Local Government TV

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Cusick Running For Wilson School Board

Northampton County Council President John Cusick, who until not long ago, was thought to be the Republican frontrunner for County Executive. But not only has he ruled that out; he's not even seeking a return to Council. But he has not ruled out government service completely. He's running for Bill Wallace's seat on the Wilson School Board.

That way everyone can hate him.

Personally, I think all school board members have to be insane.


  1. "Personally, I think all school board members have to be insane."

    You've got that right. Being in my 12th year of service and running for re-election, I must be certifiable. ;)

  2. I thought Cusick lived in Bethlehem?

  3. Williams Tp, and for some time. He was a Supervisor there.

  4. Bernie, I think someone planted a virus on your blog. I had to cleanse my computer, after my last visit.

  5. There is no virus on this blog. Sometimes a spam comment gets thru. Do not click on the link. I get rid of them as soon as I see them.

  6. Should have run for county executive. He is the best prepared of the bunch. He earned his stripes especially under drill Seargent Angle. Always read his homework ,asked intelligent questions and above all is honest. Doesn`t carry the massive bagage of the three other Dems.

  7. Cusick is a hard-working, intelligent, decent, and honorable man. Probably why he is not running for CE.

  8. My only objection to Cusick, and I've told him this, is his participation in the cabal that dumped Angle as President. But of the three people involved in that back-stabbing, he was the only one who did have some justification.

    I don't know whether I would support him because he went back on his word to support Angle. Now many people hate Angle, but you don't break your word.

  9. Wait until Callahan breaks his word on Gracedale. It is a never ending money pit.

  10. Best wishes John! Enjoyed knowing you!

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