Local Government TV

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Mezzacappa's Attempted Muzzling of Lehigh Valley Ramblings

Senator Pat Browne With Tricia Mezzacappa (if only he knew)
When I arrive at the Courthouse, my first stop is always the Prothonotary. My first question there is always, "Did anyone sue me today?"

I went through that routine yesterday, and learned that I had just missed GOP NorCo Council candidate Tricia Mezzacappa. She was apparently in a bad mood because she had to check her weapons (Yes, it's plural) before being allowed inside the building. Once she got inside, she filed a motion to dismiss my defamation case. Her reason is that I had failed to file an Amended Complaint. Had she bothered looking at the docket entries, she'd see that one was filed on January 14.

Right before filing this frivolous motion, Mezzacappa was whipping herself into a frenzy. She first slammed a 14 year-old Dieruff High School girl who was tasered by an Allentown police officer last year. "Too bad he didnt [sic] shoot this wildly obnoxious imbecile with a real weapon. One less problem student who will ultimately be a terrible leach [sic] on society, after being trained to think she is above the law. One shot, kersplat, perfect, problem solved."

This girl that Mezzacappa would like to see shot is represented by Rick Orloski, who also represents me. That bothers Mezzacappa. Suggesting that deadly force was warranted is outrageous. But not to Mezzacappa. She has demonstrated her disdain in the past for ethnic minorities, claiming they "should have stayed in the projects."

Later that day, on her blog, she directed this kind comment at West Easton Borough Council President Kelly Gross. "I paid a $315 fine for shouting, when I should have cracked your filthy mouth instead if you were brave enough to show ...then the court case would have been worth it."

Then, between 6:30 and 10:00 PM last night, she hijacked this blog with 745 spam comments. As one of my readers puts it, "It is like a spam bomb went off."

How do I know they came from her? She uses an anonymizer tocomment in Stealth Mode, a trick she learned from her Blog Mentor. But I know it was her because her first hundred or so comments were directed at my supposed failure to follow the rules of civil procedure and file an Amended Complaint. I can't think of anyone, other than her, who would even know these fine details about my defamation case.

From there she want on to comments that accuse me of numerous crimes. Apparently, I'm a rapist now, too. Kelly Gross is accused of illegally collecting social security. Mezzacappa also used a racial epithet to describe my grandson.

While she was hijacking this blog with hatred, no one was able to get a word in edgewise. Her obvious intent, like that of her Blog Mentor, is to shut down this blog and prevent you from learning the truth about her ... or anything else.

When this happened to me a few years ago, it took me most of a day to remove the offending comments. But thanks to technological advances in Blogger, I was able to delete the noxious comments in about 15 minutes. She still disrupted the blog and made it impossible for people to comment about the NorCo Council race or Dean Browning's decision to enter the hunt for Lehigh County Executive.

Her bizarre behavior needs to be denounced by the Northampton County GOP immediately. She is only going to get worse. She has every right to run, but Northampton County Republicans need to make it clear that they condemn her vile remarks and threatening behavior or it will be guilt by association.


  1. Wiat till she starts showing up at county council meetings.

  2. It was disgraceful, anyone who would say things like that needs serious help.

    The Banker

  3. She's baaaaccckkkkk

  4. the only one who thinks she is hot is herself, she is one sick person.

  5. "Her bizarre behavior needs to be denounced by the Northampton County GOP immediately."

    Do they endorse her or control her in any way? Isn't their control to not give her any money (which I hope to God they do not).

    As a Rupublican I am terrified if people paint me with the same brush as they do her but I'm not sure if its good policy for the county committee to call out individual candidates outside of endoresements. Doesn't it boil down to the fact that everyone knows she is crazy?

    She's blog equivilent of the crazy gut standing in the town square ranting.

    I'm also still confused by her posting docket statements to Orloski's cases (even ones where he didn't lose).

  6. Mezzacappa is a skank. She's one of those women that realizes her life is in the toilet, she can no longer get by on her failing looks, and she has no future.

    She's angry at the world for being a failure at everything she has attempted.

    I hope she is able to find a decent psychiatrist that can help her deal with the many demons she carries.

  7. Bernie, Try ignoring Ms. Mezzacappa for a few weeks. She needs attention and if you ignore her,she will have to act out more aggressively.

  8. "As a Rupublican I am terrified if people paint me with the same brush as they do her but I'm not sure if its good policy for the county committee to call out individual candidates outside of endoresements. Doesn't it boil down to the fact that everyone knows she is crazy? "

    Ordinarily, I hate a party that endorses or condemns in a primary. This is the exception to the rule. She is a liar, a racist, violent, threatening, foul-mouthed and mean-spirited. If you can't take a stand against that, then what do you stand for?

    I am sorry, but I can guarantee you it will be guilt by association and it won't take long for ems to paint all of you with the Mezzacappa brush.

  9. wow BO she is hot what does her pig look like??

  10. wow BO she is hot what does her pig look like??

  11. Ignoring Mezzacappa does not work. The Boro had tried every passive way of dealing with her. And all that has accomplished are bigger lies and accusations and more serious criminal behavior. The Boro building is in lock-down bc of the fear she has instilled in those who work there from her serious threats. She needs to be held accountable for her actions.

  12. As a Rupublican I am terrified if people paint me with the same brush as they do her

    But they do. The Tea Party has painted everyone in the GOP with this brush. Even the blogger is a tea party compatriot at this point.

  13. If being a tea party compatriot means not being in lock step with the equally ridiculous Democratic left, I plead guilty.

  14. Forget the shrink. A good residential detox center could probably straighten her out in a couple of months.

  15. If by "equally ridiculous Democratic left" you mean the party that has retained the Whitehouse the past two elections, you have a strange way of drawing false equivalencies.

  16. Because we all know it is ridiculous to want to preserve social security, medicare, and student loans by raising marginal rates on those earning over $450K - the people that are taxed at the lowest rate in 50 years.

    That is absolutely INSANE!

  17. They also have the most advantageous tax write offs. But when you speak about facts, it is class warfare. It is funny how the Republicans have grooomed all these drones who will slit their won throats to benefit their masters. Amazing.

  18. This person is extremely disturbed and dangerous. Her candidacy should be supported by NO ONE.

  19. She sounds like a teabagger natural. They should welcome her with open arms.

  20. Anonymous 2:54, and others -

    Do you admit, we can totally destroy all of these same "bullies" you describe, take ALL of their money, and America's financial future will be only a TINY bit better than it is now?

    That's not the point, though, is it?

    In time, you'll see the error of your ways. Unfortunately, it will be too late to save this country.

  21. Bernie, this NorCo R thinks she's hateful and dangerous. My county committee, however, would struggle to put together a coherent explanation of what day of the week it is. She's a mess and an embarrassment. She's Barron with a shorter skirt and weapons. I'm not holding my breath waiting for a statement from the county committee. I don't even know if they have an organized response mechanism for crap like this. We're talking NorCo Rs here. I love my team. But I know my team's limits. Stay safe, in any matter, from her.

  22. I certainly understand and would not hold that against you. I know the Exec Committee voted to try to get rid of her. I also know your party is in shambles right now. But if she gets on the ballot, and you do not come out against her, I can guarantee you Dems will hit you over the head with it and every one of your candidates will be in trouble.

  23. She is lucky she enjoys the feedoms she does. In most other countries she`d be in restraints

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Clinton D. Oxford #1853January 30, 2013 at 8:59 AM

    Tricia J. Mezzacappa
    Trisha J Mezzacappa
    Tric Mezzacappa
    Tricia Mezzaacappa


    Easton, PA
    West Easton, PA
    Randolph, NJ
    Califon, NJ
    Flemington, NJ

    Jill Mezzacappa
    Joann Mezzacappa
    Joseph Mezzacappa
    Merrill Mezzacappa

    Access Report

  26. I wonder if Tricia Mezzacappa's family knows what she is up to here in PA. They are from NJ. If they did know, maybe they could intervene. Maybe not. Martin Sheen couldn't stop his son Charley from melting down and humiliating himself and his family.

    Mezzacappa's mother is living, but her father is deceased. He was a lawyer for the government. She has a sister who is (or used to be) a public prosecutor in the Garden State.

    Please, Mezzacappa family, help Tricia.

  27. Clinton, I have no regard for Mezzacappa, but could not allow that comment to stand.

  28. That is a wonderful picture of Senator Browne and a self-admitted supporter of the NIZ.

    The Lehigh Valley Phantoms should use that picture on one of their posters selling tickets to the transformative Palace of Sport.

    Maybe the Senator could get this fellow NIZ "visionary" a cushy job as a consultant, like he did for his wife ...


  29. Bernie: I respect your Administrative perogative to edit Your blog. Nonetheless, my TOLERANCE....as a Parent, extends only to my child.....NOT to those who would cast aspersions publicly. Truth shouldn't be percieved as a threat. ;-)

  30. Understood. I will allow no hints at violence of any kind towards any person, even conditional ones like yours. We don't want to became what we despise in her.

  31. She is obviously bipolar and has extreme mania...manic attacks...a little Lithium will do her good.

  32. I love drama but I think we can make an exception. Bernie, maybe you need to not publish anything about her anymore. Getting attention probably feeds her delusions and might cause her to do even more. Or do you think she'd do this anyway?

  33. TMs parents must be very proud of the psycho she has become. If she was my child, adult or otherwise I would have her committed before she harms herself or others.


  34. Mezza has the backing of area Politicians.

  35. Yeah, but he still has the cookies!

  36. Got Milk ?


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