Local Government TV

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Bangor Mayor John Brown Running For NorCo Exec

This is according to a Borough Council member, who has received an email containing the announcement. I do not have it, nor have I spoken to Brown.

I know very little about Mayor Brown, who is in his first term. He is a Republican.


  1. His assault on the arsenal at Harpers Ferry will be brought up during the campaign. It was Treason!

  2. Any word on the crackpot's motion in motion's court today?

  3. Is there NO aire'-of-impropriety with the current "Scandal" @ the courthouse??? Mayor's are "Commander's-in-chief" of the police (paramilitary)forces they command. Where is Onembo in all this.....Birds of a feather,flock together...
    "Bangor Mayor Robert G. Janus befriended drug dealers and told them about undercover police operations in exchange for cheap or free drugs, Northampton County authorities said Tuesday.

    Janus, 47, of 950 Upper Pennsylvania Ave. was one of 17 people charged in a Slate Belt investigation officials dubbed Operation Clean Slate. At a news conference, prosecutors clearly focused on Janus, who took office in January 1998.The mayor had "lowered himself to nothing more than a street thug," said state police Capt. Theodore Kohuth.

    District Attorney John Morganelli said Janus "has violated his oath of office to uphold the law and, to the contrary, violated it."

  4. The Januses, of 950 Pennsylvania Ave.,were scheduled for a preliminary hearing at 10 a.m. Nov. 29 in Courtroom 6 at the county courthouse. Freedberg assigned the cases to District Justice Gay Elwell after District Justice Sherwood Grigg of Bangor asked for a change of venue because of his dealings with Janus when Janus was mayor.
    Griggy was/is the towne Lush

  5. So what? This was 15 years ago and 4 mayors have come and gone.How does this matter? cuckoooo

  6. Mr. Brown given the dismal choice between Callahan and Reibman, you may well get Democratic votes. You must immediately distance yourself from the tax and spend Repubicans on county council willing to waste the taxpayer smoney on an unnecessary lease.

  7. As long as he doesn't still have that little Indian, he has my support.

  8. It would be interesting to see who Janus' parole officer was. Then you can really tie the links to Onembo!

  9. Not only his parole officer but the judge assigned to the case.

  10. You have a better chance of winning at the casino...

  11. Chief Giliiam & Jimmy Polikevitz used to be the bus driver's with Captain Art 35 year ago. Officer Jimmy was "FORCED" out....due to his PARTY HABITS!

  12. I think this guy could give Callahan some trouble. Especially after reibman and Callahan make each other look like fools.

    1. You must first check his background. Why was he fired when he worked on wall street? Just because he posed in front of what appears to be law books does not make him a lawyer. Hell he could pose in front of Bangors Library and that still does not mean he can read. He is good at telling fairy tales right Dave. There must be atleast 82,990 reasons why to question his abilities right Bonnie

  13. Terry Brennan was Director-of-Services for Northampton County D.U.I. in 2000

  14. "Any word on the crackpot's motion in motion's court today?"

    A I mentioned yesterday, she can't go to a judge ex parte. She has to serve my att'y and provide him with notice. She apparently found that out the hard way.

    Her entire fan base consisted of one person.

  15. Wow! I just read the comments of McClure and the Fake Rev at the Lehigh Valley Live website regarding the County Council meeting and Stoffa's $700.00. Those two sure are crackpots!

  16. @ bernie...she was a Legend....in her own mind

  17. Doesn't his body lay a-mouldering in the grave...?

  18. Mazzocchi ownes Bangor Parcel & Lot. His business practices of disposing-of-substances (hazardous &/or otherwise)...were instrumental in having Demo-Tech capped by the P.A. D.E.P.
    We are drinking Hazardous water in Bangor & John Brown want's to be The Exec? Will Jon Oliver Nelson run the Water Commish. too???

  19. Clinton..you are way off base with this stuff. What in the world are you trying to prove? Are you now a one man smear campaign against the current mayor of Bangor? And for what purpose? What water are you drinking? I'm drinking clean water and so are you. Please put the bottle down and take a deep cleansing breath..

  20. This soul is wasting his time. He needs the Bethlehem vote and clearly the Mayor has that.

  21. I suggest that Mayor Callahan first win the D primary race before he declares himself the winner in November. Johnny C. is cute but he is toting some heavy baggage. Don't count the chikens just yet.

  22. The democratic process is never a waste of time. I for one would like to hear what John Brown has to say if you don't mind.

  23. Mazzocchi owns Bangor? Please elaborate Clinton or stop throwing bombs and yelling fire.

  24. How bout the other bangor mayor Cappozzolo. Whats his take on brown? Good or bad. Mazzochi was stopped in th 90s by Cap

  25. Cappozzolo,Mazzocchi & Zito are adjoining landowners

  26. I'm sure Joe Cap will give the papers his view of all the candidates when they call him.

  27. Thats what leaders do.

  28. No..actually..leaders LEAD and talk is cheap and opinions are like..you know how the rest goes.

  29. Part of leadership is answering questions posed to one by members of the media. If someone constantly ducks questions, cannot give reasonable answers, or goes out of their way to avoid interacting with the press, they are not looked to as a leader. Elected officials, mayors or executives, are compelled to give their opinion to the media. get it? Thats part of what leaders must do.

  30. Joe Cap is none of the above officals you list. Why are you soliciting his opinion of a sitting elected mayor who wants to run for county executive? He is not in a leadership position and hasn't been for three years now. Why is his opinion so highly prized as to mayor Brown?

  31. Jope Cap os an Angle puppet. No one gives a crap what he thinks.

  32. @ Anonymous said...
    "He needs the Bethlehem vote and clearly the Mayor has that."....Se Habla Espanol? @ the Wynedote Projects??? What's his stance on the Latin Kings & MS-13 in towne?

  33. 8:09 Strongly Agree! I know how I am leaning but the Democratic process is in place for a reason. Good for Parsons with his morning call quote, he is doing exactly what he was elected to do, represent all of the people of District IV.

  34. Yeah this guy is going to give the d's some headache. He really doesn't have a record to pick on him about.

  35. Honestly I care more about the process then about who wins. When folks imply that someone should not run because they don't stand a chance, that trounces the process. Democracy will hopefully outlive any individual candidate.

  36. The more the merrier, I say. But he has a record, and I have questions. I emailed him months ago and never heard back. Just yesterday, I rec'd an email from one of is supporters telling me he doesn't care for bloggers. I also know he ducks the press. The one time I went to a Council meeting he was not there.

    Some people I know and admire are very impressed by him. But I prefer to make my own mistakes. I consider him a low priority right now because of the Ds and their contested primary. But I will get my questions answered and have a report about this guy down the road.

  37. Callahan is toast.

  38. Strike Team leader Vic Mackey. ... (Rampart was seriously considered as the series name)...from ("The Shield") has taught the candidates welly in verse. 'Tis a shame they act like the Corleone's.....read Soprano's-in-Motion's Court

  39. There is already a push to create Democrats for Brown. That is how Dem's feel about Callahan and Reibman. One looking for past glory the other for a job. How refreshing.


  40. APPROVED--The 14th day of March, A.D. 2012. PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION CODE - OMNIBUS AMENDMENTS Act of Mar. 14, 2012, P.L. 195, No. 18 Cl. 25 Amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), Use as Evidence. No administrative regulation or change therein is valid for any purpose until filed by the Legislative Reference Bureau as required by sections 207 and 208 of the act of July 31, 1968 (P. L. 769, No. 240) (45 P. S. §§ 1207 and 1208) and 45 Pa.C.S. § 722 (relating to deposit of documents required). No filed document required to be published in the Code (except a rule of court) is valid against any person who has not had actual knowledge thereof until the supplement to the Code containing such a document has been deposited in the United States mail for distribution, 45 Pa.C.S. § 903 (relating to effective date of documents).

    Certain rebuttable presumptions are raised by the publication of a document in the Code, 45 Pa.C.S. § 905 (relating to presumptions created). The text of regulations and certain other documents published in the Code is declared to be the only valid and enforceable text of such documents, 45 Pa.C.S. § 901 (relating to official text of published documents). The text of home rule charter documents published in the Code is prima facie evidence of the text approved by the electors, 45 Pa.C.S. §§ 722 and 901 (relating to deposit of documents required; and official text of published documents). Courts are required to take judicial notice of the contents of the Code, 45 Pa.C.S. §§ 506 and 507 (relating to judicial notice; and form of citation).
    WAY TOO MANY Sub-Textualities to properly Comport to Legislative Intent.....think Bush era "Signing Statements"...subjective ambiquity "RIPE" for Litigants

  41. I think "Clinton" has been sipping the koolaid. I have no idea what ANY of his posts mean or have to do with the subject.

    Dude, are you real or fabricated?

  42. Believe me..Clinton is a real person. I have no idea either..what he is referencing. Any idea Barnie?

  43. I think it is intentionally obtuse and almost riddle like. I guess he spent a lot of time in a law library of some sort? Or he fancies himself a lawyer of some repute. Whack..

  44. If the 1934 Law was changed by the 2012 Law No administrative regulation or change therein is valid for any purpose until filed by the Legislative Reference Bureau as required by sections 207 and 208 of the act of July 31, 1968 (P. L. 769, No. 240) (45 P. S. §§ 1207 and 1208) and 45 Pa.C.S. § 722 (relating to deposit of documents required). No filed document required to be published in the Code (except a rule of court) is valid against any person who has not had actual knowledge thereof until the supplement to the Code containing such a document has been deposited in the United States mail for distribution, 45 Pa.C.S. § 903 (relating to effective date of documents).

  45. I think you will see Republicans for Callahan before you see Dems for Brown. You are right Brown has no record so that could make him dangerous but then again he has no record You can all say what you want but Bethlehem is a great city and it has been Callahan at the helm through some tough times and he has been a strong leader. has he ruffled some feathers alonf the way sure. That comes with the territory but Callahan has got it done for Bethlehem and will win and earn the chance to do more good for the County. John Brown should run for Council and get some experience first. Besides it is pretty clear Bangor still needs work

  46. Actually, Brown does have a record as Mayor in Bangor. This is what I know:

    1) He's been involved in some major personnel changes, which might have been good for Bangor but at the same time, made him unpopular in some groups;

    2) He was given thousands to attnd some conference at Notre Dame, where one of his children is a student, on becoming a better Mayor. Now that he's running for Exec, is he going to pay the money back?

    3) He was an impressive speaker before county Rs.

    4) He is not transparent. I have sent him an email and rec'd no reply. I'm told he does not like the blog. He also is bad at responding to reporters.



  48. Heck of a Job....Brownie, You are the "Ultimate Minion" of the Puppet Master. Are you implying that as a Litmus/Loyalty test, Mr. O'Hare "NEED TO MUDDY THE NAME OF A GOOD MAN TO PROVE IT"? The concept of "In Cahoots" pre-suppositionally pre-supposes the supposition suppositionally. The "Tri-Angle-of-Angle"....parse the semantics.

  49. What's his current "Drug" policy in Bangor relating to the Gang activities of the Bloods & Cripts?
    An overpriced,distempered, gun-shy mutt from The Czech Republic sniffin' pockets of Pass'rs Bye-on-the-Sidewalk???

  50. I had no idea who this guy even was until Saturday. I saw him at a sportsman's dinner that Mayor Callahan and I were attending. My father lives in Bangor and has been asking around, no one knows this guy or what his story is. Hopefully we will find out along the way.


  51. @ Anonymous said...
    "I think it is intentionally obtuse and almost riddle like. I guess he spent a lot of time in a law library of some sort? Or he fancies himself a lawyer of some repute. Whack.. 7:16 PM"
    The Perspicaciousness-of-Perspicacious Perspicacity asks not for forgiveness.
    Please forgive if my obtundent obtundity obtunds obtundingly...or otherwise skewers"YOUR" perception-of-reality of a Parse-ical Lexicographer. Where EXACTLY does the penny go in the loafers???

  52. Seamus,

    You were at the Whitetail Deer Classic. I was invited and intended to go, but did not like the weather. Next time.

  53. ALL CAPS 3:59,

    You're a little whacked, you know that?

    The four points I raised are all accurate.

    I don't have the exact figure on the amount of $ he received from Boro Council to go to Notre Dame for training, but it happened. It might have been $3,000 or more, if memory serves. I will be getting the exact figure. His son was a student there at the time I think it's fair to ask if he is now going to pay that money back.

    And yes he has snubbed me as well as other, more legitimate, news sources. I have heard this complaint from them. This is a very bad sign for anyone interested in transparency. When Callahan snubbed me on the advice of his Washington "experts," I was pretty hard on him about that. So actually, I'm being consistent.

    I can assure you that he will be thoroughly vetted, as he should be.

    You can scream ALL CAPS all you want.

    Fair is fair.

  54. John Brown's Overview
    Current Chief Product Officer at Agoda - a Priceline Company
    Past Advisor to Minister of Commerce, Afghanistan at USAID
    Principal at Boston Consulting Group
    Volunteer & Volunteer Coordinator at US Peace Corps

    see all
    Education University of Pennsylvania - The Wharton School
    Yale University
    500+ connections

    John Brown's Experience

    Chief Product Officer

    Agoda - a Priceline Company

    Public Company; 1001-5000 employees; PCLN; Internet industry

    October 2010– Present (2 years 5 months)

    Product development and management

    Advisor to Minister of Commerce, Afghanistan


    Government Agency; 5001-10,000 employees; International Affairs industry

    June 2009– April 2010 (11 months)

    Develop government's overall strategy for small and medium enterprise development


    Boston Consulting Group

    Partnership; 5001-10,000 employees; Management Consulting industry

    September 2002– May 2008 (5 years 9 months)

    Management consulting -- Oil & Gas, Financial Services, Industrial Goods, Technology

    Volunteer & Volunteer Coordinator

    US Peace Corps

    Government Agency; 5001-10,000 employees; International Affairs industry

    September 1999– July 2000 (11 months)

    Small and medium enterprise development


    Peace Corps

    Government Agency; 5001-10,000 employees; International Affairs industry

    1996– 1999 (3 years)

    Small and medium enterprise development

    Entropy Elimination Manager

    Kwasha Lipton

    1990– 1992 (2 years)

    Reduce and ultimately eliminate chaos in the universe

    1. This is the wrong John Brown he is not the Mayor of Bangor. Please do not confuse them as Bangor Mayor Brown is not qualified and needs his wife to get him elected.

  55. We are still waiting for his explanation for the firing of Police Chief Kerrigan, the firing of PD Sec Mary Fillbach, the Forced retirement of Fire Chief Bob Owens, the "release" of boro sec Lynn Martocci, the attempted closing of Rescue fire co, the $7,000.00 paid to him for training after being mayor 3 years, misleading statements about the tax rate and budget, and his cozy relationship with several police officers. And we wont even get into the actions of his wife.

    1. Bernie; to get the answer to all of the above questions you need to interview the sbeltfan aka councilman Houser, he has his head so far up Mayor Brown's ass he can tell you what he had for breakfast.

  56. Word is the reason he's running for county exec is he will not be re-elected mayor. losing a run for exec is not as bad as losing re-electeion to mayor. And the repubs need a sacrificial lamb to be slaughtered.

  57. Dont forget Mark Brown who quit council last year because of the Martocci firing. He is a good intelligent guy and couldnt take the underhanded dealings anymore

  58. How about the contaminated soil he had dumped up at the incinerator. That was never cleaned up. Who made the money there? Brown or Saveri

  59. Split straight down the middle....60/40

  60. Anyone who starts a comment with "word is" is trying to spread lies and disinformation.

  61. @ "Anonymous said...
    How about the contaminated soil he had dumped up at the incinerator. That was never cleaned up. Who made the money there? Brown or Saveri"....Mazzocchi owns a Privately-Posted-Private-Access @ Cliff's Automotive on crick rd. in Bangor. From the TOXIC WASTE DUMP in Bangor/East, to up over the Slate Dumps(Rubbish piles) to Bangor VEIN (which Capozollo still MINES) Mazzocchi-Capozollo-Zito (wells-under-injunction) are adjoining Land-Owner's w/ a Private-Access-Road traverseing Ridge Road to the Cranberry Bog's & the Prevalent Wild-Cat{Illegal} Sewerage Systems into East Bangor Dam....{Think GREEN Water}. I can prove it.

  62. Clinton is drinking something

  63. "Ask Ron Angle about lease v purchase"...Hey Ron, about those Lease 5 purchase's.....

  64. The postings have really picked up on this story. I'm amazed at all the vitriol aimed at the mayor. I heard he was also responsible for the terrorist attack in Bengazi. The guy must be a real stinker.

  65. It was once said that nothing good could come from a person from Nazareth. Maybe that applies to Bangor?

  66. I believe all this conjecture will be covered in the future after the primary. it seems mr brown is unopposed, but there are several Dems running. The public will find out all these things, good and bad. im sure Bernie will have several posts about bangor Borough and the last 3 years. So cut the comments off util then ,please.

  67. Can she take the Heat-of-the-Kitchen? Hillary Clinton baked cookies.

  68. I found him VERY helpfull in reporting an Environmental Catastrophe to E.L.F....when the P.A D.E.P dismissed it as toxic vegetative. Want his #?

    Hey David, Pancake's or Waffle's?


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