Local Government TV

Friday, November 02, 2012

Hansell Vetoes $5 Million Jobs Cut in Lehigh County

LC Exec Bill Hansell
Despite the lack of power, Lehigh County Executive Bill Hansell convened a news conference on November 1 to announce his veto of a budget amendment approved by a divided, 5-4, Board of Commissioners late last month. Their amendment slashed $5 million from the budget by reducing compensation to the County's workforce. Hansell blasted this jobs cut as "an unnecessary threat made against a work force that is already well under the number of employees that Lehigh County had twenty years ago." He added this cut "serves only to demoralize our staff with threats of furloughs, layoffs and terminations."

In addition to the veto, Hansell reduced non-personnel expenses by $3.5 million from what was contained in his original budget, which he called a compromise to a budget amendment that proposed $5 million.

Supporting Hansell at this news conference were Lehigh County Commissioners Percy Dougherty, David Jones, Dan McCarthy and Brad Osborne. With this support, it appears unlikely that Commissioners will be able to muster the six votes needed to override Hansell.

Also joining Hansell were numerous County officials, from Republican DA Jim Martin to Democratic Sheriff Ron Rossi.

Commissioner Lisa Scheller, part of the five-member coalition who supported a $5 million reduction in employee compensation, filmed part of the news conference and walked out, shaking her head.

District Attorney Jim Martin noted that last month's budget amendment instilled fear of layoffs or pay cuts in the approximately 45 employees under his supervision. "I can tell you that none of them deserve that," he remarked. "They work very diligently and hard on behalf of all of the citizens. He called the $5 million jobs cut, which translates to 100 employees, as unnecessary. "It was not a thoughtful approach," he argued. "If we can't prosecute cases, we can't fulfill our obligations." He commended the "political courage" of the four Commissioners who stood with Hansell

One of these, Dr. Percy Dougherty, a Republican, stated he is now a "marked man," referring to next year's election. A geologist by education, Dr. Dougherty described the budget process in lyrical terms. "The dark clouds that we saw on the horizon weren't the hurricane coming. It was budget season, and it hit us with a flurry, probably more so than the hurricane," he waxed.

Daugherty explained that he supported Hansell's veto because it includes $3.5 million in cuts to non-personnel expenditures. This will still guarantee a $44 reduction to each taxpayer, as was contained in the budget amendment approved by five Commissioners as well as the original budget proposed by Hansell.

Fellow Republican Brad Osborne, who chairs the Board, agreed that the $3.5 million in non-personnel cuts "begins the process of closing the structural imbalance between revenue and expenses in a sustainable way."

Democrat Dan McCarthy, like Dr. Dougherty, also referred to the recent storm. "When you have catastrophes like this, people want government," he stated. "It does have a valid role to play in our society." He complained that the $5 million jobs cut would rob Lehigh County residents of the very people needed to react to crises like Hurricane Sandy. Fellow Democrat David Jones called the indiscriminate jobs cut too much of a "blunt approach."

Commissioners are scheduled to vote on overriding the veto at their November 14 meeting.

The Commissioners who support the $5 million jobs cut are Vic Mazziotti, Scott Ott, Michael Schware, Tom Creighton and Lisa Scheller. Executive Hansell claimed that only Creighton honored his multiple requests for a meeting, although this was disputed by other Commissioners who complained they were not invited to the news conference.


  1. We'll have no democracy on Lehigh Valley Rambling.

  2. Scheller was "filming" the press release. You have to be kidding me. How tacky for an elected official. She should learn how to practice politics first. Filming something like this makes no sense whatsoever and only marginalizes any position she takes in the future.

  3. Way to go Hansell!

    He knows well that money grows on trees in Lehigh County and people aren't paying nearly enough in taxes.

    Stop whining and pay up. Lehigh County government has never wasted a dime. This is a revenue problem. Taxpayers need to sack it up and go without a few things at home. County employees aren't doing this for their health. They deserve a lot more money. Hansell knows you have it to spare, too.

    Pay up and shut up.

  4. Bernie
    Thank you for this in depth reporting for so many who still are in the dark and freezing. Bernie, if you happen to see Molovinsky, would you mind telling him it is now impossible to post commentary to his blog as the new security system is impossible to read. Keep up the good work.

  5. Funny, folks thought Mr. Hansell would quietly sit and be a figurehead more than an active manager.

  6. What do you mean filming, like with a video camera and tripod?

  7. some one elses turn to collect unemployment.
    Join the crowd.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. The "slate" are all hat and no cattle.

  10. I never thought much of Hansell until now. He's approaching this the right way.

    We've been fortunate, Lehigh County has been well managed. Ott and his henchmen are coming at it from the perspective that it was not. They also have no idea how to work and play well with others.

    Why the hell we elected them is beyond me.

    The Banker

  11. "Also joining Hansell were numerous County officials, from Republican DA Jim Martin to Democratic Sheriff Ron Rossi."

    Once they get their snouts in the trough, party labels mean nothing.

    Gotta love R's like Martin who carry the card but when it comes to shoulder their part of the burden, there's always a reason to ask others to do it.

    Fiscal responsibility is only for the fools who fill the trough.


  12. Why was Scheller filming the press conference? I'm sure you'll see that footage running on behalf of candidates running against Dr. Dougherty. Like he said, being a Republican and going against Ott and his tea party extremist cronies on County Council is going to be hard on his reelection campaign. They are going to go after him just like they went after Dean Browning for not towing the extremist tea party line.

    1. I doubt it was being filmed for a TV ad.

      Besides, if they're (Dougherty and others) truly working for the benefit of the taxpayers, why should they be ashamed?

      It was a press conference right? One would expect cameras.

  13. Filming the press conference was really low rent and a wee bit paranoid.
    It reminds me of Mayor Ed taping the conversation with the guy when he was trying to sell off the Queen City Airport.
    This shit gives me the creeps.
    Is it just me, or what man?


  14. Just deleted a bigoted comment from a supposed liberal called Tim.

  15. Actually, I have practically the entire news conference on video. I do tat when I can to be accurate, to have a back up for what I say here and bc the persons being filmed often have interesting things to say.

    I have no problem with Lisa Scheller filming a public meeting. First amendment and all that. In fact, if she wants, she and the reform team can have mine. I sat a lot close. Lots of juicy quotes about how government exists to help people.

  16. "They are going to go after him just like they went after Dean Browning for not towing the extremist tea party line."

    I'd say that Dr. Dougherty is going to have a primary contest. Fortunately, his is a district seat, so money will not matter as much as it did against Dean.

  17. I think it's nice that a bunch a' guys and gals who never excelled in any contact sports, let alone served in the armed forces, can have the opportunity to feel manly by cutting budgets.
    They should get to feel like tough guys( and gals ) too.

  18. Oh it's certainly her right. Just a tad bit creepy and low rent.

    Isn't GOVERMENT about helping ourselves and our neighbors? In a Commonwealth?
    Isn't that sorta what William Penn and later old Ben had in mind?
    More or less?
    Ya' know, Quakers and all?

  19. What would think if pawlowsky showed up to film a press conference held by those good people fighting to prevent the sale of the citizens water?

    I would find that outrageous,if not surprising.

    Now you taping it BOH, seems clearly a different matter. You do function in a sorta reporting capacity since lehigh county no longer has a functioning news paper.

    My vote is, yes, tacky.
    Way tacky.
    But that's just me.

  20. Uncivil. Tacky. Low rent. Creepy too.
    But hey, it's Allentown after all.

  21. IN LC, I am referred to as the "pseudo press."

  22. This will be interesting to see how Dougherty's district responds to an activist/tea party primary challenger. I live in his district. I'm not sure. He's faced challengers before claiming he's too moderate.

  23. "Actually, I have practically the entire news conference on video. I do tat when I can to be accurate, to have a back up for what I say here and bc the persons being filmed often have interesting things to say."

    Bernie... you are the press. Its your job to report and to be accurate. No problem with the press and citizens filming public meetings. An elected official filming a meeting is simply odd at best. Serves no purpose. She knows the Executive's position. She has access to media. She attended the meeting.

  24. Three cheers to the REFORM TEAM! We will remember
    Osborn and Percy at the next primary. It's all a BIG
    money grab when ever possible. LET THE TAXPAYER EAT CAKE.

  25. No doubt that a decent and thoughtful man like Dr. Dougherty will be attacked by the hateful, crude, howeling right wingers.
    Off with his head. An intelligent gentle man just will not do.
    No sirree. Off with his head!
    Is this what the Grand Old Party, the Party of Lincon has become?
    I know, just a retorical flourish.

  26. The REFORM PARTY won't forget. We will settle our scores soon enough.

  27. The teabaggers are angry and old Percy is in their sights. Don't attack Scott Ott too much. He is the next Lehigh County Executive.

  28. Who wooda thought Jim Martin was just another Rino?


  29. I can't wait for Scott Ott to lead.
    Isn't it time for a right wing idealogue?


  30. These cuts are correct, in fact additional cuts should be made to all Departments.

  31. Still some Cunningham croonies hanging around. cuts were justified.

  32. 1:08 wants only former military and contact sport athletes to serve on the board.

    This is a widely held view among those who wrestled jv and peeled potatos as lifetime pfcs.

  33. " these cuts are correct......."
    You have no idea how these cuts will ultimately effect departments. You could could care less about the details and the real life considerations.

    I'm glad your not a frontline surgeon in a MASH unit or I'd be missing a very useful leg.

    But no matter. Just hack away. It's all about ideology anyway now, isn't it.

  34. @5:24
    On the contrary. I want every tea party hack to feel like a manly man.

  35. I served my church in France during the war kids.

  36. Somebody better wind up Hansells battery. Helooks like he won't make all of next year.

    He is good at reading the script that Muller wrote for him

  37. Pseudo press is better than no press at all, I always say.

  38. Why all the fuss and confusion about where LC can get money? Just go next door and ask Ed.He's like the atiques roadshow. He'll scour the county and find some old thing to sell to get the flow going.Look what's happening to Allentown's water dept it's flowing right out the door!

  39. As a Republican I'm glad the Scheller's team lost this fight. I saw first hand what they did to Dean Browning, a very decent person and caring elected official. Scheller and her husband created a huge rift within the party for going after Browning. Will Daugherty be next? He's another decent person. I agree that the staff cuts at Lehigh County are enough already, I just wish there weren't so many employees constantly taking cigarette breaks outside the government center, it fuels the stereotypes.

    1. What they did to Browning? I seem to remember a large number of nasty mailers coming FROM Browning.

      Sorry, but Dean lost the election on his own. First by his detachment from Republican VOTERS, then by his dirty campaign tactics.

  40. The current county chairman will destroy the Republican party in Lehigh County. He has been total useless in Allentown. Extremely divisive. Watch the show regularly at the Trivet dinner in the deep west end of Allentown.

  41. When I say intellectual dishonesty, what's the first thing that comes to mind BOH?
    Your blog?
    Something else?

  42. I have no idea what you are talking about, and suggest you cut back on the late night martinis.

  43. Browning went rogue and then angrily flung poop in a well financed campaign that failed to paper over his outrageous fiscal responsibility.

    Obama ignored the economy to shove a hated scheme down voters' throats and he's about to shown the door in a stunning turn from the love fest of four years ago.

    Sometimes politicians are held to account. Democracy kicks ass. They should try it in Allentown.

  44. Bernie
    Is it true Lehigh County Humane Society had no heat all week?

  45. Does anyone actually look at the facts in this situation?

    $6.5 million is the number that *reduces* the taxes which Lehigh county tax payers will pay in 2013. The only difference in the three proposed budget options(original, amended and vetoed) is how this reduction is distributed and paid for.

    The reform team paid lip service to the experience of the executive they appointed, but then ignored his recommendations on the budget, and suggested that he had the expertise they lacked to make cuts. They now howl that he has exercised that expertise to make the more studied cuts they were unable to do (due to their admitted "incompetence").

    The cuts they proposed required the administration, the courts and the row officers to come back to the commissioners and ask "mother may I" to make any cuts beyond the 10% permitted by the charter. If they wanted to set priorities, they should have done so when they had the budget before them in the first instance,rather than punting to the Executive.

    The reform team is lazy and, by their own admission, incompetent to handle county finances.

    They are bullies and refuse to even consider negotiation for the purpose of good governance.

    The four commissioners who have agreed to work with the executive may be more effective in the long run, threats from the reform team notwithstanding. (When you have to resort to threats to achieve your goals, how can you sleep?)

  46. Allentowns king sleeps well as he is selling our water system that our childrens children will be paying for til they die¿
    All because of his fiscal promisses, like a stock chaser that alwys loses money. If he would be bag man for his boys he would be in the great Brown HOLE he built¿

  47. 3:39 AM
    an early morning Pud troll?

  48. Bernie
    Who's this reform team someone writes about?

  49. 7:21, 3:39 is a person who wakes up every day, rolling on the floor, foaming at the mouth, hating the world. He's also a coward who lacks the courage to confront me like a man.

  50. 8:15, The reform team is a name a group of Commissioners gave to themselves when they were running last year. I called them the Gang of Four. Well, a Gang of Three was elected, managing to oust Dean Browning in the process. They are Scott Ott, Vic Mazziotti and Lisa Scheller.

    Scott Ott ran for Exec against Cunningham and nearly toppled him. Part of his campaign was to refuse all grant money coming on from the state and federal government. Had that happened, LC would have had to quadruple taxes bc most of those grants are for mandates.

    This group is one that toyed with the idea of rejecting HUD block grants, simply bc they believe local governments should be funding its own infrastructure.

    They are philosophically in favor of less government, perhaps more so than any group of local officials I have ever seen. To those who feel government is spinning out of control, I can understand why they would consider this group a reform group.

    Whether they really have the right to call themselves a "reform" team is somewhat debatable. They are heavily funded by Lisa Scheller's gazillions, and she happens to be married to the county GOP chair, Wayne Woodman. Woodman flat out lied to me about his support. I do not consider that the mark of a reformer. Their campaign finance was muddled. I do not consider those reports an indicia of reform, especially in the case of Lisa Scheller.

    They are also fairly vicious, which they get from Woodman. They ousted Dean Browning, no easy feat, after lots of negative campaigning. It makes no difference that Browning himself is conservative. he bucked Woodman. Percy Dougherty really is a marked man. They will go after him with a vengeance, as well as Brad Osborne. They even dislike Ron Angle, even though he is not even in the same county as them.

    At a recent GOP event in NC, Lisa Scheller refused to speak if Ron Angle was going to be allowed to speak. They had to let her speak first and then let Ron speak at the end, so that Scheller and Woodman could leave. They detest Angle, though he is a one-person reform team who really does subscribe to conservative ideals, except he actually understands the role of local government.

    Baffled, Ron wanted to know why they detested him. What he has learned is that they don't like him bc, amazingly, he is friends with me. Wayne Woodman did not like the light I cast on him and his Gang in the last election.

    So there's your reform team.

    1. The SMOCS proposal was reckless. They are not reformers, they are deformers. Sure would be nice to see Osborne run against Ott in the Primary. Dougherty and Osborne should be commended for thwie bipartisian solution.

  51. Was just called and told that Scheller made no anti-Angle statements and asked to speak before him bc she and her husband, Wayne Woodman, had to leave. That may be, but that is not what Ron Angle was told.

  52. 7:21 and 3:39
    I can't find them?

  53. Just to be clear, as one who was on the so-called Gang of Four, I was defeated by Brad Osborne in the Primary, I never said boo about Ron Angle, ever! And his name never came out in any discussion I had with the remaining three, or Wayne, or anyone. I never met him. Northampton Co. politics is not my bag. That is a conspiracy which does not exist. I can say the same thing about HUD grants. We were not tied by chains, but philosophically, you are correct. I favor less government, or at least government pushed to the local level. And I think Browning was equally vicious in my Primary campaign against him, terming farm preservation as a bailout while he headed the preservation board, but I worked very hard in his initial campaign when he was first elected. I was disappointed with him, and I challenged him. The process worked, both times, and will work again no matter who is elected in the future. nlvlogic

  54. percy never met e camera or microphone he didn't like. he's out next election.

  55. Ron Angle still trying to be relevent, after the voters told him to go away.

    Sad story, poor, poor unloved old man!

  56. Learn how to spell, and perhaps your anonymous comment might be viewed as something other than an ignorant slur.


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