Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

More Evidence of Romney's Inept Campaign

I've been disappointed, to say the least, by Barack Obama's first term as President. But whenever I see the Republican nominee, Mitt Romney, I feel as though he's just stepped off his yacht.

Now, in the wake of a revelation that Romney doesn't care about 47% of the country, it's hard to escape the   Thurston Howell Romney comparison made by David Brooks.

Updated 2:00 PM: "Why is John Kennedy a hero on his sailing yacht, while Mitt Romney is portrayed as the captain from Gillian's Island?" asks blogger Michael Molovinsky in his own post on this topic.


  1. I blame the left wing media, liberal wackos and Donovan McNabb. Two really poor choices come November.

    Open primaries are the way to go and would allow more moderate candidates a chance to get elected, ones who could actually get things done versus cramming ideologies down the throats of 47% of the population (on either side of the spectrum) that don't want their change or vision...


  2. Bingo. I would love open primaries. It would stop the polarization of the parties.

  3. So vote for 0-bama and be disappointed, again, for another four long, long years, Herr O'Hare.

    You know damn well the spending on endless and ineffective social programs is unsustainable with the national debt already now $ 16.0 trillion under the watch of the smartest and greatest President in the history of the United States.

    Of course, among a laundry list of other things, the transformational Obama promised to cut the deficit in half but only ended up adding $ 6.0 trillion in NEW debt.

    But, who cares?

    Romney (the felon who hates dogs) killed that guy's wife, blah, blah, blah.


    PS --- If Obama does get re-elected, perhaps the smartest and greatest President in the history of the United States can come to opening night of Phantoms hockey at Chairman Pawlowski's magnificent $ 179.5 million dollar Palace of Sport!

    At least when Obama tells Phantoms corporate welfare owners Jim and Rob Brooks, "You didn't build that!" at the ceremonial opening faceoff, no one will be able to accurately disagree with Dear Supreme Leader.

    Subsidized ice hockey tickets for "the Poor" (and Palestinians) in the City With No Spending Limits someday?


  4. Nice spin. Romney's a dickhead, but he said he was conceding that he couldn't convince them to abandon their dependence on the teet, of staying in the fetal position and begging "someone to do something."

    Only thing wrong is that 4 years later, there are probably more than 47 percent like that. How the hell do you think we got in the mess we are in?

    Wait for it...

    Wait for it...


    C'mon man, you are better than that.

    As for David Brookth, she is a token, faker of a conthervative who grovels at the feet of the left, so don't throw him out there as having any conservative cred.


  5. No matter what is said about Obama...no matter what happens with economy...the Republican's simply can not accpet the fact that Mittens is an a**hole...plain and simple.

    And the funniest part?...he's the best you have!...bwahahahaha!

    The party of Honey Boo Boo!...bwahahahaha!

  6. John Winger said it best
    "We’re Americans, with a capital ‘A’, huh? You know what that means? Do ya? That means that our forefathers were kicked out of every decent country in the world. We are the wretched refuse. We’re the underdog. We’re mutts! Here’s proof: his nose is cold! But there’s no animal that’s more faithful, that’s more loyal, more loveable than the mutt."

    he left out STUPID

  7. Mol VS. O'H. I'm hoping for a blogger war.

  8. Honestly, I'd be more inclined to vote for a Republican, but the hard right and Tea Party imposed their will in the primaries leaving the choice between the devil we know and the devil we don't.

    Not everyone subscribes to FOX News points of view and that corporations know whats best for the country. And the same goes for the extreme liberal POV too.

    As soon as one party recognizes there's more meat in the middle the better off we'll be.


  9. Mitt Romney is no Jack Kennedy

  10. Don't worry...Mitt will win 140% of the Wingnut vote!

  11. As I have pointed out here previously, I think Obama will win. Ace said it best
    "This election isn't a battle between the haves and have-nots, as the Democrats want to paint it.

    It's a battle between the responsible and the irresponsible; the realistic and the unrealistic; the self-reliant and the dependent.

    Frankly, it's a battle between an adult's view of the world and a child's. And the adults are precariously close to losing.

  12. Mitt is an embarrassment to any party..Everytime he opens his mouth, he puts his foot in it...However, since his billionairre friends still have millions to donate to their superpacs and since the states controlled by republicans have passed laws to restrict the vote, even a fool such as Romney can still get elected....Oh yea, and let's not forget the 24 hour so called news station, Fox noise, (GOPTV) who spins everything romney does into Gold. Can he win yet, yes..However, the guy doesnt deserve to be elected dog cathcher..

  13. Bernie,

    Wrong. This is just the diversion of the day the media has produced to distract the viewing and listening public from the plethora of real problems the Obama Administration has produced or failed to resolve.
    Once again this story is more about the media playing the part of mere hacks for the Dems than it is about news.

    Scott Armstrong

  14. Romney said nothing factually inaccurate.

    49% of American households receive at least one government benefit;

    49% don't pay any income taxes;

    People have been trying for Mideast peace for centuries. The Palestinians are interested in victory, not peace.

    And that victory includes NO Israel.

    What's the problem?

    Seems like a conversation America needs to have.

    Romney wins this election, and it'll be surprisingly easy.

    ....... and that is why I will vote for MITT ROMNEY FOR PRESIDENT!

  16. So he tells the truth and he's stupid? Wish more pols told the truth about the condition this country truly is in. We are Greece with more Greek diners!

  17. The adults??????
    Like W. and Palin. Like Rush maybe?

  18. Bernie, I am curious about why you find the Obama presidency disappointing. In the context of nearly unanimous opposition from the Republicans in Congress, what could he have done differently? Could you name one or two things?

    I am one who thinks that Obama accomplished about as much as he could have, given Congressional filibusters, etc. I have no interest in changing your mind, just curious.

  19. Well, that's something that would take me a day or so to answer. Maybe I'll do a post on the topic.

    Let me say that Obama the candidate promised transparency and accountability. Obama the president delivered closed door meeting on the most important legislation facing us in a generation. Obama the candidate promised hope. Obama the president brought despair. One person I know recently committed suicide. He's without work, without prospects and has two kids.

    Obama promised to reach across tha aisles. Instead, he jammed legislation down our throats. Had his energy bill passed in the senate, our utility bills would be skyrocketing right now and thousands of Pennsylvanians would be out of work.

    Hs stimulus failed. We are in the biggest funk now since the Great Deression, with no light at the end of the tunnel.

    He's managed to piss off our closest ally, Israel.

    There is some evidence he allowed his top political adviser - Valerie Jarrett - to influence him in important national security questions, where she should have no involvement.

    I am by no means defending the Rs, either. They are actually worse, for the most part, than Obama, in polarizing everyone.

    So I have a poor opinion of Obama, and am scared to death that Romney might very well be much worse.

    It's a helluva' choice.

  20. 8:23 here. OK, I disagree with much of that, except for the stuff at the end. I will limit my response to my opinion that Obama did indeed try to reach across the aisles, and always had his proposals stuffed back down his throat.

  21. Obama had a dem congress and senate for his first two years in office. What did he do? Pass health care. How many jobs did that create? 1500 at the IRS. He did nothing to create jobs. This guy is over his head. He thinks it's a class room and has surrounded himself with other professors who have no idea how things work in the real world. No hope time for change

  22. Where does he get off saying po’ people and the elderly and the disabled don’t pay taxes? Not only does he hedge and cheat on his income taxes, most the regressive taxes we pay, his corporation can deduct as a business expense. I am a corporation – therefore I am a people (Mitt)?


  23. Rather have a President that goes on vacation on his own money then one that goes on mine. Time for the wannabe Jeffersons to move it in out. Call me a racist but BO and his wife are acting like lottery winners with my tax dollars.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Answer: NEVER!!!!! - because they are not real americans - they have no vision beyond their own wants - they are just hanger ons living for the day. They will only drag our country down. Their stupidity and lack of concern frightens me.

    $%#@ you, asshole.

    Bernie, I trust that you have your reasons for taking the positions you do. I often disagree, but that is ok. Still, some of the ignorant rants that I see on your blog fit right in with Santorum's belief that only the stupid are voting Republican, and Romney's desire to have a yacht in every rich person's water front castle (and to make the stupid believe they can be that way, too)

  26. 10:48, If you want to attack someone personally, please ID yourself.

  27. Mittens is just so lame, it is amazing. The guy makes patrican George Bush, look like a real cowboy.

    Mittens forgets that all the serivcemembers he offended in his 47% remark can't be weeded out from his stupid comments. He is a buffoon and the teabaggers are stuck with him.

    The Republicans again do what they do best, shoot themsselves in the foot. In a year they should walk away with the election, they will trip over their own feet.

    The new Repbublican Party of extremeist teabaggers leaves a "foul" taste in voters mouths.

  28. 1:05, I see ignorant rants on both sides of the political spectrum. That's ok, until it descends into name-calling.

  29. Bernie Bernie Bernie....

    "Obama the candidate promised hope, Obama the president brought despair"

    You are smarter than that Bernie... What does that even mean? It is empty campaign rhetoric. And how is a president responsible for your suicidal friend? He was mentally weak and a coward. Darwinism rules, that's come thing r's can get behind right?

  30. Wow, Molovinsky actually asked that question?

    I suggest Mr. Molovinsky pay attention. The blinders Republicans have on is astounding.

  31. I'm convinced Clem gets government assistance. There is no way he makes enough in salary to get over the 47%.

  32. Wrong. This is just the diversion of the day the media has produced to distract the viewing and listening public from the plethora of real problems the Obama Administration has produced or failed to resolve.
    Once again this story is more about the media playing the part of mere hacks for the Dems than it is about news.

    Bwahahaha. And right on cut, Armstrong chimes in with the super secret liberal media conspiracy meme.

    So predictable. So comical. That's your 21st century Republican party folks!

  33. when are these idiot's going to start thinking like Americans instead of childish leeches who don't care about the future and trillions of dollars of debt?

    Yo, genius. Obama also won the college educated vote so your theory about the "leeches" voting solely Democrat is off track. Everyone acknowledges that a good segment of "freeloaders" are southern, white, hypocrites.

  34. Obama's healthcare plan was debated in Congress for the better part of a year. It was behind closed doors?

    Obama DID reach across the aisle and they shat upon him. The only acceptable compromise for Republicans is complete acceptance of the Republican agenda. A clear example is Obama giving up the key piece of the ACA - the public option. That was a mammoth concession met with nothing but insults.

    Obama's stimulus (otherwise known as the stimulus passed by the people's Congress) kept our unemployment from getting to depression levels. It kept states, municipalities, and schools in business during a critical period. It gave tax cuts to middle class Americans, and kept us afloat long enough that Wall St is at record levels, unemployment is going down, and American confidence is going up.

    ISRAEL is out closest ally? Wow. You might want to inform Great Britain. That comment is astonishing. And yes, Obama is rebuffing attempts by the ultra-right wing leadership of Israel from engulfing the world in war. How terrible. And Netanyahu has a lot of balls talking to a US President the way he does. You should be ashamed taking his side.

    Stop reading the biased right wing blogs!

  35. Obama had a dem congress and senate for his first two years in office.

    Wrong again. This is the reason we are in this state, loads of misinformed voters.

    The US Senate consisted of 58 Democrats in early 2009 after Obama assumed office. Arlen Specter switched parties in April bringing that number to 59. Al Franken did not assume office until July 2009 bringing the number to the supermajority you incorrectly assign to Obama for two years. In August of 2009, Edward Kennedy passed away dropping that number back to 59. In November 2009, the MA Senate seat was lost to Scott Brown.

    So, I challenge your math skills to come up with the ACTUAL time Obama had a supermajority in the Senate.

  36. Bernie do you think a republican congress had anything to do with not getting basically anything done for over three years.

  37. Bernie - your 8:52 post has so many parallels when it comes to Bush as well. He came in, promising to work with both sides "uniter, not a divider", the secret energy arrangement led by Cheney that ultimately gave us Enron, Karl Rove, then a Democratic congress that had only one agenda and that was to stall or block any sort of progress, ignoring both good and bad ideas.

    Both parties blame the media for biases and they are both correct. The fringe elements have too much control over things and the middle just doesnt know or care enough and simply gets manipulated every 4 years.


  38. "Obama's healthcare plan was debated in Congress for the better part of a year. It was behind closed doors?"

    As a matter of fact, yes. The conference took place behind closed doors in blatant violation of Obama's express promise. I blogged about it at the time. I needed no right or left wing blog to spoon feed me, as you apparently do.

  39. "ISRAEL is out closest ally? Wow. You might want to inform Great Britain. That comment is astonishing. "

    Between Israel and great Britain, you could flip a coin as to who is our closest ally. Nothing astonishing about that statement at all. Any attempt to portray it as such demonstrates your own disdain for that country, and perhaps its people.

  40. No, it is not a coin flip. Israel is certainly a close ally but the closest? The hundreds of thousands of dead Brits who died by our side might disagree.

    And no, it has nothing to do with the people.

    It has everything to do with their right-wing leader's insatiable desire to conflagrate the middle east in a final war. You want the USA to go down that road just like we went down the mythical WMD-in-Iraq road.

  41. So you concede that Israel is one of our closest allies. I believe Israel is entitled to defend itself, as it has done in the past. You apparently favor seeing it wiped off the map in the name of peace. Good for you.

  42. The great thing about this discussion is it doesnt really matter..Mitt has fled Pennsylvania just like he fled the vitnam war with four deferrments..Now that he is behind by nine points in Pa. his campaign has hitailed it out of the state. He's losing Pa. because the people are just smarter here..The Obama haters who have commented here might as well go home and cry in their soup..Their votes won't matter. Romney is toast in Pa. Goodbye Mittens..better luck elsewhere..

  43. Britain is BY FAR our closest ally...Israel should not dictate American foreign policy...ever.

  44. 11:48 - And neither should Britain.

    We all have an interest in having everyone play nice in the sandbox, literally and figuratively.

    The US role should be to keep ANY bully over there in check and maintain peace thru diplomacy and the real threat of force.


  45. Obama's going to win. Would someone among the Obama supporters here connect the dots. How does raising taxes and increasing spending create jobs. Sorry I'm such a cretin, I don;t see it

  46. Bernie chides Geeting for being a Soros mouthpiece, while swallowing the Media Matters lure, hook, line and sinker. He's dutifully reporting per their playbook.

    Meanwhile, his grandson's hero does hard-hitting interviews with People and David Letterman. This is the same guy who was hawking sweatshirts on Twitter as caskets containing slain embassy personnel were being rolled off the planes.

  47. Remember: Bernie LOVED John Edwards.

  48. Hurray for President Clueless the sandtrap adventuring explorer Who's foreign policy is in dissarray not meritorious enough for the nobel peace prize he got in advance. And who's economy can't get out of low gear. Someone of you still want an airplane ticket to go to clueless's fundraising dinner. But when you eat dinner with a ruling chief keep you mind on the business at hand and keep a clear head for what is right. This election is not a game between our twerp over theirs. This election is whether we move forward as a great nation dedicated to be what we can be or a reduced nation making its subjects less free and not in control of their lives. I wonder what John F, Kennedy would say about how America has pulled back its human adventuring in space.

  49. Osama Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive.

    JFK would say, good job. To you teabaggers he would say what he was quoted as having said about his trip to Dallas, "We are heading into nut country".

    He was right then and still right today.

  50. Anon 1:20
    ........and you most likely voted for the village idiot from Texas.


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