Local Government TV

Monday, January 21, 2013

Dent Calls On Congress to Work Together

LV Congressman Charlie Dent: "Today as we celebrate the life and vision of Dr. Martin Luther King, Barack Obama was sworn in for his second term as the President of our United States. Dr. King's Dream continues to be a great statement on the possibilities that are available to all our citizens.

"I wish President Obama and his family success and happiness as he begins his second term. I believe the entire country has a dream that its politicians will work together to solve the big problems facing us. The American people do not fear solutions; they fear their elected leaders do not have the capacity to find the answers. We must do better."


  1. Yawn.

    (feel-good factor calculating...)


    (feel-good factorization complete)

    The Rich are NOT paying their fair share!


  2. Yet here you are, minutes after this publishes writing the word "yawn" three times. Partisans like you, on both the right and the left, are why nothing gets done.

  3. The Rich are NOT paying their fair share.

    More revenues will be needed, mark my words.

    Will you blame ME for that, TOO?

    Only time will tell ...

  4. To Anon 5:35

    Obama's Policies hurt hard working men and women much harder than just "having the Rich pay their fair share "
    -Corporations ( The Rich) dont invest resources in their companies wheb higher taxes are levied . They find other avenues to invest their Capital.
    Thats why unemployment is so high.
    - When unemployment is high Companies have difficult time reaching their financial objectives
    so they cut back on raises/ bonus's and other forms of compensation that the worker depends to make a living.
    All of this extra taxation goes to pay for what..Entitlements !!!for many whom choose not to work.

    So ..go ahead and feel good about raising taxes on the Rich . They can afford it. Its working people whom end up getting screwed in the long run.

  5. Good statement mr.dent. agreed.

  6. Anon 6:01,

    Look, I can appreciate the fact that you are mad because Obama won.

    Doesn't change the fact that more revenues WILL be needed.

    The Rich (and, perhaps a few others) WILL be called on to pay just a teensy-weensy tiny bit more.

    Only Big Government can save you, me or anybody else.

    America agrees and that is why it elected Obama - again.

    (PS - You guys DO know that 5:35, 5:49 and this right here are all one and the same person, right?)

  7. Today's speech was a partisan lecture. Good luck getting any compromise with this guy. His predecessors worked with the other side. His speech indicates he has no interest and will simply blame it on everybody's racism. What a tragedy.

  8. If everyone would stop complaining and just agree things would be better.
    Right? Charlie gets it.

    Allentown Democrat Voter

  9. It's all about the "Investments".

    We are definitely going to be needing some additonal revenues, too.

    America agrees and that is why it elected Obama - again.

    5:35, 5:49, 7:06 & NOW

  10. its fair to say that most americans want our leaders to work together/negotiate/compromise.Except maybe the super rich or super stupid.

  11. The economy is turning around, the signs are there. Improved economy = more revenue.

  12. the only turning around is the toilet water when you flush the toilet!!

  13. I really have a hard time accepting that Obama wants to work together with Republicans when he told his constituents to get in the faces of their Republican electorate during the 2011 budget bill. Thereafter he praised the bill as a solution, the same bill which begat the fiscal cliff he then also blamed Republicans for the fiscal cliff. If he really wanted to work together, then he would put forth a proposal of his own which demonstrated a willingness to work with both sides. There are a number of Republicans who will bend, yet I still recall the spending cuts promised by Tip ONeal when Reagan agreed to raise taxes, then Congress did not come thru with the promised cuts, they did it again when Bush I raised taxes, were still in the same debacle. How come the Senate leader can call R-bills "dead on arrival" and not schedule the house bills for any vote. The President said there are no blue states or red states, but his actions does not match his words. If he did, I think the leadership would win the day, and some progress would be made. The President should lead like Reagan and Clinton in his second term. Cant say the R-congress then under Clinton was less conservative then, but Clinton found common ground. Its time for Obama to lead!. Obama talks a good game, but where are his specific solutions, as were put forth by every President before him. In sum, it takes two to tango, but there is only one executive in chief. Lead for once! The problem is not all just taxes! - nlv

  14. I think the mcall's headline proves my point.

    Confident Obama lays out battle plan as he launches second term

    An inagaural address laid out and termed by the press as as a "battle plan" yet we blame only Republicans for gridlock.

    Keep drinking that kool-aid, it clouds the mirror on the wall. -nlv

  15. Per Dent The American people do not fear solutions; they fear their elected leaders do not have the capacity to find the answers.

    I think we're saying the same thing as to leaders who do not offer solutions, especially fiscal solutions, but I also think that many Americans fear solutions.

  16. The above was mine -nlv

  17. Dear Chuckie the Feckless:

    Before you can do better, you have to have done something to best. Proclaimations and kindergarten recognitions don't count.

    Chuckie pops his head up like a whack-a-mole, pontificates, then goes back to painting toenails on both sides of the aisle.

    Which way is the wind blowin' today, Chuck?


  18. Good Old Clem,

    Always there to give you a good laugh. The teabaggers do have a sense of humor. You have to give them that.


  19. Allentown Democratic Voter is just so crafty.
    Such wit. Very witty approach. My nine year old loves his approach.

  20. As Charlie has no respect for innocent life, none of his opinions really matter.

    He supports sanctioned death in all forms from partial birth abortion to the death penalty to relentless drone bombings in endless wars.

    Dent is no centrist when the subject is killing humans. He's an extreme supporter.


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