Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Run, Jerry, Run!

Who would I like to see as Northampton County Executive after John Stoffa finishes his second term? Actually, I'd like to see Stoffa run again. He's a decent, honest and honorable man. That's very rare in local politics, and it confuses the hell out of party hacks. He refuses to play their game. But whenever I suggest he run again, he throws me off the courthouse roof for some reason. So who's the best choice?

There are some good ones like Easton Mayor Sal Panto, Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan and former Human Services Director Ron Heckman. There's also a bad choice, asbestos lawyer Lamont "McMud" McClure.

But personally, my top choice is former Executive Gerald "Jerry" Seyfried.

Jerry's years in county government made him an expert at slaying wild pigs like the one pictured above. He's been begged to return to county service for years, but his wife was against it. She's had a change of heart. I am shocked by the number of people who have told him they will support him.

Let me fill you in on his background.

Northampton County Council
(1978 through 1989, 2009-2010)

* 1978 and 1979 at large member of council
* 1980-1989 District 3 member of council
* Chair of council's finance, human services, personnel and intergovernmental committees
* Chair of ad hoc committee that wrote personnel section of county administrative code and career service employees manual
* Vice President of council for four years
* President of council for four years

Northampton County Executive
(1990 through 1993)

* With tight fiscal control, Jerry left the county with nearly $20 million in surplus, and dedicated huge sums to develop county parks before "open space" became popular.

Northampton County Director of Civil Services
(1998 through 2006)

Boards and Commissions

* Northampton County Retirement Board (4 years as vice-chair, 4 years as chair)
* Lehigh Valley Planning Commission (8 years, including 8 years on the transportation committee)
* Northampton County Development Corp., ADC & IDC (4 yrs)
* Director and Chief Fund Raiser for Northampton County's 250th Anniversary Committee
* Solid Waste Authority (voting member)

I can think of no person other than Jerry who knows so much abut the County's Home Rule Charter. He still carries a tattered copy with him, much like some people carry the Constitution.

Despite his achievements in government, Jerry is actually a blue collar guy. He was a machinist at Bethlehem Steel, and managed to juggle swing shifts with county service.

He knows what it's like to come from nothing. He grew up in subsidized housing, and learned a frugality that public sector unions should try. For example, every nail in his Lower Nazareth home was driven in by Jerry and his wife. All his furniture, until recently, was used. Even his cars were used. He knows how to economize.

Jerry and I disagreed about Gracedale. He, along with Ron Heckman and Rich Grucela, formed a triumvirate to speak against the nursing home's sale, and even offered to sit down with unions when talks failed. In addition, Jerry's wife worked there.

Of course, the real reason I'll support him is because I might get a chance to meet his movie star cousin, Amanda.

Will he run? Some say he's enjoying his retirement too much and that's certainly true. But he is seriously mulling a run, and does not think he'll need to raise $200,000 to win a primary.

So Jerry is by far my first choice among the contenders out there. After that, it's Panto, Callahan, Heckman and whomever the Republicans can find to square off against McMud McMlure. His supporters are using the Internet to savage anyone else, as I am sure they will do to Seyfried.

All I can say is this - Run, Jerry, Run!


  1. Hey O'Hare why don't you marry the guy!

  2. No more recycling old problems. If Jerry needs something to do, let him talk to the rest of the Dem hacks at the bridge commission.

  3. I think Jerry would be a great choice..However, still don't believe he's really serious about running...Guess we'll see..

  4. He might wake up tomorrow and say, "What the hell was I thinking?" But right now, he is seriously considering a bid, and some big names have promised to support him if he does run.

  5. he has my full support ! he is a fair ,decent and honest man ! he also is a man of INTEGRITY !

  6. Morning Bernie, 3 informed, county knowledgeable choices, Jerry 1, Ron 2, Sal 3, Carol

  7. We need new young faces in government with young progressive ideas. Jerry had his day in the sun. Now it's time for new leadership. As a taxpayer of this County, My money is on McClure. He's young, educated, right on people's issues and you hate him. That makes him a winner.

  8. Sorry Bernie but that is an underwhelming list.

    You're either recycling ancient retreads or extremely slippery politicians.

  9. Jerry would win hands down. You forgot to mention his biggest base. He is an ardent supporter of the senond amendment and the sportsmen love him. He has raised more than a million dollars for these hunters, fisherman, etc., etc., and there are close to 30,000 of these gun toters in our County. That being said, I personally talk with Jerry every Thursday Nite at the Bath Rod and Gun Club and bend elbows with him over a couple of brews and I can tell tell you that he is not campaigning for anything. I believe he loves his retirement too much to get back into the horrors of politics.

  10. 9:23, I am hoping and praying that MccMud does run.

  11. Let's put an end to this recycling old problems right now. They tried the same thing with Panto and he is doing the best job ever in bringing positive change to Easton in a really tough time. I wish he was in Bethlehem because our mayor is anything but a fiscal conservative like Panto. John has mis-appropriated money from bond issues, we have had deficits each year that was unheard of in Bethlehem. My bet is that Panto will stay in Easton and if that is the case we need a good alternative to Calahan and Jerry just might be the one.

  12. Jerry was rejected by county voters last time he ran for county executive. Must we have antother old ego trip.

  13. I'd appreciate the opportunity to vote against Jerry again. Please run, Jerry. You're easy pickins.

  14. Easy pickins? Don't think so..The only Republican out there that might give him problems would be Ferraro and she isnt interested.In a primary, there isnt anyone he couldnt beat..No easy pickins here..Especially since the teabaggers will still be busy crying in their soup once Obama kicks their ass in November..

  15. If Jerry runs, he wins. I doubt McClure would run if Jerry announced, although I hope he does. I doubt Panto or Heckman would run, either. I'm not sure whether Callahan would take on Jerry, but I suspect Jerry would beat him, too.

    Jerry is seriously considering it, but has not decided.

    I have not mentioned Rich Grucela, another person who could win easily. Mrs. Gruclea will not let him run.

  16. Grucela is not a shoe in if he runs. Poeople outside of his District have no idea who he is. I'LL give you Jerry but Grucela would poll the lowest on your lsit.

  17. Callahan cleans the floor wirh Seyfried. You are living in the past Bernie.

  18. None of the above, as a D, I'd vote for Ron Angle!

  19. Please run Angle, lol! He wouldnt survive the Republican primary..

  20. Word is Jerry is running as a spoiler to eithr McClure and/or Heckman. Allegedly he has a grudge agaisnt both and has said neither would get his support.

    Don't know what that is about but you do comparae him to Stoffa and he is well known for his grudges and vendettas.

    If he is a stalking horse for Callahan that is one thing but if he decides to run and either Heckman or McClure get in the race, Jerry is toast. In a split vote Callahan takes it in a wlak. Who knows, maybe thta is the plan.

    Just no more Stoffa's, the county couldn't survive more of that.

  21. If he supported continuing to saddle taxpayers with Gracedale, he's fiscally challenged and more concerned with public union jobs than care for our county's elderly. We don't need a brainless AND heartless executive.

  22. The nickname "McMudd" is childish and offensive. I'll meet you in the alley after school, O'Hare.

    - Lamont McClueless

  23. You got it. I usually don't do that to elected officials, even when I roast them, but McMud McClure deserves it. Every campaign he has run has been dirty. And the anonymous attacks on everyone else come from his goons. You can see them on the Gracedale hate blog.

  24. I don't get what Seyfried has against Heckman. I have never heard Ron talk about Jerry in a negative way. In fcat on more than a few occaisons I have heard him say he considered Jerry Seyfried one of the best excutives in county histrioy.

    So why does Jerry want to block Heckman?

    I have to admit this is a bit confusing, mnay mixed signals out there. I don't know about the Jerry and McClure relationship but I always thought of Seyfried and Heckman as friends or at least friendly and holding very similar political views and backgrouds.

    Is this really some warped Callahan deal as some are saying?

  25. Um, who said Jerry has anything against Heckman? Would you say that Heckman has something against Jerry bc he is considering a run?

    Is Heckman trying to block Jerry?

    Is this some warped Callahan deal?

    You're being silly, as usual. If Heckman wants to run, he can run, just as anyone who ants to run can run. Last time I checked, this was the United States of America, not the United States of Heckman.

  26. Wow O'Hare once again a nice shot at Heckman. You pretend to like the guy but you slam him every chance you get.

    The word out here is that Jerry indeed has a grudge agaisnt both McClure and Heckman.

    But you in your usual way use it as a shot at a guy you pretend to like.

    What a hypocrite.

  27. No way that chick is his cousin. She is young enough to be his granddaughter.

    Stop the crao O'Hare.

  28. Amanda Seyfried did grow up in the Allentown area and she does look striking similiar to Jerry. Its very plausible the two are related.

  29. Ron Heckman and I are personal friends. We talk frequently and yes we have talked about the County Executives race. I would not say anything to hurt Ron. I respect Ron and personally believe he would make a fine County Executive.

  30. Well, Jerry, since you're paying attention lol, why don't you say whether you are running or not.

  31. Amanda Seyfried is indeed related to Jerry.

  32. 9:25, This post says Jerry is seriously mulling a run. He's thinking about it.

  33. 1:28, I'm not slamming Heckman I am slamming you. You are downright irrational on the topic of Heckman. Yo are apparently also a liar, making claims of a rift between Jerry and Ron that just are not true.

  34. Take a good look at the picture of Jerry seyfried and the picture of Amanda Seyfried. Amanda is drop dead Gorgeous. It is obvious that it runs in the genes.

  35. That picture of the animal in the picture is downright ugly. The pig isn't much better looking.

  36. The God of deletion once again shows what he is all about. Hypocrite.

  37. Jerry is an O'Hare mancrush. You really can't blame Jerry for that.

  38. As a friend of both Jerry and Ron I was curious about this "fued" thing.

    I know Ron doesn't get to the blogs everyday, so I called him. He told me that he and Jerry are friend and he has the gretaest respect for Jerry. He also said he thought Jerry was one fo the best county executives Northampton County ever had. Neither he nor any friends of his would say otherwise.

    I also asked him about the county executive race. He said that he has and is thinking aobut it, along with about one hundred other Democrats. If he decided to run for it he wouldn't vcare who else is running. He did say that family and personal issues are big right now and he doesn't know what he will do but he does hope to get reinvolved with Noerthampton county government in some way.

    So the entire Ron/Jerry problem is bullshit thrown out their by someone.


  39. A Heckman "supporter" does this all the time. Criticism of his borderline crazy rants is then turned into criticism of Heckman.

  40. Bernie I doubt he is a real "supporter" but someone trying to cause crap. As I said, the guy himself said he and Jerry are friends.

    No one can control or even know what everyone is doing.


  41. This "supporter" has been that way for years.

  42. O'Hare, King of the backhanded slaps.

  43. "He" does have a point Bernie.

  44. No he doesn't. He, i.e. you, are nuts.

  45. Hope u r not serious Bernie. Jerry is the last person that is good to put back in that job. He couldn't do it the first time, what makes u think he could do it now.


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