Local Government TV

Monday, November 26, 2012

Water Privatization Foes: Let the Voters Decide

Water Privatization Campaign to Deliver Petitions to City Clerk

WHAT: The petitioners' committee to amend Allentown’s home rule charter will be submitting over 3600 signatures to Allentown’s City Clerk as part of an initiative that, if approved, could give Allentown citizens the opportunity to vote for or against the privatization of Allentown’s water and sewer system.

A press conference will be held at City Hall outside council chambers prior to delivering the petitions.

WHO: The petitioners’ committee consists of Dan Poresky, Glenn L. Hunsicker, Glenn S. Hunsicker, William Hoffman, and Michael Donovan.

WHEN: 1:00 PM Wednesday, November 28, 2012

WHERE: Allentown City Hall, City Clerk’s Office.

Three thousand valid signatures are needed to give voters a direct say in the privatization of Allentown's water and sewer.

Updated 9:16 PM: My sentence above is inaccurate. Around 2,000 signatures are needed to get the question on the ballot. It appears that around 3,600 signatures have been obtained. My apologies.


  1. They elect dummies who make dumb decisions and they are too dumb to understand they already voted like sheep in a republican form of democracy. Yes, they voted for exactly that to which they claim now to be opposed. Let's play hockey! Baaaaaaa.

  2. " it's a done deal!"

  3. Pretty lame effort. Only 2,000 signatures? How many are city residents?

    1. Need clarification from Bernie on this one. I read it to say that he corrected the post to that they only NEED 2,000 signatures, but HAVE 3,600.

      It seems odd if they're submitting less than they need.

  4. More like very lame considering the thousands of voters out on election day.
    This bunch lacks the skills to stop this thing.
    King Ed must be pleased.

  5. Bernie, assume it's Allentown voters only signing the petition, even though the impact is Valley-wide?

  6. kid gudriy and king ed will never allow such insubordination and free thingink in the city that knows no limits

  7. Only Allentown registered voters have a say, even though the impact is felt elsewhere.

  8. Allentown voters are still far from " having a say".

  9. The thought of selling out the Public Water System for a few quick bucks is mind boggling...

    How did it come to this that we the voters, don't have a true say in these type matters?

  10. Bernie thanks for the clarification.

    Contrary to some comments here, I would hardly call getting almost 2x the required number of signatures "lame", especially since I think there's still plenty of time to continue getting more (if they wanted).

    City Hall would be wise to pay attention. 3,600 votes gets you mighty close to getting on City Council, and is almost half the votes Pawlowski got in his last election. This is a major issue with voters, and will impact what happens in 2013.

  11. anon 11:57 is correct, collecting 3,600 signatures was an accomplishment. those administration apologists who negate that significance, obliviously never collected signatures. the city charter put the requirement at 2000, precisely to make such an effort difficult.

  12. Last even evening I received a blast email from the Mayor through our neighborhood watch group. Up to this point, we have agreed to not permit this email list to be used for political commentary, yet this email from Mayor Pawlowski clearly crosses that line. He indicates that (the administrations) "have had complete transparency, open discussion and debate, and made adjustments every step of the way to address the concerns and incorporate constructive input and ideas -- and we will continue to do that going forward as well. Yet the few who have expressed oposition to this proposal offer no alternatives or feasible options".

    This administration has a long history of disregarding public opinion and playing fast and loose with the facts while denigrating those who disagree with them. I see this as very much of the same. They are in full spin mode. Bernie I hope you and other bloggers are willing to present what those opposed to the plan have stated and allow your readers to hear other perspectives.

  13. bill, alternatives to pawlowski's plans have been presented throughout the fall. i have spoken to city council, blogged and commented on alternatives, as has poresky and his group. it's part of pawlowski's strategy to deny that feasible alternatives exist. however, i will meet your challenge, and publish another such post in the near future.

  14. " The few who have voiced opposition..."??????
    More like the few ----- very few ----- who have voiced support. The man is out of touch with the people/ voters on this. He is feeling the heat.

  15. Micheal,

    I have appreciated your work on this privatization "lease" as well as posts by Mike Donovan and Bernie. I just think that the pressure needs to be maintained as the Mayor is in full spin mode. I have posted here and elsewhere my opposition to this plan. The only City Council member who to date I am happy with on this matter is Jeanette Eichenwald. I am a moderate Dem and will decide my next vote for council members on how they vote / voted on this issue. I will not vote for Council members who agree with this plan. I think it is a short term fix that puts the city I live in further into trouble.

  16. Compliments to the good people behind the petition drive.

    They deserve a great deal of thanks.

  17. The Mayors claims of transpariency are laughable and show him to deluded or dishonest for the whole world to see.
    Remarkable, just remarkable!
    Do I remember you saying you played cards with him BOH? What was he like? Did he cheat?

  18. I never played cards with Pawlowski or interacted with him socially in any way. I did play cards with Alan Jennings one evening. I cheated.

  19. Perhaps the guy REALLY beleives that only a very few are against this short sighted plan? Could he also beleive he has been open also?

    Seriously? Heydt would have handled it the same way but without the claims of transpariency. Heydt was up-front when he ramed things thru.
    " it's a done deal!"

    It wasn't good goverment, but much more honest.

  20. Did Jennings catch you?

  21. That's cause your a bright guy. You don't have to cheat to win. You posts are always better when you don't cheat or cowtow to small minds.
    Your great without that shit.


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