Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hot Dog Man Running For Bethlehem City Council

Bethlehem's controversial hot dog man, Chris Morales, is running for Bethlehem City Council. He's a Republican and I sure as hell hope we have no hot dog trouble like we had in the last City Council race. But I'm pretty sure a few pictures of his hot dogs are out there on the Internet.

They're easy weenies, too.


  1. I wish he was running for Mayor.

  2. maybe, just maybe - we'll get someone on council that has common sense and honor instead of the weak kneed union teachers that we have now.

    When are any of these incumbents actually going to make a real and honest statement on the 911 system, privatizing certain functions of government, the single hauler issue or their plans to allivate the pension problems?

    Watch these yahoos as they text and talk amongst each other as citizens are presenting issues. Watch their self centered minds close to all but those who donate money.

    They are not civil as some suggest. They are ignoring the electorate for their own political gain.

    Watch booby d sit there for 17 years with his plastic face contributing nothing but adding to your tax burden.

    watch little hitler evans refuse to evaluate the single hauler issue that will save you close to $200 a year while he champions yet another tax increase.

    watch belinski, well never mind........

    watch dg build negative walls of obstruction

    watch them have a committee meeting to discuss the results of the last committee meeting on committee meetings

    we need fresh blood and eagarness on council not luke warm bodies wondering about their next concert tickets.

    vote these people out. do not elect them to higher office - VOTE!!!!!

  3. hot dog problems.... that's FUNNY!

  4. He should get the gay votes, especially if he's giving away free weiners...

  5. Uncle Remus, you are aware that pensions are a state issue. The City cannot waive a magic wand and change them. The City has made changes to the pensions, but that is for the new hires.

  6. And here I thought his name was Frank.

  7. Can someone who is not part of a political machine get elected? I hope so....

    I know next to nothing about this guy other then what I read. But if he's a genuine local business owner who sees problems with his local government and wants to run so he can be a positive force then thats great.

    Best of luck to the hot dog man.

  8. "Can someone who is not part of a political machine get elected? I hope so...."

    not in bethlehem he cant....

  9. Chis is a successful small business owner who will cut the pork out of city government and make the budget kosher, i for one will relish in his election but worry it will affect the quality of his homemade sauerkraut.

  10. "Can someone who is not part of a political machine get elected?"


  11. Ever hear of the Governator?

  12. On a totally unrelated note, do you have any comment on your buddy Thode's lawsuit against Lehigh University. You can check it out in Girodano's courtroom if you want. Public support on the mcall comment page seems to be favoring the university.


  13. Why would I comment on a suit about LU in a post about the hot dog man? I have been in the courtroom and am more familiar with the case than the experts commenting on the MC page.

  14. Just saying cause the whole Thode family is coming across as a bunch of entitled, bratty, assholes. And, let's face it in this vallley, perception is reality.

  15. "Chis is a successful small business owner who will cut the pork out of city government and make the budget kosher, i for one will relish in his election but worry it will affect the quality of his homemade sauerkraut"

    this is worthy of some kind of award

  16. "Just saying cause the whole Thode family is coming across as a bunch of entitled, bratty, assholes. And, let's face it in this vallley, perception is reality."

    I don't give a shit how they come across. I know the family a little, and they are good, hard-working and extremely intelligent people.

    I have seen some of the trial, and it strikes me that LU academia is a bunch of snobs who had it in for this girl, possibly bc she is Steve's daughter. Their goal is to crucify them in the press.

    LU's legal team is feeding stuff to the press, and some of it is not part of the record. It is their goal to make Thode look ridiculous and Lehigh look good. In Court, it's a different story LU just lost a motion for a directed verdict.

    I'm not predicting a winner, but you cannot really argue intelligently about this matter unless you spend some time there.

  17. BO 10:26,

    It is true that the pensions are a state issue. I realize that you may not be able to fix the pass

    However council could take further aggressive steps to ease the burden in the future. They should be privatizing the golf course, the grass cutting, the skate rink and skate park as well as the city garage.

    This would be a much more valuable use of their time and power instead of the wasted weeks they spent nit picking the vendor ordinance while a struggling small business man tried to eke out a living..

  18. 7:13 have you run any numbers to support your assumption? Things are not cut and dry, there are many variables that need to be taken into account. Should we not first look at the functions, streamline the process and see how the current workers given the same constraints can perform? I'm tired of people taking shots from outside and not fully grasping what the hell they are saying.... Sell sell sell is not an operating plan,



  19. The Councilman will put a "WEENIE" in every POT

  20. seamus,

    i think we could at least agree that it would be worth looking at. council needs to be pro active.

    (not on the outside)

  21. He has my vote!!! No more teachers on Council or as Mayor!!!

  22. Yo Bernie. What is your email address?


  23. My email address is on my blogger profile. It is BOHare5948@aol.com.

    If this is something to do with the comment I saw posted on the Gracedale blog, I have no interest. I am not good at pretending and being a phony.

  24. good for this guy. I have been a fan of his work ethic ever since he started getting kicked around. I hope he does well. I don't care if he's a D or an R. I'd vote for him.

  25. 'Tis a shame that this guy followed the rules to achieve the "American" dream.......only to nefariously have the rules changed.
    Is it truly better to ask for forgiveness,than permission? Leader's lead-by-example. Children are mimics & do-as-I-say Not-as-I-do belies your true intentions. Rules appear to be made....for those whom will follow them. Clarifications Please? Thank You.

  26. Hey Uncle Remus....If Johnny Casino wouldnt have taken money fron th e funds u speak of there would not have been pension problems....strange that noone wants to know were all this money has gone....even u Bernie Im surprised...what have u been promised??????

  27. What a moronic comment! Several months ago, I wrote an exhaustive blog about Bethlehem's municipal pension crisis, how it got that way, and what the City can do.


  28. Please take note of the state of the city address, and the standing ovation the Mayor got afterwards. It will hopefully be up on a page soon.

    Bernie sorry we did not invite you, did you have a chance to make it anyway? If not we will have it up soon.


  29. I tried to get in, but Iannelli dispatched several goons to take me out. I got thru all of them until Angle, in his new job as a bouncer, knocked me over.


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