Local Government TV

Monday, November 19, 2012

Deely Finally Concedes to Simmons

In a news release, State Rep. Justine Simmons announces that he was called today by challenger Kevin Deely. The Easton High School teacher finally conceded defeat in the race for the 131st legislative district. As of last Wednesday, Simmons was up by 448 votes, with his margin of victory largest in Lower Saucon Township.


  1. good news. Deeley needs to go back under the rock from whence he emerged guys like him are the reason this country is where it is with the public sector unions sucking the life blood out of everyone, literally out of everyone.

  2. Fuck off @11:15...

    The world has become a different place and not caused by any one reason such as yours!

  3. And what are those reasons 11:35? I wonder why Easton school taxes and Easton teachers got laid off under the same time he was the teachers' union spokesperson? Coincidence?

    Fact was, he was too worried about self-medication.

  4. 11:35, Try to be a good loser. Deely ran a good campaign. Let's move on.

  5. So blame the public sector unions and that's the end of the story, move on?

  6. The vulgarity is what bothers me. drop it.

  7. Hey Bernie,
    Typo on Justin - shed the "e"

  8. Wait a minute!!!!! Does this mean he'll be back in Easton? We were hoping he'd be another areas problem...


  9. Deely ran a good campaign, Simmons should learn a lesson from this....Your not well liked by half of the Electorate. Your message is unrealistic.

    CORBETT learned a lesson on Nov. 6th.

  10. 7:41

    do you honestly think that half of Deely's voters ever heard of either candidate before walking into the voting booth? Hell I would be shocked if they heard of Tom Corbett! The only reason this was even a race is because of the Obama machine in Allentown. Everywhere outside of Allentown Simmons won by 60%

  11. Anon 7:41

    Deely ran a campaign of lies and deceit . Here's the proof... Dem Candidate John Reynard stated on PBS televised debate that he fully agreed with the Republicans that Rendell pulled the 1.2 B out of education and plugged other budget holes knowing the stimulus was going away. Deely 's was blaming Corbett/Simmons for that !!!
    Here's the takeaway from this election...SIMMONS BEAT THE OBAMA MACHINE ! Without The Allentown Obama vote Deely would have lost by 15 % . The Allentown Dems came out for Obama ...NOT DEELY ! They wont come out for the next election either even if Deely runs again. Besides...If redistricting occurs this ia all a moot point.Simmons loses this election if he panders to people like you !

  12. Pot is legalized, but Twinkies go out of business in the same week.

    Well played, America. Deely is having a very cruel month.

  13. What lesson did corbett learn on nov. 6? Obama carried philadelphia county by 550,000 votes to 90,000 votes. that is 450,000 votes if you can do simple math.

    The senate race and statewide row offices were all decided by roughly that number of votes...

    Tell me about Corbett learning something about philadelphia again please....


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