Local Government TV

Monday, February 11, 2013

Backstabber Report: Avoid Michael Green in Palmerton

From Backstabber Report: "Regarding Michael Green of Palmerton Vacation Rentals, it isn’t that you’ll get scammed on the property you rent, as they look pretty, but you could lose your security and cleaning deposits after paying too much, when comparing prices in the area. Michael Green has a history of not returning deposits, due to the fact that for a renter in Pennsylvania, recovering a security deposit is a time consuming process that requires missing work numerous times and a great deal of aggravation to win a lawsuit. He counts on a former tenant not pursuing the matter and has construction friends generate false bills for proof of repairs that Mr. Green always claims. Mr. Green has a number of rental properties. Four are located in Palmerton, PA and one is located in Jim Thorpe, PA. Three are now short-term rentals. While he comes across as a nice guy initially, when it comes to keeping as much of yours as he can, he seems to have no scruples."

I'm unable to vouch for this because I have never spoken to Mr. Green.


  1. Ok, What about GARY STRUSSER, he builds a CVS on 248 and drags his feet with subs.Going to NC before the Judge ,and more than on file.

  2. The barn burned down and all the recorded were in there! My golf cart shed burned down too.Oh boy I can see the smoke from here ,from my Vila in Florida.

  3. What does this have to do with anything?


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