Local Government TV

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Politics of Personal Destruction

As Obamaphiles pursue a whisper campaign against Mitt Romney's religious beliefs, birther Donald Trump plans to reveal that at one time, Barack and Michelle Obama may have experienced marital difficulties. So we've got religious intolerance on one hand, and a mean-spirited personal attack on the other.

Here's an idea. Instead of discussing the finer points of Mormonism or whether the Obamas may have at one point gone through a rough patch, how about dropping the bullshit and discussing the actual issues?

Updated 10 AM: In response to Trump's claims, the National Review responds, "I Liked It Better When Trump’s Bombshells Were His Girlfriends."


  1. Pres. Obama has been the recipient of mean spirited personal attacks since before he declared his candidacy for President.

  2. We as a society seem to be trending style over substance.

  3. We as a society seem to be trending style over substance.

  4. it is interesting to note that Obama's own allies used the divorce records of his opponents to gain advantage in political races.
    That said, Trump should butt out.

    Scott Armstrong

  5. Obama can't discuss the issues - he'll lose! he has to keep up the bullshit

  6. Hmm. This doesn't seem to be getting any better.

    Got an idea: Let's discuss some domestic policy.

    Go for a guy who recently endorsed a fellow Republican who just essentially said the outcome of rape is "God's will" or the candidate who supports people's right to marry who they choose?

    Anyone up for maybe also NOT voting for a guy who's flip-flopped on the idea that 52 percent of the population should have the right to make their own healthcare and life choices without government interference?

    Interesting thing about politics going ever-further towards the far right--some nuts are all for keeping regulation away from robber-baron-type corporate business while talking about creating jobs after they themselves helped outsource jobs to places like China, while wanting to get the government fourteen kinds of involved in your bedroom, not to mention every other intimate part of your life.

    That, while dissing the idea of "welfare" for the less-fortunate among us, many of who are victims of those same policies (robber-barons, that is), but all for corporate welfare and handouts for big business.

    Forget "trickle down" theory. Sounds more like "piss on the People" politics to me.

  7. BO,

    It seems that you readers can't play by the rules.

    In their defense it is hard to believe an incumbent when he tells us if we will just give him 4 more years all will be well.

    On the other hand we still don't know the substance of the challengers "5 point plan".

    So what do we do? Obviously we attack them and their wives personally and then turn on each other for doing exactly what each other is guilty of doing. Then we attack you for even mentioning the subject in the first place.

    The best I could say about yesterdays blog and our national political savvy is that most have just made asses of themselves.

    We really deserve what we get come November 6th.

  8. "piss on the People" politics ???
    That's what we've had for the last 4 years...actually 6 years since Nancy and Harry took over the show in 2006.

    I agree with Bernie, but when discussing the issues we must remember that NEITHER candidate is perfect. I'm choosing Romney. He's more believable. We already know Obama hasn't come close to keeping his promises. $ more years of BHO will do us in for good.

    Romney/Ryan 2012

  9. This type of shit works because 90% of Americans are too lazy to do their homework and read up on how various proposals will actually impact their lives.

    Instead they rely on increasingly lazy and biased news reports, who's first and only goal is to attrack eye balls that will be converted to ad sales thru sensationalized stories.

    That's why politicians repeat their talking points over and over and offer little substance or detail beyond that, because they know nobody will care or check into it.

    Scott - who is not Armstrong

  10. As a person who lost his job and finally found another job that pays much less, I would like to add my two cents (I can barely afford two cents) to this debate. By the time you figure my property taxes, school taxes, clothes for my family and food on the table, all the state, local, and misc. taxes, I don't have anything left to stick into a retirement account. My Federal income taxes deducuted out of my pay check is 18% of a an annual wage of $42,000.00 including my overtime. I won't vote for Romney. He pays less percentage of Federal Income Tax on his earnings than I do and he only wants to protect the rich and wealthiest Americans. Income is income. Pay the same percentage as me. I used to be considered "Middle class" until George Bush took office and now I am being told I should vote republican. NOT AS LONG AS THAT SINGLE DIGIT ON MY HAND IS ABLE TO GO INTO A VOTING BOOTH AND PUSH THE BUTTON THAT SAYS "Obama for President".

  11. I have never seen such "racial slurs" and hatred spewed out of the mouths of Republicans as this campaign. Debate the man, not his religion or race. The Republicans went on record very early on in this administrations term of office. They proudly stated tat their main goal was to have Obama be a one termer regardless of the issues or consequences. They stand behind that main goal and helpepd put this Country in the mess it is in. Go to the Polls and throw every politician out of office. Start anew in Washington. They must all go. We need people who will work for us.

  12. 10:03, Thanks for sharing your personal experience.

  13. 10:09 - Agree whole heartedly - replace them all!!! But rest assured if Romney is elected the Dems will do the same thing right back and nothing will get done again for the next 4 years.

    Washington is full of people out to protect their own self interests first, their big donors second, followed by other friends and family and then somewhere further down that list, the rest of their constituency.

    Unfortunately, the loudest gas bags and pants wetters of each party "control the message" and any politician brave enough to step out of line gets whacked like Joe Pesci in Goodfellas and replaced by someone who just follows orders.

    Scott - who is not Armstrong

  14. 10:03 isn't paying enough according to Obama. That will be fixed on 1-1-13 when he or she will lose an additional $300 per month in taxes.

    My wife's situation is remarkably similar to yours. We've had enough of Obama's new normal. Consider your vote neutralized. Best of luck in your struggle to recover. It is very trying. We know.

  15. YOU are a piece of shit, O'Hare.

    Fuck your boy 0-bama.

  16. I don't like the politics of personal destruction, whether directed at Obama or Romney. You are a sad, little person.

  17. I have just deleted two comments concerning Obama's religious beliefs. I have just spent the better part of a day arguing that someone's religious beliefs are irrelevant. I am not going to allow people to use this blog to conjure up ways to attack either Presidential candidate on religious grounds, whether it is Obama or Romney. Such attacks are distinctly anti-American.

    Try arguing the issues. If you can't do that, create your own hate blog.

  18. Yo,at least mitt was never a community organizer from Chicago.
    Say, Bernie?

  19. Why do you care what religion your political leader is?

    Do you go to him for confession? Circumcision? Low cost prayer mats? Voodoo incantations? Cleansing of impure thoughts or thetans?

    When you take a job or serve a client is the boss or customer's religious beliefs important to you?

    Of all the issues and problems we currently face in this country why do you give a rats ass if the President is Muslim or Mormon?!?!?!?

    Scott - who is not Armstrong

  20. BO we all know how much you love Obama but I have to ask, what experience in the working world does Obama have that makes you feel he understands how us working people feel? He never had a job in his life. He has been given everything to him and has never worked a 40hr/week job. Sure he is young and viberant, a great speaker and almost sounds like a preacher when he speaks. But good talk does nothing to me when my paycheck doesn't make it through two weeks. At least Romney worked in the private sector. He may not represent me but at least he held a real job.

  21. 11:12, I by no means "love" Obama. I voted for him, but have been very disappointed in his first term. He spent so much time pushing a politically divisive issue like Obamacare that he ignored our growing jobs problem.

    I am not thrilled by Romney either. In recent weeks, I have tried very hard to give him a good look, and find he is a much better person than I had previously thought.

    At this point, I can honestly say I am undecided.

    What I am good at is spotting partisan bullshit, and I have seen plenty of it from both camps.

  22. I have deleted an anonymous personal attack. Make your points, but don't attack other readers.

  23. Right you are . Wilber "Mitt" Romney works for a living. Well he use to. Now the 20,30 million just rolls in from the old deals.
    And Wilber didn't have everything handed to like that other fella either. No sir.
    Wilber work for every red cent of his hundreds a' millions. As a working man myself I can relate to that and I feel "Mitt" can relate to me.
    I'm for Wilber " Mitt" Romney.
    ( Damn shame George W can't run again. Can he?)

  24. Both men are good men. They attended our best schools and have repeatedly used their abilities to contribute to the betterment of our country. They have beautiful families and are adored by their kids. Ours is not a bad choice. We've been led to believe we're choosing between two monsters. Nothing is farther from the truth.

  25. I certainly hope that is not Trump's big announcement. There are plenty of reasons to disagree with Obama and his politics but his personal life/marriage is certainly not one of them.

    Most marriages hit rough patches and if there was indeed divorce papers filed, you should at least give them credit for working it out for the sake of the kids. A president's personal family life should not be consideration for the presidency. (i am reluctantly supporting romney at this point)

  26. If you think moving hundreds of millions of $$$$ers including millions in tax payer subsidized dept around the globe, the Caymens today,Swiss accounts tomorrow, well buddy you don't know the meaning of hard work!
    Romney is a pioneer and giant in the world of high finance and as a working joe I can sure relate to that.
    Sheeze, I get tired just thinkin about it.

  27. Those hundreds of millions still roll into Mitts accounts- Swiss-Caymens or other because the money Mittens pocketed on the Bane takeover deals
    was usually taxed not as income but as capital gains or carried interest. Both capped at max 15%.
    Good deal,eh?
    Yes, and then there are the " blocker corporations" in the Caymens and the Swiss accounts,natch.
    All together,Mitt paid about 13.9% on the 21.7 million he made in 2010,
    All" entirely legal and fair", just like Mitt said.
    What is not to like about a guy like Mitt.
    Me? I'm going ROMNEY RYAN!

  28. The Scott that's not Armstrong:
    I don't want ANY " faith based " type with his hand on the red button and the economy.
    I would like a reality based kinda fella that believes in the scientific method and not a supernatural big buddy of any flavor. A guy who does not beleives that the rest of us who don't read the same books on Sat or Sun just aren't going to the big party in the sky forever after.
    I'm just funny that way. Like Jefferson.

  29. @ 11:48
    Unless you too are super rich, tell me how slash and burn capitalism has helped you or our country?

  30. Since I be;leieve all people in a modern country should not go to the poor house in order to receive decent health care, I will vote for Obama. Actually, both candidates are wanting on all other counts. However, the time has come and gone for the health care industry, providers and insurers, to stop raping the American people with double digit increases every year.

    Americans have been waiting for universal affordable heatlh care since Harry Truman proposed it. Time is up, no more "trsut me" bullshit. It may not be perfect but Obama delivered and he gets my vote.

    Want to help?

    After he is elected tell congress to actually "work with him" on amending the parts you don't like.

  31. Bernie, you went out on a limb yesterday. You didn't do your homework. You will have an interesting time catching up and reading about an unusual American school of thought and it's place in America past and present.
    You also let one man really get abused. That was not your finest hour. Very unfortunate. Do the next right thing and clean that up.
    Your post on A.Johnston was very fine work, diminished by the last line,but very fine stuff.
    Thanks for all the work you put in on your blog.

  32. Romney has been on so many sides of so many issues it makes my head spin!
    I may write in Ron Paul or I may stay home.

  33. BO this is 11:12am Thank you. Great response and now I know why I read your blog. I may not agree with everything you say but you explained yourself very well to me.

  34. I just adore Mitts hair. Perfect Presidential hair. And the cool way the hair on his temples keeps changing color. Outfucking standing.
    I'm down with Mitt.

  35. I struggle to understand why people so fiercly resent wealth.
    Romney didn't steal it. He paid more taxes last year than most people will pay in a life time. He gave more to charity than the entire Obama administration combined.
    Why do libs think they are somehow entitled to the wealth of others. Health care, Free phones, food stamps, why?

  36. All that money Romney got. He earned it? He "worked" for it? Boy, he's a hard worker. Holding up quite well for someone who worked do hard. Where did it come from? Who's money was it before it was his? If he got it who lost it?
    Whose really paying for Banes billions?
    That money was looted, all fair and square, from the working class and the middle class.
    Romney is the fat blood sucking 1%.
    Class warfare you say? Fuckin A right!
    Class warfare.

  37. Some people work like hell all their lives, play by all the rules,still find time to coach little league or lead Girl Scouts. Struggle with the rent and are lucky if their lousey job gives them shitty health care. One,maybe two weeks vacation a year if they are lucky. Old age is a crap shoot and their kids join the service because they can't afford collage.
    These are the real Americans. Wilber Mitt Romney never went to school with one of them, never served in the armed forces with one of them, never lived next door to one of them, not once.
    Vote for the filthy rich. Perhaps your filthy rich too.
    Wilber is Wall St. baby. And Main St can go straight to hell.
    If I miss you at the Prep School reunion I'll see you at the Country Club or catch up with you in Aspin.
    Till then sucker......

  38. Mitt stold his fortune, fair and square.

    Mitt was very generous in giving to the tax exempt LDS Church. His giving to any other not for profit groups was exceedingly small.

    You can look it up,yes sir rebob.

  39. I personally find Romney more believable .

    Oh boy, ya gotta love that!

    Either way, unless your rich, your in trouble. The country is in deep shit.

  40. Bernie,
    I'm interested that you now find Mitt Romney a" better person ".
    Care to elaborate?


  41. Barry was a mistake!

  42. Moron 5:23: "That money was looted, all fair and square, from the working class and the middle class. "

    Is that merely your opinion or do you have some kind of actual fact based argument?

    I thought not......

  43. Romney donates more to his church than he pays in taxes.... Just ain't right...

  44. 7:20

    You tell us. Where did those billions that Bane took home come? Who always pays the piper in this country if not the working and middle class?
    I don't have time to educate apologists for the ultra-rich.
    Do you own homework on the growing income gap in the new gilded age.
    Have fun at your prep school reunion. Watch out for avalanches if you get to ski in the Alps this year, Buffy.

  45. Romney sucked up 1.5 BILLION in federal aid for the Utah 2002 Winter Olympics---more than the other seven US Games combined.

    Check out the KB TOY deal or Banes partnerships with Michael Milken just for starters.

    Dunkin Donuts will have to sell 2,011,834 small coffees EVERY MONTH to pay off the 500 million divide d siphoned off by Romney and team Bane.

    Wilber "Mitt" Romney is Gordon Gekko with better hair and better PR.--- and a bigger goal. A takeover artist his whole life, he's now trying to take over America itself.

    Yeah,the Mitt Man is looking out for us regular folks.

  46. Did Buffy call you a moron or a mormon?
    Just askin?


  47. @7:28
    Lighten-up on the super- rich dude. They are real people with real feelings just like you and me.

    Be a uniter, not a divider!

  48. If it wasn't looted from the working class and the middle class where was it looted from? Just askin'....

  49. Answer the fookin' question.....


  50. The rich are people too. Just like the corporations.
    Oh yes they are my friend. The corporations are people too

    Ya gotta love it!

    Hey, Mitt was worried about getting a pink slip a couple a' times too ya know?

    Ya gotta love it.

  51. Two words:



  52. "I'm interested that you now find Mitt Romney a" better person".

    Yes, I've always thought he was a bright guy, but felt he had no real personality. Then I read a few news accounts indicating that, in hi off the record discussions with the press, he's a different person. He loves to joke around, is quite introspective and does know the issues inside out. I also read the account of a man whose daughter went missing when he worked for Romney. Romney stopped everything and devoted a few days to looking for and finding this young lady. So there;'s more to this guy than the ascot-wearing Thurston Howell I had imagined. Not sure if I'll be voting for him, but like Obama, he is a decent person.

  53. Ironpigpen,

    Your moniker seems to describe your personality and place in like:

    a filthy and mean contemptible thing locked up in an iron cage of ME, Me, ME

  54. Bernie -

    You know the "teabagger obsessed" girlyman, at 8:06 and after is sock puppeting me, right? No worries, I can take what I dish out and then some.

    Now, sock girly, just face it: You are a loser. You hate the rich and everyone else who as a better tricycle than you. You lose every day at the game of life. You are a colossal, envious failure and have to wake up and face your own miserable existence every day, knowing you can't run with the big dawgs or even the chihuahuas, and it eats you alive, doesn't it?

    Now go out their and vote for punishing those who outplayed ya, douchenozzle.

    -Clem (for realz)

  55. Now, back to the politics of personal destruction.

    "but like Obama, he is a decent person.

    10:59 PM"

    Obama and his minions have accused Romney of murder, and they destroyed Obama's Senate opponent in IL by accessing and disseminating his SEALED divorce records.

    That the stuff decent people are made of?

    Just askin'....


  56. Mark, Please do me a favor and leave IPP alone. I do not want there to be fights between the readers.

  57. Clem, No question that Obama's minions, like Romney's minions, can get pretty ugly. But I'd like to think that Obama and Romney themselves are better than that.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.