Local Government TV

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Nike Co-Founder to NCAA: Just Don't Do It

A lynch mob mentality in the MSM has led to a condemnation of all things PSU. Thankfully, some courageous people are now rallying to Joe Paterno's defense. Among them is Nike co-founder Phil Knight. "Just don't do it," he tells the NCAA.


  1. Paterno's family needs to shut up and go away. The Thornburgh report (paid for by the family) very carefully parsed words to criticize the Freeh investigation, but not exonerate Joe. Joe Paterno twice lied to a grand jury and would likely be under indictment if still alive. His wife saying they were in shock when charges were brought against Sandusky is outright nonsense. Several times after several years after firing Sandusky, Joe asked why he still had access to PSU facilities, like pools and locker rooms. And there's a reason Sandusky, the highest profile defensive coordinator in D-1, couldn't get a job after being fired, despite several head coaching interviews (Virginia was one). Those ADs called fellow AD JoePa and asked him what was up. Joe told them to stay away and they did. Everybody knew Sandusky was creep. Joe had been told by the assistant who saw Sandusky rape the boy amid "rhythmic slapping" in the shower. The NCAA is a detestable orrganization on a good day. Penn State and the Paternos should be the last ones throwing stones, however.

  2. "Joe had been told by the assistant who saw Sandusky rape the boy amid "rhythmic slapping" in the shower."

    Actually, the most damning reports do not say that at all. It appears that the mob wanted a scapegoat and it found one.

    Go Ohio State!

  3. Phil Knight, American job exporter, billionaire on the backs of third world child sweatshop labor.

    Right up there with Jerry, imho.


  4. That makes him a real American, Clem.

  5. So much hate, so little time ...

  6. Joe went to his grave knowing that he could have done more.

  7. Sorry Bernie -- Joe was more concerned with his football program so he buried his head in the sand for years all the while kids were being abused.

  8. Good for you Phil, you made a terrific speech at Joe's memorial. You are a friend of the Paterno family for many years. The Paterno report is at least objective not totally subjective like the Freeh report. Finally the truth comes out. Unfortunately you will always have those PSU haters out there who hate Joe and PSU and cannot believe he could run such a squeaky clean program , graduate football players and win football games. The FACTS DO NOT support the findings of the Freeh report. Phil Knight as you stated at the memorial speech Joe was your hero and he is still my hero and will always be!!

  9. Too bad Joe Paterno didn't tell Sandusky that.

  10. At the time covered by the Freeh Report, Joe Paterno was the most powerful man at PSU and probably in State College. For him to say he reported an incident to his "superiors" and that exonerates him is a joke. That an excuse a lower level person would use.

  11. I believe Freeh was paid as well so cut the crap that the Paternos paid for a report. Their report is more objective than Freeh and check Freeh's background he's always been a "hired gun" finding what those who pay him ask for. Try readibg the book "Paterno"

  12. Paternos were negotiating for more dough while the old man was enabling a child rapist. They're just evil. Sue Paterno is a lying ghoul. She's almost as despicable as Sandusky's goofy beard. And Ohio State sucks too. Football as an excuse to ass rape kids is disgusting. PSU was a citadel for this. Own it.

  13. I don't debate morons or drunks. I assume you're sober

  14. When people say they won't it's usually because they can't; which explains the name calling.


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