Local Government TV

Friday, November 30, 2012

What the Puck?

My invitation to yesterday's groundbreaking for Allentown's transformational hockey arena, must have been lost in the mail. After all the nice things I said about it, I thought for sure I'd be given a stick, but it's the sin bin for me.

Most of Allentown's downtown businesses are in that sin bin, too. They've been disrupted for yet another day so that the bigwigs could pat themselves on the back.

Although I was not there, I had a drone flying through the crowd, sanpping pics here and there.

Below is King Edwin with Sara Hailstone, the Ice Queen. Their hockey sticks are fortunately blocking Michael Schlossberg's face. Remember him? He's the guy who had to quit Allentown City Council early so he could spend all his time in Harrisburg, getting ready to be a State Rep.

Speaking of State Reps, below you will see a less-than-enthusiastic Jenn Mann, who I'm sure is already calculating all the dough she's gonna' make as a "consultant" for the wheeler dealers who want a piece of the NIZ pie. Standing beside her, bowing his head in what should be shame, is State Senator Pat Browne. Hus wife already has a piece of the pie as a lobbyist with the very firm representing NIZ developer J.B. Reilly.

Then we've got these two peas in a pod. Tony Iannelli is the Dude in sunglasses. His Chamber of Commerce just lost the $50,000 that LVEDC was supposed to give to him this year. Standing next to Tony, with the "What Me?" look on his face, is LVEDC bossman Don Cunningham. They'll always have hockey.

Unfortunately, this Otter came up from the Lehigh and ate Schlossberg. It was very sad. Allentown being Allentown, none of the bigshots thought it might be nice to bring a few kids to see the Hairy Otter mascot being used by this minor league hockey team. If that had happened, Schlossberg might still be alive.


  1. Children were there and sang the national anthem.Your tbagger spy made a mistake. it was great. Season ticket holders, mainly average folk like myself, happy to clebrate something good.

    Remeber what "good" is, Bernie? Before you became a miserable "I hate the world" right wing bagger, maybe you were hapopy once.

    Plenty of children, nice people and proud public servaants.

    And all you can do with your band of haters is throw stones from the sidelines.

    Sad, pahetic, lonely you. You want an invite, buy a ticket you freeloader.

  2. Plenty of kids were there. Of course your spy didn't see them, doeswn't fit your agenda.

    The mascot hugged and high-fived some of them.

    Stop the bullshit. Your blog has really jumped the shark

    Is this the refuge of all the angry old white men in the Valley?

  3. My drone only saw assholes like you, and no kids are in any of the pictures I have. But if they were there, maybe Schlossberg is still alive.

  4. There comes a point where O'Hare knows he has lost. This post is that point. He will slam anyone that post Anonymous as "assholes" but in the same breath will praise his "drones" as credibility sources. No wonder his credibility has hit the toilet.

  5. Actually, this is just yet another in a series of attempts that first started in 2006 to shout me down. You can't stand what I am saying bc I do not preach the party line and am unpredictable. So you try to pigeonhole me, attack me, attack my readers, and attempt to monopolize the blog. And fail. All you succeed in doing is driving more people to this site, so thanks.

    Truth always prevails over disinformation from political operatives. Honesty always prevails over anonymous cowards who won't take responsibility for what they write.

    Anyone reading this post will realize it is mostly tongue in cheek, but you don't get that bc you are an asshole, and a cowardly asshole at that. And rather than talk to crazy people, I delete them.

  6. This investment is well worth a quarter billion dollars if that's what it takes to clean the minorities out of center city. Pest control is expensive.

    Progressive Pawlowski Supporter

  7. If truth always prevails then you are in some deep shit for all the games you have played on this blog.

    Tell us more about massive voter fraud just for starters.

  8. You sometimes tell the truth / sometimes make up your own facts. This site just can't be trusted any longer. So many honest responces deleted.
    You claim honesty???????????

  9. Want sex, threats, gun toting, animal cruelty, hypocrisy, barnyard epitaphs, socialists under every bed, corrupt elections and voter fraud, canonized poverty pimps, pet pigs and pet politicians --- welcome to Lehigh Valley Rambling and it's cast of regular characters where the truth may be true or not.

  10. Want sex, threats, gun toting, animal cruelty, hypocrisy, barnyard epitaphs, socialists under every bed, corrupt elections and voter fraud, canonized poverty pimps, pet pigs and pet politicians --- welcome to Lehigh Valley Rambling and it's cast of regular characters where the truth may be true or not.

  11. You sometimes tell the truth / sometimes make up your own facts. This site just can't be trusted any longer. So many honest responces deleted.
    You claim honesty???????????

  12. BOH, you have been calling more and more posters ass@*%#s lately.
    It's not becoming of you dude. MM doesn't insult his readers like that.

  13. @ 2:47 " You can't stand what I am saying because I don't preach the partyline and I am unpredictable."

    That's fabulous! BOH is actually quoting from a comment he deleted. Wonderful my man. Keep up the good work.
    I just love this blog!

  14. Anonymous cowards are fine with you Bernie as long as they are preaching your sermon.

  15. Bernie I love it when you talk about the truth. Your the man dude.

  16. Cindy Feinberg is also in the picture with Ianelli.

  17. Hard to say which viewpoint here is sadder. All very sad.

  18. Cindy is hot. Her hubby should treat her better.

  19. This is a family values blog.

  20. Mr. O, you must have hit a nerve.
    The creeps from Pullpudski's cabal are spewing lies again.
    Unbelievable how such a small group of thieves can rip-off an entire population.
    Just keep on repeating that this travesty is for the good of all.

  21. Looks like Paul Holmgren on the far right of the 2nd pic.

  22. @5:25 that you Rolf?

  23. I think kids were there BO. Better check on that.

  24. @5:25 that you Rolf?

  25. Cindy's husband has a wondering eye problem. Lighten up on the guy.

  26. The hockey stick thing is so cool.
    That must have been the sum total of Sarah's contribution.

  27. Proud public servants ?????????

    Whoooo boy!

  28. I'm enchanted by the colorful costumes on the proud public servants.
    They certainly are an interesting looking group.
    Why they just look like my friends and neighbors. You know, regular folks.

  29. Can't wait. Hoping not to see the Nazareth Nattering Nabob of Negativism at any games.

  30. One thing that seems to get overlooked in all the name calling, etc, is the premise that MINOR league hockey is going to save a city. Never has happened, never will happen. If a minor league franchise could do this, the Iron Pig's Coca Cola Park should have been in center city. The whole shebang is a farce to get the NIZ for the big hitters.

  31. Remember when O'Hare attacked the MC for running a story on how the Bethlehem Township board was laughing at the city of Allentown by claiming there was not a reporter there. Here is where once again it shows BO is losing, he runs a story that he admittedly says he was not at. Hypocrite.

  32. Would I have preferred to see the arena built in a less controversial, maybe even totally private manner? Absolutely. Is that preference anywhere close to reality in the early 21st Century? Nope.

    The Lehigh Valley is ripe for an events arena of this size and I'm sure the hockey team will be as big a success as the Iron Pigs are.

    My personal preference would have been to see it built near the baseball stadium or Sand's, but regardless I plan on going to hockey games there regularly and I know many others who will do the same.

    You and others did shine a light on how the sausage gets made, but it will be consumed nonetheless.


  33. Most people would have preferre the thing in Bethlehem but it ended up in Allentown. Many good and decent folk can't wait for the puck to drop and hockey to be played.

  34. The proud public servants are all dressed like they are going to a funeral. They all look like the undertakers. But not one of them with the class to wear a decent hat.

  35. A lot of white guys in downtown Allentown

  36. Just because Bernie is a right wing tea bagger doesn't mean this political nightmare in Allentown isn't true.
    I think both things are true.

  37. Most people would have preferre the thing in Bethlehem but it ended up in Allentown. Many good and decent folk can't wait for the puck to drop and hockey to be played.

    I prefer to have the entire Valley prosper including it's largest city. I live and spend most of my time in Bethlehem. We need to bring Allentown back into the fold and stop demonizing every single thing about it. It's a struggling city, no doubt. Let's do something about it. This won't solve any problems by itself but at least it will get some buzz downtown again.

  38. Bernie isn't really a right wing tea bagger he just panders to the right wing tea baggers. Bernie really has no core beliefs.
    Speaking of pandering why wasn't Calihan there, or was he

  39. Some fellas get a little bored by the wife, even if she is hot. I mean, can't blame a successful guy for being' a guy.

  40. @ 10:27
    Certainly not. Why just look at Don, Phil, and Johnny boy

  41. Mayor Ed and the Don sure do love each other now, don't they?

    Hey, anybody else remember just a short time ago when Bernie called Callihan Phil Mittman II ?

  42. Tony I does not look happy.

  43. Bernie, who in Gods name would want to shout YOU down. Your blog is a f@?!ing barrel of laughs.

  44. "This site just can't be trusted any longer."

    So says the anonymous coward.

  45. "BOH, you have been calling more and more posters ass@*%#s lately.
    It's not becoming of you dude."

    It's pretty much just one or two, asshole. The epithet is directed at the one or two anonymous trolls who are trying, and failing as usual, to shout me down. This happens periodically, and has happened since I started blogging. I'm not going away, while we all know you are cowards.

  46. "Remember when O'Hare attacked the MC for running a story on how the Bethlehem Township board was laughing at the city of Allentown by claiming there was not a reporter there. Here is where once again it shows BO is losing, he runs a story that he admittedly says he was not at. Hypocrite."

    I criticized the Morning Call for writing a story about a Hanover Township meeting that the reporter in question never attended because the REPORTER NEVER DISCLOSED HE WAS NOT THERE. That is dishonest. A paper can claim to be unbiased, but honesty is a bit more important.

    In this instance, we are not talking abut a meeting, but a pbic relations stunt. But I was not there and you know I was not there bc I am honest enough to tell you I was not there.

    Now go back to rolling on the floor, foaming at the mouth.

  47. Anon said...

    "A lot of white guys in downtown Allentown"

    Of course, that's a key component of the plan - get the niggers and the spics out of there.

    Sorry to all who are offended by the last paragraph, but it's a fact. The NIZ is designed to do exactly this. Don't worry if you're a minority though, you'll be allowed back in to serve white men beer and dogs at games. For minimum wage and no benefits.

    Great job Jennings, you really helped the people who need help the most.

  48. Courageous Anonymous 7:56 and Courageous Anonymous 7:59 :

    No, the comment left at 5:25 AM is not from me.

    But you already knew that.

    ANYONE who wants to know what I really think of Chairman Pawlowski and his record-smashing Palace of Sport is welcome to visit my hockey blog :




  49. Bernie, you gonna let some commenter talk about your token liberal Alan like that.

    Why you should be foaming at the mouth and rolling on the floor. ( I love when you say that , it's so cool!)

  50. WELCOME HOME ROLF. so glad to see you back on Bernie's blog where you belong.

    Made my day man.

  51. Actually, you hate when I say that, bc it accurately describes what you do between creating enemy lists and claiming ridiculous conspiracies and alienating just about everyone. So go back to rolling on the floor, foaming at the mouth, and then send a few more emails insulting judges, like the maroon you are. Then take a drug cocktail.

    Any regular reader of this blog knows who you are and what you are up to. And you and I both know that you are not supposed to be on this blog.

  52. Pig Pen, Don't engage this troll, who is taunting you. We know who he is.

  53. 7:59 here.

    Thanks for the shout out Rolf. Your my favorite of Bernie's regular cast.
    You are a great American and a great tea Bagger dude.

    Love ya'.


  54. That would be IRONPigPen ...

    ... the mascot's name is "DAX", as in Adirondack (Phantoms) and he is not long for this world, of course.



  55. I'm sure you do, Anon 12:27.

    I love your obvious courage, myself.

  56. 7:59, Mongo, West Easton Foot Print and numerous other anons are one and the same person. The Blog Mentor. His medication must have been changed.

  57. " proud public servaants"

    You mean the proud "self-servents" like the Brownes? I'll never vote for the Brownes ever again.

  58. Hugs and luv Ms Piggy ( Pen).


    El Mongo

  59. 12:02, Unfortunately, I think your assessment is right on point. Jennings will set up some minority biz in the fringes of the NIZ, something he himself has called a DMZ. I'm not sure that sends the right message.

  60. What about Jennings and the Hill to Hill digital billboard kind sir? Inquiring readers STILL want to know. You promised us big guy, don't forget.

  61. "Hey, anybody else remember just a short time ago when Bernie called Callihan Phil Mittman II ?"

    I don't bc I never did. That's just another piece of disinformation by people who won't identify themselves bc doing so will reveal their true agenda.

  62. "What about Jennings and the Hill to Hill digital billboard kind sir? Inquiring readers STILL want to know. You promised us big guy, don't forget."

    Sorry, Got caught up with the election, and then the budgets out there. II will hit that.

  63. Bernie at 12:27

    You refer to J Callahan as Phil Mitman II.

    Post: Monday,Sept.19. 2011, @ 5:34 PM


  64. I did, in a comment, but not in my actual post. That comment was made in September 2011, not a short time ago, and was made after another bad financial audit for Bethlehem. But unknown to me at the time, Callahan was making big changes to the way he handles finances. He stopped a 30-year practice of borrowing from one account to pay another. He adopted more of a pay as you go approach. His budgeting become much more fiscally prudent. And as a result, Bethlehem finished 2011 with $200,000 in the bank, a first in many years. So I consider him a man who is capable of learning, which is a rare quality these days.

  65. That's very white of Jennings. And where does he get the $$$ for that?
    And how much does CACLV keep off the top?

  66. Jennings' admin fees are the lowest among most nonprofits. He's not in it for himself.

  67. Your right, Cindy is hot, and the old man is a bird dog.
    Bummer for him.

  68. You really know how to make an ass out of yourself. I'm sure your wife must be very proud of you.

  69. Sept. 2011
    Nov. 2012

    I count 14 months.
    Re: Callahan = Mittman II

  70. Keep working on selling those tickets to the record-smashing Palace of Sport, El Mongo.

    I'm sure the State-sponsored Brooks Brothers are very grateful for your efforts, albeit rather odd and strange.

    So, how much for center ice, fifteen rows up, then?


  71. Oh now I recall. CACLV got the money because Alan is on the NIZ Board. I forgot.
    Sorry, my mistake.

  72. R.O. Back in the saddle again!!!


    Can't keep a good man down.

  73. Stuff has been catching up with the mighty BOH lately. He needs all his cranky tea bagging band of brothers to play some defends for him.

    I will say this for Rolf O., his hockey blog is quite well done. He does sports with way more class than he does politics.
    Credit where credit is due.

  74. Since Bernie is now part of the Callahan propaganda machine he must back track on all his previous Callahan attacks.

    Bernie talks about the wonderful Bethlehem surplus. Yes on ppaaer but not real.

    At the end of 2012 the city is now in the red and next year will be deeper in the hole without a huge tax increase.

    I hope Mayor Clueless, I mean Callahan, doesn't learn any more as Bernie gives him credit for. If he does we may be in a bigger fiscal hole.

    Bernie, you were right the first time around bfore Hickey got to you.

  75. Yo! Is that our very own native son Rolf O, calling someone odd and strange?
    Man I just love this blog. You could not make this shit up.

  76. Bernie did not call John Callahan Phil Mitman II.

  77. That's ok Bernie, we are used to you making things up or denying uncomfortable facts. That's part of the charm of Lehigh Valley Rambling. We get it.

  78. Hey you kids at home, you too can see the post where Bernie calls Johnny Phil Mittman II. it's just three posts below today's gateway post. Key words/ Mittman and LVEDCA.
    Have fun boys and girls, and say those prayers before bedie bye.
    Night, night.

  79. What the puck?
    You can say that again!

  80. Bernie called Callahan Phil Mittman II. He did not. Well he did, but in a comment, not in the post.

    Anyway it was so long ago that there it is, third post on the current list.

    I mean he didn't say it like last week or sumthin!


    The worst of both worlds.

  82. Looks like someone is rolling around on the floor, foaming at the mouth.

  83. A few years ago, Alan Jennings invited me on his radio show. The Blog Mentor found out and began pressuring Jennings to drop me. Jennings refused. Then he began pressuring WDIY to drop the show, and even had his lawyer call. The station refused. Ever since then, Jennings is bashed nonstop on this blog. But I will take Jennings any day over some pathetic coward with a very lengthy enemy list.

  84. The sad part about this whole situation is that this whole plan is about "hoping" the arena and the surrounding projects revitalize the area. Buildings don't bring crowds, events do and as far as I can see,we have hockey and perhaps some other possible events on the horizon. The only way this will work is continuous use and that will take the WHOLE city to get involved to create some true CITY WIDE events that will bring people to Allentown. Unfortunately, I don't believe this administration is creative enough or actually cares to make this happen. Either way, in 2013, many of us in the community plan on doing SOMETHING to INFORM and EDUCATE the people so we don't end up with an indebted city with an unused arena in 5 years.... Because when you KNOW better, you DO better...

    Alfonso Todd


  85. Don't let the haters get you down, Bernie!...this arena will obviously be a dud...it could never help to replace the pawn shops, massage parlors, and blight downtown!...you should go to every game - dressed in your finest Spandex - and let everyone know what a failure the arena is!!!!

  86. You mean the minority-owned businesses that sell urban wear. Who's the bigot?

  87. Jennings is a phoney who hangs with guys in suits..... What do I care whose radio show you go on..... Count me with MM on Jennings legitimacy .

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You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.