Local Government TV

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Who Will Succeed Gay Elwell?

Last night, I received a list of six people who may be interested in succeeding District Judge Gay Elwell.

* Easton Code Inspector Sharbel Koorie, aka DJ FlyGuy.

* Easton Attorney Antonio Grifo, daughter of Judge Richard Grifo.

* Easton Attorney Theresa Hogan, daughter of Judge James Hogan.

* Easton Attorney Tim Prendergast, son of former State Representative Jim Prendergast.

* Constable Lance Wheeler, Northampton County's former lead court officer.

* Easton City Controller Tony Bassil.

They might succeed her, but they'll never replace her.


  1. Hotel Lafayette liferDecember 11, 2012 at 4:47 AM

    Get Vincenzo Bruneo off the foot patrol and into the District Court. He's a handsome strapping street savvy cop cut from the same cloth as Serpico. You could even save taxpayer money by making him both Bailiff and Judge. When he busted me for public urination and intoxication he even let me finish my beer before gently handcuffing me and hauling off to the clink.

  2. Interesting list and post. It would be a lot better if you named a source of that information though.

  3. What an outstanding group of candidates. Anyone would do.

  4. Great list, it does Easton proud.

  5. I don't know if she's interested, but Theresa Hogan would be a fantastic judge and advocate for justice for the City of Easton.

  6. Theresa just might be able to fill those powerful shoes Gay left behind.....and that is really saying something.

  7. Lance Wheeler? Isn't that the guy fired by the NC court for not reporting his constable work? You have got to be kidding.

  8. Bernie, have all people on this list actually expressed interest in position, or is it a speculative list of potential candidates? List does have a few very good candidates.

  9. I know of all the possible candidates mentioned except Lance Wheeler. To me, Theresa Hogan is the best of them. She has the disposition and legal background required for a magistrate.

  10. If this is a true list of candidates wanting to serve......the person who will get the position is Antonia Grifo. You have a Republican Governor who makes the appointment. NUFF SAID. All candidates are great except for Lance Wheeler.

  11. I think Hoki Joe is on to something.

  12. I think Hoki Joe is on to something.

  13. That other poster was correct. You should reduce the list to the people who are registered Republicans and Democrats who raised a lot of money for Corbett. The latter list is very short; kinda like "Friends of O'Hare" (just a joke, Bernie LOL)

  14. I'm thinking who will run in an election. I don't think Corbett will appoint anyone.

  15. 7:35, I have not confirmed this with ANY of the possibles. This is more or less speculative and the purpose is to show there are good people out there.

  16. Too bad Mike Fleck doesn't live in this region. Would have liked to see him throw has hat into this ring. Actually, where does Mike Fleck live? Does he even live in any of the City of Easton's regions?

  17. The Fleckster lives in Yetter's district.

  18. How about Tom Hess? Retired police captain, current city clerk, and 100% real!

  19. Corbett will appoint. Call the Republican county chair or the state chair.

  20. Special election next yr. For the seat

  21. Special election next yr. For the seat

  22. Alexis de TocquevilleDecember 11, 2012 at 5:08 PM

    I enthusiastically nominate this blog's author.


  23. Akexis, Let me know where you are so they can take you away.

  24. Alexis de TocquevilleDecember 11, 2012 at 6:06 PM

    What's to say I haven't been? I believe we could use your expertise, your compass, and your keen understanding of the flaws that bind us all. You'd likely have to retire the blog, however. Therefore, I reluctantly withdraw my nomination. Carry on and don't alert my minders.



  25. Don't forget Rambo "Justin" Simmons, He wants to JUDGE ALL!

  26. None of these people come close to Gay Elwell.

  27. I feel terrible for " Gay's Girls ". I pray that they will have someone who will appreciate them like she did.

  28. Tom Hess would be a great fit

  29. Tim Prendergast, really? He's has a lot to work on before he is considered for a prominent position like that.

  30. Wheeler has a shot at winning if he can get a polling station installed in the prison

  31. I don't know what the recent polls reflect, but I would like to bet that the people in downtown Easton will not decide this vote. If this actually does go to an election, the people on College Hill will decide the winner. I honestly don't think that the people of West Ward and downtown Easton will compete or even match the numbers that College Hill put forth. Who ever gets the College Hill vote will be the winner.

    Besides that, I think Governor Corbett is brazen enough to push a Republican down people's throats.

  32. Tom Hess lives in easton

  33. Tom Hess lives in South Side in Corpora's district.

  34. Tom lives in south side

  35. If I remember correctly, Gay was appointed and then ran for election. She was a Republican and was appointed by Ridge. She had lots of competition when she ran. Republican opponents included Skip Fairchild who is still around. Most of the names on that list would not qualify for appointment. I don't even think that all of them live in the judicial district, but there may be time for carpetbagging.

  36. Laini Abraham's plants.

  37. Leonardo the Barber, he is a sharp curmudgeon who would drop harsh sentences and do it with panache.

  38. I push for Sal Panto. He can be Mayor, Distrcit Magistrate and County Executive.

    Thousands of supporters and orduinary citizens are asking him to be al.l


  39. I'll bet on Don Corleone!

  40. Theresa Hogan would be an excellent choice to follow Judge Elwell

  41. Sharbel Koorie....really?

  42. Yes, she would. She would be even better as a common pleas judge like her father before her. There are many good choices on this list. It does do Easton proud.

  43. I met Sharbel, quite by accident, on Wednesday night. He definitely is interested, and I think he'd be great, too. He reminded me of another Koury (spelled differently) who sat as a Magistrate in Wilson Borough for many years.

  44. Lance Wheeler? Talk about incompetence rising to the top.

  45. concerned college studentDecember 14, 2012 at 1:58 AM

    Im glad to here that a Dj is gonna be the next district judge. Being a college student I like to drink beer and blast progressive house music really loud. With our knew judge being being a dj he will understand loud music and not give us harsh penelties for noise violations like Judge Gay Elwell.

  46. I heard there might be a third Lebo to enter his name into the pool. He is a former gpverment official and has a residence across from the lebos' church. He also has passed the magistrate schooling. Got to confirm this first before his name is mentioned. Plus he is a staunch Republican. A big time supporter of the party. He has connections all over the state. He is the shoe in if there is an appointment.

  47. The beers per student (BPS) rate will definitely increase now that Judge Gay is gone.

  48. Gregg Durrah is Eastons Reckoning

  49. College Student/ music enthusiastDecember 14, 2012 at 2:51 PM

    It is refreshing to hear that a DJ will be the next judge! As a college student and music enthusiast I would love to see some music being played in the court room during hearings. Also i know that DJ's understand the importance of music and can relate to college students who have been told to turn their music off ): things are looking bright for college hill!

  50. I'm appalled by the college students comments. If they obeyed the law, harsh fines would not have been imposed. There are consequences with every decision. Perhaps better decisions should be made. Judge Elwell held people responsible for their actions. If you're willing to break the law then be willing to accept what comes with it

  51. ^ Drank zero beehs in college

  52. The former Lebanese PO said he is considering taking a run for the district judge position. I always like Alex. He was always fair and tough.

  53. It is true. Alex says he is going to run!

  54. Alex ? Who is Alex?

  55. Theresa Hogan cannot fill Judge Elwells shoes. She has a lot of soul searching to do before that happens. It's not just about being knowledgeable about the law.

  56. How about a judge that focuses on the drug abuse and serious crime instead of the kids on college hill?

  57. Judge Elwell focused on all crimes in Easton, especially drugs. She focused on the community also. She was a firm and fair Judge. As for on the hill with college students, drugs and alcohol are consumed there also

  58. Alex is going to run for this position.

  59. Alex karam? Is that who you're referring to ?

  60. Leave the college students alone. College is a time of heavy drinking and drug experimenting. Do people not remember what it was like in the 70's and 80's? Hell kegs would be put right on the quad. All I'm saying is that Elwell might have not been the right judge for the district. Let the kids have their fun.

  61. I agree with Anonymous. College kids drinking in their houses on the hill are a much bigger problem than the crack heads down in the circle. Elwell had it all figured out.

  62. Hi, I am a dj from Holland and I would love to see a dj become district judge of Easton. Does anyone know if this dj likes electro house and melting people's faces?

  63. Really? A DJ as a Judge? I don't think many people are taking this position seriously. Why do all of these people really want to be Judge? Judge Gay Elwell knew exactly what she was doing. That court will never be the same. To say Theresa Hogan could fill her shoes is impossible. Tim Prendergast? Tim please you do not have the sophistication honor or professionalism for this. I could go on..... Antonia Griffo is the only one who shows professionalism, knowledge, couth and dedication to the community she lives

  64. All of the names I have heard are very good. I'm sure Antonia would agree and would ask you to stop bashing her opponents.

  65. It's not called bashing. Expressing opinions.


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