Local Government TV

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Is Scrappleface the New Face of the Lehigh County GOP

Über conservative Scott Ott, who has called himself Scrappleface, will announce his bid for Lehigh County Exec on Thurday morning at the HamFam. That's what he told County Republicans during a party meeting last night. This is great new for the tea party Republicans. But it's even better news for Democrats.

You see, President Obama carried Lehigh County by 8 points in November. There are 36,000 more D's than R's (112,000 to 76,000). Now Republicans can and do win, but I think everyone is sick of the fire breathers on both sides of the aisle. I'd say odds are pretty good that Ott will lose the general and take down the Republican Commissioner candidates with him. He will be portrayed as an out of touch white male, which is pretty much what he is. Even if he plays the guitar.

It's even better for Democrats if Ott wins. He would then become the public face of the Republican party in Lehigh County in 2014. That will hurt both LV Congressman Charlie Dent and Governor Tom Corbett when they run for re-election.

Guilt by association.

But am I exaggerating? Below are some of Ott's very strange opinions on different topics.

The Liberal Conspiracy of Black Genocide by Abortion

1. “Conservatives also love people of all kinds, and we despise the intrauterine genocide now waged against our dark skinned brothers and sisters by liberals who demand civil rights but only for those who escape the abortionist who lives on the payroll of liberal politicians”. Townhall.com February 15, 2008

2. Ott questions why blacks were loyal to Democrats given the party’s promotion of “genocide” for black babies saying abortion does not, “just decimate the black population, for that means killing only 1-in-10. The Democrat party actively, passionately pushes policies that target the race for genocide, with white “physicians” slaughtering a full 50 percent of black infants before they ever draw breath”. Townhall.com May 4, 2008

3. “However, the ethnic cleansing continues to this day, with black and Hispanic babies aborted in numbers all out of proportion to their representation in the general population. They fall victim to knives wield by inevitably white abortionists”. Townhall.com July 9, 2009

4. Lehigh County Commissioner Scott Ott, a Republican, said in New York City, "something like six out of 10 black babies are aborted, four out of 10 Latino babies are aborted and two out of 10 white babies are aborted." Adding the majority of abortion doctors in the United States are white, Ott said: "If you looked at that with any kind of a dispassionate data analysis, you’d wonder whether there was some kind of a genocide campaign going on to eliminate black and Latino babies from the population." WFMZ.com September 17, 2012

5. Ott drew a few gasps from the audience when he called Planned Parenthood "the country's major abortion retailer," adding: “I’m not kidding, that's the business they're in." WFMZ.com September 17, 2012

There Goes Meals on Wheels

Ott on the use of Federal tax dollars returned to Lehigh County to be used to cover the cost of infrastructure improvements and to help fund Meals on Wheels:

a) “The federal government is sending us money to do things that are of no national importance,” said Commissioner Scott Ott. WFMZ.com June 28, 2012

b) "The Chinese communist government is fronting us money to feed 85 year-old elderly women in Lehigh County," he said. "It's not sustainable. It's not right. It's not morally acceptable to do that." The Morning Call July 12, 2012

Forget Social Security and Medicare

a) “Conservatives cut taxes and so-called entitlement programs” Townhall.com February 15, 2008

b) “My entitlement reform proposal is this: If you‘re an American citizen your entitlements are outlined in the Constitution. Nothing else is guaranteed”. “Cap program benefits at their current levels. Don’t even allow cost of living increases” Townhall.com October 8, 2008

c) “Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are actually elaborate Ponzi schemes”. Examiner March 30, 2009

d) “If only it (Social Security) were a Ponzi scheme, It's actually much worse”. Facebook September 13, 2012


  1. He personifies the teabaggers and what will be seen as the end of the modern Republican Party.

    The politics of hate, anger and extremism is not America's future.


  2. bernie, i would not be so quick to write off scott ott and the republican party in lehigh county. cunningham's margin of victory against ott was very thin, and cunningham had the political wind at his back.

  3. Right now, Scott Ott and the teabaggers on Lehigh Commissioners have the wind in their face!

  4. That's what I think. When Ott nearly won four years ago, voters were justifiably angry at extremist Democrats. Now the pendulum is swinging the other way, and voters are justifiably angry with extremist Rs. I believe Lehigh County is more conservative than Northampton, but still think the Rs are in trouble. If Republicans like Dougherty and Creighton are popular in their districts, they'll ride this out. But countywide, I think they are in trouble. So are Northampton Rs, who are running for at-large and not district seats.

    We shall see.

  5. Bernie
    Let's hope some face is the new face of Allentown's Republican mayoral candidate.

  6. Uber conservatism and Teapartying is over. It was a nice shtick but the Country has spoken. Time for the Republican party to move to the center and address some of these social issues like gun control, abortion, social security, medicare and so on for the good of all people just not their tea party members. Ott is a nice fellow and genuine in his convictions. But he simply is not representative of the things most people want out of government.

  7. @6:19, i think it's fair to assume that those quotes bernie presented came from oppositional research, which i would guess were forwarded to him. apparently somebody thinks that ott is a strong enough candidate that it's not to early to start smearing him.

  8. Ralphie - You talk about hate? What about the term "teabaggers". Why don't you explain that to us?

  9. Thank you for clearly spelling out Scott's positions. He's a breath of fresh air and has my vote locked up.

    As for black genocide:


  10. "As for black genocide:

    A staged call was made from and to Whom?
    Your logic is as faulty as your definition of "genocide".
    Your last line defines you and limits your credibility.
    Obviously from some fourth world country where intelligence does not exist.

  11. Bernie,

    Scott Ott has a very extensive record of writing. One could glean almost anything with such a supply of words. Imagine what a monster someone could make of you by parsing your many humorous asides as serious
    I know you aren't running for office, but does it make it right to do so just because some one is?

    Scott Armstrong

  12. Is Scott so far off on Planned Parenthood? Take a look at one of their cohorts the Center For Reproductive Rights put out yesterday to mark the 40th anniversary of Roe vs Wade.

    Scott Armstrong


  13. Bernie, you say you will not allow name calling or insults directed at someone but you allow your readers to use the derogatory term "teabagger". Do you know what that means? I guess when words like that are used against Republicans it is ok, but when anything is used against liberal democrats you delete it.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Uber conservative . . . genocide

    Bernie, Your German preface to genocide was intentional, and frankly unfair. Scott is no Hitler. The Tea-Party is not a racist group. And while there are those who think abortion of any color is infanticide, a genocide against infants, its not really of a County issue.

    Just keep pressing buttons tho. Eventually they might work.

  18. NLV Logie, The uber reference is certainly German, and is intended to convey the impression that Ott is very conservative. There was no attempt and no intention of comparing Ott to Hitler. It is entirely fair and your attempt to read some sort of Hitler comparison into it is just a little goofy. It would deprive me and others from using a rich language to convey ideas in which English falls a little short.

    Abortion is certainly no County issue, but those who consider abortion a form of genocide by white doctors against black people, are simply nutz and should not be in ANT office.

    Ott and his "reform" board have found a way of forcing their harsh agenda and ridiculous thinking on the rest of us.

  19. ". Imagine what a monster someone could make of you by parsing your many humorous asides as serious

    1. I have to accept responsibility for every word I've ever written. I can certainly explain that I was joking about this or that. That's why one signs one's name.

    2. Ott is not joking. Ott is very serious when he claims that abortion is some form of black genocide and hint at some kind of conspiracy among angry white doctors. It's completely illogical and downright scary thinking.

  20. To Anon 2:55
    This country is almost split regarding party affiliation.
    The Republican party is far from dead.Obama won because of entitlement spending...NO OTHER reason.No one exuded more hate , anger and extremism than your great Divider...Barrack Hussein Obama. He is on a mission to downsize America. You Liberals are as stupid as they come.Then again the 47 ers could care less about this country as long as the welfare , food stamps keep comimg.

  21. "Is Scott so far off on Planned Parenthood?"

    Pretty much. It would be fair to note that minorities have more abortions than white people. But it is illogcal and downright cRaZy to assert that this is the result of some sort of white conspiracy to rid the world of black people.


  22. As a moderate GOP voter for about 25 years, I'm not thrilled to see the GOP breaking into subsets of philosophical views. The Dems welcome everyone who can figure out the straight live party vote.

    You don't have a say in how things are done in legislation if you are on the outside giving speeches.

    LC is goning the hinder the GOP at the staste and national level.

  23. I think the movement was called Eugenics.

  24. 8:39 I guess you forgot how Bernie exposed Bernie Kleclacks comments about Sam Bennett which wound up on the front page of the MC.That said Republicans should stop blaming the media for their problems.There are many red states where Dems seldom win races.That doesnt stop them from fielding candidates.Thats our system,to have choices.Its a damn shame that Republicans dont field candidates for Allentown races.No excuses.In my view its all about the "get out the vote effort.Compare the registerd Republican totals in allentown to how many actually go out to vote.Especially in low turnout years where the race is decided by a few thousand votes or less.So the bottom line is the republicans have to do what they gotta do even if they gotta pay for staff for door knocking,phone calling,professional ads etc.Bob Lovett beat varkony due to his constant calling the republican super voters.Unfortunatly was ignored for help to fund a better general campaign.Scott A was among only a few who worked their butts off for the allentown city committee to no avail.Lack of volunteers,then tap into big republican donor money and mount better campaigns.No excuses

  25. "i think it's fair to assume that those quotes bernie presented came from oppositional research,"

    It is entirely fair to conclude I received these quotes from one or two persons who do not like Ott. I have read those and numerous other quotes myself, over the years. I have no idea whether these people were doing opposition research like some people you and I know bc it does not fit in with their occupations. It is possible that they might have paid for it, but my impression was that these people have been following Scott on their own. Had I done this entirely on my own, I would have linked exactly to the quotes mentioned.

  26. "Teabagger" IS offensive.

    The fact that O'Hare continuously does nothing about it here is very revealing.

    Very revealing.

  27. "I think the movement was called Eugenics."

    It was, and I find it ridiculous to suggest that there is some sort of conspiracy among white doctors to engage in that practice.

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. 11:38, The word is offensive and I have expressed by disdain for it but will not delete it bc it is not addressed to any one person. It is a general term used by one side to describe another. I delete personal attacks, as well as comments directed at my comment policy. Stick to the subject.

  30. Bernie,

    Google Margaret Sanger. She "established" Planned Parenthood. It isn't pretty. It is all glossed over.

    Scott Armstrong

  31. Scott, Whatever agenda some crazy crackpot may have had, the notion that there is some sort of conspiracy to rid the world of black babies is on its face illogical and is a slur on white doctors. Let's stop the nonsense. It is this type of ridiculous thinking that has your party in trouble.

  32. It was ridiculous that it was conspired that doctors killed Jews in the Holocaust. And still to this day, people don't believe the Holocaust ever existed. It was ridiculous that Turkish government wanted to euthanize the Armenians. Still to this day, people don't believe it. What is so wacky about a time so long ago, when whites and blacks didn't get along, that white doctors and white people wanted to kill black babies. That is a sad part of American history.

    But today, they are not killing just black babies, but the abortionists are killing all kinds of babies. It isn't a black or white thing anymore. It is a human thing.

  33. Those who deny the Holocaust deny the undeniable evidence. There is substantial evidence of a massive and coordinated effort by Nazis to rid the world of Jews.

    Here, there is no question that abortion is practiced much more heavily among blacks and Hispanics than among whites. But to go from there and conclude there must therefore be some massive conspiracy among liberal elitists is simply illogical. It is a fallacy. Beside, most of the white doctors who perform abortions happen to be Republicans.

  34. All this bickering about abortion and nonsense about conspiracy. LOL! Abortion levels are at historical lows in this country and continue to drop because of education and prevnative health care (birth control). The lower soocio economic classes have higher rates because of just that...their socio economic class. Their economic reality, education and preventative healthcare are not as good as white america. But still, overall, their rates are dropping. We would all like to see the rates drop to zero. Distorting facts to serve the antiabortion agenda is not the answer. Contiued EDUCATION, HEALTHCARE and the advancement of lower socio economic classes is the answer.

  35. " Beside, most of the white doctors who perform abortions happen to be Republicans.

    12:55 PM"

    Having a hard time finding that stat anywhere. Where'd you get it?


  36. From Limousine Liberals to Rockefeller Republicans, there's always been talk of slowing the breeding masses. Margaret Sanger was a typical Progressive who saw abortion as a means to eliminate lower classes and strengthen the race. I'm pro-choice Libertarian. But don't pretend abortion politics have ever been completely noble. Roe v. Wade was decided on what was revealed to be a lie. It's caused 50 million fewer Americans to be born, a disparate percentage of whom would have been mostly poor African Americans. This is a cause for relief on both sides of the political divide.

  37. Notice how a bunch of these guys are named Scott?
    What's with that?

    Anyway, the guy has said a bunch of stuff, so like anyone who has said a bunch of stuff, some of it is bound to be lunatic fringe fantasy? No?

    Shit if you reveiwed the complete writing of Fred Rodgers you'd most likely find similar stuff. Right?

  38. Who says these people are looney?

  39. Clem's point is well taken. The vast majority of physicians are democrats.

  40. Good point. Hillary Clinton says stuff, for example.

    Mostly she lies. From the "vast right wing conspiracy to being shot at by a sniper on the tarmac, to being named after Sir Edmund Hillary. Libs love her anyway.

    Today she testified, on the Benghazi matter" "...whether it was demonstations or four guys walking down the street, what does it matter how it happened?"

    Horrendous, self serving piece of shit, is she. And the libs still love her and entrust her a job she was, and is, simply unqualified.

    But we're worried about ol' Scrappleface's opinions on the abortion industry. I see...


  41. I agree with Scott ( Armstrong).
    Scott ( Ott ) was taken out of context. It clearly represents an attempt a humor.
    Man, people can't take a joke.

  42. Clem you are so sharp dude. Nobody, but nobody can get over on you.
    Your the best dude. You deserve global audience.

  43. Bernie,

    This might be a little off the mark. So if this doesn't fit, please feel free to delete it.

    Please consider coming to D.C. this Friday to join in on the March for Life against the anniversary of the Supreme Court case of Roe v. Wade. Please come out and show your support to end this atrocity called abortion. If you cannot make it to D.C., please consider donating a portion of your time to peacefully pray and join the sidewalk counselors outside of an abortion mill near you. If the weather is too harsh and you cannot come outside, please consider sending your prayers for successful and peaceful demonstrations throughout the United States.

    Also, as a side plug, look for me on the EWTN channel on Thursday at 6 PM. Thousands of people will gather in the National Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception to hold a Vigil Mass for Pro-Life. I will be processing in with the other Deacons. It won't be hard to pick me out from the rest. There will be a few of us dressed in our Eastern Catholic vestments that stand-out among the Roman Catholics.

    Again, please keep us in your prayers. (The snow won't keep us away. They are expecting about 2 to 4 inches of snow and a devastating windchill factor.)(I would love to see a few of you in D.C. I am hosting many people, seminarians, deacons, and priests from all over America.)

    Peace be with you, ~~~alex+

  44. Let's look past abortion,a complex and emotional debate with good people and compelling arguments on both sides.
    Those 85 year olds in Lehigh County expecting to get a box lunch five days a week on the public dole....we can all agree on this.
    There is no place for this abomination in our great land.

  45. Is Scott so far off on Meals On Wheels? Clearly it's philosophical underpinnings are grounded in radical Marxist theory.

  46. Republicans.
    Concern for life begins at conception, and ends at birth.

  47. Ott's remarks were taken out of context.
    He's written a lot of stuff.
    I'm sure if you reviewed the totality of Fred Rodgers writings you'd find a couple of wacky lines regarding Meals on Wheels.
    Let's be fair here BOH.

  48. I'm back, this is sort of interesting.
    I don't believe it is fair to draw the conclusion from the Scott Ott's statement that he is against Meals on Wheels. I believe a fairer reading concludes federal borrowing to pay for even basic programs like meals on wheels indicates gross irresponsibility on the part of elected officials. They are racking up enormous deficits.They are spending money now that our children and grandchildren will have to pay at least debt service on. That is immoral.

    Scott Armstrong

  49. All this man-love for Anderson Coope?. Very interesting. Hey, I mean what ever turns you on sailors.

    Meanwhile-----I think of the Tea Bag moniker as a term of endearment. I find them quite charming in a rustic sort if way......and that tough guy talk is a real turn-on.

    Hubba Hubba fellas.

  50. Let those oldsters go hungry. This is an important ideological argument about appropriate funding. Not about the reality of hungry seniors.

    It is simply immoral to use federal dollars to feed hungry old folks in Lehigh County or anywhere else.
    I tired of hearing 85 year old takers whinning--- " oh I'm cold, oh I'm hungry." Get a job trough feeders.

  51. i really don't know much about ott's writing, i'm too self-absorbed, but i do know that he writes satire. with that in mind, it's probably difficult to quote him, and not be out of context. but let me insult most of you. what the two "scotts" have in common is that we know who they are, low hanging fruit easy to criticize. what most of you others have in common is that you're anonymous worms, who won't even own your words. you will never be taken out of context, or even taken.

  52. Anon 237 said "Those 85 year olds in Lehigh County expecting to get a box lunch five days a week on the public dole....we can all agree on this.

    Do you eat yours with a silver spoon???

    For a short time, my 87 year old father benefited from meals on wheels. I was more than happy to pay full burden for the meals to ensure my father was getting proper nourishment. Most elderly do not want to be a burden. However, I have a greater appreciation for the work meals on wheels does and how some less fortunate elderly depend on such services.

    Your uncaring attidude towards the WWII generation is appauling.

    Your TEA (Too Extreme Agenda) speaks for itself.

  53. Mike,

    What the anonymous posters from the Left haven’t figured out is that their cowardly ugliness speaks for itself and serves to discredit the point of view they wish to advocate.
    How ironic that they view themselves as the tolerant ones. What their posts demonstrate instead is how they love to hate anyone who doesn’t think as they. Imagine a world with these people in charge. Check the history books for more insights on this.

    Scott Armstrong

  54. Bernie--you are correct on your assessment of Scrappleface. By the way, what is his real job anyway? Don't say "author" because he's not really.

  55. If Scott Ott becomes County Executive I hope he buys a house so he could directly pay property taxes.

  56. More interesting story --- Mike Fleck formerly of the Easton City Council adding Julio Guridy and Cynthia Moto to his stable of political clients that includes Allentown Mayor Edwin Pawlowaki,

    I ask - who will Joe Davis, Ray O'Connell and the new former school district president on council stable with.

    I for one can only laugh on the outside but sigh on the inside at this continuing story of being on the outside

  57. What did you do in the war Scott? Brave patriotic man like you surely served?

  58. 6;57 Coward,

    Predictable personal attack. I knew I could count on you to prove my point.

    Scott Armstrong

  59. This right wing guy would rather talk about Anderson Cooper some more.
    Those eyes.
    That voice.
    Come on fellas...... chime in. We know your on Lehigh Valley Rambling.

  60. Feel the typical and very real hate spewed anonymously from the Left.

    Scott Armstrong

  61. Anon 6:53
    Those Allentown pols are laughable clowns----- and Scott and Scott and the Lehigh County bunch are wacky-loony.
    Fools to the left -- assholes to the right.
    That whole place is fungooed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  62. @6:53

    With all due respect, I must disagree.
    What could be a more interesting story than exposing the socialist roots and moral outrage of Meals on Wheels.

  63. I love how Scott and Scott and the rest of the GUYS are such experts on abortion.

    Women can decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong.

    However, we can all agree upon is that Scrappleface has a knack for inserting his feet deeply into his mouth.

  64. Molovinsky, I hear what you are saying about anonymity. The Scotts and others are brave to put a name to their comments. However, the nature of some of these comments demonstrates why someone like myself would choose to stay anonymous. In any event, I always enjoy the conversation, even if I do get a little terrified of its participants.

  65. I had no doubt that Scott would eventually run. It is his frickin ego. Or maybe Pajama Tv revenues are down. Anywhooo, If times get real tough, he could join us Americab Workers in the Warehouse district working 10 full time. We always need help. I get a bonus if I refer someone and they stick. Call me :-)

  66. I'll be at Fridays big Pro Life rally in DC, rain or shine.
    As a product of a Parochial School education and a life long Roman Catholic, St. Simon &Jude, I'm standing tall for Roman Catholic Family Values.

  67. Monkey Mama,

    As a man I never claimed to be an expert on abortion. That said I am entitled to my beliefs(which I has never expressed here). What I did write was that the organization Planned Parenthood was founded by a woman who stated and wrote some very controversial comments.
    Does that(sarcastically)make me an expert on abortion?

    Scott Armstrong

  68. Meals on Wheels IS a gross misappropriation of GOVERMENT FUNDING.

    Thank you for speaking truth to power Mr. Armstrong sir.
    Carry on.

  69. Which major party did David Duke join?
    I forget.
    Scott, your a history buff, help me out.

  70. So many people are just incredibly stupid. Bernie, I don't know how you bring them out because while you might have some faults, as we all do, you certainly write well, and bring out issues like few others do.

    Keep up the good work.

    By the way Scott Ott is weird.

  71. Who said they were wacky in Lehigh County?


  72. Monkey Mama,

    Who speaks up for the babies that are killed?

    Don't want babies? Don't have sex?

  73. Hey all you fellow Tea Bag Party guys----let's get back to the Anderson Cooper thing.

    Feel the love. Indeed!

  74. Concern for the babies begins at conception.......... and ends at birth.

  75. 10:02,

    Concern becomes human rights after their birth. Thanks for proving the point.

  76. Who speaks up up for the babies around the world hungry, destitute and lacking a source of fresh clean water?
    Let me know when they hold that rally in Washington.

  77. Where is the Tea Parties concern for the Human Rights of the worlds poor and hungry children then?
    Please, do let us know.

  78. Let's all go to " abortion mills" on Friday and harass women.
    Thanks for the tip Father.
    While in DC do say a prayer for the worlds children who have been sexually abused by Catholic clergy.
    I'd personally appreciate that Father, more than I could express.

  79. So you rather kill babies, than feed them? Thank God your parents kept you? Or maybe they should have gave you up for an adoption.

    Who takes care of all the children that art teachers, I mean teachers, doctors, and all other professions take advantage of?

    The same entity that is speaking up for their voices - the Church. Believe it or not, Obama wants to close hospitals but churches want to continue to fund them. And they want to feed the poor unlike you. We are always going to have poor, what are you doing to help them?

  80. Clem, Doctors are overwhelmingly Republican, but that is changing as Republicans become more polarized.


  81. 10:13, 10:26, and 10:42 PM,

    I believe you are not allowed to comment, even anonymously on this blog. Go back to rolling on the floor and foaming at the mouth. And don't forget to take your drug cocktail.

    What are you going to do? Get in an computer internet war with me? Ohhhh! Are you going to CAPS LOCK me to death. I am scared!!!

  82. "Ott's remarks were taken out of context."

    Completely untrue. I've read it enough myself, and could easily double the length of this post with more of his commentary, written as Scott Ott.

  83. We live in a nation, a political party, a party supporting the killing of unborn children, this same party labeling law abiding gun owners as "gun nuts"?

    My "50 calibers" plus my "high capacity magazines" have killed less people then Ted Kennedy's Lincoln.

    Eckville Press

  84. 10:50
    WTF are you talking about?
    I can't connect your hysterical logic.

  85. "'ll be at Fridays big Pro Life rally in DC, rain or shine.
    As a product of a Parochial School education and a life long Roman Catholic, St. Simon &Jude, I'm standing tall for Roman Catholic Family Values"

    Good for you. St. Simon & Jude is a great church. But this post is not about abortion. It is about the fallacy that abortion is actually a form of black genocide.

  86. " Bernie, I don't know how you bring them out because while you might have some faults, as we all do, you certainly write well, and bring out issues like few others do."

    It's a gift. I seem to be a magnet for the cRaZies.

  87. Who said they would rather kill babies than feed them? Did I miss something?

    Yo, Mr. Eckville Press, is it completely beyound your simple world view that some people could support the right to bear arms and the right of women to reproductive health care decessions in consultation with her doctor?
    Jessie Venture has been supporting that position for years nationally. It's hardly novel. I see the Fox News beam comes in strong up there on the ridge.
    But only apparently in black and white.

  88. I have a satisfying solution for all of you:

    Arm the unborn! Give a fetus an assault rifle immediately after conception! That will keep them safe from the abortion conspiracy!

  89. All Fox News comes only in black and white. Even when it's broadcast in living color.

    Mr. Eckvllle, this leftie would love to shoot your 50 cal.
    I'll spring for a couple hundred bucks worth of shells. Don't you think for a minute some of us lefties don't know are way around firearms.
    Live Free or Die brother.

    Another proud union member.

  90. Mr Eckville, the Ted Kennedy line was good but it's starting to get a little stale.
    Could you come up with something fresher?

  91. BOH Father Alex introduced the abortion line.

    As a lapsed Catholic ( Holy Ghost ) I got to say this: Roman Catholic Family Values?
    When I see a Priiest coming I want my kids locked in the house ready to call the police.

  92. Fr. Alex did and said I could delete if I wanted. Abortion is not the topic. Nor is your cynical and anonymous view of Catholic priests.

  93. Cynical view of priests? Where have you been Bernie? Cynical?
    Yes I'm sorry to say the world wide scandal and unconscionable cover-up by a shameful Vatican has perhaps made me a bit cynical. After all at my age I was a member of the Arch Diocese of Phila. That rotted hulk.

  94. I have used the word "teabagger" myself. I love two comedy shows on TV. The Daily Show and the Glenn Beck show. Jon Stewart and Glenn Beck are two of the funniest guys around. I would always catch them whenever I could. I remember old Glenn Beck using the term "teabagger" on more than a few occasions. I found it funny then, I still do.

    If people are offended by a term they ascribed to themselves, next time in the throes of your 2008 anger an dhatred, do some research before you get all worked up. The old Taxed Enough Already deal was a play on the 1776 tea party, except that that one had a real purpose. Taxation without representation. Now it is about taxation without "my" representation.

    When I watched the "tea" party rallies in Washington I saw a great many people with pictures of Obama done up as a Zulu warrior and as a "big lipped nego" caricatrue. I diodn't get the taxed enough already connection. So I figured it was all part of a big spoof.

    So to all my teanbbagger friends, I impart the words form the old Whitey spiritual, He who first smelt it, dealt it.

    Too damn bad teabaggers but you aproriately named yourselves.

    If you want some real fun, goggle Santorum.

  95. Oh I forgot to sign my name, my mistake. After all I'm only human.


  96. I love these wacky guys.

  97. I love these wacky guys.

  98. I love these wacky guys.

  99. women with money get D&C's.
    The poor get abortions.

  100. Wiki the term carpetbaggers. There are are some common traits. However, I try to limit my use of the suffix so I do not hurt your sensitive side.

  101. I truely feel Ott and others limited the Executive pay in an effort to "clear" the field.

  102. " Beside, most of the white doctors who perform abortions happen to be Republicans."

    Calling Bullshit, Bernie.

    I read the piece at the link. The word abortion does not appear a single time. There are no stats at all.

    The article is about doctors supporting the socialization of medicine because they'd rather have salaried, institutional jobs with fewer hours, rather than own their own practices and keep up the fight, with a little "better results for the patient" thrown in for cover.

    There are a couple of vague statements about how it used to be. Typically unsubstantiated, anecdotal nonsense from the NYT.

    Now, come clean, dude. That little diddy came from your gut, and you googled it after the fact, didn't you?


  103. It is black genocide and it's especially championed by white progressives. Sanger believed in eugenics and she is still abortion's champion.


  104. I love when someone anonymously calls on me to come clean. Most doctors are Republicans. I provided you a link. Now as I suspected, once I did that, you challenge that without bothering to supply any of your own.

  105. "I truely feel Ott and others limited the Executive pay in an effort to "clear" the field."

    We'll soon see if that gambit worked.

  106. Ever doctor I've ever known is a democrat. Keep speaking truth to power Clem.

  107. Where is your link, Blog Mentor. You give yourself away bc you attack people instead of issues.

  108. Well, if it's black genocide, it isn't working very well.

  109. " Bernie O'Hare said...
    I love when someone anonymously calls on me to come clean. Most doctors are Republicans. I provided you a link. Now as I suspected, once I did that, you challenge that without bothering to supply any of your own.

    11:14 AM"

    Most doctors may, indeed, be Rs. But that is not what you said, and the link you provided in no way supported what you did say:

    "Beside, most of the white doctors who perform abortions happen to be Republicans."

    I keep looking for the information which will either support or refute your statement of fact. Logically, it makes little sense for someone who makes a living doing abortions to belong to a political party with a platform plank that would outlaw his/her livelihood.

    Regardless, I've made no statement rejecting or accepting your claim that "...most of the white doctors who perform abortions happen to be Republicans." So, why would I supply a link in support of something I never said.

    If I can find the proof, either way, I'll be sure to post it.


  110. This is getting silly. I provided proof that most MDs are Rs. It seems likely, therefore, that most of the doctors performing abortions would come from a pool of mostly Rs.


  111. Nice photo of Marty Feldman.

  112. Who else is running for Lehigh County Executive?


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