Local Government TV

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Pa. Business Group Endorses Justin Simmons

State Rep. Justin Simmons can add a pro-business group to his growing list of endorsements. PEG PAC, the political arm of the Pennsylvania Business Council (PBC), today announced its continued support for the freshman incumbent.

Simmons represents the 131st District, which includes portions of Lehigh and Northampton Counties. PEG PAC highlighted Simmons’ support of a free enterprise, job-creating agenda in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.

“During his first term, Representative Justin Simmons has kept his promise to work for the improvement of Pennsylvania’s overall tax and businesses climate, which is crucial to allowing companies to compete on both a national and global scale, and create jobs for Pennsylvanians,” said David W. Patti, PBC president & CEO.

Patti cited Representative Simmons’s record of fighting efforts to increase the size, scope and cost of government; and his leadership in efforts to reduce onerous taxes like the Capital Stock and Franchise Tax. Patti also noted Simmons's support for initiatives that encourage private investment in businesses, as well as joint and several liability reform that is now law.

“Representative Simmons knows that competitive business taxes as well as fair and equitable regulatory and legal systems are the basis of a strong free market and an environment that enables job creators to grow and flourish," commented Patti. “That’s why we endorsed him in 2010 and are glad to be able to endorse him again this year.”

Simmons is facing Kevin Deely in November's election.


  1. A business group endorses a Republican!! Amazing, what will happen next.

  2. Who says Republicans don't endorse gays? Even closeted ones?!

  3. How could anyone but a teacher vote for Neely? The things that came out of his mouth during Easton School DIstrict negotiations was ridiculous. He has no concept of what reality is when it comes to the financial hardships of a large number of taxpayers.

  4. The shale impact fee was a sham for PA residents. The Commonwealth gets one third less than Texasb, by comparison. Guess what Pennsylvanian Energy Voters? We still pay the market rate and in some cases pay more.


  5. Get to work! And quit campaigning on our dime!

  6. Bernie--why do you report this? This is for Simmon's website, not yours. How about reporting all the endorsements of all the candidates?

  7. I reported this bc it happened. If a candidate gets an endorsement he considers important, and goes to the trouble of sending me a news release, I'll post it. I would do that for Deely, too.


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