Local Government TV

Monday, September 17, 2012

NorCo's Leadership Vacuum

As most readers of this blog are aware, I have little use for Allentown Mayor Edwin Pawlowski, whom I like to call King Ed. But despite his pay-to-play practices and a complete lack of transparency, he leads from the front. Whether it's the NIZ or trash-to-cash, there's little doubt where he stands.

Unlike King Edwin, Northampton County Executive John Stoffa is all about transparency. And rather than feel indebted to anyone, he refused to accept any campaign contributions in his bid for re-election. These rare qualities should be remembered long after he leaves office. But for whatever reason, the self-effacing Stoffa is unwilling to lead. That is always clear at budget time.

Two years ago, Stoffa presented Council with his now famous Budget of Choices. It was really no budget at all. His Finance Director at the time, Vic Mazziotti, refused to sign it. And Ron Angle had one of his meltdowns.

His latest no-tax hike budget is just as bad. Although nursing home manager Premier has been successful in cutting costs at Gracedale and the union has made concessions, we are still looking at a $5 million County contribution this year. Personnel costs elsewhere steadily rise while state and federal grants diminish. The only way to avoid a tax hike is by digging deep into the County's reserves, and that's what Stoffa has done.

Stoffa is doing this, not because it's right or in the best interests of the County, but because he claims Council members will never accept a tax hike.

That's not leadership. It's also bad government, making a major tax hike inevitable in the next year or two.


  1. It is classic John Stoffa. So what is the big surprise!

  2. john stoffa has many redeeming qualities, but nobody is perfect. Including him, you and me.

  3. Worst Executive in county history.

  4. Callahan will straighten it all out

  5. you've just made the point that the citizens have been yelling about for years - Stoffa = bad government.

  6. John Stoffa has done good things for this county that we will be appreciating far into the future.

  7. Our taxes as a percentage of GDP are the lowest in 60 years. Time to stop the madness of these no tax clowns.

  8. By the way, is this a veiled request for a tax hike? This blog has been part of the problem. No one thinks anymore - they just think at the most superficial level. "Ugh, me no tax hike. Me no like taxes!"

  9. If this blog is part of the problem, don't read it. I'm not twisting anyone's arm. I believe in being frugal with the public dime and there is no doubt in my mind hat there have been excesses by public sector unions or their unnecessary spending. But I do believe that there are times when a tax hike is needed. I believe one as needed last year, when Council opted to dip into the reserve. Since the Exec proposed that budget, I can only conclude he believed that, too. Now we have a no-tax-hike budget again instead of a tax hike that the Exec wanted last year. It is going to catch up with us. When it does, it is going to be a lot more than 5 or 10%. My criticism of ohn is that, since he really thinks we need a tax hike, he should propose a budget that contains one. That's why he was elected.

  10. "John Stoffa has done good things for this county that we will be appreciating far into the future."


  11. Oh my god Bernie,

    Did you get hit with a lightening bolt of sanity over the weekend? Yes, it is extremely irresponsible to do this especially when you have the political cover that Gracedale funding provides. Since the county electorate decided they wanted Gracedale, any pol that supports an increase for that has cover. Stoffa should know that..Also, the politics aside, it's the responsible thing to do. No tax increase would hurt Ferraro cause shes not beatable. Most of the new Councilmen would support a modest increase. So , if he tried, he might get it. Why not try?

  12. I did not get hit by a lighting bolt of sanity over the weekend. I'm still nuts. But you apparently think I am philosophically opposed to all tax hikes. That's just not true. Last year, for example, I supported a John Stoffa budget that included a tax hike when it was proposed. There are times when modest tax hikes are necessary. They prevent 70% tax hikes as happened in Lehigh, or 64%, as happened in Northampton over 2 years. Also, I do not believe in balancing budgets by laying off people, except by attrition.

  13. I can think of four Council members who could probably be persuaded to support a modest tax hike for good reasons. I doubt you could get five. But people might still support a candidate who favors a tax hike. They supported Stoffa, and he promised he would raise taxes a half mill for open space.

  14. When Stoffa was leading, he calles dir incurring debt to build expensive parking spaces. John's honorable. But he's a fiscal knucklehead, typical of a career public servant who can't see the forrest from the trees.

  15. Your comment about irresponsible spending regarding Unions is off base. It has been the Administration that has been spending irresponsibly. They are the ones that control spending and the departments budgets. Tell me how can a program not survive in Human Services in this county when 90 percent of salaries and benefits are paid directly by the State?

    If you give me 90% funding of salary and benefits to run a candy store then I would be Willy Freakin Wonka rich!!!!

  16. Your comment about irresponsible spending regarding Unions is off base. It has been the Administration that has been spending irresponsibly. They are the ones that control spending and the departments budgets. Tell me how can a program not survive in Human Services in this county when 90 percent of salaries and benefits are paid directly by the State?

    If you give me 90% funding of salary and benefits to run a candy store then I would be Willy Freakin Wonka rich!!!!

  17. Of course they would support a candidate who voted for a tax hike..Look at ken Smith..he raised taxes much of the time in bethlehem..Did agreat job..Was reelected..I'm sure there are many other examoles..The funny thoing is that many of those who would vote against a hike won't get reelectd either way..So why not do the responsible thing and get Gracedale in good shape and shore up the county resources by supporting a modest hike... using the county reserves is foolish and irresponsible..They should have supported Stoffa's requested increase last year..

  18. Stoffa has put the county in the poor position it is in today. He has exhibited no real leadership and rules like a petulent child.

    His successor will be blamed for many things but it will be jsut cleaning up the mess Stoffa will leave.

  19. I disagree with any tax hike--Keep dipping--or borrow. As soon as Gracedale is sold all debts can be paid back and money put back into the reserve account. Plus the benefit of getting rid of the union there. :)

  20. Oh c'mon. You have vehemently opposed any taxes and claimed we are severely overtaxed on numerous occasions. (Even though taxes are at their lowest levels since the 50's.) The largest school district in NC has the lowest school tax rate of any district in the Lehigh Valley. Yet, time and time again, you favor frugal and damaging policy.

    And if you believe middle class working stiffs making a fair salary are the problem, you are even worse than your pal Romney.

  21. Tax hikes are inevitable so long as real estate tax remains a big source of revenue.

    You either implement them gradually or pull the trigger a massive one. That's the "real" choice.

    I don't think it's Stoffa's job to do council's work for them. If I were him, I'd present them three budgets. One with no tax increase, one with a slight tax increase, one with a big tax increase.

    And let them pick. They were elected to make decisions, so go make some.

  22. Not another budget of choices. It is his job to lead, and that is the point of this post.

  23. 8:57, You, as I previously stated, are inaccurate. I certainly favor frugality and fiscal conservatism. But last year, I supported the tax hike included in John Stoffa's budget. Two years ago, I supported the tax hike in Don Cunningham's budget. I have blogs on both topics. I supported Dean Browning, who endorsed that budget despite all the claims that it was not needed. There are times when tax hikes are necessary.

    I don't mind being criticized, but you should at least try to tell the truth.

  24. There are many times tax hikes are called for. This is one of those times. Not to do so leaves the county in a shaky position. The state is cutting back on everything it can and forcing the counties to pick up the slack. Unless the county plans to let all these programs go to the wayside, there might be a few, for the sake of the residents, that they might have to, or should, pick up. By not raising taxes they are putting many vulnerable people at risk..The state doesnt seem to give a damn. ( No surprise here) But the county should. Keeping Gracedale was not the best financial decision, to say the least, because of state and Federal cutbacks..However, the county electorate spoke and wanted to keep it..They aren't stupid..It was obvious that there would be a cost..A modest tax increase based on those costs needs to be considered. The taxpayers can easily understand that..

  25. I will give both Republican Brackbill and Democrat Reibman credit, at least they led.

    They both had the guts to call for tax hiles when necessary. No budget of choices and no "whinney", I have no choice budget.

    Stoffa has been a seven year vacuum!

  26. I believe John sets a great example, and that's a form of leadership. But when it comes to getting out in front on issues or the budget, he has been reticent. He is a minimalist.

  27. A great example of sleeping at the wheel fore seven years.

  28. 11:22 AM - You vehemently opposed any suggestion that the citizens of NC pay increased taxes to support the nursing home. Are you denying that ?

  29. I supported Gracedale's sale. After the referendum, in which the voter mandate was to keep the place, i supported taking all steps necessary to do that. Voters did not authorize a tax hike, so I feel the mandate was to keep Gracedale w/o a tax hike if possible. But if one is needed I would support it. That's why I supported the tax-increase budget proposed by Stoffa last year.

    For the third time, I need to tell you your statements about me are blatantly untrue. You should try to tell the truth and identify yourself, then maybe someone will take you seriously.


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