Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Callahan to Make It Official Today

Callahan makes LU Women's Basketball Team

OK. I'm kidding about that. His crossover just isn't good enough.

But Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan will finally reveal the worst kept secret in the Lehigh Valley. Today. At 3:30 PM, he'll announce his candidacy for County Exec. In a move to reassure the pro-Gracedale crowd, he'll be making his announcement from the County nursing home.

Here's part of his announcement:

"Mayor Callahan was elected mayor in November of 2003 and took office in January 2004. He is currently in his tenth year in office. He entered public office in 1998, being elected to City Council, and becoming the youngest elected official in the history of the City. He has led the City in the dynamic transformation of the 1800 acres of the former Bethlehem Steel site – the largest brownfield site in the country - into a business, cultural, and retail destination, anchored by the Sands Casino Resort Bethlehem and Steel Stacks. In his time as mayor he has ushered in more than $2 billion in economic development, which has created or retained more than 5500 jobs. Bethlehem currently has another $1.8 billion of economic development ongoing in the city that will result in as many as an additional 5500 new jobs.

"Bethlehem is in the strongest financial condition in decades. Under Mayor Callahan’s leadership Bethlehem has become one of the safest, most prosperous, and fastest growing cities in Pennsylvania."

Unlike many of you, I don't live in the Christmas City. But every time I visit, it looks just a little nicer than the time before. I'm sure Callahan would agree that the credit for this is due to the people who live there And that's true. But he had something to do with it, too.


  1. How can he just waltz into the nursing hoime to do that?

  2. Obvious grandstanding move. Doubt Gracedale supporters are fooled. The Easton Express has a great article online. It covers some real facts about Callahan and not just butt kissing.

  3. The same way that any candidate makes his campaign announcement. Lamont McClure has done so from the courthouse. AG Kathleen Kane made a political speech at the courthouse.

    It's called the First Amendment. It's not too long and does not have many big word. Look it up some time.

  4. Will he be in the main building? Was he granted permission to be there? Was anyone else denied persmission to announce there?

  5. I have no idea where he will make his announcement, but suggest you notify the FBI and Secret Service.

  6. Callhoffa cannot fool we the people, it is time for RMM to step up and announce his candidacy for Norco CC. The COAF cannot tolerate another round of inept public officials and must step up to these challenging times with a modern day disciple of Christ our Lord and Savior.

  7. Hey Bwernie, I bet you will be there. Word is Stoffa is endorsing him amnd will attend. True?

  8. "Word is" is a way to spread lies. Stoffa has endorsed no candidate, as you well know.

  9. 2:38 is obviously from Fake Rev Mario Martinez, who is creating a groundswell of support for himself in his own tiny mind. I would think he would run for Executive. Not only i he a modern day disciple, but Jesus even speaks to him thru his TV set. He and Mezzacappa could form a wingnut slate.

  10. Monday, October 11th 2010
    Bernie O'Hare said:

    "I now know what kind of person Callahan really is, and could never support him for anything."

    ~ BOH comment on his post, Callahan Defends Ad Depicting Soldier With Blood Running Down Face

  11. The man who toots Bethlehem while running it into the ground and chucks his finger at all the other municipalities in the County wants to be a County man. Screw him. I'll vote for Reibman before this jerk.

  12. PS he did not usher in anything in the City. It was coming whether he was the Mayor or if Kilroy was Mayor. Give me a break.

  13. Will someone please look at the City Audits?

    Will someone ask where all the casino funds have gone?

    Will someone ask why his brother-in-law took the heat for the vehicle roll-over.

    BOH, what happened? In 2010 you couldn't support him. DO you believe all the BS now?

  14. Will he speak to borrowing money to make city payroll or covering up the family member police cruiser crash?

    Is this the best we can do? What a sleazy incompetent.

    Our choices are terrible.

  15. Petrucci will be there with an offer to buy Gracedale.

  16. Johnny Casino will be shaking down the old folks there to add to his obscene war chest.

  17. Bo,

    It appears you are surronded by fools this morning. Most of these comments are so silly they are not worth replying to.

    We will see who has the last laugh.

  18. John's property tax relief from the casino money has been a Godsend to taxpayers. Promise made. Promise kept.

  19. Tax relief is a REDUCTION, not maintaining or increasing indicating it would have gone up without the casino revenue.

  20. I'm sure Callahan would agree that the credit for this is due to the people who live there And that's true. But he had something to do with it, too.

    You are simply unbelievable. We said this time and time again only to get shouted down by you. But that was when he was running against Charles Dent. Now he's suddenly a great inspiration for you. Incredible.

  21. "I now know what kind of person Callahan really is, and could never support him for anything."

    Precisely. And you act as though you are being consistent and we're the rubes.

  22. The man who toots Bethlehem while running it into the ground and chucks his finger at all the other municipalities in the County wants to be a County man. Screw him. I'll vote for Reibman before this jerk.

    I live in a "municipality" and they are a wasteland of nothing. Bethlehem is the only saving grace of the Lehigh Valley.

  23. BOH, what happened? In 2010 you couldn't support him. DO you believe all the BS now?

    Perhaps a shiny new Macbook Pro?

  24. Callahan or Reibman.

    Man, we have a great shot at this election!


    Mickey Mouse and Bill Jenkins, popular write-in "candidates"

  25. Heck with Callahan and Reibman, Onembo runs the county anyway why even elect an executive!!

  26. Johnny Casino will be the next NH county exec. Take him for a four year test drive and see what happens. Reibman is past history and a proven inept leader of men. Johnny is cute and the chicks dig him! Come one..come all..have some pink koolaide.

  27. 9:02,

    Anyone who reads this blog regularly knows very well that I was one of Callahan's harshest critics when he ran for Congress. That's no secret, and I stand by what I said then. You see, I take responsibility for my words.

    At that time, Callahan would not take stands, Bethlehem was in fiscal trouble and he would not talk to me or his usual supporters. All of that has changed. Callahan reached out to his usual supporters. He even reached out to me. He has made changes to the way Bethlehem does its budget, and the City finished last year with a positive balance for the first time in many years. Many other things he was already doing right. So I will support him for Exec over Reibman, who has learned nothing

  28. He was a shit then. He is a shit now. The view of the guy who endorsed John Edwards should be seen in context.

  29. and Onembo can take a taxi to work

  30. He can't be serious. The guy is an ethical oil slick. A newbie prosecutor with no budget and five minutes to investigate could get Callahan indicted for corruption. He should be on probation or Nazareth Boro Council, not in the county exec seat.

  31. We all have our shortcomings. Give Johnny a chance to redeem himself. He's cute and chicks dig him..

  32. I heard that Callahan could get more ass than a toilet seat in Grand Central Station. Just look at the picture.

    Word on the street is, his wife is one lucky lady!

  33. "Unlike many of you, I don't live in the Christmas City. But every time I visit, it looks just a little nicer than the time before...."

    Sorry to interupt the troll parade, but I think this qoute is one of the best ways to articulate the way local officials should be reviewed and evaluated. Well said.

  34. Can't see how he loses..There will be a mayor's race in Bethlehem which will increase turnout there..He has tons of money also. Doesn't matter if he deserves it or not.

  35. Mark this down. Reibman and Callahan will kill each other in the primary. Mayor Brown of Bangor will be the next county executive.

  36. Highly doubtful. Brown did a terrible job in a small town with few employees. He wont make it past the primary. Maybe his wife should run.

  37. Love how the Callahan "brain trust" think anoucning at Gracedale means anything to employees that got burned. They know Callahan is Stoffa's boy so they are not fooled by this obvious silly move.

  38. Go Johnny Go! He has seen the light and even King Edward and all his henchmen will not be able to derail the Callahan freight train. He obviously is making a commitment to Gracedale on some level and that ain't such a bad idea. McClure has been put on notice. The fight for the blue collar county vote has begun.

  39. Anyone who thinks that Callahan is "Stoffa's boy" is dumb as dirt. They have virtually NO relationship. Johnny Casino is "bizzaro Stoffa", young, charming, unethical, and rolling in contractor cash. He will take money from anyone regardless of whether or not they do business with the county. Stoffa ran on principles and against the "pay to play" politics of the Reibman administration. He was elected to two terms, the last one overwhelmingly, and he would win again if he had the will to run. He will not support Callahan and probably no Dem with this field of misfits. He sees Norco returning to its heritage of being run by greasy, self-serving pols.

  40. 7:17..very astute observation and analysis of the political climate in and around the county exec. race to come. In baseball..you hit a homer.

  41. Yes we asked if it was ok to hold the announcement there you dolt.

    "Running Bethlehem into the ground". That is really an asinine statement. The city is running the best it has since the steels glory days, you know when they filled budget gaps with the wave of a wand. Smallest workforce and best service ever, and most of that is measurable for those interested. People have to recognize the story is not making every town Bethlehem but is helping each and every municipality to be their best with what is available.

    I'm so sick and tired of the mayor being bashed because people think he looks good. WTF does looks have to do with fixing an organazition's ills. The mayor is going to see what individual cities ills are and work to ease the pain. One approach does not fit all, lessons learned can and will be shared but there is no cookie cutter approach. It will take hard work, listening and applying the right tools to fix the issues.

    One of the mayors "brain trust" Seamus

  42. Real problem is former Mayors make lousy County Executives. The job is much more than cutting ribbons and talking longer than you neeed to and dealing with the police and fire departments. Don Cunningham is a perfect example. He hated it and was lucky to be in the office 2 days a week; Don signed some documents and gave a few speeches.Mueller ran the county. Just hope that Callahan gets a good Director of Administration if he wins.

  43. Very good point 9:56. One has to make sure they know what they are trying to be elected to. Every job is different, but you take the skills you have developed and learn the new skills that are needed to be effective. That goes for any new job or roll. Luckily Mayor Callahan is a student of Continuous Improvement and that helps the ability to face anything. Once you identify the issue, you pick the correct tool and using the institutional knowledge of the people to fix the problem.


  44. The notion that former Mayors or Don Cunningham are lousy Executive is complete nonsense. Cunningham was, in my view and excellent County Exec whose biggest flaw was making the job look too easy. Based on that example, we'll do quite well should the people choose Callahan.

  45. All the bullshit in the world can't hide Callahans recerding hairline. The girls won';t like that.

  46. Read the Express story online. Let the record show Callahan went negative first. The gloves are off. This will be fun.

    Now Reibman will lunch his nukes. Shemus better wear his radiation proof kilt. The pictures will be fun for all to see.

  47. Lol, glen/fleck and his "pictures"....LMAO. See when you know you have done nothing wrong this stuff is all funny because you have nothing to fear.

    See if I had several gov pensions and lifetime healthcare I may worry about my candidate, especially when policies were not followed but individuals received special circumstances to receive them while others did not get the same. That's when you have to try and drag others through the mud.

    Message to young politicos Keep everything above board and you can sleep well.


  48. Seamus, how many people will you folks try to destroy during this Callahan cmapaign? If the past is a predictor, you will slime any and all.

    Nice gang to sell out to Bernie.

  49. 7:50 We will destroy no one, but will certainly point out the records and what happened during the last legal sweep due to Rubemans actions. If people don't want the past rehashed quite simple.... don't run

    What happened was illegal and disgusting and all should be made aware of the record. Past performance is a good guide for future performance.


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