. It took 3 days to chew him up and spit him out. He should be ashamed! (but he won't be)

  2. Kerr doesn't "install" a vice chairman. We committeemen elect a vice chairman. Rumors of anyone being installed are false.
    Personally, and at this point, I plan on supporting the young Freedom Senior. I think it's what the county GOP needs. He has no connections with either of the contentious factions butting heads right now and he has no loyalties to the party leadership either. He worked hard as a volunteer throughout the last election cycle and he can bring in a younger crowd to pick up the torch from here.
    We'll find out Thursday night if a majority of committeemen agree.

  3. In other words, you plan on supporting Kerr's first or second choice.

  4. Don't look now Bernie but your misrepresentations, lies, and rummors are showing.

  5. Bernie, your 11:21 response indicates this post is false and you know it, no?

  6. No. My post is accurate. Kerr and crew were first courting an 18 year-old HS senior. When a firestorm erupted, they went elsewhere.

  7. That is a lie and you know it. Please explain what firestorm erupted.

    You can't because there is/was none!

  8. I have only heard from at least 20 Rs who are outraged by Kerr's initial choice. I guess that's not a firestorm, and I must be lying. Derr needs to focus a little more on paying his rent on time and a little less on controlling others.

  9. And YOU need to focus more on getting forgiveness for how you got disbarred! Pot meet kettle!

  10. I see. Go take your drug cocktail.


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