Local Government TV

Friday, September 14, 2012

Ott, Schlossberg to Debate Constitution

At High Noon this Monday, the Lehigh County Gang of Three will step off their train at Cedar Crest College campus for a showdown against an unwitting Democrat, State Rep.-to-be Mike "Poof!" Schlossberg. But instead of bringing six-shooters, they'll all be packin' Constitutions. You see, this is a Constitution Day debate.

Squaring off against Schlossberg will be none other than Lehigh County Comm'r Scott "Scrappleface" Ott, He might debate. Then again, he might break out his guitar and start singing. Or tell us Jesus is swell.

Rumor has it that Schlossberg will make a last-minute withdrawal to give his successor on City Council a chance to get ready.

If you'd like to go, please contact the Cedar Crest College Campus at 610-740-3791 by 4 pm today. Otherwise, you'll get no refreshments.


  1. Thanks for the update Bernie, I would love to go but I'll be busy. I have to fart.

  2. Just don't do it in Nazareth again. The fire company was busy enough!

  3. I'll be farting as well. Not in Nazareth.

  4. Two comments by FDAA have been deleted. I have previously stated that person's comments, which consist of anonymous personal attacks against individual readers and bloggers, are unwelcome.

  5. Bernie, are they going to be talking about the water deal being push through because I want to watch another blogger do a double back off the jumpers bridge in the county seat?

  6. I thought I saw that Schlossberg has withdrawn because of some sort of (another) Jewish holiday?

  7. So far, I have not heard that, except from an unreliable source.

  8. Slate Belt Debate-Chamber of commerce Tuesday October 9th
    at The Wind Gap American Legion.
    4 State House invites:
    Leslie Altieri-Marcia Hahn
    Joseph Capozzolo-Joe Emrick
    Open to the public.


  9. I'll try to get the details on that one.

  10. 9/25 is Rosh Hashanah. Saying he withdrew from the event because it is ANOTHER Jewish holiday is like somebody saying Christmas or Easter is another holiday. Sheesh. Bernie, your readers show a fantastic dis-respect once again. Any other high holy days you might like to trash? Perhaps Good Friday or Christmas Eve? Jackasses.

    Yes, the event is off, though Scott Ott in his shameless effort to debate somebody is begging Schlossberg to get Pawlowski to do the debate instead. How desperate is Ott for attention? If Ott was smart, he would spend his afternoon preparing for the budget that he probably hasn't read. Instead, he will do no work but have no problem setting the stage for a 2013 tax increase.

    Here's the link to the event:

  11. Perhaps Schlossberg, if he were so devout, should never have agreed in the first place. I would never agree to a debate on Dec. 25. As usual, Schlossberg runs away.

  12. Wow! Way to insult somebody for observing his faith. Even ott had more respect in his response than you did. That's saying something. But hey, wouldn't expect you to know that Rosh Hashana is celebrated on a different date each year. How many Christians know when Easter is in 2013. Let's narrow it down: is it in march or April this time?

  13. Yes, it's all Ott's fault for trying to honor his commitment.

    IF there is an attempt to get Pawlowski involved in a real debate good luck with that. He wouldn't even face residents in his fake hearings about the water sale.

    Also, I don't think debate organizers would allow Pawlowski to filibuster while reading from a PowerPoint presentation.

  14. They should make Pawlowski submit answers in writing and show all work. That would be hilarious. The Servant Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary would have beaten him to a pulp for his writing skills. And don't even get started on his math ...Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

  15. Comments by or about FDAA are unwelcome here, and will be deleted.

  16. I'm not insulting Schlossberg's faith, I'm insulting his supposed devotion. i would think one or two weeks before, he should know about his own religious holidays. Unless he does not care and is using it as an excuse to take a powder. ... Again.

  17. Anon 9:59 am

    Unlike you, Scott Ott is willing to make his statements on the record.

    You, on the other hand, make personal attacks as anon.

    You are a coward! Go back under your rock!

    Vic Mazziotti

  18. The troubling pattern we are seeing here w/ Schlossberg is his failure to act on his own.

    He will be bought easily and influenced by special interest groups and individuals.

    Make his dream a 1 term nightmare...


  19. Put Simmons in this debate and you'll have the reincarnation ofthe3-stooges.

  20. Perhaps Ott can debate the trusty empty chair? Might be more interesting than the empty suit!

  21. Why is Charlie Dent afraid to debate Rick Daugherty? Rick will debate the empty chair. Word from inside the republican circle is: don't debate your opponents. Its better to let the voters think you are chickens than to open your mouth and look like asses!

  22. But here we have a right wing R, ready and willing to debate, and Democrat Schlossberg has run away.


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