Local Government TV

Monday, October 22, 2012

Mitt's A Mormon: Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

Some of my Democratic Facebook friends are blithely posting and reposting a video about "secret" Mormon rituals. Of  course, what they are really trying to do is scare the shit out of you. It amazes me that people who normally would decry this type of intolerance will promote it if it serves their political agenda.


  1. Let us not mention the muslim fear mongerring by the teabaggers, that has been going on for four years. Stop deflecting for you right-wing pals O'Hare.

  2. Oh I will agree with you about Muslim fear mongering. In fact, I have written in defense of Muslims on a number of occasions. Religious intolerance is anti-American, whether it comes from the left or the right.

    By the way, your constant use of the word "teabagger" demonstrates your own intolerance of views that are inconsistent with your own world view.

  3. come on....
    the last book of the bible found in NY state?
    How did that trip from NY to Utah go?
    Who is at the helm of the so called religion?

  4. Teabaggers are stuck with a term they coined themselves. In there haste to come up with their anti-Obama "independent non-partisan" group, they screwed up. Now they blame everyone elese for calling it like it is.

    They are an invention of the Koch Brothers and Fox. Stop making excuses O'Hare. NBo one can cry foull or intolerance on bullshit and the baggers walk in it daily.

    The baggers can't cry foul on religion as again they are the ones who have played that harp for four years.

    A bunch of whiners that you have adopted since your heroes Angle and Dent have to kiss their arses in order to get through primaries.

    Tough love baby, have to learn to take it on the chin.

  5. Bernie:

    I urge you to delete any post which contains the term tea bagger.

  6. I heard a rumor that kennedy was a catholic.

  7. The candidates position concern me more than his or her religion. Faith is not a scary thing for me. I guess this counters those "where is the birth certificate" billboards and comments on blogs.

    I'd rather take the position of why there are no details on Mitt's 5 point plan and how he exactly pays for 5 or trillion dollars in spending or loss revenue.

    I tend to believe non-partisian reports over conservative blogs, white papers form Romney advisor or former bush advisor. Math matters in school and it should matter in Governement too.

  8. Any religion looks crazy when you analyze the specifics.

  9. Bernie -

    What you see is the far left unmasked.

    They are the exact opposite of what they claim to be. Tolerance of opposing viewpoints is a perfect example. When the going gets tough, we learn how intolerant they really are. The rest of the time, they appeal to the basic fairness of Americans - Republican AND Democrat - for the causes they want to further. But never for both sides of an issue.

    Thankfully we have an election on two weeks to repudiate the Progressive Left and those who practice those tactics. So I implore the left to keep attacking Romney's religion; and keep calling people concerned about out-of-control spending and debt names.

    It only exposes who they really are.

  10. I don't know about "intolerance" but you'd think Christians would like to know that Romney believes Jesus has an equal, John Smith, who lives in human form with Jesus and God on the planet Kolob.

    If Obama believed these things, it would be front page news every day. And you throught Jeremiah Wright was bad? Americans don't even understand the dynamics of a black church let alone a completely made up cult from the 19th century.

    All religious beliefs are fair game if you ask me.

  11. Religious intolerance is anti-American

    So you'd support Romney if he was a Scientologist?

    Your phrase is complete and utter bullshit by the VERY fact that not only has an Atheist not ever sought the office, he would NEVER, EVER be allowed. Intolerance to Atheists is the greatest with Americans rating Atheists BELOW Muslims - the religion which beats and murders women for looking at other men.

  12. Teabagger is a phrase coined by outed homosexual Anderson Cooper of CNN. The phrase describes a sexual activity. Go figure, Anderson and friends.

    In the US, believers founded a country for religious freedom that protects nonbelievers. Nonbelievers should be a bit less stupid and a lot more grateful.

  13. Scratch a liberal and you almost always find a bigot.

  14. What your readers really need to do is to learn to hate everyone and every thing. Then and only then will they find true happiness.

  15. FACT: 99 % of ALL terroists attacks were committed by Muslims over the last 40 years.Muslims are the enemy.If Obama thought that way 3 more Americans and One ambassador would still be alive.

  16. "The candidates position concern me more than his or her religion."

    And that's fine.

  17. "you'd think Christians would like to know that Romney believes Jesus has an equal, John Smith, who lives in human form with Jesus and God on the planet Kolob."

    I could make the Christian religion and make it sound pretty stupid, too. Yours are the comments of intolerance. If you want to knock Romney, do it on the issues and leave is religion out of it.

  18. "I urge you to delete any post which contains the term tea bagger."

    I am seriously considering it. It is divisive language, not intended to help discussion.

  19. Bernie 10:24
    But you would have to go to the past for the egregious Biblical references to slavery, human sacrifice, and prohibitions against pork and lobster.
    The Mormon religious practices shown in the video are today. The baptizing of deceased Jews was only stopped a few years ago. And since Romney is a bishop we can't ignore it as easily. Is there any doubt that fear of Sharia law would be an issue if a Muslim was running?
    Mormon women in veils? Women in binders. All of a piece of backward thinking on the role of women in America today.

  20. Jim, Nice to see you buy into this bullshit when it serves your agenda. Religious intolerance is just that.

    "I never will, by any word or act, bow to the shrine of intolerance or admit a right of inquiry into the religious opinions of others." - Thomas Jefferson

  21. http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2009/12/to-teabag-or-not-thats-still-the-question-for-conservatives.php

  22. It's not a line they crossed when they baptized dead Jews?

  23. So I see. I believe I knew that. But if you bothered to read your own damn link, you would also see that the author concludes that the use of this expression is akin to a racial epithet. It might be too late to get rid of the use of the expression, but I am seriously considering deleting any comment that contains it.

    Considering your own religious intolerance, it is no surprise that you would find it so easy to smear an entire ideology with a sexual term.

  24. I made the point that his religious conservatism appears to be connected with his severely conservative political views

  25. "It's not a line they crossed when they baptized dead Jews?"

    Shall I go into some of the atrocities committed in the name of Jeee-sus Christ? Give it a rest. You diminish yourself with this kind of stupid thinking. You're a much better person than that, even though I don't like to admit it.

  26. Anyone who uses the term "Teabagger" is spoiling for the fight that I am happy to give to them.

    It's pretty easy to see the Left fears the butt-kicking that IS coming.

    Let's check back with the clowns in November to see how that dopey Hope and Change thing turned out.

  27. 10:50
    not the author but the NRO writer who had to admit the true origin of the term
    The slurs against liberals? Okay, apparently. Liberals are bigots according to an earlier post. Is that intended to foster discussion?

  28. Mormonism is extraordinarily wierd.
    It IS NOT Christian as it is widely understood. ( Satin and Jesus Christ are brothers. The Garden of Eden is in Jhonson County Mo., God the Father was once a man and good Mormon men can become Gods and have their own planet etc. etc.)
    Mormonism was started by a convicted con-man and whore monger.
    We are talking Scientology weird. Phoney Egyptian scrolls and disappearing gold tablets.
    D not take my word for it Bernie.Do some homework.
    I'm a Christian and a republican and frankly I find Mormonism very scary. Yes I do.

  29. "I very much dislike the intolerance and moralism of many Christians, and feel more sympathy with Honest Doubters than with them." A.N. Wilson

  30. you woke up some seriously whacked out boys today BO. wonder if they are going to have a cross burning during the debate.

  31. "Liberals are bigots according to an earlier post. Is that intended to foster discussion?"

    My point, Jim, is that religious intolerance is unacceptable, whether it comes from the left or the right. Just as it is wrong to cast aspersions against Obama bc of his early Muslim roots (I know he is a Christian now), it is wrong to throw stones at Romney bc of his religious convictions.

    So when you make expressions of intolerance, I will point it out. It makes no difference to me that you are a liberal, t there is little doubt in my mind that your supposed objections are driven by your political agenda, which makes matters even worse.

  32. Rev Wright was a bit kooky, but he has nothing on Joseph Smith, Brighamn Young or Parley Pratt.
    This rich cult was extreme since its fist days.
    That is not to say that good people are not caught up in it.
    I pray to the Lord Jesus Christ who died and was resurrected to save you and I, that our Mormon brothers and sisters leave this cult and find The Lord Our Savior.
    It is my obligation as a Christian to speak this truth.
    God Bless You

  33. this post does not get the molovinsky seal of approval because it provides a venue to host religious intolerance and ignorance. for instance, the mormons did not baptize actual dead jews. they baptized proxies, assigning the name of dead jews. some jews found that offensive, and they ceased that practice. all religions can be depicted in an unfavorable light, if that's the objective. on the other hand howard hughes would only hire mormons for his inner circle, because of their reputation honestly and sincerity.

  34. You didn't do your homework today BO. Check out how tolerant the LDS is of other Christian viewpoints. Check it out. Then get back to your loyal readers.

    PS The post on Bethlehem's historiic public water system was exceptionally well done. Excellent work. Thank you for that fine piece.

  35. MM, Let me add that the ranks of the FBI are loaded with Mormons bc they are straight-laced, not as depicted by the fear-mongers.

  36. True, lots of Mormons in the FBI, and if that doesn't scare you? ( the FBI, started by a cross- dressing closet case and paranoid with a yen for political blackmail.)

  37. “Carpetbagger was a pejorative term Southerners gave to Northerners (also referred to as Yankees) who moved to the South during the Reconstruction era between 1865 and 1877. It was used as a derogatory term, suggesting opportunism and exploitation by the outsiders. Together with Republicans they are said to have politically manipulated and controlled former Confederate states for varying periods for their own financial and power gains.” From wiki.

    I don’t like the other definition, however, some could argue terms such as opportunism, exploitation, and politically have some common themes – right, wrong, or indifferent. Not for me to decide.

  38. J. Edgar was no Mormon. he was an evil Presbyterian, although he started out as an even more evil Lutheran. He may have eaten the body of Christ, which is cannibalism.

    You people are ridiculous.

  39. The "whacked out boys " were the founders of the Mormon cult. Do a little research my brother Uncle Remus.

  40. Bernie, who is rediculous? JFK was Roman Catholic. Mitt Romney has held a position in the LDS equalivant to a bishop.
    I am a tad bit leary of having a president who wears magic undies, or as the LDS calls them, " sacred garments".
    Sacred undies? Whose weird here?

  41. Benjamin Franklin first used the snake as a symbol as a plea for unity in defending the colonies during the French and Indian War. It played off a common superstition that a snake that had been cut into pieces could come back to life if you joined the sections together before sunset.

    The Gadsden flag was used to promote unity among Americans. It was painted on drums carried by Marines. It had 13 rattles.

    One could pose the question if the flag used today represents the unity theme of the past.

  42. The FBI was started by a crossing-dressing closet case paranoid with a yen for political blackmail. Yes.
    But Bernie is 100% correct in pointing out, this little proto fascist was Not a Mormon. He did have a preference for hiring Mormons as they followed orders without question and were not blacks or homosexuals.

  43. "Whose weird here?

    It's who's, not whose. And I would suggest you are weird here. It is ugly intolerance.

  44. Just how tolerant is the LDS of, let's say gay Americans? Anybody out there know?

    Anybody know when black Americans were first welcomed into the LDS?

    Come on, somebody help me out please.

    Do women have the same status as men in the LDS?

    These are are important questions. I completely share Bernie's concern for tolerance so this stuff matters.

    Remember, Mitt Romney held a position equalivant to Bishop in the Mormon Church.

  45. MM brings up an important point. The Mormons were not disinterning actual dead Jewish people for Mormon baptism. As MM said, the Mormons used proxies( maybe even some retired Mormon FBI agents) when baptizing the souls of dead Jews. Including Jews murdered in the death camps of the Nazi Holocaust .
    How MM, an intelligent man with a strong understanding of his own proud heritage can contain or more appropriately suspend his outrage is incomprehensible.

  46. Funny how no one has been concerned about Senate Majority leader Harry Reid being a Mormon.

    Just the latest example of intolerance AND hypocrisy coming from the Prigressive Left!

  47. Progressive. Sorry for the typo.

  48. Bernie---- look the other way in the face of LDS intolerance by don't let those spelling errors get by you.
    Come on man, we expect more from you.
    Yes, count me as one who has no tolerance for Muslum intolerance , Christian intolerance or weird mean spirited Mormon intolerance.

    Hope my spelling and grammar was ok?

  49. I am looking smack dab in the face of your own intolerance.

  50. Does it appear that Reid's politics are driven by his Mormon faith? Not that I've heard. Nor is he a bishop.
    Romney on the other hand does appear to be so influenced by his extremely conservative church.
    Now, since anyone should rightly wonder what he stands for in light of his multiple stances on issues one wonders what he s hiding besides his tax returns. Is he a stealth candidate?

  51. I might be considered a member of the progressive left, although I would never use that convoluted Fox Network language.

    So let me be the first on this site to say---- I would never support Harry Ried or any other active member of the LDS for President of the US. Epically one who has held high church office.
    I won't be tolerant of intolerance. Not Mormon.
    Not Muslum.
    Long live S. Rushde

  52. @1:35
    Al least two spellings errors or typos!
    Be gone you nave! Be gone!

  53. Yo, Uncle Remus my man, it's Mormons and Muslems who use ugly bullying and worse on believers who are apostates.
    The Christians mostly gave it up after the Reformation. But not Joseph Smith and the LDS.
    Count me in with your readers who are suggesting you might benefit from a little more research into the "only American religion. The LDS.."Bernie, hit the books before you go supporting a leader in L Ron Hubbard's "church "next.

  54. Anyone concerned that Romney tithes more to the LDS church than he pays in taxes? I am.


  55. That's bc you're an intolerant whack job whose name is not Tim.

  56. I had no idea of the level of Jim's anti-religious bigotry. I applaud him for putting his hatred out under his name. Best to see his ilk coming. This blog has shed light today. Wow.

    Love the Jefferson quote, Bernie. I thought Kennedy put this stuff to bed. Perhaps he really did and you've turned the light on to help us see the fringe cockroaches scatter.

    Great post.

  57. Naturally this conversation does not get the " Molovinsky Seal of Approval".
    Michael knows how ugly many Mormon beliefs are ( and yes, intolerant ) so he would not touch it on his blog.
    Michael is correct about j. Edgar Hoover penchant for using Mormon agents. He could be sure they were not gay, African American, Roman Catholic or Jewish and not recent immigrant trash either. And they were , how do you say Michael, good at just carrying out orders . Yes, good solders. Nice white shirts. Good hair and complexion.
    Loyal. Straight laced and indeed, very loyal.

  58. teabagger was a multi-sourced mime. it's use in popular media parlance is derived originally from shock jock howard stern's radio show to describe male homosexuals' practice of dangling the scrotum over another's face for purposes of sexual gratification, and, later, from cnn's anderson cooper, an outed homosexual and liberal tv personality to deride tea party activists.

  59. I'm with Molovinsky on this one.

    If Mormons were good enough for that great American business leader and standard bearer of mental stability Howard Hughes they are good enough for me.

    Case closed.

  60. I believe this whole religion/polytics thing is overdone. You can have a religious affiliation without being under some evil secret control.

    In this case let's seperate church and state.

    Enough of the fantasy fiction stories like the Protocols of Zion?

    Every religion has something others are not comphy with.

  61. The major world religions are uniformally hypocritical, misogynistic, anachronistic, and laughable.

    You don't need God to be a good person, nor do you need to be part of an organization to be a person of faith. I think we can all agree that the Abrahamic religions have done a lot of damage to the world -- the Crusades in Europe and the Middle East; the Inquisition in Spain; terrorism in Northern Ireland; the Intifada in Israel; Muslim terrorists; etc., etc.

    As someone who has actually read the holy books from these major religions, I can say that they ARE really weird, not to mention a number of other oddities contained in them.

  62. You are not on very firm ground using the name of Thomas Jefferson to defend Mormon intolerance, bigotry or plan religious ( magic underpaints ) goofiness gentleman.

  63. I'm on very firm ground. Jefferson clearly stated that the religious beliefs of others is none of your business. You distort things and then condemn his intolerance, but it is actually you. This has gone on for hundreds of years. Usually, this religious intolerance is in the name of God or Jee-sus Christ, but in your case it is in the name of Obama.

  64. @2:21

    Yet Scientology and Mormonism set a new, and quite American and modern standard.

    Have you read the Mormon Book of Abraham, or The Pearls of Great Price?
    I think not.

    I am an exmorman. Check us out on line. I think you will find it very informative and without rancor.

    Please. Check us out.

  65. I don't support Obama. I also won't vote for a man who wears magic undergarments and who has held a position equalivant to an ArchBishop in the LDS.
    Please sir, whatever you think of people who are deeply offended by the Mormon cult, do not feel you can lump us neatly in one political catagory.


  67. "I am an exmorman. Check us out on line"

    Sure you are. That's why you can't even spell the word. More like you are a present Obamaphile.

  68. bernie, the anonymous on your blog choose to ignore the fact that romney's religion never interfered with his performance as governor of massachusetts. romney has already demonstrated the practice of separating church and state; that's more than can be said of those commenting here.

  69. Is everyone clear as to why anonymity is preferred? Personal attacks are your reward

  70. Well, let's have an election by eliminating all those who should not be elected or allowed to vote.

    Any mormemans wearing funky panties will not be allowed to vote. Their numerous wives will be allowed to vote but only if they can name their children.

    We got to throw out all catholickers. They sing in a strange language, mistreat women and everybody knows their head boy with the funny hat is a nazi. (You don't think they got all those gold cups and art on ebay do you?)

    Dismiss the jews. Hell they don't even realize what day the sabbath is and they think we care 70/80 years later. They, too wear funny hats. And what are they hiding under those beards?

    No blacks can be elected. Everybody knows they all practice voodoo and only want white women and nobama phones. The not so reverends jackson and sharpton have done wonders in destroying their race.

    No, no no to the ricans and all those other nospeakydenglash types. The only alter they understand is at the welfare office. They think drive by shootings are a forn of voting.

    Can't have chinks,gooks and slantheads voting. They are all commies and don't believe in the big guy anyway. To their credit (and it's all ours) they do understand banking.

    No one from Califoracation can vote. They are so drugged up they only believe in the fairy godmother nancy p.

    Muslims can't vote. They pray squatting and with all that screaming. Are they in pain? No wonder they can't find any virgins.

    People from PA are banned from voting. Corbett/Casey. Enough said.

    Can't have an election on Saturday. All the protestants are too busy sinning so they can repent on Sunday. (do you get that jewish people - Sunday)

    Can't let people from W. Virginia vote. Too much voter fraud down there. Hell, there's only 17 last names in the whole damn state.

    No one from Texas or Arkansas either. You see what that got us.

    Oops - I almost forgot. No WWWE in tight pants and cheap shoes. Damn pork lover.

    We can also eliminate the millions of fools that won't vote but then bitch for the next 4 years.

    And that's the way it were. "If you ain't white - you ain't right"

  71. Jim, You just personally attacked Romney bc of his religious beliefs. You just expressed your own religious intolerance. Pointing that out is by no means a personal attack.

    I am pointing out your own intolerance, your religious hatred and your political agenda. None of this is personal.

    Like I said, I know you are better than this, or at least you should be.

    In a City that has just adopted a Human Relations Ordinance designed to promote tolerance, I am astonished that its Planning Chair would spew such hatred of an entire religion, and one that is quintessentially American.

    This is why I thought the ordinance is silly. You can't legislate against bias or hatred.

  72. I am a registered Independent- leaning Republican. I also spent six years in the United States Coast Guard and I am a Golf War Vet. I also happen to be a gay American.
    I will with hold my personal view of Mitt Romney. I find the Mormon Religion, the LDS, to be a bigoted organization that is prepared to go to heroic measures to deny patriotic Americans like myself all the freedoms and rights afforded to other citizens.
    In short, the LDS is an organization committed to instutional intolerance.
    Thank you for this opportunity to speak my piece.
    God Bless America

  73. What you are is anonymous. I'm Jesus Christ.

  74. Bernie, you let this anon comment at 2:08 say this shit about a guy that has made reasonable comments and used what appears to be his real name?
    That's not cool bro. Not the least bit cool.

  75. Famous scholar Glen Beck, used the term teabagger. He may not have been the first but he used the term.

    So calling someone a "fleabagger" whatever that is, is fine, yet using the term you baggers picked yourself, or was it the Koch brothers, is not OK.

    By tyhe way claiming the left "just calls names", is to dispute every show on Fox News. You folks ought to look upo hypocrite.

    Or you can just let your convert O'Hare protect you.

  76. Ageing eyes and and an iPhone key pad. My apology for spelling errors.

    I Am An Ex Mormon / A Weekly Video Series


    I welcome all the readers of this blog to check us out.
    We are not extreme and do not come from a place of anger or hate. We certainly don't hate Mormons, after all they are in many cases our family and friends. We are people like you. I am sorry if this offends anyone. Surely not my intent.

  77. Bernie, why the personal attack against me?

    Last year, Mitt Romney donated about 2.6 million dollars of his 13.7 million dollar income to LDS. (approx 19%) In the same year, he paid only 1.94 million dollars in taxes (approx 14%)

    For a guy that has taken advantage of every imaginable tax shelter, is it unreasonable to ask where his loyalties are?

    Tim (actually Bernie, You're right. My CHRISTIAN name is Timothy)

  78. Your attract on Jim is not very fair Bernie. He is not a national public figure and he most certainly is not running for the highest office in the land.
    You owe the man an apology. No kidding here.
    I think I'll remain Anon. Thank you.
    You just proved it is the much more prudent choice.

  79. Jim,

    The best defense against being called on your bigotry is to stop the bigotry. Your hateful implosion, here, is not how that's done. I think people got a whole new look into your heart today.

  80. WWW.iamanexmormon.com

  81. Rough and tumble dialogue, but( with the uncalled for attack on J.F.an exception, yes do apologize to the man) quite good.
    You deserve a lot of credit for hosting what can be at times m, an uncomfortable conversation.
    Molovinsky, for all the service he provides, would not touch this as it might not go his way in the end.
    So thank you. Your a gutsy guy.

  82. 4:11
    Your so fucking pious.
    You gunna call a man out by his name, use yours you punk piece a shit,

  83. I wonder if the people attacking Mr. Romeny's religion are the same ones that have the "Coexist" bumper stickers on the Prius?

    Coexist: Except with the Mormans, they are just weird biggots


  84. Avowed religious bigot James Fiorentino serves on the planning commission of a city that passed civil rights legislation last June.

    How did he get this position? Why does Bethlehem allow a vicious bigot to serve? Fiorentino is flaunting Bethlehem's law.

    What next? KKK nUtZ?

    Mormon's are clearly not welcome in Fiorentino's Bethlehem. Very classy. Very progressive. What a low life.

  85. Uncle Remus
    Who said anything about not allowing Mormons to vote?
    Calm down Uncle. Did you take your morning medication today?
    Did the joshing about the magic undies or the Planet Kolob upset you. Maybe it was the part about the Garden of Eden being in Johnson County Mo..
    It will alll be okay.
    Pay Lay Ale ----- you can look that up.

  86. Sir, I regret you felt it was necessary to call me a liar ( and then refer to yourself as Our Lord).
    I will not burden you with a comment to your blog again.
    I wish you the best.

  87. Hey. I got an idea.
    Let's all attack the guy who had the integrity to use his real name!
    What a fool. And Bernie, you can help us.

    Boy, this is going to be fun!!!

  88. Now Jim's a " vicious bigot." why not go burn a cross on his lawn and set him straight. You can find his address as you told readers what town he lives in and he himself had the silly courage to ID himself.

    How long will you let this continue Bernie?

  89. Religious hatred? Because I questioned the baptizing of dead Jews and the veiling of women? And is it inappropriate to worry that a religious leader seeking the highest office in our land has not indicated that he would keep his religious views separate from his political decisions?

    Separation of church and state has a wall that religious conservatives have been battering for years. And finally I am not speaking in my role as a Planning Commission member, which should have been obvious

  90. If we would all identify ourselves this might be a civil place for a political discussion

  91. You said what you said, James. Live with it. Many who know you had no idea how dark you are until today. You should resign. You and your hatred are a stain on Bethlehem.

    Perhaps the anonymous are so because they are Mormons who want to do business in Bethlehem, where the planners clearly do not want them.

  92. Yes, Jim. It is religious hatred, when you come down to it. Because Romney's religion is not recognizable to you, you take some ridiculous videos and draw ridiculous conclusions. It is precisely this kind of intolerance that has led to jihads and Crusades. Though you are clearly speaking in your individual capacity, you should always be mindful of your role as a public official. How can a Mormon ever expect to get a fair shake from you as Planning Chair? For that matter, how can anyone in a religion that might differ from yours? Your comments were totally inappropriate and demean both you and your office.

  93. Let it continue? The guy serves on a governmental body. He's had his Al Campanis moment and wants to put the genie back in the bottle. Too late. Resign for the good of the city that passed landmark civil rights legislation last year.

  94. 5:34, I nowhere called Jim a "vicious bigot." I nowhere listed his address. I stated that his remarks demonstrate a religious intolerance, and they do. There happens to be a Mormon mission home on Bethlehem's south side. There is no way he can ever handle a matter involving that property. He has exhibited what I must call hatred of another religion, and is doing so solely bc it promotes his own political agenda.

  95. Just wondering Jimbo - how do you feel about the gay coast guard guy?

  96. All I wanna know is, Whats Romneys position on Masterbation ?

  97. There is also a Mormon Church on Eaton Avenue.

  98. Bernie, nothing left wing whacks do should surprise you.

    It has gotten to the point where they are no more than fanboys. They "root" for the dems much like a sports team, and as long as their team wins, logic, reason don't matter only the team winning.

    It is sickening.

  99. Both sickening and disheartening that such good people could say such horrible things.

  100. You let stand a post that called Jim a vicious bigot and another that id him as from Bethlehem. You have done some of your finest and most shameful work in the last 24 hours BO.

  101. It should be clear to you by now Jim.
    This will never be a place for civil political discussion.

  102. So now everybody gets to see what bigoted scum these liberals are. Yes it's sickening to hear these these liberal swine spew their hateful pile but who can be surprised. You have nothing to apologize to these creeps and low life's for Bernie.

  103. Hey boys and girls------spend some time in beautiful Utah, and it is beautiful, the Mormon Zion, and find out what religious tolerance is all about.
    I gaurentee, it will be an eye opener!

    I for one am down right inspired, inspired I say, by the tolerance and civility on display right here at Lehigh Valley Rambling today.

    Yes sir. Inspired.

  104. For the record ---- "UNCLE REMUS" is Rolf O.
    That much should be clear

    Rolf----- what a guy!

  105. This is the kind of hateful intolerance O'Hare displayed towards the good people who supported Gracedale. In order to protect his boys Stoffa and Angle, he was more vicious and cruel than anyone posting on this thread.

  106. Right you are Bernie. Jimbo is engaging in religious hatred. There should be no place for it on the Commission. There should be no place for it in our fair city.
    The intolerant liberal prick should get the hell out.

  107. "You let stand a post that called Jim a vicious bigot..."

    Jim said what he said. And what he said was viciously bigoted. No Mormon will ever get a fair shake from any governmental body that calls Jim a member. Are you so blinded by bigotry that you don't se your own hatred? Yes. I believe you are.

    Apologize to the board and resign immediately. Take your hatred somewhere else.

    It's refreshing to see bigots marginalized, as has been done here. Jim's been hoisted by his own petard. He's unfit to serve.

  108. Bernie,
    There is a Latter Day Saints church in Upper Nazareth, too.

  109. @6:27
    Yes. It's ok Scott. We know it is you and we all love you. You don't have to hide at this stage of the game.

  110. Pay Lay Ale. Pay Lay Ale. Pay Lay Ale...........

    You can look it up.

  111. Bernie --- you ever going to answerr the questions asked by 1:04 ?

  112. @ 1:41 .....AL least? You are awarded the BiGgEsT Fail for today! Be gone you nave! Be gone! ....What a knobhead.

  113. This blog has broken news and revealed a bigot who purports to serve the public interest - as long as you aren't Mormon. Their squealing indicates you've hit a bulls eye. Nice work, Bernie.

  114. Bernie,

    Coming to this discussion late. Harry Reed the Senate Majority Leader is a Mormon. Apparently that isn't a problem for the Dems.

    Scott Armstrong

  115. What a farce BO. Remarkable!

  116. Absolutely beautiful Scott and BO.

    Truly outstanding!


  117. What a post. The bigot must resign. There's no place in civic life for this outrageous bias. We're all created equal. Live and let live.


  119. I could make the Christian religion and make it sound pretty stupid, too. Yours are the comments of intolerance. If you want to knock Romney, do it on the issues and leave is religion out of it.

    OF COURSE you could. All religion is mythology, fables, and ludicrous scenarios. However YOU started a thread seeking comments on Romney's religion. Now you want no comments on his religion?

    BTW, tell a true Christian that Romney believes Jesus Christ is NOT the only Lord and Savior and see if that person thinks Mitt is a Christian.

    And while you are at it, stop being so patronizing.

  120. Let me also add that given the preference, I would prefer an agnostic or atheist President over ANY religion. ANY. However, if you want to talk about real intolerance in 2012 America, it's directed at non-believers who wouldn't even stand a CHANCE at being on the Presidential stage.

  121. I'm on very firm ground. Jefferson clearly stated that the religious beliefs of others is none of your business. You distort things and then condemn his intolerance, but it is actually you. This has gone on for hundreds of years. Usually, this religious intolerance is in the name of God or Jee-sus Christ, but in your case it is in the name of Obama.

    Unless you are affiliated with Reverend Wright. Right?

    The religion on the President of the United States is every American's business. WTF are you talking about?

    You cannot on one hand question the religion of one man, even accusing him of being a Muslim, and then start whining when the secrets of a bizarre, modern, 19th century religion are revealed. Let people make up their own mind on Mormonism and stop calling people bigots.

    Religious affiliation on it's face is bigotry. Christians believe non-believers are not subject to heaven without capitulating to their god. Thay are subhuman in the eyes of their lord.

    You distill this giant topic down to black and white. Acceptance or non-acceptance when it is MUCH more nuanced than that. Do you really believe Christians are accepting of other religions? Open your eyes.

  122. All those posts under Anon Mr Armstrong,what's with that.
    And them that feeble attempt at 8:46 to deny the earlier posts?
    You have lost a lot of credability. I'm sorry to see that happen.

  123. For the record ---- "UNCLE REMUS" is Rolf O.
    That much should be clear

    Rolf----- what a guy!

    I'm pretty sure ROLF, REMUS, and ironpigpen are BOH sock puppets. He always allows those posts to stand and allows them over and over again. So, a sock puppet it must be.

  124. Bernie
    You write,".....Oboma's early Muslim roots. I know he is a Christian now."
    You know he is a Christian now?
    When was the President not a Christian Bernie ?

  125. Watch "2016.". It's all explained about his early Muslim roots. Bernie wrote accurately.

  126. Just as it is wrong to cast aspersions against Obama bc of his early Muslim roots (I know he is a Christian now),

    Oh, so BOH is a birther now?

    When exactly was Obama a Muslim? He's a Christian "now"? What does that mean other than being a paranoid, bigoted, birther?


  127. Perhaps the blogger can post that African caricature of Obama with a bone through his nose. Seems thats what the blog thinks of the President.

  128. "However YOU started a thread seeking comments on Romney's religion. Now you want no comments on his religion?"

    I started a thread on religious tolerance. Some of you have displayed it in spades.

  129. "Perhaps the blogger can post that African caricature of Obama with a bone through his nose. Seems thats what the blog thinks of the President."

    After defending the indefensible, i.e. religious intolerance, you assert that I have a prejudice that I don't have. This is an attempted deflection, and a pretty poor attempt at that.

  130. Except that you inexplicably brought up "Muslim roots" and Obama's supposed recent conversion to Christianity.

    You raise points and then chastise people for addressing them.

  131. "When was the President not a Christian Bernie ?"

    Obama joined a Christian church in 1988. Prior to that, he was nominally a Christian. His mother's side of the family was Christian. His father and step-father's side of the family were Muslim. His middle name, Hussein, is one commonly used in the Muslim world. In the second and third grade, he attended school in Indonesia, and would be exposed to Muslim there.

    His mother's side of the family was always Christian. His mother was actually very unusual in her religious views.

    It would have been more accurate to have said that, in his early elementary education, he was indoctrinated in both the Muslim and Christian religions.

    Obama addresses this in his own autobiography. His mother might take him to worship one week at a Buddhist temple, the next week at a Muslim shrine and the next week at a Christian service.

  132. "You raise points and then chastise people for addressing them"

    I chastise people for expressing religious intolerance. Nobody is compelling you to read this blog. I am sure there is some "I hate Mormons" site where you'd be more comfortable.

  133. "You cannot on one hand question the religion of one man, even accusing him of being a Muslim, and then start whining when the secrets of a bizarre, modern, 19th century religion are revealed. Let people make up their own mind on Mormonism and stop calling people bigots"

    You don't get it. I don't question Obama's religion. I don't care whether he is Muslim, Jewish, Christian or whatever. And in my comment about this, I stated it is WRONG to cast aspersions against Obama bc of his early Muslim roots. And it is.

    My point was, and is, that religious intolerance is anti-American. Now that a number of you have been exposed as haters, you are attempting to turn things around by calling me a racist bc someone, somewhere, once made a caricature of Obama somewhere else. You are trying to claim that I am religiously intolerant bc I refer to Obama's obvious early Muslim roots, although it might have been more accurate to have said he had no roots at all.

    My point all along has been that someone else's religion is none of you business and none of my business.

    Having lost this argument, you are now trying to accuse me of what you yourself have been doing.

  134. hey everyone lets get over the relgious things... mitt is just a plain old liar.. he is not creditable. he likes teachers, but wants to chop funding, he likes cars, but he voted not to subsidize them. on and on.. lies.lies. lies... as far as school, he must have missed geography class... plus i think his "undies" were too tight last night by the looks on his face!!!!

  135. I would re-up in the Service and fight for the right of any American to worship as they please, including goofy made up religions like Scientology and Mormonism. People should have the right to handle rattlesnakesm, eat cactus,wear magic undies and baptize dead folks from another religion.
    Absolutely their right as Americans .
    Ok. I think our country needs a guy at the top who does NOT beleive in silly hoocuspoocus nonsense .

    I do not see the LDS as a group that extends tolerance to others. I think that is pretty clear.

  136. What's clear is your own intolerance.

  137. The LDS is now and has been a classic example of instutional intolerance.
    Excluding their early tolerance for polygamy, no longer officially sanctioned amoung mainstream LDS but practiced by many thousands of fundamentalist LDS

  138. WOW !!!!!!!!
    BOH, take off the blinders and give us your take on historic and contemporary Mormon intolerance.

    Calling anyone who disagrees with your vviewpoints a bigot is not an example of tolerance my man.

  139. Religious intolerance is religious intolerance, and it is mostly bred by political ideology and ignorance. It is a mainstream religion, with many churches in the LV. I am repulsed and saddened by the sickening and disgusting comments about the religious beliefs of people of good will.

  140. Opposing Mitt Romney because of his religion is just plain bigotry. It is just as bad as opposing Barack Obama because of his race. In the final analysis, it is hatred, pure and simple.

  141. BOH would you vote for a guy who was a bishop in a made up religion the believed in a flat earth?

    I won't vote for a guy who claims the Easter Bummy is real or that holds a flimflam man up as the equal to Our Savieo Jesus Christ.

  142. @ 9:20
    "scratch a liberal almost always find a bigot."

    scott armstrong

  143. For an in depth,intelligent and witty look at The Church of Jesue Christ of Latter Day Saints goggle

    No matter which side you are on, or if your undecided, this will be well worth your time.

    God bless you one and all.

  144. Go spend some time in the great state of Utah as I have Bernie, then tell me about Mormon tolerance.

    ( For my own reasons I will be voting Repunlican in the coming election.)

  145. I'm writing in Ron Paul. So I don't really have a dog in this fight.
    Just don't go telling me magic dvd's are mainstream Bernie OH.

  146. Mormon support of Calif. Prop. 87

    BIG $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Tolerant Bernie????????????????

  147. When were black folks first excepted into the Mormon religion?

  148. Sorry I mean 1978.

    Right. 1978

  149. DVD's ?
    You mean BVD? No?

  150. In response to some of the ignorance from bigots posted here, blacks have been admitted into the Mormon Church since at least the 1830s. Its restrictions on the priesthood prevented most blacks from becoming priests until 1978.

    Like the Catholic Church, it still bars women from the priesthood.

    It is nevertheless an inclusive Church and has seen a dramatic increase in Latin American membership in recent years. Worldwide, there are 14.4 Million members.

  151. Historic Mormonism taught that " the flat nose and black skin were the mark of Cain."

    The phrase "whitesome and delightsome" was frequently used to denote the advantage of whiteness. In the "Mormon Zion" of Mormon leader B. Young the penalty for any black and white person consorting was death.

    Undisputed historical fact.

    Blacks could not enter the TEMPLE until 1978.

    Who is intolerant here?

    Fact: the Mormon religion has pumped millions of dollars into an effort to prevent gay and lesbian Americans from entering into marriage.


  152. Who is intolerant here? You. I have just read a site debunking EVERY SINGLE ONE of your false claims. Spend five minutes doing a google search, bigot.

  153. http://www.jefflindsay.com/LDSFAQ/FQRace.shtml#history

  154. The 3rd Profiit Jhon Taylor taught that black folks were allowed to come through the flood was so they could be allowed to represent Satin.
    ( in the Mormon religion, Satin and Jesus are brothers.)

    All historical facts. Who is the bigot?

  155. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  156. You. As I have stated, every piece of disinformation you have posted here has been either rebutted or explained by the above link.

  157. Read the link Bernie. It's largely an effort to explain all those historical inequities, it is not able to deny them or wish them away.
    Until 1978 black men could not enter the Temple or Priesthood and were therefor denied entry into the 3rd level of heaven.
    Read the link yourself.

  158. I did read the link and it pretty clearly establishes that you are an ignorant piece of shit who, even now, insists on spewing hatred.

  159. After 166 comments, many of them sad and hateful and out of place in 2012, I am closing comments on this thread. I will renew this discussion on another thread soon.

  160. "I won't vote for a guy who claims the Easter Bummy is real or that holds a flimflam man up as the equal to Our Savieo Jesus Christ.

    2:13 PM"

    Will you vote for one who shows more respect to the ROP founded by a war monger pedophile prophet than he does to the one he claims to be a member of, that of "Our Saviour Jesus Christ"?

    Just askin'...


  161. Answer the fookin' question...


  162. Another bigot spewing your hatred. I am with Bernie, how sad and out of place. Bigot!
