Local Government TV

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Will Allentown City Council Protect Right to Water and Sanitation?

Blogger Michael Molovinsky reports that water privatization foes will ask Allentown City Council tonight to let the voters decide on Mayor Edwin Pawlowski's controversial plans to leaser its water and sewer systems.   This initiative is being spearheaded by Don Ringer, Glenn L. Hunsicker, Glenn S. Hunsicker, William Hoffman, Rich Fegley and Dan Poresky.

One hundred years ago, Bethlehem Mayor Archibald Johnston eloquently stated the case:
"Every municipality is morally bound to furnish to its inhabitants an abundant supply of pure water, the purest air possible, and a well-drained soil (which means proper sewerage), street cleaning, garbage and refuse collection and disposal. Any other than these sanitary standards in a city will be considered, some day in America, as criminal negligence and sufficient cause for just punishment; since public health is a public duty."


  1. Hopegfully they do a better job than Northmapton County officials did in the care of the elderly at Gracedale.

  2. hey bernie go eat a dick

  3. Thank you for getting the word out Bernie.
    City Council is going to start to pay the price for their reckless disregard of the people's wishes.
    The hand writing is on the wall.

    (......and thank you organizers and MM.)

  4. I can not attend, but will not vote for any Council member who votes to move this forward for leasing. We do not want our public system privatized

  5. All the people behind this noble effort are men.
    Isn't that odd?

  6. Why shouldn't voters decide?

  7. Not only can the water be privatized, would this company be allowed to put specific chemicals in the water to maintain federal standards without public's knowledge and approval? That's the most frightening aspect of this sale.

  8. The hysteria about this deal causing water quality problems is unreal.It's all so regulated and the operator will be monitored for compliance.But, water makes good drama for the opposition.

    The water isn't the issue, it's about the sewer capacity and the city unable to expand. The ability to stop growth in the west part of the valley because there is no sewage is the issue for the no growth group.

  9. Bern,
    You should tell Bethlehem Council that quote.

  10. "All the people behind this noble effort are men. Isn't that odd?" Unless I'm mistaken, they're all white, too. It would be nice to have more diversity, but I wouldn't force it.

  11. "Bern,
    You should tell Bethlehem Council that quote."

    I am certain there will be enough people who live in the City and want to talk. I won't ruin their chances adding my voice to theirs. But I love that quote and hope someone remembers it.

  12. Huh....didnt know bethlehem was privatizing water. Thought they were just considering single hauler trash. Ya know...like every other city in the freakin Commonwealth

  13. 100 years ago, Bethlehem had privatized water in some of the City, and the City bought the assets under Johnston.

  14. Yup, and no current plan to sell them.

  15. @8:39
    The motivation to keep the city's water and sewer capacity in the hands of the citizens is not based on wise growth concerns in the burbs. ( That battle has, to a large degree, already been lost.)

    Is it so hard to understand that in a historic. "commonwealth" the people want such a critical, basic service kept in the "commons"?

    Allentowns water capacity is also inextricably tied to the cities watercourses, which flow through its magnificent, if neglected historic park system.

    The love for Allentowns streams and springs, the passion for holding life sustaining, precious clean water close---- yes, these produce strong emotional responces from native Allentonians. An outsider or disengaged observer might not feel this passion. A contemptuous onlooker might even view this passion as hysteria. This would be a mistake as well as an insult.

    Run off now and make arrangements to sell your own birth right.......and your children's children's clean freshwater.

  16. Bernie just got back from watching the Hobbit, you were excellent as Gollum hopefully more work opens up for you as a character actor.

  17. It's time for some women and some minority representation to step up to the plate on this water issue. I've attented these council meetings and have been stumped by the lack of females approaching City Council.
    All the more perplexing given that the brave JE has been such an inspiration. You would think the gals would be lined up three deep to support her?

  18. " It's all so well regulated."
    Now THERE is a naïve and trusting soul. Must be someone from RENEW LV.

  19. You do have minority ( is that still the correct word?) involvement.
    You have Guridy and the ever insightful Ms. Mota.
    What more could you ask for?

  20. It's lunchtime in downtown Allentown and worker are busy at the only project that matters. Things are picking up a real head of steam! Not so on the sluggish effort to rebuild the 15th St Bridge.

    Anyway-----if this water war was happening in Bethlehem there would be plenty of women involved. Maybe it's the legacy of the legendary Gerty Fox.
    I heard the president of the truncated Allentown EAC was a women?

  21. Resident of AllentownDecember 19, 2012 at 12:48 PM

    I wish I could make it tonight to express my concern, but I am also unable.
    The way I see it: the "King" is basically doing a quick shuffle for political reasons so he can state he did not have to raise taxes, even though the future water bills will have to make up for it.
    How could it possibly benefit the citizens of Allentown when a company is taking over the water rights to make a profit? That profit has to come from somewhere and it can only mean coming out of Allentown citizens pockets. Just because it sounds better for a political soundbite that taxes weren't raised, it does not change the fact that the citizens will be paying more out of pocket expense for their water with a "for profit" water company. In the end, it would be less costly for the citizens to pay more for their water, or more in taxes directly to the city, than to have the added surcharge of a middleman.

  22. 8:39AM There are no "no growth" people, and the Smart Growth folks keep getting their asses handed back to them by rich land owners/developers,Twp. Commissioners owned by the aforementioned and the Lehigh County Comissioners.
    On the Water and vital Sewer front ----- no need to fret.
    The Lehigh County Authority is on the job, 24/7, even as we sleep, to insure that there will be as much water and sewer capacity ( even if it means shit water pumped directly in the Little Lehigh) as the unfettered forces of maximum high density development needs.
    The LCA never sleeps!

  23. @12:48 the King AND his court, with multiple jesters.

  24. BOH-- I actually like, and generally support,Alan Jennings. Hes a smart guy, full of himself to be sure, but mostly willing to stand up for the interests of the common man, and quite bright.......all the more unconscionable that he would sellout the citizens on this critical fight.
    How does he sleep?

  25. I heard Hartzel on WDIY saying what a great job the LCA is doing!
    Really disheartening!!!!!!
    ( He was being interviewed by Alan Jennings, Alan agreed.)
    It's hard to not to be very sad as our beautiful valley is destroyed piecemeal. And ReNew LV makes a mockery of it all!

  26. Where's Joyce Marin?
    MIA when the going gets tough and political courage is called for.

  27. @11:48, you seem to be making a diversionary point, over and over, about women and minorities not being involved. because of your anonymity, i also doubt that you really attend council meetings, where one must state their name to speak. as someone who has attended council meetings on this subject, and attended one of their organizational meetings, i can tell you that both women and minorities are involved in the effort. even you can understand that it took more than the five people listed on their website to collect over four thousand signatures.

  28. In Bethlehem or in Easton the girls would be out in force around the water/sewer issue--including leadership!

    I write it off as yet another indication of the fraying and disfinctional social and civic culture of Allentown.
    It's like SOTA is the whole game in town. How nice, how safe, how very up-scale.
    How revolting, makes one want to retch.

  29. I didn't see you at the last couple meetings MM. Must have just missed you in the crowd.

  30. BOH made the point about minority involvement.

  31. "Where's Joyce Marin?
    MIA when the going gets tough and political courage is called for."

    Joycwe marin is currently in berks County and is working hard on a number of initiatives for children. She and her husband fought and won a great war on this issue in Emmaus when they lived there. Do yiu expect her to gight all your battles? Instead of asking where she is, where are you?

  32. WTF does race and plumbing have to do with this? This post-racial America has me confused.

  33. "BOH made the point about minority involvement. No?"

    No. I responded to the point, and am inclined to agree with MM. You are trying to divert attention away from the actual issue - water privatization.

  34. One hundred years ago cities were only in the business of public health and safety. Today's cities are being asked to bear more and more of the costs as trickle down continues. The same people fighting to keep this from happening --- be careful what you ask for. Without this plan taxes on everyone will get extremely high and so will other fees.

  35. Molovinsky, Monger of Doom.December 19, 2012 at 3:24 PM

    Go Ahead, Raise my taxes.

  36. @3:24, i recall that song about the devil, and the many names he goes by, you're a musician, you must know the song. bernie refers to you as the blog mentor, i prefer the cyberstalker. i was told that you recently bragged on your blog how many local web sites you forced to close. how ironic that people engaged in cyberbullying, portray themselves as educators.

  37. God bless all those people who are involved in stopping this, whoever they are, whatever their contribution is, large or small, public or behind the scenes.
    Want to question that motivation BO or MM?
    Go right ahead.
    Best wishes to one and all tonight,see ya there.
    To those not in the fight on some level ------ jump in whenever and however you can. There is room for everyone.......and welcome.

  38. anon 11:48, nice slam on Gollum. He is not only better looking but has more of an honest personality than O'Hare.

    I don't think Gollum is a drinker, is he?

  39. Let me help you 2:56.
    The idea is to build as broad based coalition as conceivably possible. Same as its always been in popular action, grassroots politics.

  40. Archibald Johnston was a man ahead of his time. What an inspiration he should be to those who follow in his footsteps. We now call the Archibald Johnston Estate the Housnik Estate and unfortunately the memory of Archie himself will soon be forgotten. Thanks for remembering Bernie. We need more mayors like him caring for the people.

  41. 3:04 PM
    So this plan to sell the very water we drink, to someone who will sell it back to us at a profit, is really about saving us money?
    Golly, please do come tonight and enlighten the uninformed rabble. And thank you for your concern.

  42. Just a few short years ago Ms Marin held the powerful and lucrative position of Communiy Development Director in Allentown. Her comittment was deep and enduring and she vigorously encouraged all within earshot to get involved,jump on the bandwagon, take the political or economic risk. Trust her. IN ALL THINGS ENVIRONMENTAL, take the plunge with the administration she represented.

    Well in a couple of years she was called to greener pastures ( Spain.) see ya later, nice passing thu. Good luck to all those left behind who she had called to action.
    And now---- bless her soul---- she has discovered children. How wonderful. How giving.
    I wouldn't want her in our fight, she is utterly without credability in Allentown.

  43. 5:12, Given your reluctance to sign your name, I wouldn't want you in my fight, either, unless it were on the other side.

  44. I'm cool with that BOH....... and tell us a little more about massive voter fraud in the last presidential election please.

  45. An anonymous coward is using the sock puppet "Molovinsky, Monger of Doom." His goal is to divert attention away from any issue being discussed by the grown ups so they can pay attention to him and hos vendetta against about 90% of the corrupt LV. He wonders why nobody will listen to him when he wishes death on just about everyone, as well as their families. While he is rolling around on the floor, foaming at the mouth, the rest if us can enjoy the holidays.

  46. PS. I'm leaving in 10 minutes to pick up my mom. She's agreed to come with me to the council meeting, if for no other reason than to thank Jeanette.

  47. Marin discovered "children" wehn she (minus husband) came back to the Valley and was given a high paying job in the ASD by the old Rendell hack that was the disasterous Superintendent.

    She and her patronage job were tossed by the new team. She is now into "children" as long as the pay is good.


  48. This post has nothing to do with Marin, and is just another pathetic deflection by an anonymous coward.

  49. It involves Marin to the extent she sold good people on the wisdom of trusting the current administration to do not only the right thing, but the absolutely very best thing, for the enviroment AND the economy in Allentown.
    She said we could trust the mayor.... cause she had made a LONG TERM COMMITTMENT to Allentown, to a better enviroment, and to us. And we could trust her. Get involved.... we want your input.
    She laid the groundwork for the horrors to come, including Water Privitatization.
    You can't dispute the history here, so I guess you will have to settle for attacking me as an anonymous coward.
    I'll use my name on this blog soon after hell freezes over.

  50. Instead of being anon., why not call yourself Jim F.,attorney from Beth.?

  51. Jennings isn't half the man Jeanette is.
    She can't be bought. An authentic hero of the everyday people.

  52. Molovinsky champion of saving stone walls in lehigh parkway.December 19, 2012 at 7:02 PM

    Screw poor people

  53. As long as the supply of white wine is not in jeopardy the SOTA gals have no need to soil themselves in politics.

  54. 7:02 I have a different take on your involvement in the bloggisphere. I think people like you are important in as much as you remind the rest of us how many fools idiots and gutter slugs still exist around us.
    It's important to remember that. Thank you for your service.

  55. 7:02
    You dishonor the memory of your beautiful departed daughter.
    How very sad.

  56. 1222. Hope you did not parking ticket on 7th Street. Allentown loves to welcoming patrons by slapping sweeper tickets during the lunch time hour. There in indeed are "No Limits"

  57. Ah the Regionalization theory. That is regionalize the debt.

  58. Did Allentown really need to spend $50K of taxpayer money on the 250th Celebration?

  59. Counsil members except JE will be all signing there own political death warrant if they close the deal¿

  60. Bernie, I believe you may have truncated the good mayor's statement. To wit:

    "Every municipality is morally bound to furnish to its inhabitants an abundant supply of pure water, the purest air possible, and a well-drained soil (which means proper sewerage), street cleaning, garbage and refuse collection and disposal. Any other than these sanitary standards in a city will be considered, some day in America, as criminal negligence and sufficient cause for just punishment; since public health is a public duty. It is also imperative to provide hockey arenas."

  61. "We now call the Archibald Johnston Estate the Housnik Estate and unfortunately the memory of Archie himself will soon be forgotten. "

    It might make sense to re-name that park after him.

  62. The park should be named after that great man ( still alive and well) Hudack.

  63. Yes, BOH clearly made the point about the lack of minority involvement.
    For whatever that's worth, yes he did.

  64. "I'll use my name on this blog soon after hell freezes over."

    That's bc you are a coward. You think you can attack a person who has nothing to do with this issue, but won't accept responsibility for your words.

  65. Rewrite history BOH. You can call it anti-authoritarianism.

  66. Hey dude you called it. Bernie's only recourse was to attack you as an anon. coward..... and so he did.
    So freakin predictable.

  67. If you use the privilege of anonymity to make a personal attack, you are a coward. That's not too hard to understand.

  68. How about if you simply report the historical record?

  69. Mayor Johnston.

    Proof that time has not improved things in the mayor's office.


  70. Historical footnote: The section of the Monocacy Creek from Union Blvd. through the Musikfest area, toward the Lehigh River is known locally as "Johnston Park". It was improved in the thirties as part of a WPA project and honors the name of Bethlehem's first modern mayor, after unification (1917). I can provide a state of the city speech from the mayor for anyone who might be interested.

    He may have been almost an "appointed" mayor, but he proved himself to be the right man for the city as it went forward from the beginnings as three separate boroughs.



You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.