Local Government TV

Monday, October 08, 2012

Gracedale on Business Matters Tonight

Gerry Greene, Jerry Seyfried and Rich Grucela squared off Against Ron Angle and yours truly about Gracedale. You can see the show at 7:30 PM on WFMZ-TV69, and online shortly after the show airs.


  1. Why does Iannelli have
    Angle on his show? He has no authority on this issue. He is a disgraced former offical. His only claim to fame is being condmened by both the ADL and the NAACP.


  2. If Business really Mattered, Gracedale would be privately run by now.

  3. Hopefully we will have an intelligent debate and not the same old rhetoric. If nothing else it should be entertaining. How about lannelli having a round table discussion on Gracedale where they participants talk about Gracedale and talk true facts and numbers. That would be a show that would really generate some interest.

  4. I think it was a pretty good discussion. Rich Grucela and Jerry Seyfried were far more effective, on behalf of Gracedale, than the Fake rev.

  5. Since they are both your mancrushes, would you say otherwise.

  6. I'll leave it to you to discuss mancrushes.

  7. The fake rev's glued on mustache is made-for-TV.

  8. the only things that need to be discussed are how norco taxpayers got screwed and the lazy union thugs won

  9. Ianelli wants controversy and ratings..that is the bottom line. That is why Angle is invited. Ron is still a lightening rod and Tony knows who pays the bills. Looking forward to the festivities tonight.

  10. Seyfried and Grucela held their own. Greene didn't add much but being in negotiations..he's got to be careful what he says in public. You did good Bernie..even my wife agreed with most of your comments and she is a former Gracedale employee of ten years..now offically retired as of today.

  11. Thanks. I was imitating Michael Molovinsky.

  12. Hopefully..the Fake Rev is fading from the Gracedale scene and cooler heads will prevail. His nonsense does not help anybody except his own ego. One year out..the situation appears to be manageable if we work the issues contientiously.

  13. i missed the beginning of the show, but i did hear you say, that you were at the family fest, and infact, there were several employees there volunteering their time... that was a nice comment. and thank you... this is what we do. there are a lot of things you and ron don't know about those awful union employees... they donate time, money and love to those residents.. They aren't all that bad, you can see for yourself. and thank you grucella for the comment about how hard the employees work for the money they make!!!!

  14. There is no question that many Gracedale employees really love those residents and you can't put a price on that. Although I am opposed to seeing any worker get benefits that equal 63-68% of his salary when the industry standard is 38%, I have very high regard for those of you who care so much. I learned something at Family Fest, and am glad I was there.

    Rich Grucela and Jerry Seyfried are both forceful advocates for Gracedale.

    Believe it or not, I have always wanted what is best for the residents, too. I just feel a county government does a poor job of managing a nursing home, and it ends up being a financial drag. If private management like Premier can make it work, I'm all for it.

  15. Being nice doesn't entitle one to soak taxpayers. Volunteering isn't buying an indulgence. Lots of people volunteer. Gracedale should immediately be sold.

  16. More Angle Bullshit and nonsnese. Glad he is gone. The voyters can smell a liar and cheat and they finally smelled him out.

    He wil lie to the end.

  17. See you rigged the panel to get Seyfried and Grucela, nice. Angle has Iannelli wraped around his finger.

  18. Morning Bernie, I watched the show last evening; however, Mr. Ianelli is certainly lacking as a moderator. I am assuming that his his role. He kept allowing Mr. Angle to pontificate when someone else was speaking. I certainly am an advocate for Gracedale, but I am willing to listen to both sides. When one speaker is allowed to keep speaking over another at the same time, poor moderating. I must say you were a gentleman during the show.

  19. Thanks, Carol. My opponents were gentlemen, so it was easy.

  20. hey bernie, i was looking for the northampton county rep. committee office. do you know where they moved to? They aren't at the building at the newburg light!


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