Local Government TV

Friday, March 29, 2013

Harassment Charges Being Sought Against Mezzacappa

Last week, Northampton County Council candidate Tricia Mezzacappa tried to sue me again. She threw Angle into the pot, too. Her case was dismissed the very next day by Judge Anthony Beltrami. One of these dismissed claims is this:
As recently as February, 2013, Plaintiff O'Hare has fraudulently registered a domain in the name of West Easton resident Matthew Dees, 402 Second Street, West Easton, PA 18042. . The domain www.westeastonPA.com, is registered with a false address and false phone number. On this domain, O'Hare impersonates Matthew Dees, with the same exact same viscous screeds, accusations of racism, accusations of crimes, mental instability, etc.. about Mezzacappa, that he has been publishing on his own blog for the last several months. His actions have no purpose but to stalk, harass and intimidate Mezzacappa as a witness in the above court case.
She has published comments from "Matthew Dees" on her own moderated blog that tell her, "[Y]ou have my vote.  She even claims to have an email from him, denying he is the author of Westeastonpa.com. "It is my personal belief that Miss Gross is utilizing Bernie O'Hare to impersonate me online, as he has done to several other people."

Yesterday, the real Matthew Dees, who is in fact the author of Westeastonpa.com, asked the District Attorney to approve harassment charges against Mezzacappa.

I love this line in Tom Shortell's story: "Mezzacappa declined to comment for this story and instructed a reporter not to contact her at her home again."

At WestEastonpa.com, Dees explains his actions:
She has harassed me by repeatedly posting on her blog, using my name, that insults other candidates and said I was voting for Mezzacappa. She refused to remove the first offending comment when I told her to and after I posted my opinion of her on this website she then proceeded to create another post with a false email, wherein I supposedly said that I do not own this website, again insulted other candidates, and again gave my support to her.

It annoys the Hell out of me and definitely alarms me that she would use my name to personally insult elected officials of West Easton and claim that I support her candidacy.

Her course of conduct serves no legitimate purpose. In fact, it is as illegitimate as one can get. Her actions are trying to convince voters that her campaign has merit and that, as an ex-candidate, I support her. I will not allow my name to be used without my approval by anyone who thinks such use will get them elected to office, or gain votes from a public that isn’t informed of the truth. Which really toasts me, because I am only a resident who filed to run for a Borough Council position, but almost as quickly withdrew from the race. My name should have no influence on voters, but Tricia Mezzacappa must believe that using it will benefit her somehow.

Hopefully, this action against her will convince Mezzacappa that I am the owner of this website and to stop creating more offensive posts on her blog that use my name, should she be considering it.

I’ll be honest. I don’t have much hope that Northampton County District Attorney John Morganelli will accept my filing. Most DA’s don’t want to be bothered with what they consider to be a trivial matter. He being a Democrat and Mezzacappa being a Republican will probably have him considering the political ramifications of pursuing a case against Mezzacappa. Undoubtedly, she would scream that she was being prosecuted simply because she is a Republican running for a position on the County Council.
I would add that Morganelli, to his credit, is something of a First Amendment purist. He has historically been reluctant to approve criminal prosecutions over mere words.


  1. Tom Dees has bitten off more than he can chew with this frivolous charge he probably consulted Sick'O Rick 'O which is the kiss of death to any form of litigation. It will wind up in the trash bin faster than his latest abortions.

  2. I have advised my client to post a blog outlining the absurd nature of these charges. The battle between the local Lehigh Valley Illuminati and Ms. Mezzacappa will be fought and won in the court of public opinion. Although she will be representing herself I will continue to provide advice on an as needed basis, soon the counter offensive will begin once these fascist dogs are rebuffed then we shall see leadership from a new wing of the Norco GOP.

  3. 90 pounds of pure trouble.

  4. "Tom Dees has bitten off more than he can chew with this frivolous charge he probably consulted Sick'O Rick 'O which is the kiss of death to any form of litigation. It will wind up in the trash bin faster than his latest abortions."

    So now you admit he is Tom Dees. Regardless of the merit of a criminal action, the one thing that comes through loud and clear is that, once again, you are a liar, Tricia.

  5. This women is who the new GOP wants over Peg Farraro

  6. Agree. Both are disgraceful. But Mezzakkkookoo is worse.

  7. West Easton will be a much more pleasant place in about one years time, this tempest stirred up by Ms. Mezzacappa's antics cannot sustain itself. If they ever make a seniors edition of "Jersey Shore" surely she should be considered.

  8. BOH,
    Even if Morganelli is a first admend purist, this isn't about her using her own identity when speaking. That would have been a "he said, she said" argument. She is allegedly using the identity of Dees and she was informed to stop, but didn't.

    Wonder what is needed for the D.A. to prosecute for identity theft?

  9. 4120. Identity theft.
    (a) Offense defined.--A person commits the offense of identity theft of another person if he possesses or uses,through any means, identifying information of another person without the consent of that other person to further any unlawful purpose.
    (f)Definitions.--As used in this section, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this subsection:

    "Identifying information." Any document, photographic, pictorial or computer image of another person, or any fact used to establish identity, including, but not limited to, a name, birth date, Social Security number, driver's license number, nondriver governmental identification number, telephone number, checking account number, savings account number, student identification number, employee or payroll number or electronic signature.

  10. So if the unlawful purpose is harassment she could face an additional charge of identity theft. Mezzakkkappa will have to wonder if her arrogance has finally bitten her in the azz this time.

  11. You sure do spend an awful lot of valuable time and energy on this "lady".

    What conclusions can I draw from that?

    Call the Secret Service and be done with it, Dude.


  12. Yeah, that's right.

    YOU like to point the 'crazy finger' all day long ...

    ... and yet you spend so much of your time writing about this "lady".

    So just exactly WHO is bananas???


  13. A lot of the responses to the newspaper article have been deleted. And some of those responses seemed spot on with no vulgarities or anything. The one from Joe Biden that Bernie liked is gone. Some of those others won't be around too much longer anyway. I like the one that asks who is the C.O.A.F.?

  14. That was another article, and the comments are still there.


  15. The world is full of trolls. One of them is Rolf Oeler of Allentown. He wa so upset on election day that he threatened to kill the President, and I was forced to call Secret Service. Since that day, I have told him his comments are no longer welcome on this blog, but he persists and is responsible for the ones posted at 12:46 and 12:52. I'm leaving these up as an example of the kind of nonsenical rants that come from troubled people. He would not know Mezzacappa if he tripped over her, but since he hates me, she's OK in his book.

    The Internet is a great resource, but it is also a magnet under which the cRaZies can connect.

  16. Bernie,

    I just went there. That comment is not there anymore. It is gone.

  17. That's funny. It still appears on my computer.

  18. Go to the actual link. It will appear in your personal profile but not on the actual newspost. Take a look.

  19. Sorry. It doesn't appear on mine. It says that there are 10 comments. That one isn't one of them.

  20. She is still hot!

  21. Hot Mess!! messycrapper

  22. Easton PA making it onto the airwaves over at NPR regarding opinions on gun control. Too bad they didn't get a sound bite from our very own Sharon Stone simulacrum Tricia Mezzacappa, that would have been entertaining.


  23. 90 pounds of plastic

  24. Your obcession with this woman is th eonly wierd thing going on.

  25. It's obsession, not obcession, Tricia. It's weird, not wierd, Tricia.

  26. Bernie, I calling ABC news this should be a reality show and mayby you will be paid $200,000 an episode . I 'll be over to be the agent.Meanwhile get a CRUCIFIX in your front yard.

  27. Her website is a mess. Her latest post is a real lou-lou! She is trying to call Matt Dees out. She forgets that her track record isn't the greatest. I love it when somebody tries to hold people to some sort of standard, that they themselves don't even live up to. In matter of fact, she doesn't even come remotely close to any standards - morally and what not. I really hope that she doesn't even get more than 3 votes for either position that she is running for. She, her neighbor, and Tony Simao are the only people that will definitely vote for her. Outside of that I really hope there is no one else. That really takes away from the others. Political life is really strange especially with this new brew of politics - the Tea Party. Those people are really strange! She fits right in!

  28. Bernie's guilty conscienceMarch 30, 2013 at 5:19 AM

    Paranoia big destroya


  29. DUMB and DUMBER....

  30. @ Anon 3:12

    Matt Dees has answered everything she posted and questioned and made her look like an idiot in the process. Mazzacappa is headed for the mezzacrappa. It may be a race between him and Bernie of who gets her house first.

    I wish this was all on video.

  31. I personally think that Tricia is exactly the kind of critter that John Stoffa would have as a friend. After all, Stoffa has you and Angle as friends.

  32. What's up with TM changing her blog back and forth from public to private? It would be interesting to know who is on the list of "invited readers" all my attempts to get in the club have been rebuffed.

  33. Who knows? Like her its been a faulty light bulb the last week. Might be she realised she posted stuff that has her in deep doo-doo because it was answered and exposes her to another libel action.

  34. Without Trish Mezzacappa and Gracedale this blog would be boring.

  35. Actually, there are lots of stories out there, and newspapers don't cover them. So if it were not for Mezzacappa or the Fake Rev's nonsense, I'd have more time for them. While we all like to watch a train wreck, not many of you would like to be a passenger in it. That would be me, Kelly Gross, my attorney and, most recently, Matthew Dees,

  36. Speaking of other stories you could cover if there weren't these characters, why is it you have never blogged about William Blasi (also a disgraced former attorney) who hails from Pen Argyl? His case also covers the issue of when free speech crosses into harassment.

    His youtube channel with basketball videos (make sure to check out "Whitey on the Court"


    And here is his other channel dedicated to anti semetic conspiracy theories.

  37. I can only deal with two or three crazies at a time.

  38. That guy is totally bonkers. Wow! Maybe he should run for Council.

  39. @ Alan Dershowitz 10:24 AM

    I have advised my client to post a blog outlining the absurd nature of these charges. The battle between the local Lehigh Valley Illuminati and Ms. Mezzacappa will be fought and won in the court of public opinion. Although she will be representing herself I will continue to provide advice on an as needed basis...

    How's that workin' out for ya? You should stick to chasing ambulances.

  40. Sorry. Hard to tell the jokers from the teabaggers and blog mentors.

  41. Two paramount manufacturers of special healing products are pulling specific well-received brands from the superstore because they may contain traces of poultry antibiotics that are not approved in the U.S.




You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.