Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Att'y Bill Platt Takes The Banner For Kim Velez

Last week, I told you about Allentown City Council candidate Kim Velez, the victim of strongarm tactics by the Allentown Democratic machine. You see, they already had enough Latinos. She would just draw votes from Julio Guridy and Cynthia Mota. To make matters worse, she opposes Mayor Edwin Pawlowski's water privatization scheme. Attorney Tim Brennan was dispatched to bully her out of the race, and after Sunday calls to Velez and her family, he succeeded. He event sent her a pre-printed withdrawal form, which she filed the next day.

Velez was to learn later that week hat she had been conned, the victim of a lawyer who, even putting the best spin on things, had acted inappropriately.

Is this the end of the line?

No. And that's thanks to an attorney who is acting not just appropriately, but in the highest traditions of the Lehigh County Bar. Bill Platt and his partner, Jeffrey Fleischaker, are representing Velez pro bono publico.

Velez, who is both attractive and well-spoken, is a potential Democratic Superstar. Platt, a former GOP Chair in Lehigh, is representing her anyway.

Why? Because our democratic system should be above party affiliations. Whether Velez is ultimately right or wrong, her cause needs to be heard. Platt, to the credit of his profession, will make sure that happens.

I'm proud to know him.

But his father still scares the shit out of me.


  1. This is great news. Hope Atty Platt can also find out who also was involved with Atty Brennan Iam sure this was not his idea alone.

  2. Follow the money.

  3. Uh Bernie, would this be the same Bill Platt who recruited Tony Phillips to run for Mayor of Allentown? The same Bill Platt who at a McCain rally at Stabler gad people holdinng toy monkeys to represent then candidate Obama? This is almost as crazy as Brannan/Croslis representing Eckhart V Martin

  4. Yes indeed his father should scare the hell out of many¿ He was there when the justice system had a moral value system to uphold human rights issues above all¿ Now the only value system in place is the failing american dollar¿

    Thanx bernie for some truly investigative reporting! Something rarely seen by othr local media outlets¿
    Go kim go


  5. 6:43 -

    Your ridiculous statement is nothing more than an attempt to smear someone whose trying to right a wrong.

    I'm assuming that you condone what Brennan did, and this is the best you can come up with.

  6. Platt's use of Obama's middle name characterized as "inappropriate rhetoric " by the McCain campaign http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/2101220/posts?page=5

  7. ^^^^^I wonder if Ms. Velez knows this about her attorney.

  8. I still won't vote for her. She thinks people in Allentown are stupid. She doesn't even live here.

  9. Is Ms.Velez going to allow herself to be drug thru the mud as a political pawn. For own dignity she should dust herself off and move on.These sharks love it when they have a weak victim waiting to be rescued.

  10. Ms Valez is a lamb going off to slaughter. In her own way, she is as clueless as Moto.

  11. Platt is a partisan Republican. Pro bono? I don't believe he is doing this for the public good. He is doing this because he sees some partisan advantage for his side. If Ms. Velez wants to proceed with a legal case, she can do much better than Platt.

  12. 10:30 AM (HUSSEIN): Revving up the crowd at a 2008 McCain/Palin rally by making references to our President's middle name was one of Platt's not-so-subtle campaign tactics. His purpose at the time was very clear. And your purpose today also is clear. Haters got to hate.

  13. "Uh Bernie, would this be the same Bill Platt who recruited Tony Phillips to run for Mayor of Allentown? The same Bill Platt who at a McCain rally at Stabler gad people holdinng toy monkeys to represent then candidate Obama? This is almost as crazy as Brannan/Croslis representing Eckhart V Martin"

    I know this is hard for you, but this has nothing to do with politics. t has everything to do with democracy. I find it refreshing that Platt, a conservative, is actually a small "d" democrat willing to do the right thing. It says a lot about him as a lawyer and as a person.

  14. I deleted two comments from Iron PiG pen. i have told him repeatedly he is not welcome her. Please comment elsewhere.

  15. To Anonymous 10:53 AM - Certainly there are partisan Democrats. That's not the issue. The concern I have is that Mr. Platt's motives may not be as pure as Mr. O'Hare seems to believe. As far as "free stuff," that's the Mitt Romney 47 percent of Americans are freeloaders claim. Romney lost. McCain lost. President Obama won twice. Get over it.

  16. 11:06

    It's clear to me that he does have a motive - to expose dirty politics - it's unfortunate that his target is a Democrat (or anyone for that matter). I applaud him - I don't believe a Dem Attorney in any way related to politics would handle this case appropriately and unfortunately the attorney has to have some political experience/knowledge for Kim Velez to get a fair shot. Despite whatever his intentions are (we all have ulterior motives for nearly everything we do) I am thrilled that Ms. Velez has competent representation. I hope she gets back on the ballot.

  17. Platt mentioned the Preaident's (gasp) middle name. How partisan!

    Didn't the President CHOOSE that as his middle name?

    Is mentioning it some sort of crime? I seem to remember the President also using it when he was sworn in.

    All of which has nothing to do with the fact that Platt is doing the right thing. There's no partisan gain here. This doesn't benefit a Republican council candidate since there aren't any.

    Actually, Dems should be asking why there isn't a Dem lawyer taking this case for free or why the Dem Party isn't paying for one on their own. After all, the county party was the one who was supposedly misrepresented.

  18. Mentioning the president's middle name is problematic to the same bunch who turned bigoted references to Romney's religious undergarment into a parlor game.

  19. I am disturbed by what I am reading here in the comments. Why so quick to attack Platt? If you attack Platt, I believe you are saying you can't win on the issues. I think it can be fairly decided on the issue. I am sorry for Miss Velez, but I don't think she will get her way. But the Judges are a hell of lot smarter than I am, so who knows how they will see it. I am holding firm to my belief, one I have stated previously, that if a judge hears this it will be decided uopon its merits, not hysterical rantings from either side. Once people start having to give sworn testimony, it will get intersting real quick.

  20. Either way it is decided, I'll bet Brennan wishes he would have not made those phone calls that Sunday and would have just followed the rules and process as outlined. The process exists for a reason and should have been followed. No matter what happens now, his reputation is tarnished... whether he did it as described or completely innocently, he will forever be the lawyer doing Fleck's dirty work. AWESOME REP! I don't feel sorry for him - these are the consequences of the choices he made. I hope he can continue to move forward and take care of his family, I wish no harm for him, I simply don't feel sorry for him.

  21. Really, Obama shows his middle name? How old was he when he did that?

  22. Really, Obama PICKED his own middle name?

  23. My parents gave me my middle name. What's up with that?

  24. She folded her hand when contacted by an attorney without asking any questions till after the fact and she is opposed to raising money....not defending the attorney, but potential political superstar isn't exactly my first thoughts. Even Ron Paul raises money.

  25. She thought she was dealing with a democracy. Silly her.

  26. No, someone called her and made a representation and she didn't ask any questions. As a city council person a whole bunch of people are going to be saying a whole bunch of things everyday.

    A candidate who says they aren't going to raise money to get their message out is basically saying I am going to let the media determine my story for me. That is not a smart gamble because the media that loves you today will tear you down tomorrow. Even Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich raise money to get their message out.

  27. I agree there is nothing wrong with raising money but I believe that far too much emphasis is put on raising money and not enough on the actual issues... The only thing that seems to matter in our local politics is raising damn money... it CAN Be done without tons of money... It SHOULD be done without a ton of money. Politics is corrupt BECAUSE of money. I am so tired of hearing it - fundraising fundraising fundraising... It takes money to do things and that's understandable but it does not have to be the focus of everything that candidates do nor should it. This is exactly why we can't get GOOD and HONEST people in office because once you take money you are beholden to the person/organization who GAVE it - there is no honesty in it.

  28. I didn't say she needed to raise a lot of money, but what the hell is she going to give to voters when she stops by so they remember her.

    She got less than 150 signatures so she obviously doesn't have the shoe leather time to put into knocking on doors to get people to know her.

    Do the organized groups protesting the water lease even know her? I mean does she have any organized group backing her candidacy?

    Hell, does she even have a facebook page where people can see where she stand on the issues?

    The attorney involved in calling her should be investigated, but this entire "potential superstar" line was ridiculous. Just because an attorney did something stupid and she is now going to court doesn't make her a potential anything.

  29. Hey, I personally never said she was a potential superstar... I have no idea what kind of councilwoman she would have even made. But what I do know is that the process was not followed, she was contacted by an attorney who misrepresented himself in whatever capacity and convinced her to withdraw when he should have simply challenged her petitions if they weren't up to snuff. No matter which way you try to look at it - at the end of the day - she was convinced to withdraw by Brennan. Should she have asked more questions, maybe - but no one and I mean NO ONE on this blog (other than her potentially) knows what was said between the two of them and to her family in those phone calls. Unfortunately, it's not even her word against his, because he called her family members too and oh btw, he did admit to calling her and "suggesting" she withdraw... At the end of the day there was no time for anyone to know who she was because she was coerced into withdrawing before she had time to campaign. From what I understand, she made the decision to run last minute right before petition time. there is absolutely nothing wrong with that - nothing... not ideal but she's not wrong for it. If all of this hadn't happened, I am sure a website/facebook page and all the typical things would have happened.

  30. The only thing that is obvious is that you are trashing her bc she is contrary to Pawlowski's wishes.

    How does it feel being an anonymous whore? I hope you are at least getting paid.

  31. Why are we talking about Mitt Romney's undergarments?

    I'd rather change the subject to Kim Velez's undergarments...

    But thank God we're not talking about your undergarments, Bernie, because Jesus. It's going downhill from here

  32. Perhaps she will mature, at this point she's a lightweight.

  33. As far as Velez goes, you have to start somewhere, go for it!
    Platt however, is an opportunist, politically speaking.
    Good story BO, he now knows we have an eye on him.

  34. God Bless Bill Platt, everyone deserves representation regardless of political party affiliation, refreshing during these dark days of politics


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