Local Government TV

Saturday, February 09, 2013

Ron Angle, Co-Stalker

Did you know that Ron Angle is stalking Tricia Mezzacappa? I'm sure that's news to him, but Mezzacappa has told the Prevaricating Preacher that I have made Angle a deputy stalker or something, and he follows her around when she comes to the courthouse.

"Now, since O'Hare has a pending TRO, he is sending Angle, in his place, to follow me into the courthouse. This happenned [sic] once so far and the Sherriffs [sic] are aware and investigating. They are taking my fear very seriously and have all acted with great professionalism.

"If you fear an O'Hare attack, please do let the SHrriff's [sic] know what a dangerous bully he is, and the threats he is making. The sherriffs [sic] know that I fear for my safety and make sure that I get to and from my places of business quickly and safely."

In the meantime, Mezzacappa's posting privileges at The Express Times have been suspended. I wonder if they stalk her, too?


  1. We can only hope you win your litigation against her. PLEASE include a request to the judge that an order be issued to Google for her blog to be removed and all cached posts be removed, as well.

    She is one hate filled bitch without a conscience, anonymously commenting on her own blog with innuendo and false statements.

    My take on her is that she has a serious money problem, which may explain her anger and complaints about how much her RTKL requests are costing her. No income and no prospects at ever being employed again. With luck, a bank will foreclose on her home and she'll end up pushing a shopping cart around during the day and sleeping under a bridge at night.

    West Easton will be only too happy to relocate her to a nice overpass back in NJ.

  2. She posted that video of herself over at her blog. I wonder what she is really saying. If it is anything remotely close to what those employees testified before a DJ coupled with her animation, it is a wonder that she didn't get removed by the PD. Does she think normal people behave in such a manner? She really does not help herself. I mean a total idiot could win a case against her. She keeps shooting herself in the foot. (No pun intended.)

  3. "The sherriffs [sic] know that I fear for my safety and make sure that I get to and from my places of business quickly and safely."
    Are the TaxPayers renumerating the officer for your time? Is your concealed weapons permit valid? Sounds like megalamanic,machinational psychoses-of-paranoidal delusions-of-Grandeur

  4. Ron Angle is too busy for that nonsense, delusional on her part.

  5. "With luck, a bank will foreclose on her home and she'll end up pushing a shopping cart around during the day and sleeping under a bridge at night."

    I'm a sinner, not a saint. A bottom-feeding blogger to boot. But let's not wish evil things on other people. Then we become just like that which we despise in others.

  6. 11:14,

    Way too busy. What happened is Ron and his wife happened to be at the courthouse on one of the near daily visits she's been making in recent weeks. He and his wife Sharon were there to file papers for a friend. As Ron and his wife walked in, she was flying out of there, talking to herself and cursing, according to Angle.

    From this one incident, Mezzacappa has gone on to conclude that he must therefore be stalking her, and must be doing it at my instance.

    She is right about one thing. I am sure that deputy sheriffs were very professional with her.

  7. @ See Me:"West Easton will be only too happy to relocate her to a nice overpass back in NJ" Is there any such animal as Redemption Politics? Feed a Hobo samwiches & stew is so Passe'

  8. She has issues. No doubt about it. What is more amazing is that she makes posts about shooting Ohare but never mentions him by name. What beyond amazing is that she has gun permit and talks openly about it and how she intends to use it. Red Flag Red Flag - where is the Sheriff on this one? Where is the Easton Police Chief on this one? Both are responsible for issuing permits and investigating whether the person applying or possessing one is worthy for the lack of better terms. This is the stuff that the main stream media is dying to get their chops in should something bad happen. The Sheriff and Easton Police Chief have a duty to do something now instead of waiting for something to happen. How many more hints do they need?

  9. Even the paranoid have real enemies. Hey, TM, boo!

  10. warming up the grill for the pig roast. the guest list is growing.

  11. The Mayor of Utopian Easton is the Commander (chain-of-command)of the Easton Police Chief. Does Tricia Mezzacappa have a "Note" from the mayor/sheffif to be Untouchable? Trish sounds like La Bella Mafia w/ a broomstick. A "NEW" twist on a Olde style.

  12. When your blog gets spammed or hijacked, you never really see good spam or hijack comments like this one:

    O'Hare is a P'burg fan.

  13. O'Hare likes Toby's hot dog.

  14. She knows that you and Angle have colloaborated in the past on shady things. She is freightened and has every right to seek protection.

  15. @ Anonymous said...
    "She knows that you and Angle have colloaborated in the past on shady things. She is freightened and has every right to seek protection."

    Aren't people in cahoot's called cahooters'? Also,"Freight-en-ed" sounds like a train bearing weight....too bad they discontinued the caboose,Why is there no end to this gravy-train???

  16. The Mens-Rea of Criminal Culpability is now established, should he EVER end up on the WRONG-side-of-the-Law....(in Northampton Cnty)....."It is Bachik who managed to piss off the entire court - all nine judges - after accusing them of playing favorites.

  17. Bernie, this NorCo R county committee, however, would struggle to put together a coherent explanation of what day of the week it is. We're a mess and an embarrassment.(Barron with a shorter skirt and weapons) I'm not holding my breath waiting for a statement from the county committee. I don't even know if they have an organized response mechanism for crap like this. We're talking NorCo Rs here.(read Keystone Kopper's) I love my team. But I know my team's limits. Stay safe, in any matter, from us.

  18. The Devil's Ménage à trois=Woodman,Angle & Caps

    Bernie they've just been trying to protect Brown who has been victimized by many of their lovers, (not saying you were one of them ;-) but if he does not stand upright soon and show/engauge' backbone G.O.P's(R) bunghole will be the size of a coke can. o_O


  19. How about the contaminated soil he had dumped up at the incinerator. That was never cleaned up. Who made the money there? Brown or Saveri"....Mazzocchi owns a Privately-Posted-Private-Access @ Cliff's Automotive on crick rd. in Bangor. From the TOXIC WASTE DUMP in Bangor/East, to up over the Slate Dumps(Rubbish piles) to Bangor VEIN (which Capozollo still MINES) Mazzocchi-Capozollo-Zito (wells-under-injunction) are adjoining Land-Owner's w/ a Private-Access-Road traverseing Ridge Road to the Cranberry Bog's & the Prevalent Wild-Cat{Illegal} Sewerage Systems into East Bangor Dam....{Think GREEN Water}. I can prove it.

  20. @ least he is not anonymous such as yourself....do you have something to hide??? A political war with a bunch of anony-mouses isn't much-of-a-challenge. Why won't you go "ON RECORD" and Identify your-selves? Apathetic Ambigousity does not a LEADER make.....

  21. anon@ 11:17am. You can prove nothing.
    1- It's spelled Creek not crick.
    2- the road in bangor in front of Cliffs is not Creek Road. Figure it out yourself.
    3- Mazzachi does not own this road. Again figure it out.
    4- The properties you refer to are not in Bangor or East bangor, but the townships.
    4- The 3 families you try to smear have nothing in common other than the vowel at the end of their names.

    The rest of your nonsense is, well nonsense. Are you anti- italian? Dont you live in Roseto.

  22. Anon @ 4:35PM

    I split my time between Phila. & Media, Pennsylvania, & you?


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