Local Government TV

Monday, February 25, 2013

Callahan Apologizes to Wrestling Ref

Statement by Mayor John Callahan
For Immediate Release: February 25, 2013

Bethlehem, PA – “As a community leader, a passionate wrestling fan, and a supportive parent of a student athlete, I should have handled this incident better, no matter how I felt about the calls made during the match.

I have a tremendous amount of admiration for the sport of wrestling, and I respect the referee, Dennis Buchman’s right to call the match the way he sees it. I personally reached out to Mr. Buchman today to apologize. We’ve both been involved in wrestling for decades and had a warm conversation reflecting on the great passion that we have for the sport.

Certainly, when Mr. Buchman stepped onto the mat, he didn’t expect to find himself in this situation any more than I did. As someone in a line of work subject to plenty of criticism, I can certainly appreciate the difficult job that Mr. Buchman has to do.

That said, both Mr. Buchman and I agree that this was a minor incident that has become overblown and unfortunately took away from the great effort and dedication shown by the young men who participated in the tournament.

I hope that this will no longer distract from the real issues facing Bethlehem and Northampton County.”

Statement by Dennis Buchman
For Immediate Release: February 25, 2013

Drums, PA – “I truly appreciate Mayor Callahan reaching out to me today to apologize. It meant a lot to me and I think it sets a good example for our fans and young athletes involved in sports. Unfortunately this incident has been blown out of proportion and is being made into something different than it was. Certainly John and I both want to put this behind us.”


  1. This should finally put this to bed and be forgotten. Thanks be!!!

  2. "Overblown?"

    The Mayor of the City of Bethlehem and candidate for Northampton County Executive gets thrown out of a high school gymnasium during a high school wrestling match, and it was "overblown?"

    You hear the whir from the spinning going on?

  3. He did exactly what was needed to be done for an overblown incident.

    Callahan apologized to the public and reached out to the ref. No hard feelings.


  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Jesus... A dog with a bone.

    It's the end of the this ref story. Nothing to see here. Move on.

  6. 5:13, If you want to make cheap anonymous personal attacks at Mafalda Callahan, do it somewhere else. Some people are real assholes, but can't sign their names.

  7. As a PIAA softball ump..I admire the ref for doing his job and Johnny Casino for owning up to his misdeed. I see it from both sides and the Mayor did the right thing. Applause!

  8. Finally cooler heads prevail. With all the things going on in this country, state and Valley I can't believe this is news.

  9. I though he had nothing to apologize for. I thought he did what lots of parents do all the time at these types of event. His defenders said there was nothing to see. Why did he apologize? What gives?

  10. Let's be fair here. I realize there's an election and you have to make your points. But Callahan called this what the referee himself has called it - an incident that has been blown out of proportion to what actually happened. His apology to ref, and the ref's willingness to accept it, is an example of good sportsmanship.

    Right now, the County has deteriorating bridges, is moving into a centralized human services and has to start thinking about long range planning. I would prefer that to some wrestling tournament.

  11. Oh, I get it. NOW there's nothing to see. You're a pisser.

  12. If I thought there were nothing to see, I would not have posted this. But i am getting tired of all the bullshit and the attempt to blow this out of proportion.

  13. You've documented his failings from covering up the police cruiser crash, to playing loose with city funds/payroll. This incident would be meaningless if it wasn't perfectly consistent with his prior behavior. There's a pattern here. You've inexplicably stopped reporting it.

    1. Yea he is acting more like allentown bully king palumpashitsky and all his court jesters¿ Above any type of true law just the laws that they twist to conform to there antics of the day¿

      In collusion with under some sort of color of law¿

  14. Class act by the ref.

    Necessary act by Callahan.

  15. Bernie, I am sure this will be your last post about this issue. I tend to agree that in and of itself, it is not that big a deal. Of course as other posters have told you that in Bethlehem this is not really an isolated incident for the Mayor. It does however, show an important aspect of his personality that you should file away realize that you ahve signed on to the campaign but I hope you keep some objectivty going forward. I know, I am not being objective but I am not an office holder or part of any one's posse.

    This would have died as an incident if the Mayor had put on his big boy pants and taken responsbility for his actions, apologized to the ref and showed a level of contrite remorse one would expect from soemone in his position. Did he? No, he did his usual, the old non-denial denial. Or the unapologetic, apology.

    He mocked the officials as "rabbit ears", he later tweeted the same thing. He had members of his political posse attack the officials and even in one of the nuttiest deals(that even you have to admit) claimed a conspiracy with Mr. Phillips and an Allentown connection.

    That is Mayor Rabbit Ears biggest problem Bernie, himself. He is a very thin skinned person who is only interested in people when they are of use to him, if you are not or are no longer, you don't exist. Loyalty oaths are required.

    He created this issue, he kept it going and he owns it. He owns all the comments in the newspapers and on the blogs. All his. He is a man child who had to have some adult finally get him to man up and say, "I am sorry, I messed up". Not, "well I'm passioante or I wasn't that bad."

    This is what you are going to get in Northampton County this guy and his posse of Sahmeus and the rest of the court followers see themselves as above the rules that apply to all others.

    One person created and sustained this incident, Mayor John Rabbit Ears Callahan.

    The Chancellor

  16. Bethlehem is $90 million less in debt since he took office ,ill take him for Northampton county any day. I'm tired of the taxes and debt.

  17. Chancellor, There is nothing Callahan could do, once he was ejected, that would have prevented his two political opponents, as well as people who just hate him, from playing this to the max. To think otherwise is nonsense.

  18. " There's a pattern here. You've inexplicably stopped reporting it."

    If that is so, then why do I have two blogs about the ejection. What pattern? That Callahan spends Saturday nights with his family? That he support his son? That he supports his son's friends?

    Sounds like a very dangerous man.

  19. FairPlay to both of them. Sports get heated , things happen , no big deal.

  20. Bernie, I as lother, liove your blog. We know you are now on the Callahan bandwagon and that is your choice. Having said that, I think you are missing the Chancellor's main point.

    Callahn screwed up, and he didnt just do "what he could". How can you possibley pull his political opponents into this? Callahan's wounds were self-inflicted.

    He didn't just leave, he made comments and gestures to the referee. Later he tweeted the same childish comments. Your blog and the media websites were filled with Callahan croonies making all kinds of excuee for his childish behavior. They attacked the refreee unmercifully. They even said it was a set-up. You know if this were soemone you were not supproting you would have gone crazy.

    So was it a big deal, not really. Was the way Callahan handled it a big deal, you bet. It showed something about the character of the person and his abilty to accept responmsiblity for his own actions.

    This time it took 48 hours.

  21. Typical behavior of a ''former wrestler''.

  22. John Brown for county exec. Vote for an adult.

  23. You're missing my point. There was nothing wrong with the way this was handled. On Saturday night, Callahan got chucked. Monday, he reached out to the ref. and apologized. I don't think he waited very long. And it is a minor incident that is being blown out of proportion by Reibman and McClure supporters. Had this happened at this time last year, it would not be a story.

    Do I think Callahan was right? No. Do I think it's time to drop this bullshit? Yes. If he was stealing or got caught in some corruption scandal, then I could see making all kinds of speeches. But this is nonsense at this point.

  24. "John Brown for county exec. Vote for an adult."

    I'd like the adult to explain what he did with the money Bangor Boro Council gave him to be a better Mayor. he went to some seminar at Notre Dame for Mayor Training and now dumps them to run for exec. Is he going to pay the money back?

    It strikes me that this is a much bigger scandal and a much bigger story, and one that is actually relevant to the job.

  25. Bernie, since you brought up John brown, what is his experience and background? Is he qualified? Last time I checked a borough mayor had no real power other than some oversight over the police department. Borough mayors don't run the day to day operation of the borough, and don't set policy.

  26. I did not bring up John Brown. Someone else did, and I posed some questions. I will get answers to my questions and, hopefully, yours. But right now, I'm more preoccupied with the three Dems.

  27. It's about time this thing was put to bed. Callahan was not their on City business. He was there as a father supporting his son's team. From ten rows back he tells a ref he made a "horrible call" and this is suppose to be news.Back to the real news please.

  28. I expected more from a varsity letterman.

  29. Overblown,... doubtful. Arrogance ,.. absolutely!
    The fact that he thinks he can behave like a typical jock/political figure, basically the same thing to me, shows a lot about his character. The publics watching you my friend, are you not use to acting by now?!
    Put your suite and your mask back on!! Its voting time!

  30. If he can make the County $90 million less in debt like he did for the City of Bethlehem.....he has my vote. Reibman is a clown. Half of his administration is in jail from his last term.

  31. In fairness, one member of the Reibman administration went to jail. There was no evidence that Reibman himself was involved, although he must take responsibility for the bribery, wife swapping on county time, sexual harassment by a high-level official, a swaption that cost the County $25 MM, a 70% tax hike over two years, wage freezes for 3 years and layoffs. It's a bad record.

    He is a gentleman but he should retire or find something else instead of putting himself and his family through the gauntlet.

  32. Seems like were off track here but ok., thought we were talking about Callahan, someone seems irrelevant here. , as BO would normally respond right about now.

  33. I think comments about Reibman or McClure are on topic here bc we all know this story is getting so much play bc of the election. So I will allow them.

  34. In your opinion Bernie. This story has hit the national wire service. At this poin,t as far as Arizona. Rowdy Mayor gets tossed, I love it. So much for the minor incident.

    Good old mayor Rabbit Ears is getting all the atention he deserves.

  35. I don't live in NC and I have no dog in the political fight. This represents a disturbing insight into this man. He strikes me as immature, petulant, and mired in hubris.

  36. 12:43 Can we get back to real issues on here. I was sitting with a dozen other Easton fans about four rows in back of Callahan when the whole thing went down. If you saw it you would have laughed that he was even asked to leave. The guy yelled, "thats a horrible call", a few times. Thats it! Trying to compare that to a street thug? Come on.

  37. "Sounds like a very dangerous man."

    Save the hyperbole. His record demonstrates he's dishonest and evasive, neither trait being good temperament for a public servant.

  38. His record looks pretty good to me. Bethlehem is the greatest city in the Lehigh Valley....hands down!
    The Bethlehem city tax rate is lower than Easton and Allentown. The city has had over $2 Billion in development during the biggest recession in 95 years and Bethlehem is $90 million less in debt than when he took office ten years ago. If he can do that for the county.....sign me up now!

  39. Totally agree! Bethlehem is a really great city. Seriously, If you just moved here from out of state, where would you want to live. Bethlehem, Allentown or Easton?

  40. Comparing your city to Allentown and Easton? How about Reading and Hazleton? Aim high, Bethlehem.

  41. Love him or hate him, he has done a nice job for Bethlehem. I'll trade him for Palowski any day of the week. All king Edward knows how to do is raise our taxes and the city is still a mess.

  42. Reading? They are in the top 5 for crime in the nation..a notch below Camden for cripes sake!

  43. Hazleton isn't any better. More and more storefronts are empty and getting boarded up everyday due to all the illegal immigrants leaving town due to Lou (I'll throw you in jail) Barletta. When a third of your town and economy is based on a minority population, you don't offend them and make them leave. What an idiot!

  44. 11:54 are you kidding me? Reading and Hazleton are worse than Allentown! Reading is a dump.

  45. Bethlehem is sitting on a fiscal disaster right under the surface. Once Mayor Rabbit Ears leaves watch what is uncovered. By the way you can thank Don Cunningham for the city as it looks. Johnny just cut the ribbons.

  46. 3:34PM. What are you smoking? Cunningham hasn't been Mayor for ten years. The only thing he did was build a road on the steel site that the Sands Casino HAS NEVER used. The Casino was built in the Ore Pit where nothing was done by Cunningham or Reibman. For anyone else to claim they started that project is plan BS and they need to be called out on it. Callahan was out n front of everyone on the Casino project. City Council didn't want it, Central Moravian Church didn't want it, Lehigh U and Moravian College didn't want it. The only one who was pushing for it was Callahan.
    In fact (check the records in the papers) Cunningham was trying to get it into Allentown you dope. Without the Casino that whole entire site is still sitting there dark and rusting. EVERYTHING fed off of the Casino....EVERYTHING! That's $2 billion in development.

  47. The man is an aging fraternity boy, with all that implies

  48. secret handshakes? covert initiation ceremonies? funny hats? the mind surely boggles...

  49. Bernie, Didn't Bethlum finish the last two years with a million dollar surplus?

  50. Yes they did. But according to 3:34PM they are sitting on a fiscal disaster....LOL. I would love to know what city 3:34PM lives in. Check the facts...Bethlehem is $90 million in less debt today than when Callahan took office $90 MILLION. And Bethlehem's City taxes are much lower than Allentown and Easton.Check the facts then swallow hard 3:34PM.

  51. Yes, the City is in much better shape thanks to Callahan and Council, as well as citizens who are very informed and very vocal.


  52. Wrestling is being dropped as an Olympic sport, starting 2020. Callahan was ejected on Saturday night.

    Who says these ancient institutions can't move quick?

  53. first this asshole...


    ...then john callahan.

    sure callahan "apologized" but it "is" indicative of his personality, much like the link above.

    shame on you, john. and, shame on the supporters who are defending his inexcusable tirades.

    and, my sons are both lower saucon wrestlers and I often laugh silently at the "pillars of society" who act like assholes during matches. You'll never see me doing that. why? It's simply not good behavior.

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