Local Government TV

Friday, February 15, 2013

William Wallace to Take Third Swing at NorCo Council Seat

Bill Wallace (right) poses with State Rep. Steve Samuelson
before Bethlehem Labor Day parade
Bill Wallace won't be getting Edward Longshank's vote. Wallace is not the same dude who fought for Scottish freedom so many years ago. He looks nothing like Mel Gibson, either. But I'm certain the name alone would be enough to rouse Edward I from his dusty crypt and dispatch a few longbows. So don't say anything about this in England. Wallace, a Fine Arts teacher in the Pennridge School District, is making his third bid for Northampton County Council. He's hoping the third time is the charm.

Unlike Braveheart, who fought so dirty he used the Irish, Wallace has run clean campaigns in his previous tries for public office. Maybe that's his problem.

Here's the Easton resident's announcement:

With the support of my family, friends and Democrats across Northampton County, I am officially declaring my candidacy for Northampton County Council.

We have seen great changes in the last few years in Northampton County politics. One of the most remarkable is the increased cooperation and effectiveness on the part of the Council and the Executive. However, as this election year progresses, the people of Northampton County will be making significant decisions as to which direction we will move in. I would like to be a part of this momentous change.

We are on the brink of renewed vigor in our economy. Already, there are plans in action to rebuild and revitalize the cities of Bethlehem and Easton. There are plans for key developments in boroughs and townships across the County that will add thousands of jobs in our region. I support the revitalization and improvement of county infrastructure that will address and accommodate the effect these changes will have on the people of Northampton County. Timely, cost effective and improved solutions for our deteriorating Human Services facilities need to be addressed.

At the same time, County Council must be aware of the changes that will be coming and do our best to anticipate the growth coming to our county. We should be continuing to support the fine work of our District Attorney, keep our courthouse and offices safe and secure, and insure our employees have up to date technology and facilities. We must accept the leadership and vision of our county executive now and in the future, yet at the same time; I will provide the people of this county my own insight and perspective.

I believe that we should give our DA and law enforcement across the county the advantage over violent criminals with modern technology and information. I want to ensure the safety of our County Sheriffs and local officers while on duty through ongoing updates and revisions in information sharing, and further limiting access to illegal guns.

As our society changes, so must our laws and policies. Northampton County needs to be inclusive in recognizing modern families and address the needs of our employees. I will introduce and support equality legislation and policies in Northampton County. I will work to support gender equality in pay and in representation in senior levels of county government.

I support prevailing wage laws and all the economic benefits that result from them. I will support extending them to cover as many projects as possible. This will ensure that our most competent, skilled workers and their employers are able to compete fairly.

I believe that we now have the opportunity to address, in a dignified way, the root causes of crime and criminal behavior. Creating the Drug and Alcohol incarceration facility was a great first step. Not until we admit that chemical dependency is a medical issue can we improve the lives of everyone affected – families, friends and neighbors.

That’s why I am asking for your vote on May 21, and again in November. I look forward to running a open and honest campaign and serving the people. That’s why I am running for Northampton County Council.


  1. Thank God there's another teacher running.

    Maybe it's something in the tater tots.

  2. Reads like speech in a can. Long on platitudes short on specifics. With the gushing words about county council fawning all over the County Execuiutve, it sounds like he is running for a cabinet pisition and not a council seat.

    God, please no more head bobbbers. But he is a teacher.

  3. Funny how all these teachers have time to run for political office yet when it's contract time they'd have you believe all their free time is spent grading papers and prepping for class.

  4. Bill is a great candidate. He has my vote. He is an independent thinker but still a team player . He is one of the most decent persons you will ever meet. Good luck Bill. Where can i send you a contribution ?

  5. Edward I was known as Longshanks, not his son, Edward II.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. You are correct. I shall make the change.

  8. BLAH BLAH BLAH... more recycled ideas and silly promises. Not a creative bone in the heads of any of these candidates.

  9. Maybe you should run 8:49, or maybe you dont have the guts to do so..There are alot of candidates running. It's not an easy thing to do..If you have a disagreement with a candidate on issues then pick another..Or speak to your disagreement..

  10. Yes, by all means, elect another one from the "ever increasing cost, ever decreasing results" crowd.


  11. Team players almost sold Gracedale and are going to abandon Easton and make a developer very rich in Bethelehem Twp.. Yes, more of them, please!

  12. Republicans almost sold Gracedale. No dems except Stoffa..No idea what you are talking about..


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