Local Government TV

Thursday, March 07, 2013

Browning: Integrity and Good Government Over Politics

When Dean Browning served as Lehigh County Commissioner, he took a lot of heat for refusing to end a proposed budget back to Executive Don Cunningham, with instructions to eliminate a planned tax hike. Scott Armstrong was at that time part of what he calls the "inner circle" of party apparatchiks, and this is how it went own, in his own words:

"I was there. I was lobbied as the then chair of the Allentown Committee to pressure Dean the support the send back vote. Being a team player I tried to convince him it was the right thing to do. The only problem was that Dean was much more expert on the subject than me. Seeing this I attempted to get Dean to do it as a team player. Dean said he couldn’t support a team effort that was just politics and not based on good government principles.

"I respect Dean Browning for having the backbone and integrity to stand for principle and put politics in the back seat. That is the exact quality we need in elective office. However, he paid a price for bucking the local committee. They used the last primary as a demonstrator of what happens to those who won’t obey. When I witnessed a good man and excellent conservative commissioner impugned and smeared over a single vote I resigned from the committee. I won’t be a part of that.

"One can disagree and do so respectfully but as you can see here some Lehigh County Republicans won’t abide a single expression of independence. Perhaps they have bought the committee’s leadership message that Dean Browning is a heretic and no amount of insight and thoughtful, informed commentary will convince them otherwise. That is unfortunate and counterproductive to the cause of limited government here in Lehigh County and beyond. While I have nothing but praise for Scott Ott his primary opponent Dean Browning has demonstrated by his actions and words he is a man of real integrity, he has run the gauntlet of slander and unfair accusations and come out stronger. He is exactly the right person to be our next Lehigh County Exec."


  1. Those who know Dean Browning well will tell you that he will say or do anything to get elected, and he has encouraged others to do the same. Ask those who served with him as Lehigh County Commissioner. I would not trust him as far as Bernie (even in his new form) can throw him.

  2. So this is the way Lehigh County Republicans act?
    So much for principle.
    So much for democracy.
    A confession by one of their own. Lockstep hacks.

    Jerks in both parties.

  3. 8:30,

    No. What my post demonstrates is that the hacks are not in both parties. Dean Browning certainly demonstrated he was his own man as did I. Too bad we don't see the kind of integrity Mr. Browning demonstrated in Allentown. The city would be well served if our elected officials refused to follow orders from their Dear Leader.

    Scott Armstrong

  4. Though I disagree with Scott A on his point, I can appreciate a thoughtful post, a relief from many of the haters lurking here. -nlv

  5. What gauntlet of slander and accusations has dean browning run through exactly? I have seen enough of his mailers, including his email of this week, which are distortions and half truths to know we don't need any more of mr Brownings type if integrity running the county

  6. Let's start with the slander "RHINO" which was applied to Mr. Browning solely on the basis of a refusal to tow the committee line on the send back vote. I think we can all agree there is no greater slur to a conservative than to be called a RHINO.Dean Browning had an established record as a conservative, with results on the board of commissioners, that was brushed aside for his failure to comply and the resulting slanders were found in print and broadcast.

    Scott Armstrong

  7. What slanders were found in print and media? Quote them? Name where?

  8. Anon 11:02

    I listened to 6 weeks of Gunther on WAEB indulging in personal insults and he was often joined by those on Scott's team. While Scott stayed classy, others in his group did not and used the on-air opportunity to call me such things as cowardly, clueless and incompetent. On one occasion, Gunther accused me of being corrupt and was seconded by one of Ott's team members. I'm not complaining but just stating the facts about comments that were personal and not about policy. I waited several weeks before doing any comparative ads in response. When I did, The Morning Call fact checked my campaign ads and reported that every claim I made was factual.

    Dean Browning

  9. Hey Dean want some cheese wioth your WHINE. Put on your big boy pants this is politics.

    Your biggest problem is "I want more money" Muller. The guy is now a Demn. in order to suck at the teat even more than he has.

  10. I listened to 6 weeks of Gunther on WAEB indulging in personal insults and he was often joined by those on Scott's team . . .

    Oh, I see.

    I note no mention of the illegal campaign mailer sent by a former County chair in support of Browning, and which I understand Browning claimed as an in-kind contribution. I have a copy of the mailer and Tim Benyo's determination to prove the veracity of this claim.

    I also see no mention of the email widely distributed by a sitting co-commissioner and Browning proponent which accused me of providing government benefits to same sex partners (that never happened, not even close).

    I lost the election by 26 votes or so, but I do not consider myself a victim, neither should Browning. Quite frankly, elections suck.

    Browning should stick to his competing vision of the County budget and stop pretending to rise above the rhetoric which he has propounded. That displays everything I hate about politicians. Besides, the County Executive has no role in setting the State sales tax.

  11. the above was posted by me, nlv

  12. 3:39,

    Thank you for providing the perfect example of the sort of bile that has been directed at Dean Browning since the send back vote. The original source of this vitriol can be traced back to the leadership of the Lehigh County Republican Committee.
    That said one would think it is about time the leadership of the committee put the animosity behind them and instead focus on Republican unity and party building here in Lehigh County. In case no one has noticed the Democrats have been running rings around us on basics such as new voter registration.

    Scott Armstrong

  13. What vitriol came from the LCRC? Was it the illegal mailing by a former chair and browning supporter or was it the letter implying a reform candidate supported same sex marriage or are you referring to a different situation altogether?

  14. you forget, I was there. It was screamed to me over the phone before general dissemination. To the larger point, the longer this goes on the better Muller's chances are.

    Scott Armstrong

  15. Then Dean should stand down or switch parties. Dean has an ax to grind. He miscalculated and voted to raise taxes unnecessarily. Then, he was shown the door. His mailers have been very nasty and he's used ones of questionable legality. He's just a mean ol' politician tax raiser with more excuses than Carters has little pills. And this is called political courage. Please.

  16. 5:30,

    Funny how someone who posts anonymously write about courage. Get some.

    Scott Armstrong

  17. To the larger point, the longer this goes on the better Muller's chances are.

    And I think that is exactly what Dean's point is here, i.e. to better Muller's chances. To wit, I think Dean is a flawed candidate with little or no chance to win a Republican primary but intent on righting a perceived wrong by destroying his Republican opponent. In that regard, Dean's campaign has gotten to a loopy start with nary a word yet said by his opponent.

    I hope I am proven wrong, but I expect this will be a very nasty primary and intentionally so. I think Muller changing parties adds to that theory. I hope my theory is wrong. I am not known for good political science. -nlv

    PS: For what it is worth, you did not answer the question posed by anon: 5:02.

  18. The campaign to impugn Dean came from and was directed by the leadership of the committee. take it from there.

    Scott Armstrong

  19. While not conceding a so-called campaign "to impugn Dean" I was a candidate then. I can tell you there was no such directive. Woodman did not put a chip in my head. I can count on one hand how often I spoke to him and have fingers left.

    Its actually a good question, what vitriol came specifically from the LCRC?


  20. nlv,

    This conversation does nothing to move the committee past its current division and apparent resulting shortcomings. I will not detail what was said to me by those in charge but the drift was Dean would be destroyed. Please don't attempt the argument that that effort wasn't engaged.

    Scott Armstrong

  21. Actually, I recall an effort by high ranking members of the LCRC to prevent the very rift which was later to occur in the course of that election, which is by far the opposite of what you now say albeit sans any specifics. -nlv

  22. Browning is classy? Did you see his mailers in the Primary? Low class! One with a large China flag, because one of his fellow Republicans was an owner of an international company. He would say or do anything to get elected.

  23. I do like his little Pawlowski moustache. Very cute.

  24. What the hell does his frickin' mustache have to do with his ability to govern? Seriously! Some of you folks go off on the weirdest things. I'd think you'd be a little more concerned about what is behind it.

  25. What a whiner this Armstrong guy is. Brownings vote was challenged in an election. Voters threw him out. We're they manipulated by the spooky leadership of the repubs? Lesson one for defeated political candidates....stop saying you we're right an voters just don't get it. We do. Lesson 2 stop making dumb attacks on a man who has done what he said he would and has brought others along as part of his cause. If browning has something to say then say it otherwise he should be considered part of the problem and not part of his cure.

    Poor mr Armstrong is reduced to making wild allegations which only he himself actually heard. What a sad little man.

  26. 10:54 anonymous coward,

    You do your candidate no service with your infantile vitriol.

    Scott Armstrong

  27. Browning came in 6th in the primary for county commissioner. He will do better this time. He will come in second. But he will lose. And along the way, he will try to destroy Scott Ott. Just watch.

  28. NorCo GOP may not be real together but were w bunch of relatively nice open people compared to those cut throats over there in Lehigh County.
    What a nasty group of people they are in Lehigh Co.
    If you see how they treat each other imagine the contempt they have for citizens outside their litter power team.

  29. Your right 7:12 and its a damn shame.A classic fight among those who have basic similar principals.The citizens of LC are the ones that pay the price.No reason in hell the dems should have no competition.Gotta give Scott A credit for exposing the behind the scenes goings on,just maybe the party can start fresh an begin anew.


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