Local Government TV

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Stoffa Names Spengler as NorCo Solicitor

John Stoffa welcomes Danny Spengler to his cabinet
Northampton County Executive John Stoffa has tapped a veteran, Bath Attorney Daniel Spengler, to replace Karl Longenbach as Solicitor next year. Council will be asked to confirm his appointment at their meeting tonight.

Spengler, a 1977 graduate of Villanova Law School, is no newcomer to county government. He served as an Assistant Solicitor under then Exec Glenn Reibman, and succeeded Jack Spirk as Solicitor.

Stoffa has set Spengler's salary at $56,782. It is a part-time position.

Updated 11:02 PM: Spengler was unanimously confirmed by Council tonight. Both Spengler and retiring Solicitor Karl Longenbach, who announced he had attended is 528th meeting, received a round of applause.


  1. Dan is a good man. He better watch his back with Stoffa.

  2. does he get to hump the office staff also?

  3. Pleasantly surprised. Now on to the other cabinet vacancies?

  4. Is Dan the attorney who is also a collegiate wrestler official?

  5. No leave them vacant, given Stoffas's record it doesn't matter if they are filled or not.

  6. "Is Dan the attorney who is also a collegiate wrestler official?"

    Dan tells me he is not.

  7. I confused Attorney Spengler with Attorney Mark Sigmon. I believe Sigmon is the NCAA wrestling official.

  8. Dan Spengler is a good man. He will do a good job!

  9. Hopefully, Stoffa appoints a new county executive and goes home. Then we all win.

  10. Glenn Reibman and his supporters are very bitter people.


  11. He's only making $57,000.00, Double his Salary.

  12. Bernie, Why do you think a lot of the anons are from Reibman or his team? I can see McClure, Barron or Callahan doing it as well. No, im not with Reibman, as I dont know him, just curious.

  13. Bernie, Why do you think a lot of the anons are from Reibman or his team? I can see McClure, Barron or Callahan doing it as well. No, im not with Reibman, as I dont know him, just curious.

  14. I think the 2-3 AM comments are from Reibman himself. That person has hated Stoffa from the beginning, like Reibman. He is bitter, like Reibman. He can't sleep at night, like Reibman.

  15. Tis the season to be Jolly, fa la la la la, la la la la. Tis the season for a Stoffa folly Tra la la la la, la la la la. Tis the season for fruitcake and assorted nuts, Reibman, Soloman, Gawlick .....dum dee dum dum

  16. Dont think it's Glenn. Say what you will, but he was always a gentleman.


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