Local Government TV

Friday, October 19, 2012

Edwards For President!

The Salt Lake Tribune, located in what it itself calls a "largely Mormon, Republican, business-friendly state," has just endorsed Obama. So have The Denver Post and Tampa Bay Times.

But the endorsement that carries most weight with me is The Onion, which has just endorsed John Edwards. Among its reasons? "Mr. Edwards conducted a protracted extramarital affair with a younger woman while his wife was dying of cancer, and we like that he did this."

So there you have it.


  1. When we go to Boulder, we always get the CU copy of the Onion. It's my bible and Edwards has my write in vote. Should be a landslide.

  2. I am glad he cheated with a woman,if he were a teabagger Republican, he would have cheated with a man in a bathroom stall.

  3. And you would have loved it, just like you love using the word "teabagger."

  4. I too enjoy The Onion. So many fweabaggers have no sense of humor or iwony. I suggest a fusion ticket, with Ewic Massa, the forwmer Wepubwican Congwessman fwom New Yowk who resigned after his tickle pawties were made public.


    Vote Edwards/Massa For Unbwidled Fun And Even Better Expwanations

    Bawney Fwank (D-MA)

  5. This from the man who videotapes boys.

  6. The Denver Post and Salt Lake Tribune are now in the hands of the libs. Formerly, they were controlled by staunch Republican William Dean Singleton.

    This is not about R leaning newspapers concluding that Mr. 57 states is the right guy for the job. It's about the leftwing whackos on their editorial boards finally getting a chance to stick it to their hated old boss.

  7. Edwards is a good poster boy for the Dems being the party for women.

  8. 2:55, Little wonder you have no children or grandchildren to call your own.

  9. And the teabbagers cry and cry. Just remeber to keep that "wide stance".

  10. Would you believe the minor league baseball team the St Paul Saints had a bobblefoot giveaway?

    Let's not forget the Washington page scandal.

  11. Just listened to the 1984 Mondale-Reagan debate. Very good debate. I must say I was very impressed with Pres. Reagan but it was obvious that he would not be acceptable to the modern radical teabagger Republican Party.

  12. .....nor would Mondull to the occupy fleabag filth.

    Times change. Fleabaggers still don't bathe or get jobs.

  13. Hey Bernie -

    See this?


    Not really on topic, but it made me think of their failed-attempt-at-cool blank page endorsement of Algore.



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