Local Government TV

Friday, January 11, 2013

A Letter to Easton Police

Good morning. I know that you have quite a bit on your plate, given the number of homicides in Easton last year. I am writing because I do not want to be one of those statistics.

By now, I am sure that most of you are familiar with Tricia Mezzacappa, [redacted], West Easton, Pa.  For over a year, she has been filing false reports with your department accusing me of numerous and sundry criminal offenses, from sexual assault to pig poisoning. Of course, these accusations are all nonsense, and I have sued her for defamation.

I have tried to address this civilly, without involving you or your limited resources.

On December 27, Judge Edward Smith issued a ruling determining that my defamation suit has validity, and Mezzacappa has grown increasingly erratic. She has published 20 blogs since that date at her blog, West Eaton Foot Print, attacking me, my attorney, or both of us.

On Tuesday, she appeared at the Northampton County Courthouse, where I am employed as a title searcher, to file papers in connection with the defamation office. I walked into that office in the course of doing a search, and upon seeing her, went immediately to a computer and sat down. I said nothing and did nothing until she left the office, and three Civil Division employees can corroborate this.

Nevertheless, she came to your department (and the Sheriff's Office) that same day to complain, falsely, that I was stalking her by doing my job.

The very next day, she filed a complaint in Court that falsely contends, in violation of 18 Pa. C.S. Section 4904 (unsworn falisification to authorities) that I "confronted" her and "purposely threw [myself] into the physical path of Mezzacappa." (see copy of verified complaint). These material statements are completely untrue and she has to know they are completely untrue, as three Civil Division employees can attest.

Sometime yesterday, she posted this statement on LehighValleyLive (The Express Times):
Tricia Mezzacappa
Hi Jimp, I dont usually respond to anons, but here it goes.
Maybe I'M scared, but I dont think I'm paranoid, or a gun nut. See, law enforcement doesnt always work for insignificant nobody's like myself. They dont always serve and protect, either. When armagedon comes a runnin towards my house, I stand armed and ready. I picture armegedon about 5 ft 9 and balding, little eyeglasses on the tip of his nose, and enough fat flaps to insulate a bull. Deep breath, aim, shoot, and....one hollow point goes right through his skull, he's dead before he hit the ground, kersplat....PERFECT
I happen to be 5'9", balding, do wear my glasses towards the tip of my rather substantial nose and recently lost a great deal of weight.

I believe this threatening remark, along with her numerous false reports, needs to be addressed by law enforcement. She has engaged in a course of conduct and has repeatedly communicated false reports and an implied threat that demonstrate an intent to both place me in reasonable fear of bodily injury and cause substantial emotional distress to me.

If you need to speak to me about this, my cell phone number is [redacted] Thank you.


  1. Juan Luis Pedro Felipo de Huevos EpsteinJanuary 11, 2013 at 5:31 AM


  2. Double W~O~W!!!

    She needs some serious quiet time in a padded room, wearing a nice long-sleeved, strait-jacket. And some electric shock treatment.

  3. My student has gone too far, she will be instructed to make a public apology post haste.

  4. Word on the street is otters don't like bacon.

  5. It is definitely time for somebody's drug cocktail ...

  6. What is the over/under for how many anonymous comments will say that you should stop picking on her and leave her alone?

  7. I'm guessing they will start Friday night and extend throughout the weekend, unless I require identification.

  8. Bernie, where can we find the comment you mentioned in your letter and what was it in reference to?

  9. http://www.lehighvalleylive.com/opinion/index.ssf/2013/01/letter_abolish_2nd_amendment_a.html

    I have written to the ET, and expect they will remove the comment and hopefully, her posting privileges.

  10. Charlton Heston's corpseJanuary 11, 2013 at 6:18 AM


    Micky Grollman you pinko commie tree hugging fairy, you make me sick!

  11. why would you want her posting privileges revoked? she is proving your point over and over

  12. She's going to commit murder. Everybody has been warned.

  13. Geeze, I thought you were taller than 5'9" in high school. Have you begun to shrink due to old age? All kidding aside, please be careful.

  14. Wow. She's nuttier than a Claxton fruitcake.

    Be careful.


  15. Holy crap Bernie!I would think you have probable cause to have withdraw handgun permit at this time by Sheriff if exist. Get her served and force a hearing. Her firearms should go into Sheriff safe for now just like they do with domestic.

  16. You have invaded every single public venue where you know this woman can be seen. As such, she never shows up at meetings anymore, anywhere, because of you.

    Tell me, by now, dont you get it?

    The chick wants nothing to do with you, and your lawsuit is only a purposeful attempt to lure her into your physical presence asshole

    Case dismissed

  17. It's funny how sometimes you can have people attest to things to back up your argument and someoone will say they don't believe you anyway..Maybe you should just stop harassing her Bernie and she'll leave you alone....Guess I just don't believe you Bernie..

  18. The Pareto Principle posits that 20% of causes create 80% of effects. And so it is with our court system, where 20% create 80% of the clogged courts' case log.

    You two are in court constantly. Most adults I know have never been there. Both of you are a tremendous drain on taxpayers. Show some social responsibility and please stop.


    It Takes Months To Get A Hearing Because Of People Like You Two

  19. "You have invaded every single public venue where you know this woman can be seen"

    Excuse me, but I WORK at the frickin' courthouse. It is how I pay my bills. You incredibly come in there, see me, and then claim you are being stalked.


  20. "It's funny how sometimes you can have people attest to things to back up your argument and someoone will say they don't believe you anyway."

    Yeah, in Cuckooville.

  21. "You two are in court constantly. Most adults I know have never been there. Both of you are a tremendous drain on taxpayers. Show some social responsibility and please stop."

    This is the Blog Mentor, who might just be nuttier than she and has no problem with death wishes.


  22. You're over reacting!

  23. Hey Bernie,

    If she's bothering you so much, get a PFA against her. OOps, she's not the one constantly showing up in your neighbor, at democrat Committee meetings, and she's not suing you for a quarter million.

    My my, O'Hare, its time to put on the big boy pants and grow a set.

  24. "You're over reacting!"

    Yeah, I should be delighted to read comments on public web sites about hollow point bullets going thru my skull.

    You can't argue with cRaZy.

  25. SOmehow, ft 5'9" , balding and fat flaps seems to describe millions of people, like Al sharpton, or Officer McMonagle, or 50% of the left wingnuts trying to ban weapons.

    Get a hold of yourself O'Hare. When a nut assumes every remark is about him, that nut has a really wierd, guitly conscience. ANd a really wierd ego...and a really wierd pacifier, and really wiers pamper pull-ups.

    Grow the fuck up

  26. Who would know what Officer McMonagle, whose glasses do not go to the tip of his nose, looks like?

    Tricia Mezzacappa.

    You really are stupid, Mezzacappa.

    That kind of remark should not be made about anyone, although it is very clear it was intended for me.

  27. The woman has serious isssues and the fact that she has a permit to conceal a weapon is the reason we need gun law reforms. Every person in this state has the right to openly carry a weapon, but when a person like this gets a permit to conceal, you need to be worried every time you encounter her.

    As a resident of the Borough I am ticked becasue she is costing us thousands of dollars of legal fees that could be spent better elsewhere.

  28. If you want to bring this to a head, let her shoot you. She may just miss your brain and you could prove your point. Don't be dumb here. Refuse to tell her where your brain is located. Seriously, you probably have enough now to get a PFA against her. File for the PFA and bring this to a head.I, like all your readers, would like to hear what a judge says about this matter.

  29. Bernie,

    So far I count 5. You never did give me a number for the over/under. But from the looks of this so far, I am going to be daring and take the under for $10.00. Don't worry. If I lose, I will pay you when I see you, but I need that number. And don't cheat, please.

  30. OK, I will guess 18. The weekend is just starting.

  31. Damn. I might as well give you the money now.

  32. "File for the PFA and bring this to a head"

    A PFA is for family members or people who are involved in an intimate relationship. It does not apply to this.

  33. Bernie, how many of these letters from borken up ex-boyfreind and girlfriend types do you think the police get every year. You have been crying wolf for over a year. Yet you are the one going were she goes.

  34. Actually, this is my first complaint to EPD. It is in direct response to your threatening remark. And no, I stay as far away from you as I can.

  35. I'm not her, so relax. However, I would be happy to offer both of you couples counseling.

  36. I suspect you might need counseling.

  37. Bernie get your own LTC and start packing heat everywhere you can, your blog is more important than ever.

  38. Do you miss banging her?

    Do you think she still wants to reach and touch your johnson?

  39. I have never touched this person. Let's drop the sexual suggestions.

  40. ""You two are in court constantly. Most adults I know have never been there. Both of you are a tremendous drain on taxpayers. Show some social responsibility and please stop."

    This is the Blog Mentor, who might just be nuttier than she and has no problem with death wishes."

    Not guilty. Just a taxpayer who's amazed at the amount of judicial activity you two create. She's nutty and dangerous. You're antagonistic and a curmudgeonly pain in the ass. And both of you are a tremendous drag on taxpayers. It would be better for all if one or both of you moved to another taxing jurisdiction.

  41. FYI Tricia Mezzacappa Defenders:
    Mezzacappa was convicted of disorderly conduct for an incident that occurred at the West Easton Borough Hall in August. Her conviction occurred after a summary trial in November. Easton patrolman Charles McMonagle was the prosecuting officer. Having skilled defense attorney Phil Lauer representing her at the trial did not result in an acquittal. She did not appeal the conviction and must pay a $200 fine. The conduct for which she was convicted included making verbal threats to "punch" and "drown" two Borough officials. I believe her conduct rose to the level of making terroristic threats but the police let her off easy with a citation for a summary offense. That incident had nothing to do with Bernie O'Hare or O'Hare's attorney. She is armed with a concealed firearm and has a history of lashing out at her neighbors, public officials, the police and anyone else who gets in her way. Be careful, defenders. You may be her next target. I hope the police chief and the DA wake up to the serious threat this woman presents, not only to Bernie O'Hare, but to the entire community.

  42. "Not guilty. Just a taxpayer who's amazed at the amount of judicial activity you two create. She's nutty and dangerous. You're antagonistic and a curmudgeonly pain in the ass"

    If you don't ID yourself, and engage in personal attacks, I'll assume what I assume.

  43. Did the person you never touched, touch you?

    Yunno, like Bill Clinton said:

    I was not having sex with the person who was having sex with me...

  44. I love how people presume to ask such personal questions, but are too cowardly to ID themselves. I never touched her and she never touched me.

  45. And I did not impale.

  46. And this, my friends, is why we need stricter gun laws ...

  47. Bernie,

    Not to be nosy, (actually I guess I am being nosy, sorry.) Please let us know the response from the EPD, if you can or allowed to.

  48. Wow, Bernie you really are the perfect paranoid trainwreck that everyone has always realized. When will you finally clean up your life and stop obsessing about this woman?

    Someone who combs the internet day and night, night and day looking for commentary from this woman is a sick, sick sick fatman scorned.

    A fatman scorned is ONE NASTY VENGEFUL man.

  49. Tricia, time for your drug cocktail.


  50. Upon viewing her, You should have left the premise and avoided all visible contact.


  51. Can't YOU see that you "LOVE HER".!!!!!

  52. Your over/under was only 18? Hell that number will be crossed by 5pm.

    Be careful.

    The Banker

  53. When are you two going to stop your complaining and just tie the knot already. And I can get you a really good deal on it.

  54. This is the Blog Mentor, who has been impersonating Fr. Alex here and elsewhere.

  55. Bernie,

    Her post went pooF on the Lehigh Valley Live blog. Amazing!

  56. Tell Easton PD that she is really the long lost twin of Jack Cuvo--your problem will be solved in seconds. Fourth Amendment be damned.

  57. While it appearss that Tricia M. is crazy, and maybe dangerous, is it possible that she thrives on the publicity, and that the less said about her, the better? Doesn't all the "coverage" just energize her twisted ego, and lead to more acting out on her part?

  58. Bernie, do not accept this crap from these Ams.posters. You are in your rights to watch out for your own ass.

  59. I agree with 5:58. Of course, my sympathies lie with Bernie, but I think posts like this definitely add fuel to the fire.

  60. This would make a great made for television movie.
    I can see it on OWN or Lifetime now.
    "The Blogger and the Whack job."
    They will run promos during "Say yes to the Dress" and "Bridezillas."
    Not to mention the upcoming Bravo series, "Real Bloggers of the Lehigh Valley."

    Can't wait to see our resident West Easton Starlett on the couch with Dr. Phil and the Kardashians.

    God Bless America!

  61. Posts like this are, in my opinion, absolutely necessary. Nothing stops a cock roach faster than a big bright light.

  62. Bernie,
    No disrespect intended, why do you entertain this crap? You are capable of so many good things, this is an energy sucking abyss.

  63. It is, but it can't be ignored or it gets worse.

  64. Bernie your critics on here would feel a lot different if these obvious threats were made against them. Easy to criticize when it is not you.Tricia is lucky this isn`t 1965 , she`d be a lifer ...in the State Hospital.



  66. Dear Police,

    Wahh. My girlfriend is making fun of me. Take her house, take her guns, take her pig. She is mean to me. She called me names.

    Good God man. Get a grip. You think you are the first guy to ever be dumpoed by a crazy broad.

  67. I find it interesting that you equate a graphic description of shooting someone with mere name-calling. You are as disgusting as she.

  68. While I don't agree with much of your political ideology, I do think Mezzacappa is a nut job. Don't know you and don't know her - only read both blogs at length, including provided links and videos. The gun vids of hers, with musical lyrics, that end with the West Easton logo would have her being interviewed by the FBI if she used an image of Obama, rather than the West Easton borough hall.
    She is providing more than enough rope to hang herself with her continuous postings and filings. I don't doubt she was hoping to run into you at the Courthouse in order to muddy the waters with another stalking charge.
    It isn't difficult for anyone to see the connection between you and her description of someone she would kill. Hopefully, some branch of law enforcement will recognize this woman is unstable and remove weapons from her possession. At the very least, a judge should order a psych eval and allow her access to mental assistance that she obviously needs.
    You should keep posting anything that is a threat - toward anyone/group - she targets. Don't give any law enforcement agency an "out" with them saying, "We weren't aware or notified of Ms. Mezzacappa's mental state, or veiled threats she had made." It may not be you Bernie, or even one of the elected officials in West Easton. With her having that LTC, it may well be some poor SOB that cut her off while driving and becomes a victim of road rage.
    I'm a supporter of the right to own a gun. I also believe that those with mental issues, or make threats (veiled, or otherwise) that involve shooting people, should be stripped of that right.

  69. @5:14 The only thing TM should be stripped of is her clothing so she can grace the cover of Hustler Magazine's annual cougar edition. The proceeds would help her to secure proper counsel for the upcoming trial of the century. Larry Flynt has always had a soft spot for fringe characters and if I were directing the shoot it would involve Earl, high powered weapons, and her effigies of her enemies in a tasteful but provocative manner.

  70. If your going to frame someone for a crime, its crazy to do it when the alleged conduct occurred in front of three government officials who can corroborate the other person's story.

    I also don't understand what she's doing on her blog posting the dockets to cases where Orloski lost. It doesn't show he's a bad attorney, it shows he has lost cases.

    Although I agree you should be careful not to antagonize her anymore. I understand your desire to post these these to create a record.

  71. @ Anon 7:55

    They seem to be old cases. She had to scraped them up from more than 10 years ago, but makes it sound like they were tried yesterday (I think one went back to 1995). She should do some research and provide the win/loss percentage, if she wanted to give the perception he is a bad lawyer. Probably not a bad record if she has to go that far back to find the losers.

  72. "I also don't understand what she's doing on her blog posting the dockets to cases where Orloski lost. It doesn't show he's a bad attorney, it shows he has lost cases."

    Actually, she has it wrong on quite a few, claiming that Orloski has lost cases he actually won. She posted one blog, twice, about his sister, Her name is Orloski, too, and Mezzacappa was trying to create the false impression that Orloski is a tax dodger. The truth. She filed a case in Tax Court when the IRS counted a stock sale as income instead of as a capital gain, and she won.

    So now, in addition to defaming me, she is defaming one the LV's most prominent barristers.

    Not very smart.

  73. "You should keep posting anything that is a threat - toward anyone/group - she targets. Don't give any law enforcement agency an "out" with them saying, "We weren't aware or notified of Ms. Mezzacappa's mental state, or veiled threats she had made." It may not be you Bernie, or even one of the elected officials in West Easton. With her having that LTC, it may well be some poor SOB that cut her off while driving and becomes a victim of road rage."

    That's what I plan to do. I understand the EDP is quite busy with murders and gang crime. I know the Sheriff has little recourse but to issue a LTCF. I also understand that they look at this a bit more objectively than I. But I want every threat documented so people can be forewarned and so that nobody can say, "We had no idea ..."

    If that means I get hit with anonymous attacks, that's a small price and one I pay anyway.

  74. Maybe you should make this crazy Bitch an offer she can't refuse.

  75. Then I would be just as bad as she.

  76. Tom Ring loves UranusJanuary 12, 2013 at 2:32 PM

    Man this stuff is funny as hell !

  77. Anonymous 7:55 AM said: "I also don't understand what she's doing on her blog posting the dockets to cases where Orloski lost. It doesn't show he's a bad attorney, it shows he has lost cases."

    Exactly. Two months ago, Mezzacappa was convicted of disorderly conduct with Phil Lauer representing her in court. Phil is generally considered to be one of the better criminal defense lawyers in this area. If Mezzacappa were to check, she would discover that many of Phil's other clients also were convicted and some are sitting in prison. Does that make Phil a bad attorney? Hardly.

  78. Here's something to consider. In addition to holding a license to carry a concealed firearm, Tricia Mezzacappa has a valid nursing license in this state. Shouldn't the PA Board of Nursing be concerned about her fitness to practice the nursing profession?


  79. Get a KEVLAR Jacket and Hat!!!

  80. Bernie, I don't remember -- did you go to file for a PFA? If you had a PFA in force against T.M., she could not invade the space where you are minding your own business and where you are doing your work. I think even in a public space in the courthouse, when you are searching deeds, if you are there first, she would need to avoid entering the office. Should she choose to enter anyway, you could have her arrested. I know PFAs are not perfect, but it might be worth looking into.

  81. You have to have a relationship with someone to seek a PFA.

  82. What a hysterical load of crap.


  83. Quit wasting the Courts time with this.

  84. Tell that to Mezzacappa. She filed the Petition seeking injunctive relief. She filed one a year ago, too, which resulted in all kinds of publicity that made me look like an arch criminal. She went both to Easton police and the Sheriff's office over the latest incident, with what amounts to a false report.

    I have every right to defend myself and to protect my reputation, and shall do so.

  85. Re: the PFA. How about a former relationship? Ok, I guess you looked into it. Good luck. She is obviously stalking you, and obviously not a mentally healthy person. Maybe we could get George Noory to have his millions of listeners focus their thoughts on getting this lady to take a very long walk off a very short pier. A dip in the cold water might clear her mind.

  86. Bernie,
    Check out Crimes Code Section 4906. It is a misdemeanor to give false information to the police with the intent to falsely implicate another person in a crime. If you have credible witnesses, you should go after her hard. Check with the West Easton Borough solicitor. In November, she falsely accused him of a crime. Three weeks later, she did the same thing to the Borough council president. That's three false accusations over the span of two months. You recently praised DA Morganelli on your blog. When is he going to take her false reports and threats of violence seriously? He had no trouble getting involved when an anonymous blog commenter threatened to "clip" Judge Michael Koury. He concluded that the commenter could be charged with making a terroristic threat. Where's the consistency?

  87. 2:08, There is no leagla basis under which I could seek a PFA. There was no relationship, other than as walking companions.

  88. I just can seem to come out of this latest laspe of depression. Your blog is the only thing keeping me from going over the edge. Please keep posting. I read everything from start to finish. And all the other blogs are crappy. I read the entire Express online within minutes and their articles stink. This blogs ability to be interactive and have interesting stories really have kept me all together. Please don't stop posting. I need help, but I have no where to turn to right now. I hope I can beat this, this time. My life just sucks, but I am scared to do anything, either way about it. I hope this goes away soon. I have already wasted too much time with not living my life and just sitting in this room in front of this computer. How pathetic is my life. I might as well just give up. Please keep posting.

  89. Is this a joke? Depression is nothing to laugh at or take lightly, and would think my blog would send you over the edge. You need to see someone who can really help - a cleric, a friend, a counselor. But let me tell you that some of this country's greatest people battled depression their entire lives. One of them was Abraham Lincoln.

    When the woman he loved died, he'd cry unbearably when it rained bc he could not stand the thought that she was getting wet.

    He was suicidal, and knives and other implements were taken from him.

    This happened to him repeatedly, and in my opinion, he's the best President (and person) this nation has ever produced.

  90. She is posting e-mail replies to her mentor in the comment section of the latest "blog" ridiculing your attorney. She has now accused you of wanting Earl's teeth taken out...LOL!

  91. Well Ralph, Earl's teeth are fine with me. I do think her LTCF should be revoked, but that is not my call.

  92. She's really got a vulgar mouth, too.

  93. Thanks Bernie for responding to my comment at 7:57 pm.

  94. You're welcome, and hang in there. I fighting off a lousy cold or I'd say more.

  95. Anon 6:48
    If Dr. Phil had the "starlet"on his show she'd find some reason to start harassing HIM and he could be the one to FINALLY get her locked up where she belongs and have the key thrown away. Then the LTC would be a problem no more. And West Easton could save thousands of dollars in legal fees.

    Well, one can dream can't one?

  96. Mezzacappa is a FULL bubble off center. Now, she's writing about herself in the third person.

    The latest from her "blog":

    "Nonetheless, Kelly Gross and its Solicitor Peter Layman, may want to think twice before fighting with Mezzacappa. So far, Team Gross is 0-3, Mezzacappa remains undefeated."


  97. A Fund Raiser should be held at the New Arena in Allentown!!!!!!

    Bernie "the Birdman" vs MEZZA the Machine" A toughman/woman contest!!!

    All proceeds go to a favorite charity.

  98. TM has been using a lot of devices and language that is straight out of the blog mentor's playbook; "peter layman solicitor (for now)"
    Describing herself as undefeated and in the third person.
    Using boxing metaphors to describe interactions with adversaries, also photoshopping W. Easton solicitor Peter Layman with a swollen eye and blood streaming out of his mouth and nose.
    Will she stand by her mentor in discovery or will they turn on each other?

  99. Undefeated? What about that disorderly conduct conviction two months ago and her $200 fine? Was that a win for Miss Third Person?

    Be careful of premature celebration.

  100. 8:58,

    Yeah right! There is no way she is being coached by anyone. You can't coach craziness that well. If someone is coaching her then the next thing you'll say is that Lance Armstrong used performance enhancing drugs. Just can't and didn't happen. He has never had a spike in any of his performances. He has always been steady. Just like the Witch. She has always been crazy. Rock on!!!

  101. I do note that a certain attorney has signed out some of her files - a Robert Sharpe. He just happens to be an attorney who represented Somebody else. He also was involved in a frivolous attempt to have DA Martin thrown off the ballot. If memory serves, it was dismissed from the bench.

  102. Connect the dots, baby?

    I wonder how she is paying him or the mentor? Is it the barter system?

  103. Mental illness is a bitch. (No pun intended.)

  104. Yeah right! There is no way she is being coached by anyone. You can't coach craziness that well. If someone is coaching her then the next thing you'll say is that Lance Armstrong used performance enhancing drugs. Just can't and didn't happen. He has never had a spike in any of his performances. He has always been steady. Just like the Witch. She has always been crazy. Rock on!!!

    Guess who just admitted they used performance enhancing drugs. Not sarcasm. It was reported this morning on 3 foreign news stations (French, Japanese, Russian).

  105. So of course you immediatedly try to smear her attorney. Hey O'Hare is her attorney stil allowed to practice law?

    You are a crazy hater O'Hare and the judge will tell you that.

    People are glad she dumped you.

  106. What the judge has told me is I may proceed. You might have missed that little newsflash. She does not have an attorney.

  107. I've passed by numerous accidents on the roadway that I refuse to rubberneck, but this woman is a munitions train wreck that finds me unable to look away. When it seems under control, another explosion comes from one of the many boxcars she's hauling, making me look again.

    I can't believe this woman has no clue regarding what is and isn't protected under the 1st Amendment, when it comes to posting on the Internet. I think she believes that having a "blog" is some type of impenetrable shield that allows her to say anything about anyone.

    A few of West Easton's elected officials should file a suit against her.

  108. The last thing they want to do is testify.

  109. Bernie,

    Maybe you can't say, but have the police contact you or responded to your notification? Any news, yet?

  110. I have not heard from EPD. I have not followed up. I am sure, as I said, that they are pretty busy with unsolved murders and other matters.

  111. ACCORDING to her latest blog rant god hates you bo


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.