Local Government TV

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Who Controls the Controller?

Barron at Bethlehem ZHB earlier this week
When Steve Barron was elected Controller, it was to protect the best financial interests of the County. Not to march on T-Mobile and threaten them for not having a union. Not to appoint himself chief asbestos investigator. Not to inject himself as a "fraud examiner" for the DA. Not to advise public sector unions during contract negotiations with the County. Certainly not to use his office to make sure that a "close personal friend" is paid for services to the County. Yet that's what we've got. Instead of acting as a fiscal watchdog, he's on a jihad against the Executive.

He's had great results. T-Mobile has left the Lehigh Valley, taking 600 jobs with them. State officials are satisfied with Stoffa administration asbestos remediation efforts, despite all the problems that Barron attempted to create. The DA has stopped using Barron after a judge refused to accept him as an expert. His latest is to complain that the County is a slow pay on human services contracts. He makes this claim because a "close personal friend" from some drug store had to wait a few months to get paid. It turns out the County was waiting for payments from the state.

In his complaint to Council's Finance Committee yesterday, Barron ranted that four human services providers wait too long to get paid. He declines to identify them out of concern the County will stop using them.

Director of Human Services Ross Marcus agreed that there are a few instances in which providers wait too long to get paid, pointing out that this is what happens when positions are cut. He added that sometimes, payment is delayed because the provider fails to provide proof of liability insurance. But he denied that there is any retaliation against providers who complain. "That's just not true," Marcus said. "If anything, it's the opposite. To accuse us of that is really unnecessary."

The County enters into nearly 300 human services contracts every year. Executive John Stoffa pointed out that, over the past seven years, "There hasn't been one provider who's come in here and bitched and moaned about a contract." Marcus added that he "doesn't appreciate the exaggeration" from Barron.

For his part, Barron told everyone he'll be making no more of his riveting reports for the time being. He said he needs physical therapy for a concussion he received last week in a car accident.

I think he's gonna' need a lot of therapy.


  1. Keep exposing these frauds for what they are Steve. Marcus has always been an unqualified head bobber for Stoffa. somepone who would never talk back. You got the truth out about Gracedale dispite Stoffa and his goon squad.

  2. So he's blaming his assholishness on a head injury?

  3. Why not Bernie blames his on his "disease".

  4. Village People IndianDecember 13, 2012 at 2:15 AM

    His layer of blubber appears to function as a travel pillow, that's how you turn a negative into a positive NORCO workers!

  5. I have had 2 concussions in my life, one as a high school football player,.and one in a car accident as an adult. Neither time was physical therapy mentioned. Is this a normal practice for a concussion?

  6. I have had 2 concussions in my life, one as a high school football player,.and one in a car accident as an adult. Neither time was physical therapy mentioned. Is this a normal practice for a concussion?

  7. PT is a norm prescribed for whiplash or back complaints after a car accident - not a concussion.

  8. A mild pt regimen is normally prescribed for a return to the field

  9. The PT story doesn't add up. He may finally be going for the surgery; not that there's anything wrong with that.

  10. Frankly, I don't know why he felt it was necessary to mention it.

  11. It is a shame really. The controller position really needs to be the independant watchdog for the taxpayer, and not be skewed by partisan politics.

    The best controllers i have found are the individuals nobody likes as they are turning the screws on both the administration and the unions in defense of the taxpayer. When you lean to one side or the other, you immediately lose credibility with the other side and are not as effective as you could be

  12. So sleepy from all that hard work!

  13. PT is NOT required for treatment of a concussion.

    For sports concussions, there is PT required after the concussion has been allowed to heal to a level that permits physical exertion.

    For office workers like Steve, recovery from a concussion means rest, allowing the brain to heal, and not risking re-injury.

  14. I am pretty sure his Brain is almost in a constant state of rest.

  15. 7:26 - I think you should get checked again, the double post shows signs of diminished neurological function . That's nothing to take lightly. 8:12 and 1:44 - Just a quick question, where the fuck do you not go to medical school?

  16. He should get the therapy. Stoffa has ruled the county for seven years with his concussion and the place is a wreak.

  17. So says someone who is unaware that "wreak" is not the same as "wreck."

  18. 2;14 am,hilarious..haha.

  19. 2;14 am,hilarious..haha.

  20. "...he's on a jihad against the Executive."

    The Controlla Ayatollah Teletubollah

    The dude was concussed at birth.



  21. This guy is a true HERO, he reminds me of my other HERO Simmons.

  22. At least Barron is actually looking over the Executives shoulder. No one else is. The Press, the council and everyone else has been iving up Stoffa;'s butt for seven years.

    Thank you Mr. Barron for being at least one person being a check on this guy.

  23. What exactly is funny about somebody being injured in a car accident?

  24. Talk about hitting a man when he's down. Barron and his daughter have a serious car accident they're lucky to walk away from, and you use it as an excuse for this bullshit? Low, Bernie, low.

  25. I have not made fun of his accident. I see no reason why he felt it was necessary to mention it twice to Council on two different nights. And I think he is going to need lots of therapy if he wants to clear out his head.

  26. Of coursae you have. You're not a medical profesional, thank God, so your last crack about Barron needing a lot of therapy was another nasty dig. Shame on you!

  27. Bernie,
    You do realize that you have spit in the wind too many times? Karma will be a huge FAT bitch to you!

  28. Just imagine what karma must be like to a person who won't identify himself and makes personal attacks.


  29. When people hate as much as you do, Bernie, it's something in themselves they're hating.

    You're probably past the point where a shrink could help. You'll need to see a priest to rid you of the demons.


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