Local Government TV

Monday, December 03, 2012

One Week in the Hate World

Most of you don't look at the hate blogs. Why should you? In addition to being full of venom and outright lies, they are poorly written. I refuse to link to them. But, like a person who can't turn his head from an accident, I check them out regularly. Though I hold no office and have no influence beyond this blog, I find that I am the most frequent object of their bile. They really should aim a little higher.

Anyhoo, let me give you this little rundown.

Lehigh Valley Rumblings. - This imitation blog, written anonymously, was supposed to set everyone straight about John Stoffa, Charlie Dent, Ron Angle, John Callahan, Sal Panto,all Republicans and yours truly. It is thought to be written by a Glenn Reibman or Lamont McClure flunkie. But last week, it suddenly went Poof!

Saving Private Gracedale. - This one is also anonymous, although Forks Township resident and Fake Rev Mario Martinez has at times claimed he is the author. Last week, he ragged on the Express Times for not publishing a story that recognizes him for his many accomplishments. He posted a blog explaining how he has managed to endure in the face of Evil, as reflected by Ron Angle and yours truly. His latest is a bizarre claim that John Stoffa has instructed me to criticize him. Alrighty then.

West Easton Foot Print. - Two weeks ago, Tricia Mezzacappa (the blog's author) was convicted of disorderly conduct for threatening to drag West Easton Borough Council President Kelly Gross to the Delaware River and drown her. After that, she bragged the Second Amendment is alive and well and that she was on her way to Cabella's.  She's also published a chilling video about guns that includes pictures of a coffin and the West Easton Borough webpage. Her latest is a picture of Kelly Gross, over which she has superimposed a skull and cross bones. Amazingly, this wing nut has a LTC. She's also pondering a run for County Exec on the GOP ticket. I'm sure they're thrilled.

These three sources provide a steady stream of anonymous hate to this blog. Last week, a concerted effort was made to hijack the blog, but it failed, as it always does. Sometimes I delete. Sometimes I don't.

They get help. West Easton Foot Print has stated that a mysterious "Blog Mentor" has encouraged her, and has published documents with the initials "BV."


  1. Baron Van MunchausenDecember 3, 2012 at 3:49 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Sorry, but neither than "blog" nor its authors may be mentioned here.

  3. So you attack alternative view blogs and then delete any reference to them, except for contempt and hate.

    I don't read the Weat Easton thing. I do read 'Lehigh Valley Rumblings' and 'Saving Private

    Gracedale does allow a different viewpoint than you do and they are not as qucik to censor and delete as you are.

    As for the "Rumblings" blog, word is you had Stoffa and Callahan get it shut down.

    Guess al lwill have to wait and see if that is true.

    Keep in mind, your own intolerance and bias has in a way contributed to the birth of new "information" outlets.

    Next year even more will be forthcoming.

  4. Um, I suspect you really meant to say you were repeatedly verbally attacked in your comments section.

    I seriously doubt any of the people you're mentioning have the technical know-how or hacking chops to "hijack" your blog, which is when someone hacks the page and replaces your content with their own.

    (BTW, that you're dealing with computer-unsavvy morons is something to be grateful for, as irksome as they may be. A real hijack that is successful can be devastating, and usually means all your content gets wiped in the process...)

    On the other hand, judging from the comment above mine, it does appear that you've been link spammed...

    Just FYI.

  5. Tricia Mezzacappa has been targeting Council President Gross for a long time with hateful and defamatory rhetoric. The evidence is there on Mezzacappa's blog for all to see.

    Her latest target is the West Easton solicitor. She wants to have his law license pulled. The solicitor's offense, in her warped view, is that he aggressively represents his client and doesn't give in to each and every one of her demands.

    At various times, she also has targeted the mayor, several other council members and the office clerk. Falsely accusing public officials of crimes is one of her specialties. She also has made false accusations against developer Abe Atiyeh. Atiyeh usually isn't one to turn the other cheek. Where is his lawsuit against her?

    I find it ironic that Mezzacappa is the one with two disorderly conduct convictions (can't control her anger), a personal bankruptcy (can't control her finances) and a pending defamation suit (can't control her mouth). You would think that someone with two licenses of her own (she is an RN and has a concealed firearms permit) would tone it down rather than put those licenses in further jeopardy.

    She is out of control in many ways, and law enforcement authorities should step in before her lack of control escalates to real violence. She stated in a recent legal pleading that she is taking potent medications for a mental disorder and is "unfit." Her unsuccessful defense to a recent disorderly conduct charge was nicotine withdrawal.

    We all love the First Amendment but free speech rights have limits. Mezzacappa should be held fully accountable for her many defamatory falsehoods, her ongoing harassment campaign and her direct threats of physical violence and indirect threats of gun violence.

    Where are you Chief Scalzo, DA Morganelli and county mental health officials???

    A Concerned Citizen

  6. 6:30, Actually, you are correct. I have never been hacked by these people. They just try to take over the comments and ruin the ability to engage in meaningful dialogue.

  7. You limit a lot of dialogue yourself.
    It's plain enough to see for regular readers. No disrespect, just fact.

  8. Say what you want about my mental health I put most 40 somethings to shame when im in my baywatch one piece. Bernie spanks his one incher whenever I post a photo of myself.

  9. 10:55, You'll be hard put to find any blog in a 50-mile radius that is as open with comments as this one. Most of the time, i don't enforce my own comment policy. The haters try to take advantage of that to shout down anyone whose views differ from theirs. They get personal and nasty. That's not free speech. It's cyber-bullying.

  10. Bernie is a front runner for GQ's most eligible bachelors of 2013, if you camel toe drips with fluid at the mere mention of his name head over to GQ.com and cast your vote for lehigh valleys own George Clooney Sr.

  11. Currently im standing in a puddle of my own feminine juices just looking at his avatar.

  12. Bernie is well endowed and knows how to swing his battle ax.

  13. He has to order special condoms to fit his grotesquely large penis, he carries them in a very fashionably satchel not to be confused with a man purse.

  14. Obviously, all of the above "West Easton Foot Print" comments come from an impersonator.

  15. The impersonator has to be the same idiot who's obsessed with the term teabagger. Many never mature past fifth grade.

  16. "Keep in mind, your own intolerance and bias has in a way contributed to the birth of new "information" outlets."

    Actually, as I've already pointed out, these disinformation sites come from people who have tried, and failed, to shout me down. Each is a real hate blog, including death wishes and vicious personal attacks. People who read them need to take a shower when done.

    I believe the blogosphere is a true meritocracy. The good blogs are read and people will comment. But those are lousy blogs, and the dearth of commentary makes that abundantly clear.

    You claim to read the Rumblings blog, but it has vanished. Poof! So much for that anonymous author's courage.

  17. Don't be modest Bernie,playing hard to get has made me mad with lust. Each post you make creates a vaginal monsoon in me and many other female politicos. We want a ride on the O'hare express before Michelle Malkin and Anne Coulter make you exclusive man meat.

  18. Only a man of power could make Eric Weicz's blog vanish, you made Houdini disappear! Thats hot.

  19. The WWWE will never be able to reach your standards, BO. Obviously the slutty tight clothes and cheap shoes have affected the flow of blood to it's brain.

    Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. The Fake Rev is calling me a liar bc I claim that Stoffa wanted me to criticize him. Well, that is what the Fake Rev has charged. He has claimed that Stoffa wants me to criticize Stoffa. He has misread my post as suggesting that Stoffa wants me to criticize the Fake Rev. That's the Fake Rev for 'ya.

  21. Mezzacappa has responded to my criticism by reposting her video.

  22. I have a confession to make. For two years my thoughts of a passionate menage a trois with Bernie and Ron Angle have been front and center and I'm not ashamed to let this blog know about it. To be honest Bernie cannot maintain an erection unless Ron is present so his participation is required in order for me to have Bern Bear at full mast.

  23. She's going to kill someone and we'll all wring our hands and shake our heads because we were warned - many times.

  24. Can everybody say, CUCKOO!!
    Mazzacrappa is a nightmare in so many ways. Go back to whereever you came from, or just go away. You are a disgrace! A slutty, nutty, dim-witted disgrace!

    Just sayin

  25. A more open dialogue begins with you Bernie.
    Let people disagree.
    Get a bigger stable of regular contributers.
    Know that shrill regulars will attract shrill responces. Thats ok.
    Don't erase reasonable replies because they disagree with the partyline dejour.
    Remember; what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
    Let people who dish it out take a little in return.
    Double standards piss folks off.

    You could bump the whole conversation up several clicks.
    A more open dialogue begins with you.
    At your best your very good.

  26. Be careful Bernie, obviously the drug-cocktail(which made her unfit according to her court docs) with the beer chasers today make her unfit to comment as well.

    Mz Mez, Please keep your trash where it belongs -- your own pathetic hate blog. No one really cares what you think.

  27. Keep up the super job Bernie! Remember the haters have made you even more famous.

  28. BOH > don't just pretend to be honest. My Grammy always told me you lay down with dogs, don't be surprised if you come up with fleas.

  29. Bernie,

    The anonymity of this "new means" to communicate unfortunately brings out the the true minds of individuals. As we've seen, those can be troubled minds. Folks who have some deep hurt inside of them. Striking out, even in this disruptive way is a therapy they chose.

    Guess we should be as patient as possible. . . .with the patient.

  30. Resonable people, such as Clem and Ipig. No thanks.

  31. Competitiveness mixed with laziness are usually all it takes to turn someone into a hater.

    You work hard attending all the meetings and events to keep us all informed. Thank you BO!

  32. Far from an open dialogue. Fib to us but believing your own fibs will take you to relapse buddy. I know you know that.

  33. Always remember.... 'Birds peck at the best fruit.' .....have at it Haters!

  34. BO, Being judged by haters means that you are so important to them that they take all their personal time to think about you, make videos, pictures, enitre blog posts about you.

    Sort of creepy, huh?!

  35. "Reasonable people yack, yack, yack ..."

    You just gotta love all that inspirational courage hiding behind anonymous!

  36. I'm so reasonable, I'm scared out of my wits to go ahead and actually sign my real name to any of my proclamations!

  37. I'm so reasonable ...

    ... I trash talk people by name anonymously ...

    ... because I'm just THAT cool, on top of being so super smart.

  38. C
    You got a few creeps, anyone can see that.
    After that cut the hater stuff every time someone disagrees, it's unbecoming.

  39. Some of your most recent commenters maybe correct, this might not be a place for reasonable people

  40. We hear 'ya, Bill, but it still ain't work'n.

  41. "After that cut the hater stuff every time someone disagrees, it's unbecoming."

    I welcome disagreement, probably more so than any other local blog. I even change my mind if I'm persuaded I'm wrong. The hater epithet is reserved for anonymous cowards who engage in personal attacks. Like the Blog mentor, Mezzacappa, the Fake Rev, James Schlener, George Speros Maniatty and numerous flunkies of the NorCo Democratic establishment who would prefer that no one knows anything except what they tell them.

  42. "My Grammy always told me you lay down with dogs, don't be surprised if you come up with fleas."

    Then you must have an awful itch, flea.

  43. "You work hard attending all the meetings and events to keep us all informed. Thank you BO!"

    It is my honor.

  44. It gets a little weird when anonymous posters have harsh criticisms for posters who login as anonymous.
    Let's face it it's anonymous medium,most people are not going to use their name, and with good reason.
    Does that make them all cowards or fools?

  45. For the thousandth time, anyone who uses anonymity to engage in personal attacks is a coward.

  46. about this mezzacappa chick - we know she lives in pa and she is orginally from nj - does anyone have any idea why no one wants her back in nj?

    is it because she ranks right up there with the fake rev and the rest of the haters?

    keep up the hard work bo - whether i agree with you or not, you bring important facts, events and situations to the table which should result with adult "quote/unquote" debate or discussion.

    the haters will eventually burn out - its just this crew seems to be taking longer than most.

  47. Permission to change the subject...

    Did you see Barron Von Footinmouth on Business Matters tonight? He bragged about how he, as Northampton County's Controller "opened the books" to the county employees' unions to show how management was not acting in good faith in their negotiations. Was he elected by Norco voters to be a union business agent? How can this tool get away with such a blatant abuse of power? He should be impeached.

  48. I just got back from a meeting, but I will check it out. Barron hasn't learned a damn thing.

  49. Differences in opinion are not personal attacks.

  50. These are not differences of opinion. These are vicious personal attacks. I'll give you some examples of the standard fare on the Fake Rev's blog:

    "O'Hare is like the green mucus glop that some guy hacks up and spits out on the sidewalk. Don't step on it. Just warn people to stay away. Thanks!"

    Or this, from the Mezzacappa blog:

    "Keep pouring it on til he snaps. w/ a little luck it will explode an aneurysm in his brain or aorta."

    I could go on all night. These are not mere differences of opinion. This is out and out hate.  

  51. No, those assuredly are not. But when someone writes to you and says to Clem, " Wait a minute, our very own Paul McCale critized Clinton for his behavior "---- and you delete it??????
    Come on Bernie, I have gott to beleive you are better than that.

  52. When it is mixed in with a number of personal attacks against Clem, as that was, I delete. And that is what happened. Also, I delete complaints about my comments policy. If you don't like it, start your own blog or email me and tell me why I'm wrong. The Blog Mentor began to hijack that particular thread with attacks at Clem and several other readers. Prior to that, there was a concerted effort. You do not see ALL the comments coming in. I do, and I know when an attack is being orchestrated, You'll see the same comment posted on several threads. You'll see the same comment repeated, over and over. You'll see the same comment being posted a week after the blog has published. This is not the work of someone who is interested in reasoned argument. This is the work of a troll. I was in no mood for the bullshit, especially during the Thanksgiving Day weekend.

    There is no appeal from my decisions. Commenting and complaining about it now is also a violation of my comments policy.

  53. I still think you are better than that. If that offends you, what can I say? I simple thi k better of you.

  54. Watched the Business Matters tape and Barron makes reference to opening up the county's books to union business agents and that management "lied" to them about the county's financial situation. What a charlatan this guy is. How can we trust him as our controller, who is supposed to remain impartial and non-partisan? He is a union shill through and through and should be investigated by the AG's office.

  55. " I welcome disagreement....." your standard, not mine. And if you then delete disagreement, well?

    Clem is provocative. Often crudely so. OK, that's his game. But when he hangs out red meat, "" EVERY democrat/ liberal is a ____ this or a _____ that" crude, insulting generalizations, some people will take the bait.

    I don't know the guy. He s welcome to his most base generalizations. But it's not civil let along reasonable dialogue and invites equally uncivll responces.

    Action> reaction. Why defend it? Why delete it? It's all a rough distraction from what you do best.

  56. Read the rest of what I say. If you engage in anonymous personal attacks, you will be deleted. Is that so hard to understand? If you don't like this rule, don't read the blog. Now this is your second comment about my comment policy, which I've already told you are comments I will delete, just like the ET.

  57. But crude insults directed at a whole ( and often diverse group of people, with lots of differing political values, even within one political party ) class
    is somehow exceptable?
    No, I don't get it.

    So I say, " all Scotsmen are cheap pricks!". That's ok.
    But if Jane comments and says," Dick is an ass for crude insulting generalizations about all Scott's!"
    That's an unexceptable personal attack?

    Come on man!

  58. This is what you don't get. This is the third time I am telling you that you are in violation of my comments policy, and you disregard me, in effect thumbing your nose at me. I told you to email me. I will delete you from this point. I am not interested in sophistry.

  59. I have no idea how to email you.
    I do appreciate your willingness to engage on this.
    Surely you understand my intent is not to insult you. Count me amoung those who think ( at least when your not defending political goofballs ) that you make a significant contribution.
    You can delete this, I'm not saying this for group consumption anyway.

  60. My email address is on my profile. BOHare5948@aol.com. I will delete you if you continue.

  61. Barron is an independently elected Controller and not subject to the Stoffa gag rule on truth. So, yes, he can tell people about the lies of the Adminstration.

    Just as the next County Executive, Lamont McClure, can stop you from taking baths in the public restrooms.

  62. I pray that McClure runs, and that Barron von Footinmouth is his wing man.

  63. Bernie bathes in public restrooms? Say it ain't so B.O!

  64. More of the hate, the attempt to shout people down with nonsense.

  65. More censoring? Or just a fear of the truth? You were in fact reported to courthouse authorities.

  66. This is just another lie and future nonsense will be deleted.

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You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.