Local Government TV

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Steve Barron, John Stoffa Contrast

Stoffa says Hi to someone last Thursday
Northampton County Executive John Stoffa, a farm boy with an alcoholic and abusive father, was pushed so hard as a youth that he lost two fingers feeding corn cobs into a feeder. That no doubt made it more difficult for him to fit in with other kids his age. It would be much harder for him to swing a bat or throw a ball. Tall and lanky, he probably felt a bit awkward as a youth. But it gave him a unique perspective on things, one I've never seen in anyone else. After a stint with Uncle Sam, he was able to go to college. It was there that he met a beautiful woman, fell in love and married. He and his wife, Barbara, have spent their careers in human services, trying to help other children who might be victims of abuse or alcoholism. That's why a centralized human services building was so important to him.

It had nothing to do with his name on a building or the usual political games.

His proposal was rejected his first year in office, but he persisted, year after year. Last week, it finally paid off. County Council overwhelmingly endorsed his proposal by a 8-1 margin. I think the most shocked person in the room was John Stoffa.

A centralized facility for human services makes sense on many levels. Not only does it enable a more efficient delivery, but it helps the many people who need services from several different agencies. It helps abused and neglected children, who currently have visitation in rooms tainted by lead paint chips and mold. It helps Children and Youth caseworkers, who must conduct interviews in neutral settings. It helps our forgotten disabled veterans, who find it difficult to access the Wolf building.

Unlike Stoffa, Northampton County Controller Steve Barron is a child of partisan politics. He got his start in Bethlehem bar rooms, under the tutelage of party boss Joe Long. After that, he got himself involved in the County party, and in 2006, tried to get himself appointed to a Controller vacancy in Bethlehem. He failed to get a single vote.

But we elected him, the very next year, as Controller to the whole County. I am one of the fools who voted for him. He has increasingly politicized the office to the point where someone needs to control him.

Since his election, Barron has injected himself into numerous policy considerations, always from the perspective of public sector unions. He has admitted giving union business agents advice on how to negotiate contracts with the County. He got caught on video, threatening T-Mobile with official retaliation for refusing to speak with some union agents who had no appointment. He dove headfirst into the Gracedale issue, got state officials involved in a ridiculous asbestos investigation., making wild claims about an uncaring administration. He conducted a witch hunt over county monies aimed at yours truly and the Executive, notwithstanding that the DA and the courts refused to get involved. Most recently, he got involved in the centralized human services debate.

With absolutely no regard for the people impacted by these services, including neglected children and our forgotten veterans, Barron pushed for Jim Gregory and SEIU. They wanted guarantees that County workers, i.e SEIU union members, would continue to provide these services.

When I pointed out this blackmail, and noted that our veterans and neglected children were being ignored, Barron had to set the record straight This is what he told Council last Thursday.

"It has been said that somehow my commitment to veterans and the people that would be serviced by this building would be lacking.

"Most people can't remember where they were December 12, 2004. But I can. My daughter was not quite born yet. My wife had a scheduled C-section the very next day, and I had a client that I took care of in Bucks County who was having serious issues with his medication. I was already on vacation in anticipation of the birth of my daughter. I drove 45 miles with my wife in the car because she did not want to be alone the night before her C-section to sort out the situation, and then I drove 45 miles back and at 8 in the morning after getting home about 1 in the morning, my daughter was born.

"That said, it's true I never served a day in the military. Not one. But my grandfather served in the South Pacific. He was on the U.S.S. Mount Olympus, and he was in Tokyo when the Japanese surrendered. He was in Tokyo Harbor.

"My father received a Purple Heart for his service in Vietnam. And that same daughter that was born, December 13, 2004, loved sending my cousin from Northampton County, Richard Check, care packages in Afghanistan.

"This situation clearly hurt me.

"The sad thing is the administration used the people who would be served by this building as pawns to sell you a lease that you are paying a premium for. That's deplorable."


What I think is deplorable is that he could stand before Council and utter this crap, and expect to be taken seriously. The fact that he drove 45 miles to help someone once is no evidence of a commitment to people with disabilities. And it's nice that his grandfather was a vet, but you don't inherit that status.

He objects to pointing out that real people would be affected by Council's decision. That's not fair, I guess.


  1. "The sad thing is the administration used the people who would be served by this building as pawns to sell you a lease that you are paying a premium for. That's deplorable."

    Most honest and accurate description of what occurred. A more knowledgable county council would have sniffed it out.

    We all hope your Davey Crockett stories about an old vindictive man named John Stoffa soon end. That or no one will keep their supper down.


  2. The reality is that Barron, McClure and SEIU used veterans and neglected as pawns to blackmail a County Executive into guaranteeing their jobs. And since you can't identify yourself, you're in no position to speak to honesty.

  3. I'M Paulie, just as good as Shemus or the other "identified" people you never call ont eir names.

    By the way no one can guarantee jobs and you kinow it.

    The statement still stands. Buildings don't provide servcies people do. With the unnecessary cost of this building, less people will be providing those services.

  4. Like I said, you're in no position to speak to honesty. What you are is a coward.

  5. Bernie,

    You wrote that Stoffa's size made him feel awkward as a youth. I never met Stoffa in person. Is he tall or short? Because from your pictures he doesn't appear to be heavy or thin.

  6. John Stoffa has deceived many, but his day is sure to,come

  7. 12:46, He is very tall. Let me edit and say it better.

  8. Barron is cute and cuddly, why don't you mention that in your rant against him?

  9. What I think is funny is Barron and his crew got beat to the punch. He says it is deplorable to use the veterans and the neglected as pawns to sell the lease on the new human services building, right? But didn't they wheel in the residents of Gracedale (oxygen tanks, wheelchairs, and all) and use them like pawns to sell the people of this County that Stoffa and Council were trying to throw away the residents? Reality was, by selling Gracedale Stoffa and Council were trying to get the residents of Gracedale a better deal. But why isn't in called pawns when the Gracedale crews wheel in the residents in their wheelchairs? It is like there is some sort of double standard?

  10. Nobody wheeled in Gracedale members they glided in on futuristic rascal chairs and protested the sale on grounds that it could threaten the quality of care we receive. Please understand Controller Barron is not a Union puppet but simply someone who is willing to take a stand for what he believes in. When all the dust settles LVR will be forced to apologize for the misrepresentations that have occurred regularly on this site.

  11. 1:31 Horseshit! Those people were frightened because you and the rest of the goons planted in those residents head that they were going to be thrown out in the street. Those people testified of such on the courtesy of the floor. Remember that in Court Room #1?

  12. Barron's statement is the most honest thing about this building bullshit. Stoffa is a mean and vindictive man. Most who have worked for him will tell you that. Talk to folks in Lehgih County. It is one thing that he is incompetent and has sucked the public tit his entire life, millions fit that model. His real flaw is that he uses fear mongering and hate to get his way.

    He let the Human Sevices buildings rot for seven years then had O'Hare play this game of using veterans, babies and the disabled as weapons to get his building.

    He hadn't cared for seven years about staff or consumers. He cut more staff and services than anyone else. Now theyare his top priority or the Mohr building deal was.

    He used the same tactics of fear and hate mongering when he tried to dump Gracedale to pay for his mismangement of the swaption but that failed. This time he had inexperienced county council people who bought into his bullshit arguments.

    A mean old man who will be sucking off the public tit while many lose servcies and jobs to pay for his unneeded overpriced building.

    He and Mohr will toast each other over this deal for years to come.

  13. Mr. Reibman (3:02), you, Solomon, and Hickey had a helluva run. Don't be hating. You had a few lu-lu's too.

  14. Harpo, you boys took a positive flow swaption and waitd until it was $27 million before you realized you had screrwed up. That is the price of incompetnece. Look on the bright side, county council gave your boss a building to put his sorry name on. No one will work in it and we won't be able to afford servcies but what a building. At such an attractive proce as well.

  15. Mr Gregory (3:15), don't forget how many times McClure put the stymie to Stoffa every time Council wanted to buy out of that bond swaption.

  16. Am I to understand correctly, in that, the last time Steve Barron did anything nice for someone was back on September of 2004?

  17. Who says the wackys are only in Lehigh County?
    Callahan, his cousin Mittman,Barton, Reibman.... the list goes on. Fools and creeps.

  18. He remember it quite clearly, too. He took time out of his vacation and everything.

  19. Wow..Here we go again..I am not up posting in the middle of the morning..To the anonymous cowards who accuse me of that , feel free to do it to my face..I am not hard to find Bernie. I am also tired of reading that McClure , Barron, and SEIU somehow blackmailed the County executive..You have said some incredibly ignorant things over the years and still do Bernie, but blackmailed??? Seriously?? The executive has alot of power in County Government. Alot more than SEIU for sure..This particular executive is not running for office again so what leverage do we have to move him to act in any direction. Even if he were running, we'd have little , if any..And John knows that.
    We didn't think John was aware of some issues going on in mental health and we discussed these with him. We wanted him to look into them and we got the impression that he would..Hopefully, he will. That aside , the majority of our membership supported the building from the start. The vast majority people at the Bechtel building, including yours truly, did not..However, as is my job when I speak for SEIU, I have to represent the views of the majority of our members...I did. The majority of our members and the majority our stewards supported the building idea from day one..Not me, not the folks at Bechtel, the majority of our members. Two of our members had made a presentation at the meeting, remember??
    And again, in regard to your assertion executive being blackmailed into quaranteeing our jobs..That makes no sense..If the executive feels that he can't afford the staff he has and wants to lay people off, we certainly can't stop him..We undoubtably wish we could , but we don't have that power..Period!
    You mention the opposition of mcClure and barron to this building but you failed to mention that your buddy Angle and the former director of Human Services Ron Heckman,opposed rushing in to this building. Are you going to tell me also that Ron Heckman who spent most of his life in Human Services
    also doesn't care about veterans, and Children, and others?.. I think he does..I think he opposed the building, as did MClure initially, because he felt more money should be put in services than into buildings..Smart, smart man! Bernie, when it comes to Human Services, you are all wet..You were willing to dump Gracedale into private hands, which is freaking crazy on so many fronts, but now, all of a sudden, you are an advocate for Human Services..Cmon Bernie..

    So back to 3:55's idiotic assertion that I am up in the middle of the morning attacking my boss and your ongoing assertions that I am doing so...I'll try to get this into your thick freaking skull for the last time..If you don't see my name on the comment , it's not coming from me..period! I can certainly multitask but posting at the same time I am sleeping is well beyond my talents.
    Grow up..

  20. " I am also tired of reading that McClure , Barron, and SEIU somehow blackmailed the County executive..You have said some incredibly ignorant things over the years and still do Bernie, but blackmailed??? Seriously?"

    Not only was it done, but it was even done in the middle of a Council meeting in January.

    You also out yourselves ahead of the people you supposedly serve, and are an embarrassment to anyone really interested in human services. You did not represent the interest of your members, who are human services workers who do care. Neither did the other steward.

    As for the Gracedale analogy, my support of a sale was predicated on the belief that it would be the best way of ensuring a high quality of care for the residents. I felt that it would began to suffer as the county would drag its fit at kicking in more and more money. I know that was Stoffa's concern as well. Your concern with Gracedale was job security, not the residents. Your concern here is job security, not the people you are supposed to help. I fell sorry for the people being helped by you.

    A few years ago, you violated their privacy by dragging a few to a Council meeting. I wonder why you are still employed.

    Ron Angle was opposed to this lease until he discovered that there was a buyer willing to pay more than Wolf appraised.

  21. SO Jim, Stoffa can put over 25 million into Gracedale building neds for 619 people on average but not $100,000 MORE PER YEAR FOR A NEW NEW NEW BUILDING FOR 18,000 PEOPLE ? cmonnnnnnnnn if your buddy HECKMAN loved Gracedale so much wht didn`t he repair the windows at Gracedale ? He`is a phony.

  22. Another thing Bernie. Council voted on the matter. Were we also attempting to sway them to not build it? Was blackmail involved there too? Don't think so..
    That would be pretty hard to any way you look at it..We don't have that power..Did I or anyone in SEIU write letters to the editor opposing this? Do we have strange powers of persuasion over councilpeople that I am unaware of? Please tell me what it is, this power? Are you saying that a Council which includes five Republicans, many fiscal conservatives and four who aren't running for reelection would honestly be swayed by us? Do you really think Stoffa would believe that? I don't believe that..I do think that Council is smart enough when given all the facts, to make up their own mind..And they have.. So stop the silly blackmail assertions..It's crazy..Insane..Nuts...Just plain dumb..

  23. Dear 6:49,

    Again, if you have questions of Heckman, ask him...I have no idea what you are alluding to by your statement..It made no sense..Please leave your name next time and i'm sure Heckman will respond..He's the expert..You aren't. Why don't you identify yourself? Bernie, a few years ago two clients came to a meeting becuase they wanted the county to continue serving them . They decided, on their own, that the services they were receiving were worth them coming in and telling their story..No one's privacy was violated..Agagin, you know not what you are talking about...If I had violated their privacy without their consent, I wouldn't and shouldnt have a job..But I didn't and i still have my job...because you have no idea what the hell you are talking about, as usual..

  24. Please Bernie,

    Let's not waste everyone, time including ours, debating this on your blog..Debate these issues with me in public or another forum where you don't get the last word on everything. Anytime, anywhere..Taking uninformed potshots on your blog is just cowardly Bernie..Cmon..be

  25. Gregory states his case well. It's no wonder people despise public unions. FDR was right. They're damn dangerous and bad for democracy.

  26. Everyone's time could be better spent meeting publically or in person..CMon Bernie..Be a man..

  27. Dear 7:06,

    You post anonymously..Do you have a name..If you feel so strongly about your anti union stance, please leave your name or Join bernie when we meet..Stop being a coward..

  28. Jim Gregory, You know as well a I do that you and I are going to meet this Thursday at the 512 Panera, 7 PM. We set that up over the weekend. So why are you now calling on me to agree to meet with you and be a man? I already have, and these taunts are just a demonstration of your own dishonesty.

    And it's "publicly", not "publically."

    " Do we have strange powers of persuasion over councilpeople that I am unaware of? Please tell me what it is, this power?"

    It's called SEIU. You are a public sector union that is perfectly willing to shackle the rest of us, including private sector unions. to advance your own interests. That is your power, and that is why you like to wear a SEIU shirt when you come to Council.

  29. "You post anonymously..Do you have a name..If you feel so strongly about your anti union stance, please leave your name or Join bernie when we meet..Stop being a coward."

    I have to laugh when I read Jim Gregory chide someone else for posting anonymously.

  30. By the way, FDR never said that but good try 7:06...Good try..Please people, if you want to debate at least have the courage to leave your real name..

  31. "Bernie, a few years ago two clients came to a meeting becuase they wanted the county to continue serving them . They decided, on their own, that the services they were receiving were worth them coming in and telling their story..No one's privacy was violated..Agagin, you know not what you are talking about...If I had violated their privacy without their consent, I wouldn't and shouldnt have a job"

    In my view, you should not have a job.. There is little doubt in my or anyone else's mind that you leaned on these people and cajoled them into coming there, where they haven't been since. Funny how the only time they came was with you, and to argue for the agenda you were pushing that night. You took advantage of them to advance your own interests. That's all you care about.

  32. CMon Bernie,

    You can laugh all you want..I am posting under my name..You can read, right? I laugh when you say you don't post under anything but Bernie Ohare...Guess you never have, lol..be serious..

  33. Jim Gregory, i post under my name and only under my name. You post under your name and anonymously. Can you deny that?

  34. Bernie,

    Again you show your ignorance..Theyhad no reason to come afterwards..The County , with my help, continues to assist them.
    They are doing well..You are such a joke..There is no dount on anyone's mind that i cajoled them? Really..That's funny, since they didnt feel that way and still don't..Whoever believes that is just ignorant of the facts, like you bernie..

  35. Bernie, are you just brain dead?
    I am posting with my name and will continue to do so.If you are telling me that you never posted on this or any other blog anonymously or using some other ficticious name, you are full of crap..As you would say, everyone knows better..

  36. What FDR said is pretty much that public sector unions are bad for democracy:

    "All Government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service. It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations when applied to public personnel management. The very nature and purposes of Government make it impossible for administrative officials to represent fully or to bind the employer in mutual discussions with Government employee organizations. The employer is the whole people, who speak by means of laws enacted by their representatives in Congress. Accordingly, administrative officials and employees alike are governed and guided, and in many instances restricted, by laws which establish policies, procedures, or rules in personnel matters."

    FDR, 1937

  37. You have been constantly blaming me for anonymous posts that aren't mine..Constantly..You are wrong..period..End of story

  38. is this gregory guy the same wacko that got himself tossed from bethlum council? if so it is obvious that he has not matured.

    and a union puke to boot?

  39. "Bernie, are you just brain dead?
    I am posting with my name and will continue to do so.If you are telling me that you never posted on this or any other blog anonymously or using some other ficticious name, you are full of crap..As you would say, everyone knows better.."

    All this name-calling! I can sure feel the hate.

    No Jim, I have never posted anonymously on this or any other blog. To do so would be dishonest to my readers.

    I take it that you have, and that is why I laugh when you chide someone for posting anonymously.

  40. Mark Baker, He is one and the same. He is the person who ran for Mayor and hopped some fence in a demonstration of bad security. He ran after a Rendell bus, hoping to speak with him. He has done a number of goofy things. But my problem with him is that he is dishonest, as he has demonstrated several times in this thread alone.

  41. As usual bernie, you read half of the letter..he went on to say "Organizations of governmental employees have a logical place in government affairs. The desire of governmental employees for fair and adequate pay, etc, etc, etc, is basically no different from the employees in private industry" He opposed the right to strike, not the right to bargain collectively..geez bernie, watching Fox news again??

  42. Bernie, if you want to debate what I have done we can start with your disbarrment and the facts surrounding your forgery etc..Do you really want to go there??

  43. Mark Baker,

    Is that your real name..I can be found easily if you want to discuss anything? Stop being a coward..Face me...You too Bernie..

  44. Why not? You like to mention it all the time. It's a demonstration of just how shitty your arguments are. Rather than discuss issues, you resort to the ad hominem, or name-calling.

    I provided a link to FDR's letter. He said what he said, and it is no ringing endorsement of public sector unions.

  45. "Is that your real name..I can be found easily if you want to discuss anything? Stop being a coward..Face me...You too Bernie.."

    Gregory, who posts anonymously, is chiding someone for doing what he does all the time.


  46. You are a liar bernie,

    Again, many times, including recently many times , you have chided people for posting anonymously...Yet you have these idiots follow up your comments anonymously and expect us to believe you have nothing to do with that..CMon..How come it's not allright for people to post anonymously if they dispute you but you just love it when they back you..You are such a joke!!

  47. I have an Email..You know what the address is. i..If you want to keep this up feel free to go there and contact me.....Anytime. any place..Apparently not You like to continue to harp on your blog, where you have a few clueless supporters, because you don't have the courage to debate this in person or in public..Cmon Bernie, let's go..

  48. now gregory sounds like a wacko bully. maybe he should be receiving some county services himself.

    is that why his wife dumped him also?

  49. Mark Baker or whoever you are..I'm a sixty year old out of shape man..I am not hard to find..Stop being a coward with your trash talk..I'm far from a bully..I'm just not a coward like you..If you have something to say, I'm not hard to find..Mark Baker is a fake name though, isn't it?

  50. Ahh, personal attacks..The last bastion of someone who has nothing relevant to say..My wife and I get allong fine..If you want to know why we split up, Mr. Baker, call her..She works at Wegmans in Allentown..

  51. certainly no breaking of union thuggery stereotypes in this thread.

    Again, why unions do not belong in the public realm.

  52. It is sad that Steve felt that he had to defend himself before council because of your outrageous comments..McClure and Barron have the support of AFSME and COAF because they do care about Human Services..Unlike you, they were strong supporters of keeping the nursing home private. Thank God! Your statement that they used vets and the neglected (?) as pawns to blackmail the county exec is beyond the pale , or in other words, nuts..

  53. Mezzacappa's legal aideFebruary 26, 2013 at 10:02 AM

    isn't the trial of the century scheduled for this morning? T Mezz is gonna be vindicated today, bank on it!

  54. Word on the street is Jim Greggy is a secret mole sent by Bobby Gunther Walsh to infiltrate unions, NORML, and NAMBLA.

  55. Jim's honesty is appreciated. He's why public service unions are so hated. He does a great job of reminding us why we have to weaken them and eliminate their collective bargaining. Thank you for contributing, Jim. You do the work of a hundred tea parties.

  56. This headline is really Stoffa's human services legacy: Lehigh Children And Youth Criticized State Orders The County Agency To Improve After Two Child Killings In The Last Two Years.
    This was a headline May 19th, 2000 in the Morning Call. Here is the link: http://articles.mcall.com/2000-05-19/news/3307149_1_abuse-14-month-old-boy-child-protective-services

    Barron maybe political (duh he is elected), but at least he is honest about where he stands on an issue. Stoffa encouraged COAF to get signatures then sued them. It's no wonder why they are so upset with him.

    I'll take Barron anyday of the week over John Stoffa.

  57. "Barron has injected himself into numerous policy considerations, always from the perspective of public sector unions. He has admitted giving union business agents advice on how to negotiate contracts with the County."

    Sounds like "INSIDER TRADING w/ Public Contracts"....collusion, Complicity, Cahooture'n, Fraudulent Mobish Extrovertive Behavior....That the Federal Securitie's Exchange Commish. regulates, When it involve's thing's other than SWAPTION'S....FED"S INVESTIGATE too!!!

  58. Dear 11:06.

    You do realize you make absolutely no sense, right? " Jim's honesty is appreciated. That's why people hate public service unions"//
    Hello? What the heck does that mean..What people? An anonymous blogger on bernie's hate blog? Seriously, you'll have to do betterthan that..Hilarious..

  59. I have to say Jim, you look like you're in great shape for a 60 year-old man.

    Kudos on that.

  60. @ "Jim Gregory said...
    Ahh, personal attacks..The last bastion of someone who has nothing relevant to say..My wife and I get allong fine..If you want to know why we split up, Mr. Baker, call her..She works at Wegmans in Allentown..8:19 AM"
    AHH, DIVORCE....the LAST Bastion of someone whom is not worth supporting anymore....

  61. Bringing up his divorce is busch league, knock it off

  62. @ "Lakshmi Cow Sanctuary Inc.
    1515 Ridge Road
    Bangor, PA 18013
    Across the road from Cappazollo & Zito property, above effluent runoff into East Bangor,Pa

    How can they be Inc. ....with an Agricultural Designation? You have to kill what you raise,....To be an Agriculturist!

    Otherwise it should be a PRESERVE designation. Different Tax Bracket Racket

    To whom it may concern....For a 501 (c)3: if you want a plain copy of the Creation Filing, the fee is $36.00 if you want certified copies of the creation filing the fee is 76.00 check made payable to the Pa. Dept. of State, our address is Pa. Dept. of State, Corporation Bureau, PO Box 8722, Harrisburg, Pa. 17105-8722.

    If you need any further assistance, please call 717 787-1057 Option #5, have a great day."

    Good call....Mr Umpire

  63. Lay off the personal stuff and let Jim go and go. Jim being Jim is quite instructive to those who haven't fully grasped how dangerous public unions are for all of us. Who needs tea parties with motivators like Jim blabbing. When your opponent is shooting himself in the foot, you hand him more bullets and let him continue. Carry on, Yosemite Jim.

  64. Jim, are you working today? Or are you on an extened lunch break? Does your boss know that you are wasting precious, time, money, and resources by (anonymously) posting during work hours on the blogs?

  65. To the last two anonymous cowards I'll only say , once again, I'm not hard to find..To the idiot trashing public sector unions using the "Duh, he's talking and that shows unions are bad argument, " I can only ask if if you are drunk or stupid? Because you make absolutely no sense....Funny..

  66. I never called you anything but your name, Jim. Why lash out? I simply compliment you on being an incredibly effective motivator for your opponents. I had no idea you were thrown off Bethlehem council. But it's easy to understand why. You really should get back to work and actually do something today. Wasting time at work is the same as stealing.

  67. Jim,

    are you drunk or stupid?

    I asked you a question and received your threat as an answer? Because I don't want to come over and see your old and out of shape ass.

    So here's another attempt for your reading comprehension skills, because I know your wife no longer lives with you to help you out with these: Are you working today? Does your boss know you are wasting precious resources by scourring the blogs?

  68. he is right. you are a coward. unless you want to identify yourslf just shut up already

  69. Fred the Anonymous' Cousin - Anonymous FredFebruary 26, 2013 at 2:08 PM

    Oh no. Here come rhe anonymous (wink, wink) posts when Jim Gregory is nowhere to be found.

  70. I see you acknowledge Barron's grandfather was a WWII vet, but chose to ignore his dad's Puple Heart from Vietnam. CYA editing, I think. Don't you remember Vietnam? What parts of Vietnam did you fight in?

  71. To Fred the coward. shut up already please

  72. Only if anonymous the coward (wink, wink Mr. Gregory) shuts up, too.

  73. Yes nobody but Gregory hates Bernie and you trolls. It must be him

  74. Yes Freddie the molester.(wink wink Bernie) give it up. You are boring

  75. Blog mentor alert (wink Wink)

  76. Thank you anon 11:24, That is the true Stoffa legacy. It is one the newspapers hid during his campaigns. He also tried to prvatize the foster care in Lehigh County but the state stopped him because the plan was so bad. Also on record. In Lehigh County he is remembered as a bad dream. Those dead children were the result of not running things properly. At the time he blamed everyone but himself for the tragedy. Sound familiar.

  77. "Again, many times, including recently many times , you have chided people for posting anonymously...Yet you have these idiots follow up your comments anonymously and expect us to believe you have nothing to do with that..CMon..How come it's not allright for people to post anonymously if they dispute you but you just love it when they back you..You are such a joke!!"

    I don't chide people for posting anonymously. I chide people for making anonymous personal attacks.

    And no, I do not post anonymously or under some made up name. I feel that, as the logger, I have an obligation to be honest with my readers. Posting anonymously would be a form of dishonesty. As a person who lost his law license or conduct involving dishonesty, I try very hard t be above board in all of writing and dealings. I don't care whether you like what i am writing, but i am calling it as I see it.

    As for your email, I have it. But my readers don't. Those are the people you are inviting to contact you, not me.

  78. "isn't the trial of the century scheduled for this morning? T Mezz is gonna be vindicated today, bank on it!"

    I will have a report later.

  79. "I see you acknowledge Barron's grandfather was a WWII vet, but chose to ignore his dad's Puple Heart from Vietnam. CYA editing, I think. Don't you remember Vietnam? What parts of Vietnam did you fight in?"

    I quoted Barron's speech verbatim, and included the reference to VN, so i do not know what you are talking about. Like I said, you don't inherit veteran status.

    I did not serve in VN. I volunteered to fight in the Persian Gulf War, but they refused to take me bc I was a gun chief and could go only if my entire unit was called.

    I was a shitty soldier.


  80. I agree with this. There is no need to refer to Gregory's personal life.

  81. Bernie, it is over, the building is a done deal. Enough with the John Stoffa superstar stories. Let us move on.

    Between Gregory on one side and Harpo on the other, it is all just too repetative.

    Besides this has nothing to do with Ron Angle or Ron Heckman, they voiced their opinions at a public meeting and that was that.

    Enough already.

  82. how can he have a personal life. it seems he is too ate up with himself to concern himself with a personal relationship except with a picture of himself.

  83. Shut up already. It's over Baker

  84. "Bernie, it is over, the building is a done deal. Enough with the John Stoffa superstar stories. Let us move on."

    Based on the 87 comments posted here, it's safe to say you're wrong. The bldg may be a done deal, but we still have Barron and still have public sector union hacks like Gregory, who thinks it's OK to blackmail public officials by just trying to call it something else.

    But I understand why you want it dropped. You all look pretty pathetic right now.

  85. @"Fred the Anonymous said...
    Jim, are you working today? Or are you on an extened lunch break? Does your boss know that you are wasting precious, time, money, and resources by (anonymously) posting during work hours on the blogs? 12:52 PM"
    Fred the Anonymous said...
    Jim, are you working today? Or are you on an extened lunch break? Does your boss know that you are wasting precious, time, money, and resources by (anonymously) posting during work hours on the blogs?
    12:52 PM"
    There are rules, regulation's, missive's & Directive's attesting to that FACT those people testified to, Today, on the courtesy of the floor in Court Room #1, GRAND JURY TESTIMONY.

  86. @"Fred the Anonymous said...
    Jim, are you working today? Or are you on an extened lunch break? Does your boss know that you are wasting precious, time, money, and resources by (anonymously) posting during work hours on the blogs? 12:52 PM"
    Fred the Anonymous said...
    Jim, are you working today? Or are you on an extened lunch break? Does your boss know that you are wasting precious, time, money, and resources by (anonymously) posting during work hours on the blogs?
    12:52 PM"
    There are rules, regulation's, missive's & Directive's attesting to that FACT those people testified to, Today, on the courtesy of the floor in Court Room #1, GRAND JURY TESTIMONY.

  87. Actually Fred the annonymous sounds crazy and pathetic. The building has been voted on. Some may think it is a good idea and some not.

    The great thing about Stoffa and his gang leaving will be an end to his politics of personal destruction he and his hacks have conducted for the past seven years.

    He prefers people remain ignorant of the facts. WEith your help and the meida just printing his press releases, it is usually pretty easy. So whether on Gracedale or this building, he sends his goons out to attack anyone who disagrees with him.
    The man is a sham but he got what he wanted. Now most good people are just trying to wait out he an dhis incpmpetent hacks for the rest of the year.
    Hopefully county council takes and break and doesn't help him make more debt and chaos in the time he has left.

  88. Since he went into office, Stoffa has endured more cheap personal attacks from Lamont McClure, Charles Dertinger, Joe Long and their ilk than any Exec before or since.


  89. This man is a Titan!


  90. We need a Leader like Barron in State Government.

  91. It would get him out of Northampton County.

  92. Cheap attacks Bernie?  You have posted Steve Barron's head on a laughable movie character, called him disgusting names, and posted pictures of his family on your blog!  You are the definition of "cheap attack"!  You pretend to know the people you post about on a personal level.  You know them to the point you feel necessary enough to get information to attack them in your blog.  It is amusing how here you need to be the "knight in shining armor" to defend Stoffa. It is, of course, your blog and you may post whatever you like whether true or untrue. It is usually the latter. You can call me a coward but I will post this anonymously because I don't want to be fodder for an attack from you, though you do not know anything about me.  Not really knowing anything about someone has never stopped you before though.  I am also sure if I hit a nerve with any part of this, you will remove it, which is fine by me. It is most important that you read in plain English how MANY people feel about you and your blog.

    You forget (or conveniently ignore) that many of the things Barron has interjected himself into are possibly political, but more importantly involve the county budget, which is the job he is elected to do.  He is not perfect and has never claimed to be and is invaluable to his wife, children, and family-you know the people whose pictures you plastered all over your blog! I am sure he would be the first to tell you mistakes he feels he has made.  But then again, we ALL make mistakes, don't we Bernie?

  93. To respond to your 5:56 comment earlier, Mr. fred the obnoxious, no I did not work today...Oops, that does make your comment look to be a bit uninformed..Goodnight fred..

  94. seized cash and gambling machines it is what it is ended up filing a charge of criminal attempt to obstruct justice provided a photocopy of the person's license


  95. You've pretty much just admitted you are a coward, afraid of what I might say.

    As for my shots at Barron, I identify myself. I take responsibility for what i write. If I cross the line, I can be properly called to account for it. But you and several other hacks have spent years in nonstop anonymous attacks at a county exec whose only sin has been to make this a better place. You are unwilling to take responsibility bc you are cowards.

    Whether the County requires residentcy by row officers has nothing to do with the budget, but Barron spouted off about that as he did with asbestos and numerous other issues. Even when he is talking about the budget, he is talking about policy and that is not his job. He is a disgrace to his office and anyone who believes in good government. Obviously, that is not you.

  96. Jim Gregory, please tell me who you are supporting for County Executive and County Council. I want to make sure I don't vote the same way you do.

  97. I second the motion.

  98. "The sad thing is the administration used the people who would be served by this building as pawns to sell you a lease that you are paying a premium for. That's deplorable."

    The most honest statment made about thsi entire affair. Thank you Steve. Many, many people know you are right. Unfortunately we have blockheads on county counil led around by an unethical county executive.

  99. Only the best and brightest serve in these positions.

  100. @ "Unfortunately we have blockheads on county counil led around by an unethical county executive. 1:27 AM"
    Why cast aspersives??? Are these not Men w/ a mind-of-their-Own?
    Do they do Mr. Stoffa's bidding, or act Autonomusly? Derision/Division doth not Unity make. Grow-Up willingly or by Duress/Stress. The choice is your's.

  101. Bernie,
    You make outlandish attacks on Seiu and Gregory, yet delete any informed and intelligent comment on Stoffa or the issues w building and his administrations. You also leave all these anonymous troll comments but later then say they should not make personal attacks. If that's the case why did you not delete them? C'mon Bernie!!
    Anyone can see your the kid at the park w the football but got picked last, so you took your ball and went home!!

  102. Union thugging ain't dead, Dogg!!!

  103. Neither are cowards 12:16

  104. @ "Anonymous said...
    Union thugging ain't dead, Dogg!!!12:16 AM"
    It's about to be.

  105. Stoffa tried to destroy the union before he saved it.



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