Local Government TV

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

What Would You Do with $500 Million?

I'm pretty sure I have the winning ticket.


  1. Pay somebody to design a better blog :)

  2. Now! That's how it should be done.

  3. I would balance the Bethlehem budget so I would not have any difficult decisions to make.

  4. I'd try to hide it from the new U.S. government.

    Wait, they take their cut first. I'll have to hide the rest.

  5. Build a community center. Create a Foundation to provide annual grants to local organizations. Provide a trust for my children and future generations. Pay off family debt of nearest relatives, and devote a career of community service. No need for a sports car. I might buy a zero turn radius lawn mower and a street sweeper.

  6. I would buy a really big bag of weed and some pork rinds.

    K. Deely

  7. I would rent a really good apartment in NYC so I could move out of my parent's basement.

    J. Geeting

  8. I would give up on the phony will, Pay off my dastardly business dealings and run for county executive

    R. Angle

  9. Pay off all my bills and my daughter's college tuition.

  10. I'd walk into 31 West 54th Street in NYC and say

    "A pair of everything in size 9, please"

    And then I'd start giving a boatload of $$$ away.

  11. The same thing I'd do with $250 Million...


    cause I ain't gonna win!

  12. I would help all my family & close friends out. Then give to some charities & homeless shelters.

  13. I'd get some help for Bill.

  14. 4:09, There cerainly has been a concerted effort to hijack this blog with all kinds of inane nonsense. But it is much easier to delete than post them. i just deleted another 20 comments, about 40 today so far.

  15. Not a concerted effort---- but a spontaneous one. Course simple minded right wing theory sees conspiring everywhere.
    The spontaneousness is much more telling. With all youf complete bullshit in the lead up to the election this wacko site may have reached the tipping point.
    Words out. Your a fraud.

  16. I'd pay off my house and fix the roof that was blown off my church in the storm. Then I'd establish a foundation to give urban parents more education choices for their kids. I might buy a batting cage and pitching machine, too - one guilty pleasure.

  17. Sorry about that roof. Hope you had some kind of coverage for it.

  18. 4:34, Knock yourself out. After all, you can't spend the entire day rolling around on the floor, foaming at the mouth.

  19. Maybe I would buy the naming rights of the Government Center and insist that money be placed in a "lock box" trust to fund meals on wheels and other worthy programs.

  20. I'd use the money to go all Count of Monte Cristo on my enemies list.

  21. As much as I'd love to win this, I'd have a strong fear of being besieged by people/entities looking for handouts. Not to say that I wouldn't give a lot of it away, but it would be on my terms and done anonymously. I'd either have to move to another country or only appear in public with armed bodyguards, neither of which is a lifestyle that appears to me. I don't believe that PA is one of the states where a winner can remain anonymous. Even if you claim it in the name of a trust, "they" can probably still find you.

  22. I would put up a 6 ft. fence and a gate and never leave my house. I would be a modern day Howard Hughes. And I would set up a retirement fund for Bernie O because I love his blog.

    JOHN M

  23. I think im gonna cry.


  24. Bernie,

    I don't want to be a wet towel on this conversation but I find the media hysteria over this to be both troubling and annoying.
    The sad truth is that gambling is a tax on the poor. In the case of the lottery the only winner, outside of any winning ticket holder is the state. Whatever lottery profits the states direct towards services for this or that fails to compensate for the many millions of dollars missing from the pockets of the poor.
    The media hypes this lottery as a harmless big event when the truth is actually very depressing.

    Scott Armstrong

  25. I think the founding fathers would be cool with government running a gambling racket. No God in schools, though. And free condoms.

  26. I'd move to the state of Washington and smoke all the doobies I can find!!!

  27. Dude, someone is doing some really strange stuff on the Rumblings blog. Someone is impersonating you and the Wicked Witch. That is just wrong to stoke people that can't control themselves. I hope the blog mentor seeks the help he needs. It was only a matter of time before he turned against her.

  28. I think I promised one of you that I would pitch in a little extra when I saw a Salvation Army Santa. Promised fullfilled.

    Be well.

  29. I have avoided that so far. I will do it right before Christmas, when I know how much I can spare.

  30. 9:56, Mezzacappa and her Blog Mentor are acting together. Today was an all out attack. They are attempting to shout me down with vile anonymous comments, and are attacking individual readers. I guess one of them rolls on the floor, foaming at the mouth, while the other posts comments. They take turns.

    The impersonation, on a faux blog that no one reads, is sheer nonsense. The bottom line is that Mezzacappa has been destroyed by her own behavior. She'll never be able to run for office and i question whether anyone would ever hire her as a nurse. I suspect her cherished LTC is being revoked. In addition, I have sued her for libel. I will be seeking damages for the real harm she has caused, and I will insist on answers to my discovery in very short order. She will have to identify her blog mentor. Then we'll have a whole new ball game.

  31. Give $496 m of it away to Lehigh Valley organizations.

  32. I'd ask a very special lady in my life to marry me.

  33. The comments above, which are purportedly posted by "West Easton Foot Print," appear to be impersonations. They appear to be coming from the same person who identifies himself as "Mongo."

    I am deleting those comments, along with my replies to them.

  34. I know that it has been a long and trying few days for you with all of the deletions. Looks like you might have to get the old troll parade blog back into action with another entry. ???

  35. Well, I think that would be a mistake. I was at 4 municipal meetings this week. Two of them had no reporter. If I waste my time and yours, dealing with a few attention-seeking trolls, I am unable to fill you in. I'd rather just delete them, except when they're threatening to kill people or getting convicted of criminal activity.
