Local Government TV

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Faces of Gun Violence

In the wake of the carnage in Connecticut, and the senseless slaughter of innocents, a petition drive has been started to stop the gun violence, which kills 30,000 every year. Today alone, 252 people will be shot. 57 of them will be children. I understand and respect those of you who say this won't solve the problem. But if increased background checks save just one child, isn't it worth it?

You can log onto the petition drive here. I am the second person to sign, and am frequently referred to as #2 for some reason.


  1. Will they also sign a pettition for a return to "real" mental health services?

  2. You have an excellent point. I would support that and it is an even better idea. I Think we need three things: (1) more stringent requirements for a LTC; (2) more security in public places, as much a pain in the ass as it is; and (3) an increase in mental health services.

    If we could get just one out of these three, I think it would help.

  3. How do you read the petition without signing in?

  4. "saved just one child"...sets up a false logic.

    reduced speed limits would save significant lives, children included. yet we won't slow down.

    lots of things we can do will save "just one child"

  5. Diabetes and heart disease prevention can save one at a time, also. It's time to look at curbing all the eating utensils out there.

  6. But evil really did visit Newtown on Friday. And its presence raises questions bigger than gun control; questions of God, morality, cultural decay. These aren’t political matters and Washington can’t fix them.

  7. I would consider myself a responsible gun owner (although I do own some of those scary assault weapons) I do support increasing the stringency of background checks, even thought they would have done nothing to change what would have happened in this instance. A better background check system IS a common sense reform and should be put into place.

  8. "Save one child" is a false paradigm. I remember during the Northampton 911 debate one community leader tried to shame county council into rushing the Adminstration plan through without debate. he used the "save one child" comment. One of the county council memebers said if you truely believe that, then we should raise taxes to pay to have an EMS tech in every home. The fellow sat down.

  9. “The DUI inmates are roaming around [outside the proposed school],” said West Easton resident Tricia Mezzacappa, who had come to protest the proposal. “I’m not saying they’re doing anything, but they’re roaming around."

    She added, “I think this charter school application needs to go in the garbage.”

  10. 4:03, I bow to your logic. You got me.

  11. Does anybody know the names of the last twenty youths killed in Chicago gun violence this year?

  12. The security issue is certainly worthy of consideration, especially in the schools.

    How about we put the superintendent sick day payouts, extravagant, bloated capital budgets, and the excessive district contributions to teacher heathcare and pensions to work there?

    After all, what is more important: Marble floors, rarely used pools, and the wants of overpaid, easily replaced staff or, our best effort that at least one child be spared from a tragedy such as this.

    Feckless school directors and PSEA thuggies, feel free to weigh in.

    Wait for it...

    You'd need more, right?


  13. This is off topic, but I read Mezzacrappa's comment at 4:16 PM. She would have made a great council person. Is there anything that she doesn't object to?

    I rather have those DUI people roaming around outside the school than her and her gun toting, unstable behavior with her foul mouth outside of the school.

  14. @ 7:15
    You know they don't count! Neither do the kids that Obama kills with drone strikes.

  15. O'Hares gay buddies are ganging up on Tricia M. You should not have tried the "V" O'Hare and you would not have failed.


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