Local Government TV

Monday, November 05, 2012

This Democrat is Splitting His Ticket

This has been an incredibly tough decision for me. Unlike the partisans, I think both President Barack Obama and challenger Mitt Romney are genuinely good men. Neither of them is particularly inspirational to me.

Mitt Romney was a conservative when he had to be, and now he's a centrist. But I seem to recall that Obama was a centrist, or perhaps a realist, when he ran for his first term. Once elected, he took a hard left.

I've been disappointed by his obsession with an unpopular medical insurance act, while dithering about our floundering economy. Although his foreign policy approach is better than I expected, his approach to Israel leaves me concerned. What really bothers me is not his so-called apology tour, but his failure to recognize that a Putinized Russia is becoming a very real threat to our national security. This is evidenced by its recent failed attempt to supply Syria with arms. What bothers me most of all about Obama is that the man who promised to be accountable and transparent was not, at least not with Obamacare.
If you don't like Romney's position on an issue, do some research and I'm sure that, sooner or later, you'll find that he had a completely different one a few weeks ago. His alienation of the English, during the Olympics, was absurd.

But unlike Obama, Romney does have quite a bit of Executive experience. He has turned companies around. It appears that his waffling might be an indication that he is, like FDR, a realist. He's willing to do what works, regardless whether it is a Republican or Democratic idea. But does he understand what it's like to be out of work? Will his solutions impose more hardships on an already overburdened middle and lower middle class?

I'm impressed by the way President Obama reacted to Hurricane Sandy. But I'd like to think that most presidents would react the same way.

We've tried the "hope" and "change" for four years. The only change I've seen is in the wrong direction. Instead of hope, I see despair as millions of people have stopped looking for work.

They may both be good man, but neither is an exceptionally appealing candidate. I probably would have voted for Obama. After all, I am a Democrat. But what tilted me towards Romney are two things.

First, the notion of revenge against those who dared oppose Obama. I'm not speaking about Obama's "voting is the best revenge remark" but am instead bothered by what his chief political adviser, Valerie Jarrett, reportedly said to two Obama campaign staffers: "After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay." Obama's very own Karl Rove, Jarrett has also been tied to foreign policy decisions, where political repercussions should take a back seat.

The second thing that swayed me is the venom from so-called liberals, hypocritically attacking Romney over his religious beliefs, about which they know nothing. I thought those days were over.

So although I think Obama is going to win, I'll be voting for Romney.


  1. Bullshit!! You are voting for Romney, Dent and Smith. How is that ticket splitting you hypocrite. Your baggs are showing.

    By the way,I guess all the Mslim hate directed at Chrisian Obama means nothing. All the attacks on his wife and his supporters by the tea extremists don'treally matter.

    Again, King of the Hypocrites. You know it and that is why you erase it.


  2. Did W meet your expectations of how you would like to think all presidents would respond to a storm crisis?

    Didn't Wilber "Mitt" Romney want to disband FEMA and similar agencies at some point during that wonderfully entertaining GOP primary season?

    How about W's take on Putin, you know the deal with Putin wearing the cross around his neck and all,care to contrast the sophistication of that interaction?

    I know, W is not running. Still, just askin'

  3. What do Valrie Jarrett and Vic Mazziotti have in common?

  4. What do Valrie Jarrett and Vic Mazziotti have in common?

  5. Did W meet your expectations of how you would like to think all presidents would respond to a storm crisis?

    Didn't Wilber "Mitt" Romney want to disband FEMA and similar agencies at some point during that wonderfully entertaining GOP primary season?

    How about W's take on Putin, you know the deal with Putin wearing the cross around his neck and all,care to contrast the sophistication of that interaction?

    I know, W is not running. Still, just askin'

  6. BOH, apparently you have not been keeping up with the role Radical Islamic Elements have been playing in a confused and complex nebulous leadership culture of the Syrian opposition.

    What say your Syrian and Lebinease associates in Easton and Allentown on this issue?

    How did Reagan's willey-nilly support of arms for insurgents go in Afganistan? ( Can you say " blowback "?)

    Not that any of this really matters to you. After all, you have a blog to position, right?

  7. boh,

    your ploy is so obvious dude.

    wholly without credability or integrity bro.

  8. I was really torn this election myself.
    But your reasoning really makes sense to this troubled voter.
    I think I'm going with Bernie....... Wall St, not Main St.!
    Thanks for the push Bernie. This year it made all the difference in the world.
    Who said endorsements don't matter?

  9. " ...... obsession with an unpopular medical insurence act." Oh, that insurence act? You mean universal health care, like the rest of the developed world has?
    Picky, picky.
    Why would anybody be obsessed with THAT?

    ( After Oboma shitcaned the Single Payer Option the Insurance companies got their lock on the system now, didn't they?)
    There BOH, ya got your sop in to the Tea Baggers.
    Cover all those bases, it's the Lehigh Valley Rambling style.

  10. FLIP FLOP MITT !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Don't like his position...... Hold on, he'll come around soon.

  11. " experts are predicting a real knock-down drag out fight between mitt romney and his biggest ideological opponent....mitt romney from four years ago."

  12. I'm moved by this blogs commitment to religious tolerance. I truly am.
    But I'm even more impressed by BOH's profound understanding and appreciation of the historical and theological impact of the Mormon religion and the LDS. Your range of scholarship on this subject has been superb.
    Well done sir.
    Well done,and thank you.

  13. O'Hare endorsed Ron Angle and John Stoffa. How can we go wrong with his endorsement of Romney.

    Who knows maybe Bernie will score a "new" generation IPAD out of it.

  14. Im Tea Party thru & thru. I wish I was voting for Sarah Palin, but I'm damn sure voting ROMMNEY/RYAN.

    Tea Party Guy

  15. I like the way you think Bernie.
    Carry on brother.
    You da man.

  16. Don't know about the iPad, but a good solid pair of hip boots would sure be useful, cause its getting deep.

  17. Bernie,
    You're wrong on this, the rest of the Country doesn't care about New Jersey or New York,
    and they don't care about BARRY OBOMA looking Presidential. They care about JOB's and the ECONOMY (NATIONAL DEBT)!


  18. BERNIE,
    This Guy should send his resume to BARRY OBAMA, or what ever he calls himself.

    BARRY OBAMA didn't take TRUMP's OFFER!

  19. It's time to put an American back in the White House. We salved our collective guilt. Time to move on, now.

  20. "He has turned companies around."
    Is that right?

  21. Anon 2:29 - 4AM and beyond: Don't know who this guy is but I picture him sitting in his Mom's basement at 3AM in front of his Macbook thinking up thingsthat he thinks sound clever to type on your blog.
    I enjoy the fact that he doe not know how idiotic he seems

  22. What about Putin and George W Bush?

  23. Last time I checked, Obama was running against Romney, not Bush. But Bush was an idiot.

  24. Obama has shown that Senators make notoriously poor presidents. They possess no executive experience and are terribly aloof. Obama inherited an economic crisis. Instead of rolling up his sleevs and going to work, he and Rahm and Valerie chose to exploit a "good crisis," passing nearly a trillion dollars in union-saving, cotton candy stimulus and focusing on the hated Obamacare for two years. That's what senators do. They are never not running for re-election. Obama never stopped to actually lead the nation. He blew it.

    Governors are better administrators and executives and understand how to be in front of, and in touch with, constituents. Romney's a shit. But he's a huge improvement over the current mess. That says more about Obama's disastrous years than it does about the quality of Romney.

  25. Some of the conservative right wings guys you seem to favor thought/ think GW Bush was the man.
    "........ he gave Oboma a recovery and Oboma blew it." Remember that one?

  26. Obama took a "hard left". You lost all credibility. Stop reading right wing blogs.

  27. It's time to put an American back in the White House. We salved our collective guilt. Time to move on, now.

    This is what you've aligned yourself with. But it's not surprise a curmudgeonly white dude from the Slate best would vote against the black Democrat. Color me shocked.

  28. The last VP BOH voted for can see Putin from her house.

    Putin? Really?

  29. He did take a hard left. And ignored the American people in the process. I don't need a right wing blog to tell me that.

  30. 8:44, I voted for Obama first time around. Didn't know that Biden can see Putin from his house.

    Try saying something constructive.

  31. "This is what you've aligned yourself with. But it's not surprise a curmudgeonly white dude from the Slate best would vote against the black Democrat. Color me shocked."

    No question that is a disgusting comment, and one that is condemned by most Rs. But I see many of these so-called bastions of tolerance come down on Romney bc of his religion. It disgusts me.

  32. @3:09. Sounds right to be cautious about giving these guys shoulder fired AA ordinance, no?
    I think we got a point scored here.
    That blowback is a bitch BOH!

  33. Um, so that justifies supplying Syria with munitions to execute women and children. Are you out of your mind? In addition to hating Mormons, you obviously hate Syrians and even Lebanese. Too bad you don't sign your name.

  34. You are right..Your vote won't matter cause Obama will win Pa.

  35. You know sometime otherwise tolerant folks just react poorly when faced with intolerant bigoted made up religions.
    It's a blind spot for them.
    Anyway the fact that there ARE people out there not crazy about the LDS ( Billy and Franklin Ghram just removed the LDS from their list of cults a few months ago) is a real intelligent reason to vote ROMNEY - Ryan.
    Eh, right?

  36. Why are Democrats so angry and filled with hate? Calling people racists and tea baggers. Just don't understand why they are so miserable. Obama tried it didn't work. Next.

  37. 9:03, Thanks for helping me make u my mind.

  38. I don't support the BEA Syrian goverment at all.
    Just claiming to vote against Oboma because of caution in arming a disorganized anti- goverment opposition with radical anti-Americans salted liberally in its confused, complicated and ill defined leadership is the height of simplistic goofiness.
    Who the hell said anything about arming the Syrian Goverment forces? Even for you thats a low blow.Simply-- be cautious in how the opposition is armed. File under lessons learned. ( Many or even most area Syrians quietly support the Assaid status quo. One might disagree but understand their plight. The bloody Assaid did offer protection to the Christian minority. )
    But you don't want to hear this complicated stuff. KISS,right?

    And what does any of this have to do with magic seer stones and American Indian lost tribes of Israil ?
    Me, I'm not voting for or against anyone based on their sacred under garments.

  39. @9:18
    You hit the nail on the head.
    I'm also glad to be a member of the party of tolerance, love, compassion and inclusion.
    I'm proud to be a Lehigh County Republican.
    God Bless our great land and the freedom and justice our economic system affords us one and all!

  40. BOH @ 9:24
    Thank Billy and Franklin.

  41. Face it. New Jersey and New York ain't what voters see as the real America.
    It's about time we return our cherished instutions back to real Americans .
    ROMNEY/RYAN in a landslide.

  42. No question that is a disgusting comment, and one that is condemned by most Rs. But I see many of these so-called bastions of tolerance come down on Romney bc of his religion. It disgusts me.

    So you are a religious type? Didn't know that. I'm an atheist. Talk about persecution.

    By the way, funny that you run the local Tea Party blog and call yourself a Democrat. After W and the clown-car primary, it is SO hard for conservatives to call themselves Republicans any more.

  43. Oboma DID take a hard turn to the left. You can see it by the way he pursued the Wall St firms that raped this country. Un- fockin- without mercy.
    And you DON'T need a right wing blog to point this out.
    You can find plenty of evidence of his hard left turn right here on this objective blog produced( is that the correct word?) by a registered Democrat and his guest commenters.
    What more evidence do you need than that fine piece by GOP philosopher Mr. Scott Armstrong.
    Oboma is a stone socialist friends and neighbors. It's all there to see if you just open your eyes. Thanks for being a voice of reason in these troubled times Bernie.

  44. Bernie. Your comment @ 8:54 shows why folks occasionally question your intellectual integrity.
    Really, that kind of response does not make you look good old buddy.

  45. 8:35 said it.
    " Romney's a shit."
    But as a successful business person i know he is not going to give more of my hard earned wealth to the lazy 47% or sleezy union hall-walkers.
    I'm voting for Mitt.

  46. Why aren't New Jersey and New York part of the real America?

  47. Bernie - you're making the best choice for America. If Romney wins, it will be nice having someone "presidential" in the White House instead of a Saturday Night Live cast member.

  48. The cat sure has presidential hair.
    No doupt about that.

    But I like him because he's a regular unassuming Joe who pulled himself up by his own boot straps with NO GOVERMENT money or crony capitalism and by sheer pluck made a couple hundred million for his wife and kids and his church group.

    He's compassionate, consistent, and in touch with regular working folks like me.
    And he's just a plain nice man. Nicer than I first thought.


  49. 10:54, You anonymously make a not-so-subtle attack at the Syrian and Lebanese sections of the LV, and then question my integrity? I won't lose any sleep. Further proof that many so-called liberals are bigots.

  50. "Only a knucklehead who doesn't understand foreign policy would want to fight a proxy war with Iran."

    Um, I got this little problem with the murder of innocent women and children. It's called human rights. I have a problem with a Putinized Russia supplying munitions to enable this genocide. I have a real problem when my own country turns a blind eye to this murder. And that has nothing to do with Iran. It has everythinbg to do with human rights.

  51. BOH
    See Molovinsy on Allentown's post on the same subject.
    Not judging the local Syrians. Overwhelming drawn from several old established Christian communities. Their people are in a tough damn situation. Life and death. Lord knows anybody who is not a fool feels for them and wishes these good people and their families well. But do your homework my man.
    Just pointing out the difficult complexities people face in that tumultuous region. Undathomablely difficult choices.
    I get that this is a bit complex for your blog and your tea party friends to follow.
    So shoot the Messanger, it's an old trick.

  52. This independent/libertarian thinks we've already lost. I'm an unsophisticated master's degree holder and businessman who still attends church regularly. Both candidates are largely similar and will continue to run a government that is large enough to do everything and control everybody from the size of their soda to the light bulb they use.

    The religious bashing makes it impossible to vote for Obama in a country founded for religious freedom and constituted to protect those who don't because believers understand that God gave all inalienable rights.

  53. We'll see what's what tomorrow ...

    Can you say BENGHAZI?


  54. PS :

    Nice to see all the Teabagger slurs!

    Glad to see the Fuzzy Bunny's double standards doing well.


  55. 12:38 WTF are you talking about. Pray to the supernatural big buddy of your choice. Just don't foist it on anyone else you libratarian with a MA you.

    Most of the founders were Diests dude, Bernie can tell you that.

    Your real god is no doubt the great god of the free market. Make the world save for unfettered slash and burn the devil take the hind most capitalism you tool.
    Very Christ like.
    And here's to your freedom to drink soda untill you can't get your bolted and sick body off the couch.
    Drink up.
    I know, a little mean. I'm just sick of this simple minded bullshit.

  56. Hey Rolf and Ironpigpen weighting in at long last.
    About time. A blast of intellect, and a puff of clean fresh air.
    Hey Rolf, do the Rissian character. That's so charming.

  57. So Bernie, you think the foreign policy folks of all political stripes aren't working hard to find a humane way to stop the killing in Syria. A blind eye? Really? Like in Lybia, that kinda blind eye.
    You may be disappointed but the solution, as if there is one simple solution, won't fit on a tea party bumper sticker.

  58. Re: 1:03

    Scratch a godless liberal and you always get a nihilistic bigot. Making fun of believers is very progressive.

    No winder they're about to be sent packing. Will the Styrofoam columns be recycled?

  59. Condemning non-believers ( or believers of a different god) to everlasting hell fire takes the cake for progressive, should I say sanctified,bigotry.

    Most religious ( most not all) believers beleive in such down right goofy not to mention superstitious backward and down right mean spirited judgmental nonsense that there is precious little fun in fending off their constant attempts at breaking down the walls of separation of church and state and assaults on the great American experiment in secular governance.
    As for the styrofoam pillars,stick them up your sanctimonious ass.

  60. Um, I got this little problem with the murder of innocent women and children. It's called human rights. I have a problem with a Putinized Russia supplying munitions to enable this genocide. I have a real problem when my own country turns a blind eye to this murder. And that has nothing to do with Iran. It has everythinbg to do with human rights.

    Ah, so you are interventionist? The worst kind too. One that doesn't even understand the geopolitical implications of what he's proposing. i.e. A proxy war with Iran.

  61. The religious bashing makes it impossible to vote for Obama in a country founded for religious freedom and constituted to protect those who don't because believers understand that God gave all inalienable rights.

    Doesn't this 1st Amendment also give the right to people to "bash" religions? If someone believes that organized religion is a bad thing, why do you feel the need to repress that sentiment? Obama has done nothing to take away religion, he has simply held that religion and state are separate.

  62. Do tell; what compares with LDS bigotry directed at American citizens who happen to be gay?
    I ask this respectfully friends and neighbors.

  63. Bernie you left out the Libya debacle.

  64. Stand up at one of those Tea Party rally's BOH loves and proclaim your love for Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior.
    Now have your buddy( make sure it's your buddy and not you) stand up introduce himself,and proudly proclaim he is secular humanist, ya know, an atheist.
    Get back to us on the reception your bud gets.
    This should be fun,eh?

    Scratch a right wing conservative and get a ........ nah, I don't I'll stoop to that nasty bullshit.

  65. "..... I don't think I'll stoop......"

  66. Removing Moammar Quaddafi was a debacle?

  67. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  68. Ryan attacks Obama on religion.

  69. Not these values though - Feeding the Poor, Healing the Sick, Turning the other cheek -

  70. The venomous and ignorant hatred posted by so-called liberals here, who know nothing about the Mormon religion, confirms that I made the right decision. Thanks.

    People do have a First Amendment right to be religiously intolerant, but I have a First Amendment right to condemn it. i also have a right to vote.

  71. Very principled choice BOH.
    Ha! LOL!
    Who could have seen that coming.
    If Mittens takes Pa. It's all Jim F's fault.
    Ha! LOL!!

  72. " Vallerie Jarrett ' reportedly' said......." , you got a fucking smoking gun there old man!
    Yes sir you nailed them dead to rights dude. Go get 'em.
    Great stuff this. Yes sir rebob nailed dead to rights.

  73. Who gives a damn who the hell you vote for.

  74. On the basis of the 77 comments posted here, I'd say more than a few.

  75. For those attempting to minimize the very real threat posed by Russia, consider this:

    "A Russian nuclear-powered attack submarine cruised within 200 miles of the East Coast recently in the latest sign Russia is continuing to flex its naval and aerial power against the United States, defense officials said.

    The submarine was identified by its NATO designation as a Russian Seirra-2 class submarine believed to be based with Russia’s Northern Fleet. It was the first time that class of Russian submarine had been detected near a U.S. coast, said officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of anti-submarine warfare efforts."


  76. 4:17
    Your rigt, not those values. Good stuff ( I'm not completely sold on the universeslity of turning the other cheek).
    The Beatitudes, the best of true Christian values.
    But don't kid yourself. Lots of non/religious folks practice these values and plenty of religious types don't.
    Look at how much of the stingy, small minded social Darwinists in the conservative movement over lap with so called bible believing Christians.
    The Beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount stand out as loving in a book filled with rape, pillage, slavery, genocide etc.
    That Old Testiment Henbrew Bible is some nasty shit. Just like a lot of I got mine-- fuck the poor right wing stuff. Look at Rush. What would JC make of him?
    Then there is Joseph Smith. Most Mormons are decent folk and certainly hard working and disciplined, if uptight and judgmental.
    But old Joseph Smith.
    What a fuckin nut job.

  77. Sorry for spelling errors etc. Limitations of a tiny smart phone keypad.

  78. It is one thing to call Joseph Smith a nut job. It is quite another to condemn an entire religion. That's religious intolerance. It is still quite another to hold someone's religious beliefs against him. That's religious intolerance and anti-American.

  79. Who minimized the Russian threat?
    Strawman or bait and switch. Which sleezy Bill O'Rielley trick will it be this time.
    Knock it off.

    Get honest Bernie. Your better than that. At least most of the time.

  80. A religion based on a nut job is, well, nutty.
    But that does not make any individual Saint a bad person, or a good one. They are people worthy of respect. With trepidation I could vote for one, sure.

    The way you put it this time BOH I don't find much to disagree with.
    Contemporary Mormon Inc. the Instution and corporation is regressive and bigoted.
    But that's not your regular Mormon joe same as a rotten Catholic Church protecting sex offenders is every lay person or Priest. The institutions still rotten however.

  81. Should read ......." is not every lay person or priest."
    Mea culpa, mea maxeima culpa.

  82. Liberals really have gone off the rails on the religion bashing, especially with Romney. Using the First Amendment to spew hatred and intolerance is why these idiots are about to lose. If it weren't directed at a Republican, it would be considered hate speech. The Godless should be more appreciative of the believers who founded a country where the Godless can whine as they rely on support systems resulting directly from Judeo-Christian ethics and traditions. Then again, they have no reason be thankful and nothing to be thankful to or for. And yet they expect and want. God bless them.


  83. After Tuesday, Barry can make a run for the President of Haiti!

  84. The moment I realized this post was a joke:

    "I'm impressed by the way President Obama reacted to Hurricane Sandy. But I'd like to think that most presidents would react the same way."

    Tell that to New Orleans circa 2005. Or how about Mitt Romney's adamant position that federal emergency funding should be returned to the states. There is no way the states could afford to take care of many of these natural disasters. Republicans have proven their incompetence when it comes to not only the responses to natural disasters, but their agnosticism on the causes of those disasters. Their heads are either buried in the sand or stuck so far up where the sun doesn't shine that handing them back the keys after they controlled government and caused most of these headaches (or left the federal government impotent to respond) is just asinine.

    Obama is going to win anyway, so good luck throwing away your vote.

  85. What about condemning people to eternal fire and damnation because they don't beleive in the same invisable friend you do.
    OR MAYBE YOU DO EVEN BELEIVE IN THE SAME SUPERNATURAL BIG BUDDY, but your rule book is slightly different.... (by good works.... No not by good works alone...... King James Only..... King James was the son of a Papist bitch queen.... On & on & on & on & on & on.
    So I'm goin to hell. Bummer dude, sorry. My kids are goin to hell too. Maybe have sex in a unapproved position.
    Bummer. To hell you go.

    Shieeeeeeeeet mon! Wake the fuck up.
    I ain't condemn people to hell for driving down the other side of the road in Ireland brother . That's the exclusive province of the smug fuckin religious types of all flavors and stripes.
    That's their tolerant gig old pal.

  86. Should read ......." is not every lay person or priest."
    Mea culpa, mea maxeima culpa.

  87. Anon 1:07 :

    Go to school much?

    That should be "weighin in at long last"

    And, I don't do "Rissian" characters.

    But I am charmed by YOU, courageous Anonymous 1:07 PM, and I am sincerely thrilled, of all things, you can spell MY NAME right.

    So, thanks.


  88. Hey Bernie,

    Remember the good old days when your douche bag readers told me I was so dumb, first I need to build a school before I could learn?

    I do ...

    I also telling you Obama WOULD fail back then.

    See you tomorrow, Slick.


  89. "also remember"

    I'll be bring a copy of JZ's Inauguration Night Rant from 2008.

    YOU will love it.


  90. You have made the right decision Bernie. Obama has turned out to be the great divider, pitting one class against the other, one race against another. He promised to reduce the unemploymnet rate to 5.2%. Four years and yet the rate is higher than when he took office. He has added $6 trillion to the federal deficit and will bankrupt our country with Obamacare. His hope and change has turned to despair and the need for a change of president. When Romney wins we can finally look forward to real leadership and a bipartisan effort to full economic recovery.

  91. Thanks for a comment that addresses the actual topic. I've had a few today from people who obviously are rolling around the floor, foaming at the mouth.

  92. It took all day but finally somebody told Bernie what he was dying to hear.

    How to go dude. You ass has been kissed by an ass kisser.

    GOP STYLE. Such complete and total bullshit.


  93. Barry never worked a Day in his life, prior to becoming President.

  94. "Mitt" earned every penny of his 200 million.
    You can see how hard the poor guy has worked.

    Wilber " mitt " , what a manly man.

    Vote Wilber!

  95. @ 10:33
    This is a setup.

  96. How exactly will Romney get the extreme teabaggers in Congress to do what they won't do now? His math on loopholes doesn't add up. Every legitimate economist and some Republican leaders admit this. He will need more revenue.

    So assuming he wins, how does mittens make all this happen??


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.