Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Philly Hate Blogger Charged Over Death Threats

Philly hate blogger Joshua Scott Albert has been charged with criminal solicitation to commit murder, terroristic threats and harassment. These were filed as a result of Facebook pages Albert created, advocating the murder of police officers, the DA and, for some reason, Mitt Romney.

Locally, West Easton blogger Tricia Mezzacappa is facing harassment and disorderly conduct charges after she barged into Borough Hall, ripped information from a community bulletin board and threatened to drown the Borough Council President.

To prove harassment, there must be evidence of an intent to cause public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm. Her blog is Exhhibt A. She has just reposted a controversial video of scantily clad women shooting guns, followed by a coffin and the West Easton Borough web page. It appears she has the requisite intent.

I won't link to her blog or the video.


  1. The only thing scarier than this woman is the looming Allentown water deal.

  2. At 9:11:

    Both stories deal with raw sewage, so it's kind of a wash.

  3. Let us be hones,t most blogs, present company included, are mean spirited. They operate under many guises, such as "providing information."

    The only thing they appear to do well is bully and destroy people the blog authors do not like. It is really just another form of cyber bullying. Teenager or adult the efects are the same.

    I and others are working for a law that makes bloggers responsioble not just for themselves but their annonymous comments that destroy the character and reputations of others.


  4. "Congress shall make no law ..."

  5. "Sticks and stones may break my bones ..."

  6. Death threats are death threats, by any means. Legislation lumping in one's thin-skinned definition of "cyber-bullying" to death threats is an attempt to attach an illegitimate issue to a legitimate one.

    Of Laws; Not Of Men

  7. Bernie, Death threats are part of a wider campaign of abuse targeting a person or group. As I have witnessed on her blog this abuse of these officials has been going on for some time. It has been noted here that she has had incidents prior to this most recent one. Excuse me Bernie, I know this is not the City of Philadelphia... But what the hell are they waiting for a terrible injury or death? I have never seen such tolerance for adult inappropriate behavior as with this woman. Why is she so hateful and angry?

  8. Bernie, if someone makes a threat against you, can't you call the cops. If you are really concerned, can't you get a protection from abuse order? I know that many people don't want to go there, but it's a solution.

  9. Bernie, if someone makes a threat against you, can't you call the cops. If you are really concerned, can't you get a protection from abuse order? I know that many people don't want to go there, but it's a solution.

  10. You cannot seek PFA against someone unless he or she is an intimate friend or a member of the family. As far the death threat, Kelly Gross or her staff did exactly as you suggest. the police were called. Easton police have charged Mezzacappa.

  11. "Sticks and stones may break my bones ..."

    But death threats are ok.

  12. "Congress shall make no law ..."

    Just as the First Amendment gives you no right to shout "Fire" in a crowded theatre, it gives you no right to engage in death threats. In fact, that kind of speech has a chilling effect on free speech.

    Instead of making a goofy argument like that, Mezzacappa should be working on a letter of apology right now. If she's unwilling to express any remorse, she should spend a few days at Chez Northampton to reflect on her behavior.

  13. Trisha should be getting a protection from abuse from you and your hateful bloggers.

  14. If you knew anything about her, you'd know her name is Tricia.

  15. check out user pigface817 on youtube


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