Local Government TV

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Why Americans Hate Congress

N.J. Governor Chris Christie, commenting on Congressional foot-dragging in Hurricane Sandy relief efforts: ""Shame on you. Shame on Congress. ... It's absolutely disgraceful, and I have to tell you, this used to be something that was not political. Disaster relief was something you didn't play games with." But "in this current atmosphere, [it's] a potential piece of bait for the political game. It is why the American people hate Congress."


  1. Christie is very sharp and he is positioning himself for a future run at the national level. Whoever is advising him is also very astute politically. The fact that the union vote in NJ is now solidly in his corner almost assures him another term as gov. of the Garden State. An amazing turn of events created by an act of God..a hurricane named Sandy.

  2. When the knock on the door comes..you have to be ready to go and Christie was ready to assume a greater leadership role and rise to the level of man of the people. This is heady stuff. The Obama photo op was a watershed event. No one will forget those images. The guy is literally walking on water politically.

  3. Bernie
    Some reports state this rescue bill is filled with "pork" for unrelated favorite projects. Wonder what they are.

  4. Pork? WTF are you talking about? Where in the world did you hear that vicious rumor? Turn off Fox news and drop the paranoia..

  5. It seems disgusting to me. Why have they needed to wait so long for aid? If it is filled with Pork, then those who did so should be called out and a bill focused on aid reintroduced ASAP.

  6. Taxpayer money to help the rich along the New Jersey and New York coast rebuild their lavish shore homes, give me a break. Congress got this one right. They have insurance money and jobs otherwise, they could not afford to live where they do. Spend your own money to rebuild where nature will just tear it down anyway as part of the next storm.

  7. this is why a line item veto is needed

  8. boehnor needs to go.he has lost all credibility

  9. The rest of the country does not care about NY and NJ. We saw it after 911, we are seeing it again now.


  10. Relocate these individuals to Allentown or Bangor.

  11. Christie is attempting to distract from his utter failure to handle the hurricane. He showed no leadership. He simply blubbered in Obama's arms. So morbidly obese, he projected the image of one who needed to be saved rather than one coordinating the saving. Just as the obese perfect excuse-making to defend their gluttony and lack of self control, Christie is doing the same thing to defend his utter incompetence. Just look at emergency preparedness in FL, GA, NC, SC, VA, TX. NJ and NY were every bit as bad as Louisiana.

    Christie should own his failure. That's why people hate politicians like him.

  12. Where is your humanity? Rich people..are you nutz? They're regular people who made their homes there for the most part. To smear them all as rich is totally ridiculous. Those were working class neighborhoods that were pounded to dust and burned to the sand. We're all Americans for cripes sake. Love thy neighbor..do unto others..

  13. 5:41 am

    Here you go:


    Now deny and decry another batch of conservative lies. Faux News, Fox Noise, blah, blah, blah. You are a broken record, a vacant talking point spouting dweeb who spends the days in your fetal curl waiting for "someone to do something."

    Check out your "objective" msm, see if you can find the details of the bill anywhere. All those bastions of journalistic integrity could shoot down the charges of pork simply by posting the full detail. But they won't. Instead, they post video and write stories of manufactured "bi-partisan outrage, mainly Christie, King and other NY and NJ Rinos whose political interests are more important than a clean, responsible aid bill.

    Christie is a petulant, fat slob opportunist who fired the first political shots over Sandy. His stature, temperment and words are illustrative of his "we are entitled, we are more important" constituency.

    Boehner's been a capitulator for far too long, and a generally poor leader of the conservative cause. He did well on this one, and with
    his double "Fuck you" to that piece of shit Harry Reid. Unfortunately, it appears he's caving to the whining Rinos and gimmecrats.

    The rest of the country doesn't care about NY and NJ? So what? Every election, they show the rest of the country they don't give a shit about us.

    Fuck 'em.


  14. May God have mercy on your soul..Clem. Maybe you should seek forgiveness of your sins and then you can begin to live the life the Creator intended you to live. Please give the vitriol a rest. Forgiving ourselves is the first step to enlightenment and peace.

  15. I know this blog is usually apologetic for the Republican party however it is interesting that you painted Christie's comments as an attack on Congress as a whole.

    The salient line in his remarks were conveniently left out of your piece:

    “There is only one group to blame for the continued suffering of these innocent victims: the House majority and their speaker, John Boehner.”

  16. An intelligent and astute post..Thank you.

  17. But that doesn't fit in with the theme of Obama being the partisan not willing to compromise. Mitt Romney on the other hand would have been the great compromiser!

  18. Past history..the election was 2 months ago! It's now 2013..let's deal with the present. Romney who?

  19. Bernie,

    Christie is the problem here. He ran for governor as a conservative, someone who was going to control government spending. Now he is lashing out because the House wouldn't pass the so called Sandy relief bill without proper due diligence. Good for them, that bill was loaded up with the kind of pork senators wouldn't dare try to pass on merit.
    Many Republicans have lost respect for the NJ governor lately.

    Scott Armstrong

  20. Anonymous said...
    May God have mercy on your soul..Clem. Maybe you should seek forgiveness of your sins and then you can begin to live the life the Creator intended you to live. Please give the vitriol a rest. Forgiving ourselves is the first step to enlightenment and peace.
    8:38 AM

    Well then, by all means, forgive yourself and get on with it.

    Me? I'm good. Thanks.


  21. Why should the US taxpayer be held responsible when local zoning boards turned their backs on flood plans?

    No beach front home should be rebuilt without a signed agreement stating that when it happens again, I (homeowner) will be responsible for any damage as I'm building in a flood zone... end of story!

  22. No Scott..you're wrong. Actually..Christie is the solution the R party has abandoned and now he's in their faces! He is the leading R standard bearer at this moment and he's got a head of steam.

  23. "And Clem, you know and I know you will be the FIRST person in line to pull the lever for Chris Christie in 2016..."

    Shocked, I am. SHOCKED!


  24. Zoning and codes need to be looked at..that is a given just don't be so darn Draconian about this. Relocation is an option also.

  25. And more disgusting comments from Scott Armstrong. It's not all about reigning in spending all the time. As Christie noted:

    "It's absolutely disgraceful, and I have to tell you, this used to be something that was not political. Disaster relief was something you didn't play games with."

    Armstrong sits idly by as Congress blows $700 Billion on defense and then decries our leaders for trying to help disaster victims. A disgrace.

  26. Shocked, I am. SHOCKED!

    Yeah, that made no sense. YOU will vote for Christie, not me. Because you are a GOP automaton. One can tell.

  27. This post, and the subsequent comments, are a perfect example of why this country is in the trouble that it is.

    We are borrowing 40 cents of every dollar we spend. Everything we do needs to be looked at through that prism.

    The discussion on every bill needs to be as follows:

    1) Do we need this spending? If yes,then

    2) Is the spending in the bill the absolute minimum needed? This would deal with the pork problem. If yes, and only after the bill is stripped down to the bare minimum, then

    3) What other spending is going to be reduced or eliminated in order to fund this bill?

    Mind you, this only keeps us treading water - it does not get us out of the mess. Yet it is not even thought of as a part of the discussion.

    Yes, I have a heart for those affected by the storm. But I also have a heart for my children and grandchildren who will be ENSLAVED to paying for the debt created by our selfishness and lack of self-control.

  28. Sorry to deflate your fantasy, but my fast food experience was limited to my high school years.

    It is honest work, though. Not something you would know much about. And your shot at them is certainly a " heinous generalization of an entire group of people." and exposes you, once again, as the shameless liberal hypocrite you are.

    As for me voting for Christie, that load will never get through the primary. And, in the unlikely event he does? Well, you've got a better chance of having coffee with your Creator.

    Rudy Giuliani was a hero after 911.
    How'd that work out when he tried to go nationwide?


  29. Liberal hypocrite.

    My apologies for the redundancy.

    Now, off to spit in someone's egg a muffin ;)


  30. Do we need this spending?

    I agree. BUT I believe that question FIRST needs to be asked of the $700B defense budget. That is by far the largest discretionary item in the budget and obviously a place that would create great relief to the deficit.

    1. We're talking about the hurricane relief bill, which is what will be coming up for a vote. The same conversation can take place for EVERY bill that comes up.

      I get the feeling you don't see the value of the defense budget. That's fine.

      But we don't have the luxury of picking and choosing which bills we apply this type of scrutiny to. We're fast approaching the point of not being able to fund ANYTHING.

  31. Clem - You missed the point. Everyone knows you will vote for whoever the GOP provides to you. And if it's Christie, you'll vote for him just as I'm sure you chided then ultimately voted for Willard Romney.

  32. 8:43, I was pretty much quoting Chrstie. He did not say that Americans hate the evil Republicans. They don't. What he did say is they hate Congress. They do. He did lay the blame for the mess at the doorstep of the House majority, which is Republican.

    I think I was pretty clear, just yesterday, in my condemnation of House Republicans. I hate extremism on the left or right.

  33. the attacks on Christie look similar to the attacks on Toomey we are starting to hear after the fiscal cliff vote. The only conclusion to draw is that conservatism is not an ideology that governs well. It makes great slogans, but when real problems and real situations arise, slogans can't govern. Sadly, when people like Brad Osborn and Dean Browning come to this realization, the hard right tosses them under the bus and runs another slogan at them. The more tea partiers we elect, the more we see that conservatism can't govern.

  34. 9:15 seems to have a simple summary of the issue.

    Strip out the stuff unrelated to Sandy like the Amtrack funds and the Corps of Enginners.Then pass the bill asap.. But, there needs to be something that could go to help fund this?The total budget is about $1.5 trillion.I can't believe there isn't $30 billion to substitute?

  35. Do not be shocked if Chritie one day sbecomes a Dem and then goes for President.

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  37. A few observations:
    1.) some people in other parts of the county--with their own representatives in Congress--don't want to see their tax dollars paying for rebuilding what they perceive as beach playgrounds, and "they chose to build by the ocean". Sounds inaccurate and heartless to many of us in the East, but I've heard it from friends in the mid-west looking at if from a different vantage point and in politics perception is reality. How many from our area didn't question the wisdom rebuilding a city partially under sea level (New Orleans).

    2.) This is why--in our current state of polarization in government--it will be battle after battle in the larger war over deficits/debt. On the other end of any tax increase, is someone who will fight it (tax him, not me). On the other end of any spending cut is someone who benefits (military, social security, education, farmers, TANF, medicare....) who will fight it (cut his program, not mine). They all have advocates in Congress, and we no longer reward "working across the aisle" but punish those who "caved" to the "other side."

    3.) related, I had to chuckle reading the article in the Call about Toomey. He was showing pragmatism. My chuckle was that he and the Club for Growth are part of the reason for the increased polarization as they targeted RINOs in primaries (pre-Tea Party doing the same). Republicans are eating each other (no longer Reagan's "big tent"). I read/listen across the spectrum, and yesterday Hannity was going on about the rumors of Boehner resigning and Cantor becoming Speaker. Kind of like if you keep "eating the rich", eventually NO one is left as you eat your way down-- well, eventually they'll be none but the most extreme Republicans left.


  38. Don't be shocked to learn that one day CHRISTIE and TOOMEY reinvent the LAUREL & HARDY Team!

  39. It would be most interesting to see
    if, as in our nations past, a new Republcan party emerging. Just as the Whigs morphed into the Republicans, I wonder if the Republicans with the name not changing, morphs into this exterme tea party.

    Of course that will benefit the Democrtatic Party as I have heard many Republicans who are rock ribbed R's, getting tired of the childish rants and immaturtiy of the tea party.

    The anti-science, anti-government, bible driven, somewhat racist based policy folks who are taking over the Party of Lincoln.

    One such Republican was a wealthy sort who was blunt in saying the zealots are useful but once they get to much power the wealthy bedrock of the Republican Party get very nervous.

  40. I would like to teabag Sean Hannity, Michael "Savage" Weiner, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levine, and Booby Gunter Walsh in that order and on camera for my fellow gay Americans, wouldn't be surprised if BGWalsh enjoyed it most.

  41. I think the sharp words could have been made more constructively with exactly the same point being made, which would have shown someone more becoming of the office alleged to be sought. I have the same criticism for those in Congress on both side of the isle and the President too. Too many political points sought, too little substance.

  42. The terabaggers are off the leash so to speak.

  43. Bullshit Never StopsJanuary 4, 2013 at 12:11 PM

    We pay through the Mashall Plan to finance the rebuilding of Europe after WW2. A good thing creating american jobs throughout the 50s. In tornado alley throughout the midwest we also finance the rebuilding of communities tornado struck. Now all of a sudden we want to talk about beach front playgrounds on the coasts.Get it together Guys.Stop the tea party pic an choose bullshit.Wasnt too long ago i heard crying about being out of power for two days and lack of response.Give em enough rope Blah,blah , blah

  44. Why, you might ask, would the Senate be packing billions of taxpayer dollars for these areas of the country that are nowhere near the devastation brought about by superstorm Sandy into a bill designed to bring relief to those suffering from the storm that ripped the northeastern part of the nation?

    The answer can be found in a quick review of the states that are set to benefit from the Senate’s extra-special benevolence—states including Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and Louisiana.

    What, you may ask, do these states far from New York and New Jersey have in common?

    Each is not only a red state, but each of these states are represented by two Republican senators—with the exception of Louisiana with its one GOP senator.

    And what happens when you buy off seven Republican senators with a package of goodies under the guise of storm relief supposedly meant to benefit two blue states?

    You get yourself a filibuster proof piece of legislation.

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