Local Government TV

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


A nice thing to see.


  1. Yes definitely..I guess he now has a different view of Obama's leadership than before..

  2. ..... and then there are the unfortunate GOP adds distorting the GM recovery, Jeep, et al.

    But Obama and the NJ Gov., yes a nice thing to see.
    Very nice.

  3. I guess it's hard to be bipartisan in a post about bipartisanship.

  4. After all the criticism President Bush received over not responding personally to Katrina how can our current President dare go on the campaign. Bill Sherman

  5. I will be voting Obama, were is the chicogo love for allentowns king and court jesters¿ Just guessing but the king doesn't measure up to a team player judging from his political ANTics¿

  6. Refreshing! Reminds me of the unity that we experienced as a Country after 911. It would be nice to see more of this in Congress. This elevates Christie to a new level as it demonstrates he can put politics aside.

  7. Christie is WORKING Obama like a puppet. As he should. His state needs lots of relief money, fast. He recognizes Obama needs lots of "presidential appearance, also fast. " They are made for each other.

    As an added benefit, Christie is hedging his bet in the event Obama wins the election.

  8. Obama gets a French kiss from Christie for doing what Obama LOVES to do: write checks against empty bank accounts.
    Ask yourself this: what president wouldn't provide clean-up funding and cut the regulations needed to get moving fast? NONE!

  9. I guess it's hard to be bipartisan in a post about bipartisanship,eh?

  10. Bernie it is quite refreshing. It is heartening to see Americans coming together to help each other without regard to our differences, because after all we are one people.

  11. Oy vey! Bipartisan? Christie is trolling for dollars and Obama is trolling for votes. Seems they have something in common and it's not bipartisanship...it's politics.

  12. also....Obama was able to watch Bin Ladin go down in real time from the Situation Room, but he had to hover over the Joisey shore for him to believe it was devistated?

  13. Kissen Oboma ass so he looks good when he runs in four years.
    Jersey pig. Oink. Oink.

  14. Hardly.

    I recall the story of how do you address a man, 7 feet tall who carries a big stick?


    How do you address a man with a checkbook and an unlimited overdraft line?

    Yes, Sir, Mr. President.

    Don't confuse back handed blackmail for bipartisanship.

  15. "This elevates Christie to a new level as it demonstrates he can put politics aside.

    7:22 PM"

    It demonstrates only that Christie wants every single dollar he can squeeze from the federal credit card, and that he is just another jersey whore who will polish O's knob to get it.

    This is the real reason conservativism cannot take hold. Every time one of its "champions" is put to the test, EPIC FAIL.

    Christie is acting like Forrest Gump's mom with the principal.


  16. They likely hate each other's guts. But they were hired to do a damn job. Both should stop the photo ops and get the hell to work.

  17. Christie just looked like a short, squat, fat, stooge next to Obama. A cocky critic turned sniveling sycophant.

  18. Why wouldn't Christie use the President? Not just to get more relief money but Obama wins and Christie walks into the next Presidency. No incumbent and the eight year rule applies -- winner is the opposite party of the incumbent. For Christie it is poltical, for Obama he is just doing what he does best -- caring about Americans.

  19. Bernie -

    A serious question and not a criticism of bipartisanship.

    Obama pledged to "get rid of the red tape" to make sure that Jersey's requests were processed quickly. Why should there be any "red tape"?

    To me, this represents the waste and unnecessary regulation that could be done away with. It is costing taxpayers money that they don't have. While I can't say to what degree, I'm sure it was there before Obama was in office.

    But why would any President brag about TEMPORARILY getting rid of the innefficiencies in his Administration?

  20. There was lots of red tape when FEMA operated during Katrina. We all read the horror stories. Since that time, changes were made and it is a bt more efficient now than it was. I think Obama was stating that he would do his best to tweak as needed.

  21. Katrina was made worse by a very poor mayor and governor.

    While Atlantic City's mayor seems to be of the same idiotic cloth as Ray "I've already transferred my kids to schools in Texas" Nagin and Kathleen "I can't hold a presser in these boring clothes" Blanco, Christie is a different breed and NJ will come back quickly.

    GW's FEMA was the same top-notch FEMA left by Clinton's Arkansas disaster whiz kid, James Lee Witt. Clinton and Bush were governors and knew well the importance of boots on the ground reaction. FEMA was staged and ready for Katrina. State and local authorities hadn't done any planning. Remember the images of rows of swamped buses as helpless souls were being plucked from rooftops? Mississippi, on the other hand, did plan and were able to recover much faster.

    Florida, North and South Carolina, Florida, and Texas are all very good at coordinating response with FEMA. Louisiana threw out their problem children and are far better poised with far better leaders, now. Where's the outcry over the devastation of Cedar Rapids? There is none. They had better state and local leaders to coordinate with FEMA. Vermont's hundred fifty year floods? Same deal.

    BTW, I'm no fan of Sal Panto, but he was firing on all cylinders by calling out Met-Ed for only putting a few guys in his town, yesterday. They pledged to attack Easton with crews today. Sal's house is dark and he was most concerned about Easton's four senior high rise buildings getting fixed.

    Katrina won't happen here because of good local leadership like Panto. Corbett seemed on top of it also.

    Katrina was a New Orleans and Louisiana catastrophe; not a FEMA catastrophe.

  22. Yeah, the Horse Show guy W hired to run FEMA dida great job. No in fact,

    Hell of a job, Brownie!

  23. It's not partisan to point out that there is one party that consistently tries to dismantle FEMA, is it?

  24. There is no wuestion that the Fema responding to Katrina was broken. It has been reformed to make it more responsive on a state and local level. In other words, some of the Republican complaints about this top-heavy organization were right, and the Democrats who insisted we need it were right. It really is counterorductive to spend your time decrying everything about another party bc you are vound to be wrong.

  25. When are all Americans going to wise up. The system needs money. You don't operate FEMA without money. You don't build highways and bridges without money. You don't find cures for diseases like cancer without money. Major disasters like we are now experiencing cannot be addressed without major dollars. You can't have a military without money. Everybody has to pay their fair share. 20 percent of my income is a hardship on me. 12 percent of Romneys income is not a hardship on him. You fix the tax system and you will have money to pay off the deficit, money to take care of the sick and elderly, money to build the highways and bridges, etc. Fix the tax system. It isn't obama. It isn't the Republicans or democrats. Fix the tax system.

  26. George Bush details in his book how he made the decision to not land in Katrina due to having to re-direct relief efforts to protect him. Big O could care less and is only looking for the photo op and now he is a hero because he will deliver the big check. Let's all vote Obama to keep the big checks coming.

    JOHN M

  27. Great PR op for Christie..NJ is a disaster area and he is at the helm. I expect that he will garner a lot of national attention even after the election and his star will rise as he drives the state back to recovery. Working with the prez also helps his chances of being the top dog R in four years and he will waltz to the nomination of his party.

  28. If nothing else..Christie is a realist and he will do whatever he has to do..to bring the state back from the brink..and he will. Push comes to shove..I want him in the fox hole with me.

  29. Christie can also now walk away from Romney with a clear conscience. He has more important work and his political future is looking very bright. Who wants to be associated with a presidential loser? Not Christie..


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