Local Government TV

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Simmons Wins By 562 Votes!

Just received word that State Rep. Justin Simmons has survived Kevin Deely's challenge. 562 votes. Deely, a school teacher, was clearly out of his element, as demonstrated by a debate between the two a few weeks ago. But thanks to PSEA money and Allentown voters, he very nearly pulled off an upset. The Morning Call appears to have it wrong.

Lehigh County's vote tally shows Simmons up by 132 votes, in contrast to earlier reports.  Northampton County shows Simmons ahead by 430 votes.


  1. This outcome, proves that unions have zero impact in the election process today.

  2. Backroom deal? In a year where national Democrat's did pretty well, Simmons held on to the 2nd most Democrat seat held by a Republican in the PA House. You may not like or agree with him, but come on! Give him some kudos for hard work. The guy is trying to make a difference.

  3. Be it known that with the activation of the new redistricting alignment in 2014, Simmons is a lame-duck in the Allentown Precincts he serves. This is also the case with Steve Sammuelson and Dan MCNeil if indeed McNeil is the victor in the 133rd. As it will occur the South Side of Allenton in a completely new district won't be selectin an incument as there will be no incumbent. But most of the East Side will be pushed and dragged into the 132nd in 2014 where there will be an incumbent Slossberg. Because of this any East Side candidate won't have a eaual chance of replacing Slossberg who will have the advantage of incumbency.

  4. Simmons polled behind Dent and Romney in his areas. He's the weak link in the GOP's 131st. I'm guessing because he's a Tea Party guy in a moderate district. The state party sees him as vulnerable. As an incumbent who had much more money than his challenger he should have done a lot better.

  5. Good...now Corbett has his rubber stamp back.

  6. 6:18 AM is spot on Deely had no chops as a first timer. Should a women challege justin in the next Republican primary, he's toast.His stance on womens issues will be his downfall.

  7. " As an incumbent who had much more money than his challenger he should have done a lot better."

    Deely was well-funded.

  8. Two of the last four years have been gridlock. It is not a good thing, as evidenced by the drop in our credit rating. I understand the need to stand on principle, but there is also a need to listen to each other. Two many left wing Dems and right wing Rs are unwilling to do that.

  9. If they only knew beforehand about 2626 and how he voted...just keep giving the money away!


  10. If Deely hadn't smoked all of his campaign cash he'd have had a better shot.

    Don't bogart that joint my friend.


  11. Again is this the best we have?

    Simmons barely beat a bad candidate and he was well financed!


  12. Simmons should begin the search for employment!

  13. Simmons received 1004 more votes than Romney in the district, while Deely got 1403 fewer than Obama. Not a bad showing by any means.

  14. Uh oh!! Time for "Rubber Stamp Simmons" to move to center and stop rubber stamping Corbett or he'll have to start using his college degree in two years. Wait a minute, his college degree is in Poly Sci--never mind, he can't do anything else.


  15. Simmons should stop the Charade in Harrisburg, get Married and use his position for his own benefit, like everyone else on the public dime!

  16. The Deely creeps need to learn to lose with some dignity.

    Light a fatty. Put on some Allman Brothers. Relax.

  17. Simmons is against Same sex marriage, but he married a woman in December. appearances can be deceiving.
    With McKenzie winning in the district next door, maybe Justin and Ryan can share hotel rooms in Harrisburg. No one would be the wiser.

  18. Gridlock?...surely you mean at the federal level...because the last time I checked, at the state level, Simmons belongs to the party that cut education by $2 billion, raised property taxes, voted to stick vaginal probes inside of women, and attempted to disenfranchise thousands of voters...oh, and he also voted to gerrymander his own district even further...truly a centrist, free thinker.

  19. We should put a giant inflatable baby in front of Deely's house... the crybaby that he is.

  20. "Simmons received 1004 more votes than Romney in the district, while Deely got 1403 fewer than Obama. Not a bad showing by any means."

    Is this true? If so,that sure looks like a voter irregularity.

  21. Pot smoking can make one irregular.


  22. That Upper Saucon District needs reviewed, This District came in last in 2010 and Won the seat for Simmons.

    He lost every other District., similar to the way Deely lost.

  23. Seems unlikely that Simmons lost every poll in 2010 except Calvary seem to remember a big win in Lower Saucon and Lower Milford. however, that is a christian church not like the Baptist, Lutheran and catholic churches at other polls so maybe God came in and smitted the unholy Sodom and Gomorrah lifestyle of Karen Beyer, Mike Horton and Pot Smoking Kevin Deely and gave him the win. You never know stranger things have happened Barack Obama got reelected


  24. The "JILTED" one is at it again!!


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