Local Government TV

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Single Hauler Debate Moves to Upper Nazareth

The house is packed in Upper Nazareth
Like Bethlehem, Upper Nazareth has surveyed its residents about switching from an independent to a single trash hauler. Like Bethlehem, those who responded would like a cheaper trash bill. But like Bethlehem, a very vocal group is opposed to a single hauler. That's what was apparent on Monday night, during a crowded meeting of the Township's Recycling Committee. I counted forty people, and heard nobody advocate for a single hauler.

This meeting was chaired by Supervisor Scott Sylvainus, whose mild manner and willingness to listen seemed to mollify an angry crowd.

Some residents would like to be able to vote on this as a ballot question, but Solicitor Gary Asteak told them that the law does not permit referenda on this kind of issue. "In other words, we're getting railroaded," said resident Frank Reichart.

Brenda Basenese stated, "I want to be able to choose who I want to come to my home and trust." She added, "I don't expect the senior citizens should have to pay for my garbage."

Yvonne Plakotaris, who is with independent hauler East Penn Sanitation, told Supervisors that smaller independents would be unable to bid on a single hauler system because of prohibitive bonding requirements. She argued that Supervisors should adopt ordinances similar to those in effect in Bethlehem and Lower Nazareth Townships.

In the survey done by the Township, 231 residents cited lower cost as what mattered most to them. Residents scoffed at the 700 responses as not representative. But that's much higher than the 561 people who voted in the 2011 municipal election.

In Hanover Township, where there is a single hauler in place, there has been a drastic decrease in garbage bills.

Trash collection fees have also gone down in Walnutport Borough. The bid price for residential pick up between 2008 and 2012 for 775 residential pickup was $887,650.00. The new price, for the period between 2013 and 2016, is just $625,873.00.

Single trash haulers are demonstrably cheaper, but people seem to be opposed to the idea.


  1. Looks like a meeting of the Senior Citizens home association meeting. Why do Seniors really care anyway, not that they will be around too much longer anyway. What do the twenty, thirty and forty somethings think? Don't see any of those age groups at the meeting.

  2. Hands off my uterus and my trash!


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