Local Government TV

Sunday, March 03, 2013

7th Grade 'Canes Win LV Knee-Hi Basketball 'Ship

7th Grade Canes (Dat only nutbag who won't smile)
After being down by eleven points in the first half, the 7th grade 'Canes roared back in the second, beating a tough DYC (Allentown Downtown Youth Center) team to win the LV Knee-Hi Basketball Championship for 7th grade kids, 78-67. The game was played today at Freedom High School.

It's a scary team. Although they have fallen behind several times this season, they always finds a way to come back and win.  In the last three years, they've lost just twice. Every single ball player is capable of scoring double digits in any given game, but what makes them good is that they work together.

Much of the credit for that is due to Head Coach Craig Golden. Unfortunately, he missed the game as a result of a death in his family. But his assistant, Dom Italiani, did a great job with these young men.

The game was interrupted briefly when Mayor John Callahan barged in, arguing a call. The ref asked him to leave, and he did, making rabbit ears as he left. I think he got thrown out of the pool too, even though there was no swimming meet.

On Monday, Callahan will call all the refs and apologize.
Dat and his Mom

Dat with Justin, still thinks he can't smile


  1. Just curious as to why you call this young man your Grandson.

  2. Because that is what he has always been to me, and I have always been a grandfather to him. I was with him when he was born, and have always been a big part of his life. I have explained this several times. If you'd like to know more, you really should identify yourself.

  3. @10:41 he appears to be one "Mark Baker" which may be an alias, but who really knows. Nice photos, hope to read about this bunch going deep in the State Tournament in the next 3-5 years. Basketball my favorite sport to play and will bring your grandson many years of joy even after his competitive days are over.

  4. There are some very gifted boys on that team, and they play well together. Most of them have played together for 5 years. The boy at the bottom, posing with Dat, has played football and baseball with Dat since second grade. He can hit a baseball like there's no tomorrow.

  5. Dude, the kid is flashing a gang sign. How long before the basketball gets traded in for a mac 9.

  6. BO 10:41 - no offense was meant. Seriously didn't know. It is good of you to do what you do.

    I think you understand why I use Mark Baker.

  7. Dat's mom is smokin'...

  8. Great win for the kids, congrats!

    The Banker

  9. "Dude, the kid is flashing a gang sign. How long before the basketball gets traded in for a mac 9."

    The parents there are very cognizant of gang signs, much more so than you. What the boys were flashing is what they are - #1. Your attempt to impute some nefarious motive is ridiculous and reveals why you comment at 3:54 AM. What an asshole you must be!

  10. " think you understand why I use Mark Baker."

    I think I do, and I hope you understand why I'm unwilling to go into great detail.

  11. Fair enough, BO

  12. Sorry Bernie but the Dat kid is flashing the two finger down sign. Better check it out.

    Better safe than sorry.

  13. Give it a rest, moron. Dat gets p at 6:30 AM to practice basketball every morning, just shooting on his own. After school, he does his homework. Evenings are consumed by practices. His had was down because he was tired after playing he entire game without a rest.

    What you're really trying to say is that Dat is dark-skinned so he must be a gang banger. I'd think that way too if i were a bigot like you.


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