Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hanover Township Supervisors Have a Vision

A vision visited Hanover Township Supervisors at their February 12 meeting. It appeared in the form of Holly Edinger, Director of Sustainable Development at Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corp. (LVEDC).

What will the Lehigh Valley be like twenty years from now? Will there still be working farms? Will housing be affordable? How long will it take to get to work? What kind of jobs will be available? These and other questions are the question being asked by Edinger for Envision Lehigh Valley, a public outreach effort designed to engage the citizens of the Lehigh Valley to create a truly sustainable Lehigh Valley.

In 2012, Envision Lehigh Valley hosted 30 public meetings, seeking input from the public. Edinger briefed p Supervisors about the program. One of the goal is to create highly livable neighborhoods throughout the Lehigh Valley, where residents can live, work, shop and play without the use of a car. Even in suburbs like Hanover Township.

Mark Tanczos and Glenn Walbert receive a vision
In other business Hanover Supervisors were briefed on the cost of handling a 5" snowstorm like the one that hit on February 8. A storm like that, which required only one application of salt, cost the Township nearly $11,500. About 1/3 of that was the cost of salt. Another $1,100 paid for fuel. The rest is labor for the 15-man crew. This crew includes Township Manager Jay Finnigan and Public Works Director Vince Milite. A 16th person, Supervisor John Diacogiannis, rode shotgun on one of the plows. He called it a "most enjoyable night," and complimented the crew for an "outstanding job" while everyone else is asleep.

Supervisors also signed off on a reduced assessment for property owned by Hanover Glen. Originally intended as condos, the developer is renting out the property as apartment dwellings. "If he sells just one unit, the assessment ges back to what it was before," noted Solicitor James Broughal. "We don't see any downside to it."

Supervisors also re-appointed Danielle McFadden and Joan Rosenthal as co-coordinators to the Township's Crime Watch program. McFadden told Supervisors they will educate residents about the dangers presented by Facebook and other social media outlets.

Supervisors will meet again on February 26, 7 PM, at the Municipal Building, located at 3630 Jacksonville Rd.


  1. I double dipped and attended two Envision public meetings... for the price tag of the program (3.4 Million...) I thought I'd try to get my money's worth. One I attended was in LMT where I live and another in Macungie Borough where my business is.

    Both were very interesting and well attended. Neat cross sections of residents.

    At the borough event I ended up in the small group with a VERY large-scale developer who though I don't always see eye to eye with (but sometimes I do) I have a good relationship with and whom I respect, another person was based on my snap judgement a fairly liberal I'd go as far as say treehugger..., another a member of our local environmental advisory board but with conservative leanings if I were to go out on a limb, my girlfriend who is pretty a-political but very proud to say held her own in the discussion... and another gentleman who owned a local small business.

    Lots of varying opinions from such a diverse group. But also alot of consensus on general themes. To me that's what it's all about. I don't know what envision did to get such a varied cross section of people in a room together at both these events.. But the it worked.

    I definitely took something out of both meetings.

  2. What I like is that the ideas created will go to the LVPC and make up part of the 2030 comprehensive plan.

  3. it appears that LVEDC is under new management and moving forward. KUDOS!!!!!

  4. I had my doubts about the whole program, but glad to hear Ron's feedback.

    And yes Remus, LVEDC new management. Phil "I retired just in time to collect another paycheck" Mittman is out and Don Cunningham in. Everyone I've spoken with wishes this change was made a long time ago.

    The Banker

  5. Holly Edinger is cool people. Very professional and down to earth...

    Alfonso Todd


  6. Wow Bernie ARE YOU A DREAMER!

  7. Did you ever see a dream walking? Well, I did.

  8. Put on the hip boots and bring a shovel, this vision stuff is a cruel joke. Ms Edinger lives in Allentown and she does this with a straight face?
    Oh please, spare us. Like the developers or politicians give a good god damn?????????

  9. Based on the intelligent questions from Hanover's Supervisors, I'd say yes. Most of the townships know that good planning is very important. You're probably right about most developers.

  10. Holly Edinger may be the coolest thing on four wheels. Her reputation is one of professionalism. She appears to have a job to do and she's doing it. But if you think this vision crap is worth a hill of beans Alfonzo Todd, you are no more a part of the solution than the clowns who already run the circus in Allentown.

  11. If the townships need this dog and pony show to clarify their vision and their planning strategies, they are in deep shit.

  12. J.B. Reilly has a vision. How can he reach Holly Edinger?

  13. I am highly critical of J.B. Reilly, whom I consider an unprincipled opportunist. But his developments are among the best. I'll give him that.

  14. I have a vision of the city of Allentown having a firesale and selling everything it owns.

  15. It appears that the LVEDC is usupring the LVPC as the regional planning commission and the entity to take the lead on regional land use issues. Both Counties need to look into this. The basic question is why is the LVPC not taking lead and why it did not secure the grant for Envision. Also, is Holly Edinger a Planner by education and profession or is she simply spewing planning jargon without really understanding what she is speaking about?

  16. This isn't really a planning exercise. This is really a feel-good exercise.

  17. Give it a rest. This is being used for the LVPC 2030 comprehensive plan. Their budget and staffing has been cut by both counties over several years and you question why they were not at the front?

  18. Holly is doing a great job and I support this initiative.

    I attended a session too and like
    Mr. Beitler, I found it very diverse .

    There were three projects targeted for the $3.4M Envision grant, one in each of the Cities with the goal of creating walkable jobs. Each project has merit. I hope this group can continue its fine work and hopefully bring greater attention to other underutilized sites in the LV.

    As example, January 27, marked 24 years since the former Lehigh Valley Dairy shuttered its doors to 270 walkable, family sustaining jobs. It is located at the border of Allentown and Whitehall and is arguably the most prominent brownfield site in Lehigh County. It is located 1/4 mile of 18,000 residents and is situated in close proximity to LV Western Gateway and LV's busiest intersection (Route 22 & MacArthur Road). It is along the northern gateway to Allentown. This property has great potential and could have tremendous benefit to the core of the LV if developed properly.

    Debating aside, I am excited what is happening in Center City and do believe it will be transformational. If JB Reilly has a twin, might he consider the LV Dairy property for his or her next investment?

  19. The goals of Agenda 21 are not only being implemented in the United States. This is a massive worldwide effort that is being coordinated by the United Nations. An article that was posted on RedState.com discussed some of the history of Agenda 21…

    In simplified terms, Agenda 21 is a master blueprint, or guidelines, for constructing “sustainable” communities. Agenda 21 was put forth by the UN’s Commission on Sustainable Development, and was adopted by over 200 countries (signed into “soft law” by George Bush Sr.) at the United Nations Rio Conference in 1992. In 1994 the President’s Council for Sustainable Development was created via Executive Order by Bill Clinton to begin coordinating efforts at the Federal level to make the US Agenda 21 compliant.

    The same year that Bill Clinton established the President’s Council for Sustainable Development, the International Code Council was also created.

    The International Code Council has developed a large number of “international codes” which are intended to replace existing building codes all over the United States. The following is a list of these codes from Wikipedia…

    International Building Code
    International Residential Code
    International Fire Code
    International Plumbing Code
    International Mechanical Code
    International Fuel Gas Code
    International Energy Conservation Code
    ICC Performance Code
    International Wildland Urban Interface Code
    International Existing Building Code
    International Property Maintenance Code
    International Private Sewage Disposal Code
    International Zoning Code
    International Green Construction Code

    These codes are very long and exceedingly boring, and those that write them know that hardly anyone will ever read them.

    And for the most part, they contain a lot of things that are contained in existing building codes or that are common sense.

    But a lot of poison has also been inserted into these codes. If you read them carefully, the influence of Agenda 21 is painfully obvious.

    Unfortunately, even most of the local politicians that are adopting these codes don’t take the time to read them. Most of them just assume that they are “updating” their existing building codes.

  20. So what often happens is that there will be fights in local communities between citizens that are concerned about the encroachment of Agenda 21 and local politicians who regard such talk as nonsense. The following is an example of what is happening all over the nation…

    Summit Hill Borough Council last night unanimously adopted the “2012 edition of the International Property Maintenance Code,” but not before some audience members expressed vehement opposition to it.

    An overflow crowd of 34 people attended the meeting, with some there to specifically voice their displeasure.

    Sandy Dellicker, a borough resident, said she was against using an “international” maintenance code, arguing that it falls under the plan of Agenda 21 of the United Nations; an agenda for the 21st Century.

    She said, “UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the action plan to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all information, all energy, and all human beings in the world.”

    “This is not a conspiracy theory,” she told the council. “This is for real.”

    She said the International Property Maintenance Code had been adopted in Montgomery County, but the county “has already gotten rid of it” because of its dictatorial direction.

    “This is not what Summit Hill and the United States is about,” she said.

    Council members pooh-poohed her assessment. “In my opinion, the International Property Maintenance Code is to protect citizens,” said Council President Michael Kokinda.

  21. @1:04 & Mr. Beitler,

    I totally support this Vision process also--------- pass the Kool-Aid please.

  22. 828. Personally, I am lemonade guy. One could sit on the sidelines and be bitter about the lemon or one could get involveld and provide input. I prefer to help shape the future then to sit back and provide opinion when the future is in the rear view mirror.

  23. Check out Allentown, the largest city in the Valley.
    Nobody gives a shit what your opinion is. This whole thing is cynical bullshit.
    Your glass isn't half full,your either hopelessly gullible or, more than likely your on the payroll.
    Please!!!!! Spare us.

  24. This photo is so bad and it always pops up when you search Holly Edinger. I don't suppose you would take it down for me?

  25. Holly, it is a great pic, but i will take it down tonight. I am a bad photographer, but you have never had a bad photo.


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